Answering SATISFACTORY Questions

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[Music] hi everyone my name is snoot at least that's what it says on my driver's license and I am the community manager for coffee stain Studios and in this video we're going to be answering a couple of questions that you guys had so I posted on Twitter Facebook Steam and Reddit if you guys had any questions that we would bring up in in this video today we haven't done like a q a thing on the YouTube site for a long time we do answer questions every week on our twitch stream so we have a weekly Dev stream and there's a segment in that stream where I usually answer questions so I decided to post this and ask if you guys had any questions and geez you had a lot of questions a lot of questions uh we're not going to be able to get around to all the questions unfortunately in this video because I think that would make this video Never Ending but yeah I'm gonna try and answer as many questions as I can so before I dive into the Q a section let's talk quickly about actually a couple of questions you guys had on update 8 specifically so let's address the state of dab real quick first before we head into the Q a segment so I think the first question to answer is when is update coming out so right now we are working on the hopefully final push on our experimental Branch with up to date before we feel like we get ready to like sort of finalize it and release it on the Early Access Branch if you watched the video I put out a couple of weeks ago where I talked about like why we're doing it this way and sort of what we're working on right now that video is still sort of like valid but we have progressed a bit further now of course we're still working on it but we don't have like a good estimate as to like when we will be ready to release this patch and experimental we believe it will be sometime in October but we can't really say too much more so than that because right now what we've done is upgraded the engine to 5.2 which we have done and we resolved most of those issues we're also working towards implementing a refactor of our online subsystem that's also supposed to go in and up to date and we kind of need to do that now as well because this is the best time to do it and there's still a bunch of work left on that side so we are progressing quite well but still a bunch of work left and there's still a bunch of testing left that we need to do internally before we can release it on the experimental branch and then once it's out on the experimental Branch sometime in October it'll probably take like a couple of weeks before it's ready to to be able to shift our way to the Early Access branch and we'll talk more like as the time comes I think and give you more news as to like what's going on but that's the state of things right now all right I got a couple questions here that we're just gonna like these are classic questions that I'm constantly getting and I've answered these a bunch of times before in the past but let's just do a real quick Speed Run of these before we dive into like the the other questions that I have here when is 1.0 coming out we don't know for sure there's still a bunch of work left but we are closing in on 1.0 this is sort of the effort I've been doing the last couple of updates is trying to like wrap up the game for 1.0 and this is the goal we're not going to stick around in Early Access for forever we do want to finish the game to be ready in some form of like 1.0 State um but as to like exactly when that will be we don't know for sure I think we'll have a better understanding of that once update 8 is out of the way uh I think uh update took a bit longer than we expected to do so it's it's always hard to like give you an estimate as to like when 1.0 will be ready but we are working towards it um so hopefully not too long in the future when can I use Mercer spheres and summer sloops so immersive spheres and summersloops are part of the story element that we're developing for the game and the story element of the game is going to come in 1.0 uh also good to point out that the story mode for satisfactory is not going to be some Grand campaign or anything like that like don't expect like a Call of Duty can't wait to go shoot a man um it's gonna be like an optional thing like the main part of photo satisfactory is the main gameplay that you have right now what we're going to add with a story is like a little bit of a couple of story elements sprinkling with the existing gameplay and also sort of like a goal that you're working towards with the game uh but this is going to be like sort of optional so you know if you just enjoy playing satisfactory just for the sake of building factories then you can totally skip the story if you want to or if you're interested in that you can do it but that's just that's sort of how it is any idea when Sam or is going to be used samur is going to be used in this in the one pro release along with the story elements when is the story coming to the game in 1.0 console release when we currently don't have any plans for for console release I think this is something that we'll sort of dive into maybe if we can do console even uh when we're done with the game so close it to 1.0 so we'll see if we do constant release right now we don't have plans for that but we'll see in the future are you going to add base defense no are you going to add Factory maintenance no survival elements no green energy no terraforming new golf no so the answer to those questions are that we're not going to add these things to the satisfactory it's not that type of game that we're making if you want a more like in-depth explanation about why we're not adding these things then check out the video uh in one of the corners I'm not sure which corner it is actually uh right now uh where Jace talks about these things as to why they're not coming and then give you more of an in-depth explanation as to why we're not adding these things to satisfactory all right Speed Run done new best PB all right let's let's go into some of the questions you guys have on on the socials and let's dive into it is it possible to add a way to enable Advanced game modes on games already going and disable them so yes you can actually enable this on save so you already have you do this when you load save files so when you load a save file there's a little check mark underneath the load button that you can click to enable and then when you load the safe out you'll have sort of advanced game modes settings be like enable on that save file and then when you say that safe Folly will be enabled you can't go back and the reason why we decided not to set this up is because we sort have want you to still experience the game in the way that we've designed it but we still want players to have the option to enable like being able to build without cost and be able to fly and all that stuff but if it felt like if it was just like in the menu where you just like give yourself items if you felt like it without any repercussions really then we felt like it sort of ruins sort of the game design balance that we have and it might make it so that people sort of take the easy way out a lot of cases instead of like playing the game we designed it for there's a saying in game design where if you can optimize away the fun out of a game then players will always do that so we need to add a little bit of friction so that people wouldn't just like enable these things all the time and just like get get that out of it um and I think this is a fair solution to that problem sort of so like if you want to be able to do that stuff you can totally but USA file will be sort of marked as a creative save file essentially how would you feel about adding VR to the game we I'm gonna be honest we don't really have any interest in adding VR to the game there's no one at the company that are like super into VR and just by that fact alone makes it it's hard to like push for that so to speak if someone were interested at the company to like Implement VR then maybe would look more into it but I don't think it's really interesting for us to look at so the answer is unfortunately no but maybe we'll change our minds in the future or something I don't know but this the state of things are right now would you add a snow biome to the game no we uh no no uh it's taken us so long and we're not even done with the map the the like edition of a new biome at this point is is too much work too much work so you probably won't do it maybe as like a DLC or something in the future who knows that's this is I don't know what I'm saying we're gonna do that but at the moment no no sign no no no is there a chance that clipping stuff for example placing a foundation partly rotated overlapping another Foundation won't make textures flicker in the future unfortunately if this isn't something that we can actually remove because this is like an inherent issue with how rendering sort of works uh with computer in regards to computer Graphics when you're drawing stuff on the screen the the way you sort of decide like what's in front of what on the screen we use a there's a buffer in in the Shader that's called a death buffer which writes like H pixel gives that like a value and sometimes you can end up a situation where like between frames the values are so close to each other that like it doesn't know from frame to frame like what it should have been displaying in front of wood that flickering is is essentially that going on where like things are not like things are really close to each other and like in in certain situations it doesn't know like which one should it render on top of each which one because the values are so close and there's no good solution to get rid of that we have added a couple of like workarounds where we offset things slightly to get around from that but we can't get rid of that issue uh fully unfortunately but we can add more of these kind of like nitpicky situations but it depends on the material and stuff like that so uh unfortunately we can't fully get rid of it but hopefully we can make it a little bit better in the future what should I do to stop my fellow multiplayer friends trying to build like let's game it out uh get new friends uh I don't know it's either you have to like Embrace that or you have to be like really restrictive and be like stop doing that uh I don't know I don't have a good answer to this question actually this is like just embrace it I guess if you're playing multiplayer then you're playing multiplayer if you don't want people to screw around then maybe play single player that's how I feel at least because like whenever I play multiplayer I get a little bit frustrated when people are just like putting down here together and I'm like I just want it this way uh so if when I do play multiplayer I tend to just like run away and do my own thing and then hook up to like a main base or something that's that's what I do at least is it possible to have more than four players is in multiplayer mode officially no but technically yes so the game officially supports up to four players because that's sort of how we've optimized the game for in terms of like networking and stuff like that but there is a way okay and it's not super tricky so if you Google like how to access more players in satisfactory like how to have more than four places satisfactory there's a config file in the install structure where we just like hard set a value like how many people can join the session you can set that to whatever you want and that way you can have as many people on the save as you want essentially but you do so on your own risk because we don't officially support more than four but you can totally do it if you want to a train X starts at a at 4 pm and reaches B at 5 PM while another train y starts from B at 4 pm and reaches a at 5 30 pm at what time will the two trains cross all right so let's assume that the distance between A and B here a b um will denote that distance as D so train X starts from a and go to B uh between 4 pm and 5 PM which means that it takes one hour for the train to travel from A to B uh and we can denote the speed of that train being that it travels D kilometers per hour for trainx uh train y start from B and goes to a and it's and it takes and it goes from 4 pm to 5 30 PM which means that it takes one and a half hours for train B to travel and for us to calculate the the speed of that train this is assuming that the trains are traveling at the constant speed by the way so to to calculate the speed of train y we need to do uh distance divided by the time it takes which is one and a half hours which is the same as saying three divided by two uh which you can also write as uh two divided by 3 times D kilometers per hour so now that we have the speed the trains are traveling in we need to calculate the time it takes for trains to travel to a certain distance so let's let's call uh T time okay so in order to calculate like how far a train travels in time we can do the first train try next and that's quite simple because it's it's just traveling uh in a ratio is 101. so it's it's traveling and it's distance times t kilometers that's how far that that's how far the train X will travel in in time uh the other train um it's it's similar things so it's the new value here two divided by three D times T is how many kilometers train y will travel at a certain time so one property of this problem too is that when the two trains cross they will both have traveled um the sum of the total distance and we can write that as equation that is uh DT plus two divided by three DT equals D so now though now that we have the equation uh we can solve for T just figure out when they mean so DT plus two divided by three DT equals D you can simplify this as writing it as five over three DT equals D to get rid of the five divided by three D we divide by that on both sides which gives us T equals D divided by five divided by three D um when you have the same numerator and denominator you can get rid of that which gives us d e t equals one divided by five divided by three um and this is the same as saying T equals three divided by five so now we have t and uh 3 divided by five is 0.6 equals 0.6 so this is how many hours it takes it takes 0.6 hours for the two trains to meet and 0.6 if you want to get this in minutes you do 0.6 times 60 which is 36. 36 minutes so the two trains will meet uh they started at 4 pm so the trains will meet at 4 36. P.M why do the mining nodes not align with the Whirl grid so the reason why they don't is because when we started working this game we didn't anticipate having a world grid this is something that we added after the fact and we don't want to move the nodes at this point because it can really mess up uh a lot for people's saves so I don't know if we'll have a solution for this problem where like the nodes don't align with world grid coordinates and stuff like that but that's sort of why they don't lie right now is because that wasn't the thing when we added the nodes will there ever be round shaped foundations or angled walls so at the moment we don't really have plans for this and that's not to say that we can do that if we have time for that but um there's a lot of stuff that we were working on so we're always like constantly prioritizing like what to work on next and it's possible we have time to add this for 1.0 maybe if you guys really really really want this then please voice that opinion on our QA site because we do sort of when we're deciding on what to do we sort of evaluate based on what is on what's been output on the keyword side and what we're hearing community so um yeah if there's like a it's an outroar that we need that then we'll consider it but at the moment we don't have plans for it so we'll see what happens in the future since there are a handful of buildings that are not symmetrical will we ever be able to flip buildings like in Captain of industry we don't currently have plans for that and I don't really have a good reason as to why we just don't have plans to do that because it entails a lot of work that we don't feel really adds too much to the game at the moment so and it's it's not just a thing that we can just like whip out and have it working there's actually a lot of work involved in making sure that works fine so uh kudos to them for doing it but um at the moment we don't plan to do it what is a bug that you have had during development that seemed easy to fix at first but was pretty difficult to fix and why there are a ton of those actually uh surprisingly one book that I worked on for instance that I thought was easy to fix but wasn't was to change it so that when you have the object scanner and you scan for like berries and you pick up a berry that it wouldn't scan the same Berry again that was a hassle and I never actually managed to fix it but I believe we did fix it at some point so it might be in the game or maybe it's not I don't know but I asked the other programmers and I had a couple of uh honorable mentions here so one that comes to mind is the the typo that was coal in the uh in the scanner where the the C and the coal wasn't capitalized uh that was apparently a pain in the ass to fix because it wasn't like handled properly for that translation uh system that we have in the game so that was apparently a real head scratcher and another model we'll mention is the Hub part keeping coming back and duplicating like that really thought that would be easy to fix but it was not so and I don't think we've actually fixed that yet so uh there you go now that Unreal Engine 5.3 is out will you update the engine version again it's funny because like I think a day or two before we released the video where I mentioned that we are going to update to like Unreal Engine 5.2 5.3 came out um good timing typically we don't really want to update to to a new engine version with like the first patch comes out for for a new engine version but I believe the next one is Adam anyways but we'll have to see I don't think at the moment we think it's urgent enough to do it but we'll see if it's worth it or not uh I think like theoretically it's always good to update the engine version have the latest version because they are doing a good job at like updating the engine but at the moment there's like nothing that really warns us to like do the next step and do 5.3 before we release this patch so at the moment we're not planning for it but it's too early to say honestly maybe we'll do it maybe we won't um but there are no like real big features in Unreal Engine so 5.3 that we really want to utilize like for instance and landscape and stuff like that like that's not something that we feel like we need at the moment um same goes with like putting a net item foliage that's also it's not something that we feel we need at the moment it's not gonna automatically make the game Run better or look better just from uh from the box so it needs to warn sort of the work that goes into to update in the engine and we'll see if we do that or not essentially the only thing I could say is that update 8 will be 5.2 that's the engine version we'll be rolling it updated with has the upgrade to Unreal Engine 5 increase the plan scope of the game or has it remained the same this one is quite tricky to answer I think because um I don't think it has increased the plan's scope of the game it's definitely give us an opportunity to do more Tech art stuff that we weren't able to do before so in that sense it's increased the scope a little bit and it's also limited a little bit because I don't know if you guys realize this but rain has been disabled in update because the implementation we had for rain doesn't work in the new engine version so we need to like completely from scratch make a new raid system I I haven't seen too many people notice this uh to be honest so I don't think it's too bad that we're taking our time with that and and we'll see what happens with that but um I don't know if there's no like feature for the game that we can't do because we're not in unreal item five or four you know I don't know I think we're setting us up better for the future when it comes comes to the attack of the engine to be able to optimize the game and that stuff I think that's better but I also like scope of the game I think is pretty much the same if you would have known how challenging upgrading to Unreal and M5 would be would you still have done it uh oh boy I think you're gonna get a different answer depending on who you ask at the studio honestly uh I think um there's been a lot of good gains from Unreal Engine 5 but also some downsides with it both from like what the game can do but also what we can do with the game so to speak um I think overall it's been my own personal belief is I think it's a good thing to update because up epic are so good at like maintaining the work that they do it's been good for us historically to like keep the engine updated and keep being in like sort of the latest version of the engine um just because we get so many good tools and so many good like opportunities to improve the game so I think in the long run it will be worth it but there's been a lot of friction and and like like I said I think you'll get a different answer from different people in the studio who you ask I think if you wait like a little bit more maybe more people would be more prone to say it was worth the effort but we're still knee deep in it so it's it's uh you know that's sort of how it is what inspired you to make this game so I don't I wasn't there from the beginning so I can't really say fully but we were definitely inspired by factorio and we were curious like what would factorial be if we made it sort of as like a 3D type game where like what what challenges would that third access add to the game and like what could we do differently with this game like and I think um we've gone a long way since then and I don't think really the two games are comparable I think if I think there are different aspects of Factoria they're really good that wouldn't have worked so well in satisfactory and vice versa but factorio was like one of the main Inspirations definitely for for making this game are there any plans to include larger blueprint designers we are quite happy with the size of the blueprint designer that as it is right now it sort of serves the purpose that we were after which was not to just make the factory being faster to build which they are a fashion to build if you set up the blueprint designer correctly but we also wanted to add like an element of like you know a little bit of a puzzle where people had to figure out like how to adapt their blueprints to make sense in the designer so they can also use them in their factories so it wouldn't just be like a you know copy and paste of factors you already built because we feel like that would have taken out a big portion of the game um I still like the size of the blueprint designer right now we're not against changing it but I think right now we're quite happy with it and given the feedback we've gotten so far it seems like it's actually a pretty decent size but we'll see what we do in the future if we change our minds or whatever like that's happened before so uh I guess we'll see what happens what's the situation with the Mark III Miner Okay so the Mark III Miner at the moment if you overclock it it can technically uh give you more or that you can transport on the belts at the moment and a lot of people have been asking like what are you going to do about that are you going to add like another output to The Miner or are they going to be faster belt speeds or something like that okay so we have a solution to this problem but I'm not going to tell you what it is just yet there is a solution to this problem so don't worry about it um but uh yeah you guys are gonna have to to wait until uh 1.0 to find out how are you going to change the uranium fuel unit alternate recipe so it doesn't use beacons in a way that won't break existing nuclear setups so uh if you guys don't know we have beacons in the game we've had beacons for a long time and an update uh six seven oh they all blend together uh whatever we decided to remove them from the game um and replace them with the new marker system that we have for the map but there was the whole thing where you needed beacons for one of the alt recipes so we decided to keep the uh item in the game but whenever you place it it will convert to new marker system and we kept them in the game because we felt like it would ruin too many Factory layouts at the moment and to be honest the the answer to that question is it will break nuclear setups uh unfortunately once we fully get rid of beacons in the game but it won't break fully I think there will be some Lee way for you guys to adjust your recipes somewhat easily um but don't really have any news as to like what exact changes are coming actually this is a really good segue into the next question which is uh will you remember balance any of the recipes in the game for 1.0 and the answer is to that is yes I can't give you like exact news as to what the exchange changes will be because we actually don't fully know what those changes will be um we haven't decided all of that and then we have we also haven't tested the balances internally yet uh but there's gonna be some sort of rebounds for the game at some point so just so you guys are aware of that the balancing changes won't like break your save files in the sense that like you won't you will still be able to load your save files but your Factor layouts like will have issues and stuff like that which which you will have to fix I believe most of the rebalancing stuff is for the later tiers so like I think I can't give a exact number but like up until like the more later tiers ever things will probably much stay the same but yeah a little later tiers things will change a little bit uh balancing wise will there ever be Mark 3 or mark IV fluid pipes no because we're sort of at the limit with Mark's Mark II actually even with Mark II it doesn't fully fully fully work there's a couple of like edge cases where sometimes you can get a little bit less than 600 like you you can't always expect to get a full like 600 um and out of the pipes and this is based on like all a bunch of factors like frame rate and stuff like that and we we hope to fix that stuff for my two pipes so that they will be fully 600. I don't think you need to worry too much about this unless you're optimizing like perfectly 100 using utilizing pipes but in the future this shouldn't be an issue and but the the addition of a Mark 3 and 4 is right out that's not happening are you planning to add a logic system and if so when we don't have plans to add a logic system to the game we actually played around a little bit with this idea and we decided that not we decided not to do it because we feel like satisfactory is satisfactory is already a pretty complicated game and it's quite complex and we we always wanted to set a factory to sort of be sort of easy to grasp and like get into and then like sort of hard to manage and like once to master and like once you get into the later tiers and stuff like that and we felt that like having a logic system would add too much to like the already existing game because they are existing game is already quite complex if we're thinking of okay but what if it's optional then it's like then we're putting a lot of effort into adding a system a quite big system that wouldn't even necessarily be be compulsory for the game and that makes it not really worth implementing for for us at this time so that's why we're not probably going to do a logic system anytime soon there are mods that have implemented really cool logic systems to the game do that do require you being able to program uh I I believe but there are some really cool mods that that sort of fill this park uh this void and I recommend checking those out if you're interested in that stuff when do you think you'll release the original soundtrack so I can actually I don't I don't know if we've said this actually but um we plan to release the original soundtrack with the 1.0 release we always wanted to release the soundtrack and there's been a couple of reasons why we haven't done that one of the main reasons was because of Licensing uh stuff that needed to be sorted out but we have sorted that out I believe and the other thing is that if we we add more music which I think we are going to add I think we're talking about more music to the game uh then we would want that to be included in the soundtrack of course and we can always add music to soundtracks after the fact and like append them to it but it felt more reasonable I feel like for us to to just like wait until 1.0 and then release the soundtrack along with that release um so that's the plan at the moment will we get more lights to illuminate our factories we don't currently have planes to add more lights but we might change our minds uh it depends uh we are a bit hesitant to add more lights to the game because lights are a pretty big factor as to why you're getting significant frame rate drops uh it's been a really tricky problem to solve adding lights to the game and we put a lot of effort into making sure that the game is as optimized as it can get with the lights that we have at the moment and the idea of adding more lights and making it easier to build them and stuff like that is kind of scary but it's not impossible I guess and maybe we'll do that but at the moment we don't really have any plans but we like I said we might change our mind we might change our mind on a lot of this stuff I'm curious what you mean when you say you don't officially support Lumen if it's in the game does that mean that you support it so this is a really good point and this is actually something that we've discussed a lot back and forth when we added Lumen to the game for those who don't know we have support for the like one of the new techniques for Global elimination that Unreal Engine supports which is Lumen um we decided to add that in the game but the thing is that you sort of need to tailor the lighting system towards Lumen if you have that in your games and we haven't really done that we haven't really tailored the game for Lumen and mine which which means you get like a lot of dark areas and like the exposure is kind of weird in certain situations and it's a lot of work tuning the lighting towards that but we felt that like it's such a cool feature and it doesn't really like break anything by having it um so we felt that like if people want to enable Lumen they can and like if it if it works for them then cool and it doesn't work then they can switch it off but we decided to go with the whole thing where we say it's not officially supported because we don't officially support it like if people are running into issues then we can't really help them out um and if like they're having issues with like graphic card not being able to support Lumen we also can't really do anything about that uh and also the phrasing the wording here with saying is like not officially supported so that people know that like okay the game is in design with lumen in mind um so that's the main reason why we went with that but that's it is true like the fact that it is in the game is kind of like signifying that it is supportive but we still want to be able to communicate sort of Our intention with Lumen and that is that uh the game is in tuned with living in mind and we don't know if we'll ever to the game with lumen in mind all right that's it for this video it took a whole it took a long time to record this so hopefully hopefully it makes sense uh hopefully so thank you so much for watching this video I hope it was informational and I hope you have a good weekend all right see everyone bye [Music]
Channel: Coffee Stain Studios
Views: 182,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: satisfactory, satisfactorygame, game, games, videogame, videogames, indie, indie game, indie games, indiegames, factory, factories, windows, pc, openworld, singleplayer, multiplayer, coffeestain, coffeestainstudios, coffee stain, coffee stain studios, goatsimulator, goat simulator, sanctum, sanctum2, sanctum 2, fps, thq, thqnordic, thq nordic, epic, epic games, epic games store, embracer group, embracer
Id: lK-kN8QOrJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 49sec (1789 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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