10 TIPS FOR DEFENSE- Dwarf Fortress Tutorial Guide Tricks

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hello there and welcome to a new video for Dwarf Fortress for me this one features 10 easy to implement tips and tricks for your defenses I have chosen carefully things that are easy to understand easy to um Implement and I made this list as compatible as possible for beginners and I took care to bring up interesting thoughts and concepts for Veterans as well so in a nutshell I hope that a few of these were new to you if you are already experienced with the game and I hope the tips are useful to you if you still are finding your way around and trying to find effective ways to keep your Fortress safe with that being said let's dive into number one on the list which is regarding trap the first one that I want to talk about because I'm going to feature more drafts here is the stonefall Trap the stonefall Trap gets the first feature because I love it for its Simplicity and effectivity the stonefall Trap requires only one piece of mechanism and Boulder and you can rack them up in a line to make really devastating corridors that can really brutally mess up enemies if you put up in a area like this a gap which is filled with water or magma you can't even Force enemies to jump accidentally into their death because enemies try to dodge whenever they get hit by something since you can hear produce a corridor of Dirty Cheap attacking things you can't really utilize this even for more advanced systems downside of these their damages rather may you will trigger a ton of these before you bring down a really bulky or heavily armored enemy but they are awesome for your early game defenses when metal isn't available yet or like I said if you want to make fancy Dodge straps they are dirty cheap you can spam the hell out of them so number two regards cage traps so cage traps are amazing and I want to recommend them and just want to put up one thing first cage traps won't hurt your dwarves unless they are webbed so just like stonefall traps they won't hurt your own people and they will lock up practically everything except for forgotten beasts and Titans there's pretty much most of the monsters in this game get blocked up in a cage trap if they are dumb enough to step on it the wonderful thing about it is they can't catch stuff like dragons and and really Fierce things the downside is you end up with a ton of cages that you need to take care of with things because at the end of the day either you produce ever more cages and ever more storage for the things in your cages what you find in a way to empty those here are a few ideas to empty your cages a training room filled with chains where you chain up the monsters and give your soldiers a direct hand on hand training because that drains them really really well the other methods that I love to use are either a magma chamber where you just use the pit area and toss them in works with water too just take care of it you don't think take things that are not able to drown or alternatively you can also put an atom smasher underneath them you know toss in flick switch crunch also a good method or you can feed it to the local forgotten Beast there are so many ways how you can empty your cages but you have to take care of the cages one way or another that's the hidden downside of these as a little tip here I love to use wood as the base material for cages because wood is a much less dense material than Metals so it's easier to carry therefore when it if it if it's nothing uh fire involved wooden cages are amazing and ironically enough a fire spitting Dragon won't be able to escape from a wooden cage as far as I know so there's that number three goes for weapon traps so weapon traps are really really amazing because every Fortress that I know and that I've played in the longer term had a immense resource of weapons that came from Siege Siege you know your local Goblin Minds will and will leave you with lots and lots of weapons and if you are fighting other species here for example an iron iron the two-handed swords here sometimes you even get weapons that your species specifically can't use weapon traps are an amazing Last Resort for these items you can put up to 10 of these in there and they will do killing for you and the only downside about weapon traps is they need to get unjammed from time to time so that's a little bit of an uncomfortable thing but since you can really stick in there whatever you want whatever you got left over I really really love these for yeah let's let's get rid of the leftover gear that's amazing and this way you can bring up quite deadly traps and trap corridors without spending a little bit of resource of course you can also smell down the gear instead if you really need the metal but I personally love to use weapon traps as a quick solution for the things to declutter my base in a useful way you know just keep one thing in mind when you're filling ranged weapons into your weapon traps you need the ammo to actually utilize them so no arrows no utilizing a bow in a weapon trap but funnily enough both can be used by dwarves in a trap you can use them okay enough about weapon traps let's get on over to number four that's regarding a fortress seal how I like to call it so in this Fortress this is the only entrance to my actual Fortress I build a little bit of a desert castle here and I have linked this one to a lever and if I flick that one this bridge immediately gets raised and nobody from the outside can enter this Fortress anymore and I strongly recommend you to have one of these switches as well because sometimes something roams onto the map which you are really not able to handle and it's really good to have a method to just pause the situations put the monster on pause basically and wait until you find a solution or the monster gets killed otherwise either way don't have a method like that forgotten beasts Titans and whatever might be roaming towards your base if there is a open way to your base they they path directly to your base to wreak havoc upon them this method of course works as well for the soft terrain here I got the same kind of mechanisms for my cabin entrances here I also utilize doors as of the current version if you do this nothing can enter through the door anymore because doors are currently indestructible in previous versions um forgotten beasts were able to destroy doors so I expect this to be fixed in the in the upcoming versions and also keep in mind forgotten beasts and Titans are immune against traps so you won't be able to use cage traps weapon traps whatever traps won't work but what will work is a raised drawbridge draw bridges are as of yet still indestructible by all means and you see here's my paranoid version but if you want a quick and easy solution you don't even need the levers currently you just need to have a door in place to Bar up the plan the The Fortress basically you could also have three doors here instead of bridge would also work either way keep up afford a way to seal off your Fortress because it is invaluable in a crisis situation number five regards the location of the barracks in your Fortress because every Fortress sooner or later should have some military going on I personally love to have my Barracks wherever I anticipate combat happen so in this Fortress I have one Barracks very close to the surface against sieges one Barracks very close to the cabin entrance on layer one one Barracks very close to the current entrance on layer 3 where I'm also currently trying to mine some atom of time so it's really really useful to have strike forces wherever you think that something bad might happen be it here where I want to safely chop some underground wood and I don't want my people to be eaten alive by cave alligators having your military around corner makes the response time really really fast also as a bonus if you do stuff like that this is Kevin's layer 3 so I added in a little bit of a lunch room this is officially flagged as a dining room and I have stockpile Zone with drink food mugs and tables and this way if they ever get hungry or thirsty they just go on in there eat some drink some and get back to training instead to going all the way back to my city core at elevation level 26. that'd be 105 levels this saves so much time and if you are willing to put the effort in you can also put beds either into the barracks and delete the bedrooms of your soldiers it's a little bit of finicky task or you add bedrooms to your soldiers or a dormitory down here so they can have a place where they can sleep quickly but I must say if you want to manipulate their sleep Behavior most effectively make sure they have no bedrooms in the in your city core because that always interfered somehow with my setups that I tried to employ number six regards civilian safety so there are two ways to ensure civilian safety that are super easy to implement number one of these is a seal just like the one that I have on the surface I also have one for the city just flick that switch and everybody in City core is cut off from the rest of the Fortress they have a lot of Provisions down here because I have some food in the uh in the in the dining room drinks in the tavern they will last a while even if we would be sieged here for a longer period of time add into that creating a burrow covering the city area assigning all the civilian people in there and whenever I now unpause that thing people will flock in there stay there just make sure that this is not like so this allows your citizens to leave the borough and we don't want that make sure it looks like this so they will not take anything from outside of the borough for the remaining time this way you can't order your civilians to flock in there then when you're satisfied with everybody being in there you flip the switch and then you can't take care of whatever problem might be plaguing your base bonus points if you manage to put a seal in between the different layers of your city because you never know when a lycanthrope is going to go ham in your current in your Local Tavern just as a random thought of paranoia so number seven regards animal sentries so animals can spot stealth enemies and stealth enemies are really something you don't want to get ambushed by by the way lycanthropes weird monsters they are stealthy too so what I did here I I put a few dogs here in front of my base in between those cage traps I would love to have some more and basically when somebody's stealth comes around the corner the dogs might or might not spot them when they are on stealth they get vulnerable to traps again and boom cage trap done or the whole thing goes down here further you can use the animal sentries either with a chain or you can also use a pen and pasture command the difference between these two is if it's in the pasture the animal will run away when it's been threatened and if it's on a chain it will fight because it can't run away if it's threatened the animal sentries are a wonderful way of securing yourself against stealthy enemies be it Gremlins to put up something less deadly than lycanthropes can also be really really easily sniffed out with these also a good usage for all those spare tamed animals number eight regards cheap gear you know not always do you have access to all the materials that you need to staff out your your soldiers just well there is one wonderful thing though that you can do and that's at the Craft's worst Workshop Workshop you can't craft yourself quite a lot of gear out of bone there's gauntlets Grieves helmets leggings and this makes up already a lot of the gear that a soldier needs you're only lacking shoes and a breastplate and a shield and you already have your dwarf covered completely so in this scenario if you have very very low amounts of metal you could just get yourself a breastplate to complement that make yourself a wooden Shield that will be also no investment of uh of metal either and put up leather boots or a metal boot whatever might be the case you can cover your soldiers very very cheaply with that so what's the matter though aren't isn't this armor crappy you might ask yourself yes it's much worse than metal gear but in Dwarf Fortress being not armored at all versus being at least armored somehow makes a tremendous difference if you are a if you put up a legendary dwarf in armor against something even if it's only crap shoddy bone armor it will make him lots and lots more more effective because he has a chance to actually deflect blows without armor he has no chance to do so that's bass logic behind it that's why if you can make cheap gear and I showed you a few ways it means it's so worth it now number nine regards base design when you are designing your base you don't need to know all the ways and means of defense that you want to put up I I'm personally not a good person not a good player to plan out things extensively up ahead either but you can do one thing you can leave room for defenses here for example I'll the entire floor here just for shenanigans so here I put up these stonefall traps and if I'd wanted to I could divert the flow of the enemy to it completely different layer I could use all that put a wall in here and reroute the flow I could also put a wall in here and rear out the flow completely somewhere else if I'd have a flat shaft going downstairs like here I wouldn't have these options whatsoever it would be really hard to break up the the logistics and all so do yourself a favor and just leave Sometimes some room leave a blank spot leave a blank layer here and there and you can utilize these later for your defense measures when you have an idea and I really gotta say the best ideas so far for my fortresses I had across the way and not at the very beginning I don't know there are some genius players out there who who plan out their entire base in their mind I I really I'm really always astonished when I see these things but I'm personally not one of those players and maybe you'll find this helpful for yourself as well number 10 regards roofs and how you can build roofs cheaply so whenever you put up a wall you must know monsters can climb and without a roof on top of the wall you're you're going to be you're the monster will just climb over the wall and your base by that so basically if I wouldn't have the layout that I have here with all the with everything covered the goblin or whoever would just crawl over there and invade my base so if this would have no proof hypothetically and this would be lifted they'd be just crawling over there crawling over there entering the base end of the story so just to elaborate why roofs are so important but since Roofing is extremely costly you know for example if we need if you want to just roof that a little piece here I want to give you a few figures we'd be needing 238 blocks so you can go with Bridges bridges are an amazing way to emulate that check it out so the bridge here only needs 60 blocks it's so less so much less material necessary and it acts practically as the same it'll shut off the enemy from entering from above and if you need to fix up a lid on top of something really quickly britches are amazing it's especially useful for underground areas because in the underground areas here I have a wonderful example I'm scrolling upwards as you see here this area would be really really good for agricultural purposes or whatever you want to do there but it's also vulnerable from above so if we put up a bridge in this area or several Bridges like that we'd be able to seal off the area with much less of a material effort of course here I cannot really showcase it well we have a point here so as you see here we could just Bridge off this entire thing this is the limit by the way this is the you can make these Bridges insanely large I mean to zoom out to to give you a full hem this is the largest bridge that you can't do you know this still counts as a bridge as one building so this way you can cheese the game by utilizing much less material to have the same effect downside of the bridge method it does not isolate against temperatures so that means if burning heat is from above like from magma or from freezing temperatures this does not keep the temperature away flooring would but that's really the only thing that I was able to to find out in my researchers so yeah I don't have anything to add for this video I hope you found these tips and tricks helpful I took a lot of effort into keeping them basic and simple I know I didn't touch complex trap mechanisms I didn't touch Siege weapons on all the things fortifications or ranged people there's a lot of things that I could have done here in this video but I wanted to keep the first of these videos as accessible for everybody as possible so leave me in your comments down below whatever you want to see more tips and tricks about like defenses or whatever wolf Fortress might uh cross your mind feel free to share your own defensive measures that I didn't cover here I really really love to learn new things and so they'll do the other people and I always think these videos are best if we have lots of information for everybody to pack up thumbs up for that video if you want to support because that makes it more visible for everybody else and a subscription to the channel is a great and cheap cheap cheap way to to support this Channel and me because you only need one click if you hit the Bell thing you get notified and if you want more Dwarf Fortress there's playlist links down there that you can indulge yourself with so that being said I hope you have a great time thanks so much for watching this video and I hope you have good time with those games see you soon
Channel: Ic0n Gaming
Views: 5,214
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Keywords: Dwarf Fortress, Dwarf Fortress Gameplay, Dwarf Fortress Review, Dwarf Fortress Guide, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial, Dwarf Fortress Tips, Dwarf Fortress Tricks, Dwarf Fortress Beginners Guide, Dwarf Fortress Trailer, Dwarf Fortress Playthrough, Dwarf Fortress Steam, Dwarf Fortress Ic0n Gaming, Dwarf Fortress Let's Play, Dwarf Fortress Tutorial Series, Dwarf Fortress 10 Tips, Dwarf Fortress Defense Guide, Dwarf Fortress Defense Steam, Dwarf Fortress Defense Design
Id: rahPsYjBulI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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