Introduction to Creo Cabling & Creo Schematics

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okay I'm looking at it good zero on the right hand screen yes yeah so anything you want to do just do it on that side and everybody's gone okay so I think what we wanna go over today is some basic info on clear schematics on using clear schematics to create logical harness Sir Francis for for creating harnesses and I want to walk you guys to a simple exercise of just their routing very simple like maybe three connector harness using three of schematic he shouldn't take more than an hour I think so first thing is you need unique you of schematics it's a it's right here it's my this is my shortcut it's a standalone software I I'm not sure I don't think you guys have that I from talking to how you understand you guys don't have that software yet yes we don't have okay so this is what we're I think you're gonna need if you want to if you want to do a similar thing what we are doing and let's just start and see how that looks like it's a standalone software it's not part of our creo it's called clear schematics and it's by PTC it's by the same company and it's basically a software that you put in your harness connections and so you sketch a basic very very basic drawing that represents how the harness looks like and I think the best what we've been doing we've been keeping or files or schematic files in the folder so we have a schematic file folder with all the harnesses that we're creating and every one of these folders contains a file so what I do when I start a new harness I usually just cut I just copy one of the latest ones so let's find something recent from this year for example we can try that 156 and I do our copy and it's a fairly large file it's like 10 megabytes and it will just copy and I give it a new name to a folder so let's just call this test and today's day March 8 2018 so you give it a new name and it's in in the same folder schematics it I just get a new file and you can minimize that window and you can open that file up I think for the short term as you guys get into Chris cammack you'll probably create the folder locally in that longer term I'm mature the timing the longer term we'll probably try to get these files this information into PDM line or Winchell's these files into a window so they're so they're controlled to ensure so the software has a lot of different options one of them is directory defaults that you can point to all the folders that you're going to be using where you're going to be exporting your info and opening the files and importing stuff so I already have that set up so when I hit open design it already takes me to that folder and you see I'm in the same folder schematics and the software sees this folder as a project so it doesn't you know there recognizes there's the most projects and here is my new file ok 808 18 so we can open that up and see how that looks like and it's an existing harness that I created so it has everything already in it as all the connectors and wires so this is how how a harness file how the Creole harness site looks like and every one of these features has parameters assigned to them connectors have descriptions for example this is a p9 connector item 1 and let me and you guys go ahead and ask questions or stop me when I'm going too fast you know over ok here when you have one you guys don't understand something or you just want to ask a question so so this is how the basic file looks like it contains basically our presentation of the hardness of the connection of the harness in its own way so it has connectors these are wires and walkers also have parameters for example this is why you one it's 18 gauge wire wire size of wire minimum Bend radius color and and all that you know and you can add more parameters as you need them but this this is the basic ones that we need and that we use so this is these are parameters for the wires and there are parameters for the connectors the connectors have names have descriptions and there also when you zoom in on these these are ports so you can select also by going into here you can do select member and they will you be able to select all the ports - so for example this connector has 12 ports because it's a 12-pin connector so let's go to pin for example 6 and I'll show you what's and put in here so this is these are individual parameters inside the connector for individual pins so you got a pin number you got a pen name and a an entry port number and these are very important if you don't have this info inside your connector your harnessing your harness fire will not work so all these parameters they have to be filled out and you can create all these custom connectors or standard connectors and you can save them in you can save them in a catalog like a connection catalog right here see I have a bunch of connectors we are using I think for the most part the connectors used will be standard and available in this library yes but if anything comes up it's I think it's just like a basic 2d sketch and you assign properties to it yes it's a basic sketch and I'll open this one up as an example let's let's go back to the 12th bit so it's a basic sketch of a connector and here where you can modify it you can type these numbers and you can draw lines there's a whole like geometry menu here on top that you can use to create these and this is where also you creating the ports the porters are their own individual features in a wire was so since I've done this so you actually have like a port feature that you just drop into here you locate the sports and then you go into parameters and you assign parameters you can assign a part name but that's not really necessary because you're gonna be using a lot of like common connectors for example this is our presentation over 12 point so any 12-pin connector you're gonna have you can use this symbol for our ports are very important and that's basically it same thing with the wires there's is here this here's here are the wires beeping I'm just basically using one type of wire and I'm assigning different parameters to it you can assign different gages for example this one is 20 gauge but if you want to change to a different size you open up this this menu right here and you can scroll to all kinds of different sizes and you can create your own custom sizes so for example I have a sign Tony you gauge wire to wire one but if you go to wire 13 for example it's gonna be gauge 12 so it's assigning of the wire size is also important you know checking that wire size make sure you using there are info because that's gonna be that's gonna drive you are later things in your model and let's wipe this out because this is a new this is a new exercise project that we create it so we can wipe this out everything and let's go to a simple exercise of creating very simple harness so what you're going to start with is I'm assuming you know you guys gonna have access to the library or or we're gonna send your library or you guys gonna create your own I'm not sure how that's gonna work it it's the library in that same directory same folder directory or is it within yes yes the common library is the okay directory yeah so let's just put some connectors and and I tore out a couple of wires between them and this is a very basic one pin connector fast down that we are using I guess see my screen okay oh yeah so Chara you guys here yeah okay so let's let's jump a couple of connectors and you can orient them any way you want and do basically anything it's very flexible so I just chopped two of these into my design and let's also put a splice in here let's pull our splice in here between them and let's put a different one in there to something that has a different shape so basically we are doing wiring right so we need to select diagram type should be like reading yes yes yeah it's kind of like a diagram type of software were you were you gonna be sketching a design I'm just looking for it for another connector that we can use with this varying terminal on that side so I created a very simple design I have a connector on one side I have a splice between them and I have two connectors on that side and we can we can assign names to these so let's name them this one's gonna be caught one for example connector one connector one this is gonna be your splice one excuse me but yes yeah this name walker giving for connect to one and splice it should it should be same as what we get in the bill of material or yes exactly you you completely right the connectors the connective descriptions will usually match you pillo material so for example if it's an item one on the below material it would say you know item one in parentheses and then a name of the connectors they're usually like je 1 2 3 4 5 or P 1 2 3 4 5 oldest custom names yeah so so your description would look like this for example this would be let's say it's a it's a plug so it will be P 1 okay and then in parentheses item 1 on your blue material and let's do that CDs every component yes assign a name to every component so we have a name for that we're gonna go over to the second one this is this will be your p2 also item one and this will be your ring terminal terminal so maybe we will name it ring and it's an item to so you assign names and I already have ports on all these connectors these are already complete connector designs so you can check on the names of the port this one is called slip on and if you go to the parameters you see that the name says slip on the entry port also says slip on these have to actually match these new names and report in the name they have to match and it you know on the stands see under full name it says P to item 1 and the entry port is slip on so you already has all that info in there because I pre saved that info ahead of time so I'm just grabbing things from my library right now so same with same with our connector if you go over and you select our port it's it's called the ring yeah so same thing here it says ring terminal and the name of the term of the port and the entry port matches that's very important they have to match and it's the same idea with this price has two ports in and out so let's select in hit properties and it's just in and supplies all these names have to be set up and we have all the or all the connectors already that we're gonna be using for this exercise and we can start routing wires between them so you're just gonna grab a standard wire from your wire library and you can set all kinds of all type of wires in here and you're gonna be routing wires between these connectors how what you do is you just click new select the wire click new the entry port and it will pick up that port ok already picked up one side and then you drag it to the other side and you see it's all in wires between the connectors and it's assigning names to their automatically ok so we're out three different wires 1 2 3 and what you do is you assign the names to the wires so this will be my wire 1 and because they're on the supplies I'm gonna name in the same way this is gonna be one a and this will be my wire so I have all two wires create it and now I'm gonna select all 3 wires at the same time and you can modify these colors all these colors are custom so you can have your selection color in a different color I like yellow and green so you're gonna go to the properties selecting the wires you're gonna right click hit properties on the wires and this is where this is where your wire size comes in properties and see the wire does not have any properties right now it's all blank so you're gonna go into this apply dataset menu and you're gonna pick the size that you want and let's just make the make these 20 gauge wire see this this all has all the parameters already so you're not gonna be you know typing them in or anything like that you just gonna go up to the setup file and I'm gonna apply it to these wires so here's all the info that we just grabbed it applied so you so you know it's a white wire it's 20 gauge size besides the thickness is here the minimum Bend radius all all the parameters and just got us it just gonna hit OK and this is this is basically this is basically how you create a schematic in creo schematic and this like the info is usually provided to you by an electrical engineer you know he knows how everything connects on the harness so he will give you a schedule or a markup drawing of what you want of four-to-one I represent and you're gonna be transferring the information into the creo schematics so this is a very basic harness and now we're gonna transfer that info into you can transfer that info into Creole into your into your design so what you gonna do is export this as an XML file go file export and XML you want the pro cabling option and you want to select a folder where you're gonna save that file right here so files so that or I'm just gonna type a name in past your to be 0 e 18 so you export that as an XML type of file and it's just the extension but it's really if you open the file up it's just a text file like a CNC call and just you just hit OK and now we can start startup or pro yi or or Creole you can minimize this go back do we have if you like we have any template for that schematic page no right the random because I'm using existing designs as my template but you can you can make your own template or we can provide you a template you could you could use okay we've all the parts so so that's the schematic part and I'll show you how you use this info that you just created in to create a harness so I'm just waiting for my career to come up a quick question for your Bart yes for getting into Korea schematics that's uh it's a shame Outlook password to get in there um or is your password at all there is no password once you have it installed on your computer unless you're gonna be connecting to windchill I don't think there is a password okay good yeah so so first thing you do is you're gonna go to your harness assembly and this will be a harness just like you even creating harnesses based on the base play or a door panel or anything you're gonna be working also will have a structure inside a skeleton and all that what I'm gonna do today is gonna be very simple I'm just gonna be dropping connectors into into blank space okay so you start with an assembly file standard it's not we're now in cabling yet you start with a basic assembly file and this assembly will be eventually in your product that you're gonna be assigning the harness to and you start assembling component where they where they should be and you're gonna I identify these components inside the window let me just find the part numbers the part numbers for these connectors that we're gonna be using first one it will be a spice let's put a splice to get in first and I have a model that I made for my supply sis you can either use my supply starts under a part number or I have a special model okay let's just call it splice just drop that into your Maru that's my splice and it has two ports has a in-and-out port and the port inside the models are presented by coordinate systems by coordinates so this corresponds corresponds exactly to what we have in Cree of schematic if you go to this crease mathematic and look at or look at our supplies it has a port out and yeah and I have the same here and out see these names they match so that so let's bring another component component this will be or this will be this one here and it's on the outside so you want to position your supplies between connectors so they align and I'm just gonna use datum planes this is something this quickly to to build to build a simple harness model and I don't know where I did okay we need one more constraint distance so I'm doing a model similar it's gonna look very similar to this trying to build a model that that looks close and one last connect to we need two more connectors and this one is this one is actually this I'm gonna just copy that part number because maybe not it's that one so we need two more just have to look look up a part number of they wander want to use so this will present this model we will present these two connectors right here so I need two of these and the same thing I'm just gonna assemble it in space and I'm just doing that for this exercise for actual harnesses you will be placing them around in the assembly where they should be going so I have another connector and I knew one work yes so we have a basic harness assembly in Cretan and Creole based on an aura schematic we have to slip on connectors and one terminal and our supplies in the middle and now we can start using or or schematic design file that we just created throughout hardness a harness between these workout wires between these connectors so you're going to switch over you were in the standards assembly mode you're gonna switch over to the cabling and you're gonna create a new harness you creating a new harness part and the way you import the information from Carrillo schematics you're using an import icon here and my new on their.i pops up hello man you guys see it in the corner yeah yeah you wanna select the creo schematic option browse to that file that you created so you're browsing to the folder and there it is test zero three zero eight eighteen that we created just a few minutes ago so you're gonna open that up and it's gonna load into your it's loading into your window your your harness design the way you're gonna know it's loaded you're gonna go to you just import it and now you're gonna go to the Auto designate window gonna open up this menu and you can identify see it has all the components that we created it has a p1 p2 are in terminal and and the splice has all the all these connectors that we identify and here that info is now in here so let's just see this was a p1 so we can start identifying p1 and I'm allowing mismatch which means I don't have I'm allowing the flexibility and I'm saying I'm gonna select these components myself because there are parameters where you can assign the program to recognize the connectors by the part name but that's less flexible and I'm not using that so I'm gonna say allow mismatch and I'm gonna select the component so I'm saying p1 is this and hit apply and it knows that I want this to be my p1 and same with that one this one will be my p2 and it says designate it now and you want your last component also and your supplies so now we identify all the connectors they all have assigned names are usually bring another column into my model tree from the maple tree column menu there's a cable info and designation column I add two to my to my model tree column so I know if I select a component I know which one I'm working with these have you will have a column of names and that's your hardness are you so next step I think you guys already familiar with the with that next step is to route networks between your comm between your connectors so you have a network coming from this connector this will be over start so you start with your port select that and just air out the network's to you're out the networks and we can do this a little differently we actually don't want the splice to be in there yet we can we gonna delete the splice and I'm just gonna fix these because I don't want to do it what you want to actually start with is just the connector it's not this place you don't want the splice in the right way so you're gonna identify the connectors and now you can route the networks between them so you're gonna have a network between these two Eric are you asking a question because I yeah I'm sorry I wasn't online you were picking the the coordinate system and then the point and then on the other side the point then the coordinate system why are you picking that point the points are just there to help you out the networks I was like yeah it's a fixed point and then we'll do anything there's no like points on the network okay I think I think the guys are really familiar we're out in that works because so you just hope the networks between the connectors kind of showing the harness where it's gonna go so we are out a simple Network two piece network actually one piece network but it contains two breakout that looks exactly like this and we have two connectors and now which one is you wanna say your splice so you need a point somewhere on the network that this place is gonna be attached to I could I usually just place a point on the network and the rulers you want this place is to be around two inches away from any breakout so you want so you want plenty of room for your splices and we're gonna insert that splice now that we had before but this is a better way I think to get the splices in so we have that information written down anywhere that's what you should be two inches oh yes yes it's kind of like design guidelines okay we don't have we don't have written down I have it written down for myself some information about splices but I will need to be an idea to get that written down some rice yeah these guys but also for Bill just so he he's got it as well think that supplies which sorry what's the question which standard do you follow in this cable in um we basically formed for the harness design we follow the IPC standards yeah so you're gonna so you're gonna insert a component let's go back so you're gonna component you're gonna find this price model and you're gonna attach that splice we're gonna select the entry port and select the cable location here and that's like your location the charge that you tweet it and this price will just drop in on the network on that location with the entry port that you pick so I want I want to start routing or attach my supplies with the import so I'm using this location as my attachment point on the harness so in Port on that point and it will ask for an entry port and for an exit port it will bring that this menu pops up automatically and you want to select in for the entry and out for the user and just hit apply for some reason it's not working come on okay it worked so in you can hit update the update option here you wanna regenerate and it should say I don't think this worked because it's like the info for the splice it's not saying splice one here so let's try again let's try again use a component splice select the splice cable location and tree thanks okay now we worked see now it's designated now your component components are designated you have the network in between them so you have our presentation of that and we already tore out the cables the final step is routing the cables so the cables are already set up because we had them over in in chromatics so the cables are already in there so to bring them into your assembly is you're gonna hit this icon they're our cables and I bring up this route cable menu and to find your wires you're gonna hit the find icon and it will bring this man you find cable menu and your wires are here the wires that we created you're the white one why you want a and your wire one B and you can wear out individually or you can route them all together and try them bring them over to that side leave selecting three wires to be routed you say okay and they appear in this menu and the wires each wire already knows where it's going it's gonna follow your network because we routing the type of fouling we are doing is your network or you can do a simple route see now it's routing without the network we always want to route with the network so you controlling that shape of the wire so everything every wire that you outing has parameters in him and it knows it comes from that connector from terminal slip on into into the wire N and on that side comes out and goes into the slip on and/or goes into our terminal and you just can apply it out to the wires for you and now you can now we can view them now you have the actual wires if you if you go into your feature menu and if you bring your features into your model tree you will see y1 1 a1 be automatically created from the schematic that we created earlier so you have all three wires routed and that's basically that's how your out these wires using creo schematic we can also show you you can save that we can I can also show you how you and flatten the hardness I don't know if you guys wanna you guys play with with creating flat States creating hardnesses okay do you wanna go over that really quickly do you have time yes yes okay so let's let's use this harness that we created to create our simple drawing for their hardness what you want to start with is you want to create a new file I manufacturing harness and this will be test zero to zero 818 manufacturing MFG and you're gonna create you're gonna picked up a harness it's gonna take you to this menu and you're gonna pick the harness you just created and you need to type in one more name test for the flat state so you go do this twice and the name has to be unique so I call them under underscore or I usually just call underscored flat flat and it brings your your harness that you created into a separate window without the connector is right now and you're able to lay lay out a flat state using this drop-down menu what you do is you could say flatten layout you pick a point where you where you want your harness to start flatten out and I usually do a half an inch radius and it creates like a flat stay for you like an unbanned all the wires for you and what you want to do is assemble all connectors into here and I'm going through this very quickly because it's this is fairly easy just have to like look to the manual and you can you can manipulate all these wires you can bend them you know in here you can control the producers I usually just use half inch but you can modify this if you if you need to you can make it longer can make it larger you make it smaller does that affect the wires wire lengths as define no no not nothing you do in the flats they affect any of your harness lengths the flood stage you just creating a representation of what you already have so see how long this is if you're gonna increase this reducer here to one inch it's gonna make that breakout a lot shorter so it calculates everything for you basically nice so you have a basic flat state you can create a basic flat state from your from your harness and now you are ready to see the drawing you can bring all these models into your drawing so we have a main assembly that's out of you on the drawing of the main assembly I should have picked a bigger sheet because that one's kind of small well that's okay we don't usually show the 3d state like to the state's on the Hartness drawing but I'll just do this for this exercise so you can show you guys that you can you know bring this less any other model into it into drawing but what we are really interested in is our flat state so we gonna add a model and we're gonna pick that flat the assembly that we just created we're gonna add that we edges our data to my drawing model and I'm gonna do you so and let's and and if you're breakout is if your breakup does not look what you wanted to look you can go back into your model you can modify it so I'm gonna go back into my manufacturer in my flat state and say I want this night the to be negative 90 degree so it flips top breakout to the other side because I want my drawing to represent look look more I want my drawing to look more like this so I just flipped that to the other side and and and that's how you add the flat state to the drawing so you have all your components and here you have your supplies and this is one-to-one scale also we can control the scale as any any other models and you can start dimension in your your harness you can you can get all the dimensions for your harness from from another so the next up would be bring a wire table into the drawing so you are you want to give this to a vendor you you want to give them a flat state so you show them how everything's connected and this is a very simple harness it only has three wires but it might be it's usually much more complicated so what what you need is a wire table on the drawing so we have templates of wire tables store it in a folder and I'm gonna bring in one of these tables and this is where all your information that you created in in the schematics all the information from the descriptions the port's the the names everything is stored in the file and and the table are set up as repeat regions so it grabs all that information and presented in a in a table format so it has your wire name and I'm gonna zoom in so you guys can see so it has your wire name the component that the wire is routing from the dependent the word the word the wires are going from the component of the wires outing to and dependent the wires are owning - and my gauge size and the wire light star calculated automatically thank you guys so I didn't play with any numbers I didn't do anything you know I did it was just it figured out how long the wires were based on my assembly based on the model so that's what that's where cRIO schematics is very very helpful it will just create logical info for you and it will drive your model it will help you to you know to figure out what goes where and also for individual components for example these two components that we have in here only have one wire going into them so they depend out the pinout is very simple one wire going into one component but you have you you might have a component that you know two wires are having to go to your for or or up to you know like 30 wires so sometimes you want a separate table four individual components so we have another table different one that's called wire component and this one is picking up the splice so it gives me a description of the component and it gives me all the wires that associated with that component all the wires that go in and out so I see that on this place I have y1 going in so this will be your wire one let's name these wires on the drawing so this is my white one this is my wire one B one so for every component you can bring in a pin out cable like that and I will say and this is also a repeat origin but pick up a component and list all the wires associated with it and you can add more columns like a wire call or gauge or anything you would like to see and I'll show you how how we can change the repeating on this on these tables so you go to the AP urgent menu under a table menu and you can say I want this table to control this component for example so it changes this see now I create a table I judge that table to tell me what's going on with this component so it tells me this is my p1 only has one pin and on that pin I have y1 so every one of these components has a logical info has that reference info inside them so you can use that in your drawing so that's where not only you will route the wires for you in your duty model but it will also give him oh and for your drawing automatically you don't have to you don't have to type any really good actually yeah that's very quick overview how you how you do things how you purge between cRIO schematics and and Creole model so I can export the XML file from Creole ask Mike 2.0 to yes I think you can we are using creo schematics I believe version is 2.0 the version is 2.0 and we are using parametric 2.0 so but the any any other version will work I think it because it's just a simple file and if it doesn't work then then you know you can always come back to us or gets help from PTC and we'll figure out which version will work with what because because when you export actually your when you're exporting your XML file of your schematics you have multiple options like you can do missed a little bit of your your presentation there double spots me when you created the 3d harness yeah I think you worked in the part and you just randomly randomly placed the components oh yes pretty much looking space for this exercise I just put them in space children normally don't you no matter what you would do is go into an assembly assemble the part harness part in there then they've ate that and then place components by coordinate system on the base plate coordinate coordinate systems yes correct oh sure I will show you guys the hardness that I'm working on right now actually I build and I'll show you harness stack sure looks like very good it was very simple and it gets a lot more complicated when you're when you're working on an actual harness so this is this is a harness that I'm working on right now or worked on it yesterday as multiple has multiple connectors as multiple wires multiple wire gauges and the finish harness looks like that and here's the skeleton and this is a good example how I assemble my connectors I have a coordinate system attached my connectors too so I only have one constraint based on on the coordinate system I like I have my coordinate systems set up already in in the third component that I copy to my skeleton model so inside my skill at the model you can see that I have all these copy references and see they're the coordinate system and you can see them highlighting right here they're right here and I mean and I'm using them to to assemble my connectors and I'll move this out of the way you guys I'm sure you guys know how to do that but I'll do this again just just to show you just to show you so I'm using two coordinate system and it just drops in there so that's why that's what I'm trying to do for for some of them if I don't have a good reference like for that one it just sits in space I use my planes hello yes one more question actually where is placing this coordinate system a opera constrain whether you always take the part the individual part coordinate system or you are taking the whole Assembly coordinate system as a reference for all the connectors the coordinate systems that a copy are from the actual model from there from the tomorrow that this skeleton is based off but again if you're taking the reference of skeleton model coordinate system then there is a chance of missing reference if the model get updated can you can you ask the question again happen actually we're taking all the references to the skeleton model right if something else yeah so these coordinate systems whether it's reliable to take the references for this connectors and all I think after taking the reference if we delete the reference and take the reference to the main coordinate system of the skeleton model then we'll be code means here you can see the top one that coordinate system is a underscore csaw if you are taking the reference of that one as a example if you have if we are adding that connector to this model then that reference will be a permanent one yes and we want you want these references to be permanent because you gonna be in control of of the model of the harness if anything moves on the base plate if the components move on the base plate the position of the coordinate in your shrink-wrap will not update until you say you actually go in into your shrink up and say update my shrink wrap so so you wanna so you want to be controlling because if you tie your your components to the assembly model not to the shrink wrap you know and another engineer moves that component somebody that's working on the base we will move that component the harness will move with it but it will not necessarily do what you want to what you wanted to do because the harness is not only tied to one place like the harness also has points on different components and these components will not move for example so you your harness might not look good might look out of place or might do something that you don't want it to do so what you so so this creating a shrink up and and referencing your component positions in the shrink wrap prevents your harness from crashing for example I would say from not looking the way you want to look or or from you know from discussion for example from people or your moving components from a base plate it kind of forces you to view your harness every time there is a change on the base plate because you will affect your wire lengths and then you advise the drawing and then you go do the updates it keeps your design intact and yes changeable an update you have to give auto update of this skeleton models the ticket you select the auto operation so if something happened when some changes happened in the mid main model then there supposed to be a change into the skeleton model yes I cannot change yes if you make it a chance to your to your main model if you made a change if you moved something then you're gonna go in and you guys still see my screen yes if you're if you're making a change to your main model for example moving something you're gonna go in and you're gonna select that shrink-wrap and you're gonna hit update shrink up and it will grab all the latest information it will move things in your shrink wrap that's how PTC suggests you build your like your assemblies structure so let me just show you the drawing for that for this harness that has all the info that we talked about for flat state as the wire tables pippin out for individual components tells you you know you you have this wire on this pin and so on tells you the name and then your main wire table that knows you alder gives you all the wire names and gives you all the gauges and for example you have page sizes you got wire to engage why're 12 gauge size in that one and of course all your names or your component names all your component pins or ports and so on can you can its able to source a flattening of this model quickly which possible take time yeah okay I'll I'll show you the flat state of that model so this is this is the flat state and and when you create this you saving these up there you know you you're not doing the flat state every time you you know open a joint or need to make that it's a saved file so that's that's what it looks like so you basically you basically unflattering in this this was this was the led model and you kind of work your way to all the components and create this this kind of representation and of course this is all can we modify the orientation of these components actually I have tried this flattening of the mouth well what will happen is when we try to flatten and select one point and give flatten it it will the wire will go randomly of multiple directions it will go so after that I need to modify based on the angles and bent radius which I have to write that right yes yes they will not give you it will not give you a pretty flat state like you - you have to work to all the breakouts it usually gives you a break out at 80 degrees it gives you ad degrees for some you know why so you're gonna go in and modify these breakouts if they're 80 make them I like 90 you know I usually make him 90 degrees for example in this harness my other dis band this band was not in the flats they I added this band because I wanted to fit my harness on in this scale if this was odd and they wouldn't fit on my sheet so I just bend this up for example so so so yes you're actually creating a custom flat state not what you is gonna give you initially you know that initial flat state that you're getting is usually looks very bad yes and you have to do a lot of work to make it a little prettier you know so it so you can use it in your drawing those wires will randomly cool yes yes they go very randomly and you have to and and you have to you know fix and do all all the individual wires - to make to make em look you know to make sure everything looks nice and alliance with everything else so so it does require a little bit of work to make to make the flat state look look look presentable library part whether it's this is these parts are with the PTC bundle or we'll get this library part from Weber's paper bus all the components are in common space they usually they usually models from the bender where we did not create these models they're like you know import files website every you have shape to folders right do we have these standard libraries in that that would be from PBM link or excuse me from windchill it's all in there you just say open this file boom it's right there okay I don't know the library of components you're not gonna have that that won't exist because that's on a separate folder over here I think we're gonna have to work to get you access to the that network drive I was gonna try and send you just the folder but I'm like me that give you access to the network drive so you have like all the kre-o schematics content yes we I think we gotta work on that and figure out how we how we can share these files with you to get standard component from windchill in parametric the only thing we need is a nucleus chromatics all this library yes information yes it's quite a bit especially for like larger projects that's why that's why I wanted to give you a very simple example first like just with metal connectors so it's not overwhelming at first you know but once you get the idea you know everything works of the same basically basically basic principle you know just connectors and routing cables between them and identifying all the all the parameters inside it's like creo schematic so for example for for the one that I was just showing you I'm gonna show you how how clear schematic looks for that so it's a little messy I don't always take my time creating these schematics but that's how it looks like my wires everything has all the connectors have parameters a sign that's that's what I'm using for that one case of any more questions and later on when you when you work through this you know if you have any questions you can always email me or or send me a message okay specific when you get stuck I think that'll do it for now these guys are gonna take a class on Monday and you know go through that in addition to what you just showed them and then I've put in a request to install grille schematics on Sharath machine but not on to happens do you guys want to launch a small machine or two machines there's only one license so only one person can use it at the time no more work is flowing then they can come in Sept and support I think that was okay in one system it was been affecting okay yeah let's get it get it go on and see how see if they can do it and how how it works yeah sounds good here's a part still there yes yeah thanks a lot Barney I was really helpful actually a very good training session we got most of the things now it's on Monday we'll try to get better idea on this yes I think the class will help you a lot too I think you'll learn a lot more I was just I went to the to it very quickly but yeah but just figuring out like every every step every step is a little bit more involved and there's more info that that you guys still have to learn so I think training would be a lot a lot of hope have a nice day [Music] you
Channel: podżegacz
Views: 6,589
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6-rlJmi8lCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 20sec (4940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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