Introducing The Doroni H1-X

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hello and welcome to donon we're so excited you could join us today for the release of our latest model the donon h1x we're going to do the unveiling shortly but first I wanted to take a second to tell you about what got us here 7 years ago I had a vision a world without roads where you can live in remote places a world with no traffic a more efficient World in every sense of the word reproved it can work with the H1 and educated the world of a future that is coming a flying car company has successfully completed the first ever manned test let me introduce to you the h1x introducing the only of its kind nothing like it has ever existed before it looks and feels breathtaking designed for personal and shared experiences the h1x comfortably accommodates two people there are two individual Motors on each of the four wings these motors enable electric vertical takeoff and Landing allowing the h1x to operate in herbal environment without the need for a runways and the rear pushers Propel us forward to our destination it has unmatched performance however will also be so intuitive that a 4-year-old can fly it one push of a button and your up floating in the clouds with a panoramic view of your surroundings when we think about developing a product we look how it will be implemented safely and seiously into our lives when we look at the other players in the current market here is what we are seeing the problem is if the blades act as the wings keeping these vehicles in the air would require lots of energy and also not so safe so here is what we did we've created an in- wi ducted fan which is mly designed to suppress noise pollution improve flight efficiency and keeps everyone safe the combination of all these advancements allows us to be the first to develop a fully electric vehicle of this kind taking a closer look at these wings as the rear prushes Propel you forward lift from the wings is generated requiring significantly less lift thrust for abducted fans I don't want to just Breeze over this point however because managing to put four huge holes in your wings and still have lift is not an easy task and we were actually told that it wouldn't work what we've created has never been done before and we've absolutely made sure that we've patented it and now I'm excited to introduce you to our aerospace engineer David to elaborate more on what our patent technology means for donon hey thanks for having me as you were saying we managed to create something extraordinary we know gener lift for the forward flight was critical to conserve power and reduce the workload on the lift F keeping that in mind and the intention of a vehicle fitting into a clue car garage led us to think out of the box and devise ways of make a truly unique design wings with better lift are thin but our ducted fans need to be thick combining new ideas with old we found inspiration from older jet fighters of 50s and 60s that mix different wing camers with Wing sweeps this stad a propulsion system set a new standard for safety and performance and we're excited to share these designs with you all thank you for your time David all that engineering combined allows the h1x to have a top speed of 120 mph weighs in at 18850 lb has a payload capacity of 500 lb and a fight time on 40 minutes speaking of flight time we have designed our charging system to be compatible with standard EV charging infrastructure ensuring the h1x can be conveniently charged integrating seamlessly with the existing electric vehicle ecosystem not to mention that you will be able to swap your battery packs the idea of traveling in a straight line to your destination is an exciting thought so let's talk about how we get you there safely the easy to ous joystick is intuitive simplifying the flight process and reducing the learning curve theon's proactive safety features comes with Advanced anti-collision sensors the h1x continuously monitors its surroundings to avoid obstacles and ensuring peace of mind for all on board combined with autonomous equilibrium with our self-stabilizing flight system we ensure stable flight even in turbulence conditions reducing pilot workload and enhancing passenger comfort in addition to that we have a built-in ballistic parachute system offering an emergency option to bring the donon down safely in an unlikely event of critical failure so what does this mean for the future of Transportation well the future of personal transportation is looking very promising the donon h1x was designed to cater to personal ownership government agencies and emergency services and will make our customers lives and jobs EAS easier and far more thrilling than anything we have ever experienced before and we're planning on executing fullscale test flights by the end of 2024 the h1x will revolutionize personal travel this is the beginning of something very special within the transportation industry and we are thrilled to share this moment in time with you
Channel: Doroni Aerospace
Views: 267,010
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Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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