A Guide to Necromancy - Dwarf Fortress Tips

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hey there I'm further reading today we're going to talk about necromancers into a fortress and by putting them in your military is a very bad idea first let's talk about how to get necromancers there are two ways first of all they can just show up in a microwave randomly depending on how many neck matters there were in your civilization alternatively if you attack any Towers they might have books in them that contain the secrets to life and death kind of like this one here if you get these books and put them in your library and have chairs in the library in which dwarves can sit and read then they might end up reading these books and becoming necromancers so now that you might have necromancers in your fort let's talk about what the deal is first of all Knack matters are Undead creatures so they don't need to eat drink or sleep however they can still suffer negatives from not recently eating or drinking so they don't need to eat or drink they will not seek out food or alcohol but they will be unhappy for not imbibing food and alcohol it's a bit weird to get around this what you can do is have a Tavern in your fort with a Tavern keeper and then when the Necromancer is visiting there The Tavern keeper will give them alcohol but be careful because sometimes Tavern keepers are a bit too eager to give dwarves and other visitors alcohol that can cause other problems one of the most well-known abilities of necromancers in general fantasy lore is using magic to raise creatures from the dead and necromancers and Dwarf Fortress are under exception to this what happens is if they are in combat or otherwise afraid they will start raising corpses around them not just corpses but bits of corpses various pieces that have the grasping tag in their raw values will be able to be raised this can be heads hands and legs and also stranger things such as skin and hair one very dangerous issue when it comes to having neck answers around your military is that necromancers can keep raising corpses back from the dead this differs from say a v animating bio which will not raise mangled corpses from the dead necromancers will in fact raise mangle corpses they won't raise mangled limbs as far as I can tell but they will definitely raise mangled corpses I've got some b-roll running here in the background and this is my dwarf trying desperately to fight a couple of corpses that our Necromancer keeps raising and because there's at least one corpse active at any moment the combat is staying active and it's causing the other ones to come back from the dead some of these corpses are literally just a torso with like a leg they're doing no damage at all to by dwarf and because dwarves won't fall back I can't stop them from attacking him it may not see how bad the FPS is here and this is also due to the Necromancer mechanic uh as these fights progress it'll just get worse and worse and worse until the game is big basically unplayable here's a fun stats that came from this fight uh this one dwarf became a legendary fighter with a very awesome name because she killed 44 creatures but those 44 creatures were just the same three corpses that she kept killing after the deck of Manchester raised them and posed no chat to her whatsoever so with this you might be feeling just disappointed maybe it looks like you can't really do that much fun stuff with Deca Masters other than you know break your game uh and by break a game I mean break you know in in the bad way but there is uh one way in which you can make use out of necromancers so as I mentioned necromancers will raise either a Mindless zombie or they'll raise an intelligent on that an intelligent Undead has the same loyalties it has in life so if you can get him to raise your own dwarves as intelligent on dead you get some pretty cool dwarves in in your fort these dwarves have no emotions so they'll never become unhappy in tantrum they don't need to eat sleep or drink and unlike chances they won't get upset if they aren't drinking and in some cases they can have magical powers trying to recruit them in combat can't be hit or miss first of all if they get damaged in the fight and they get raised they will keep their injuries that would mean that you might have Intelligence on dead dwarf but that dwarf might be missing you know a couple of Libs or whatever and end up not being very suitable to remaining of what also there seems to be kind of a bug where if a dwarf is raised as a normal zombie gets killed and then raised again as intelligent on dead they don't count as the Intelligence on that version of their living self the coward is the Intelligence on that version of the zombie so they end up just being like a friendly unit that just stands there and does nothing so you want to try to raise your intelligent dead in a more controlled Manner and I'll go over one way to do that now okay so here is my intelligent Undead Factory it contains three key areas this is a drowning champ member uh there is a ramp here is going to have water poured down from above over here we have the Necromancer chamber he just stands in here and over here we've got the spook chamber and The Spook chamber is an enemy behind a bridge so the idea is that we have this guy killed using drowning which will do the minimum amount of damage to the body then we're going to open the bridge that is going to scare The Necromancer and cause Necromancer to raise him from the dead so I'm just going to use it now we're going to open up this is The Spook lever and then we also have the flood lever over here and now we should start seeing these get filled up okay so now you can see I filled this room with water it's 707 everywhere and the dwarf who's in there is now drowning and there you go as you can see he's come back as a corpse as I said it's random whether you come back as a minor zombie or intelligent Undead so what you want to do maybe is save it before before you kill them and then do the safe coming to see if you can get the results that you want and there you have it this is an explanation of what necromancers do into a fortress as well as a way to maybe make them more useful I hope you found this guy useful if you did feel free to like And subscribe if you want to watch more content like this you can check out any videos on screen right now or watch me on Twitch where I stream to our Fortress pretty regularly hopefully I'll see you soon
Channel: FurtherReading
Views: 11,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress steam, dwarf fortress premium, undead
Id: TZnOYmB9ptk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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