TOP 12 Personal VTOL Aircraft | Best Ultralight Flying Vehicles

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foreign welcome to a selection of personal aircrafts that are easy to fly and do not require a license top 12 V tall Vehicles divided into four groups this time we start in an unusual way with the top three [Music] in third place is a flying chair jet racer from the French companies Zapata creators of jet platforms the Revolutionary vertical takeoff and Landing machine is capable of lifting you to a height of three kilometers and flying at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour as well as performing a side flip at the same time managing the flying seat is no more difficult than a drone one joystick is responsible for horizontal movement the other for vertical the training process on the simulator can take less than an hour Tracer has multi-level redundant Safety Systems and steering Assistance or may even be controlled remotely it is able to fly in strong winds and without two turbines Zapata says nothing about the parachute and the duration of the flight we can assume the same performance as other jet platforms around 10 minutes among the other disadvantages of this aircraft is a huge noise level and it is not clear how it will be regulated and where and how it will be possible to fly on it the price has not been announced but the flyboard air on unofficial sales cost about three hundred thousand dollars nevertheless jet racer is a very impressive device but I'll wait for an upgrade to a turbo recliner with massage [Applause] these fascinating designs was generated by AI the Jetson one is the top seller in the Emerging Market of personal electric vital aircrafts with a simple design ease of Maintenance it offers the ultimate flying experience at an affordable price of 98 000. [Music] with a weight of 86 kilograms and maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour jet Zone 1 falls into the ultralight category allowing for a licensed operation in most countries it is a flight duration of 20 minutes and can accommodate a pilot weight of up to 95 kilograms [Music] waiting list for over a year and a production capacity of 200 chassis per year the company was founded in 2017 by two enthusiasts who made their first manned flight in half a year [Applause] headquartered in Sweden opened new r d and limited production facility in Italy Jets and team received 20 million investments in 2022 and planned to expand in the U.S in 2023 [Music] Jetson one offers the convenience of a five-minute Flight Training and is equipped with multiple Safety Systems including a ballistic parachute despite being a highly desirable vehicle the Jetson one is still a toy and comes in second place thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] black fly the most practical and efficient personal flying vehicle for now in addition to flights with one point of takeoff and Landing this aircraft can offer transportation between cities covering distances of 50 kilometers so blackfly can already be useful in Rural and off-road areas and in some cases can replace a car black fly weighs 160 kilograms which is almost twice as heavy as Jets and one but it's an amphibian capable of taking off and landing on fresh water and therefore has increased limits and also falls into the ultralight category that doesn't need a license to fly top speed is also software Limited at 100 kilometers per hour but faster versions will be available for purchase operated by just one joystick with a second for redundancy and user preference although the process of learning to fly black fly itself takes a few minutes the full course lasts two days it includes safety Theory flight regulation how aircraft works and its maintenance [Music] [Music] there are numerous systems responsible for safety there is a ballistic parachute as well as an Auto Lander which will take control 5 meters from the ground [Music] Marcus Lang founder of opener developed concept for the vehicle back in 2009 and in 2011 tested proof of concept which he assembled himself in his house in Canada in 2014 after Google co-founder Larry Page became the company's main investor the company was renamed and moved to Silicon Valley blackfly combined the Simplicity of multicopters with the efficiency of winged aircraft but sacrificed Comfort huge till Tangles during takeoff and Landing look intimidating the aircraft is engineered to fit in a small trailer and can be transported by one person the design is constantly being improved and has changed for several Generations but it still lacks aesthetic invisibility perhaps in the future we will see more elegant lines and transparent panels like on the McLaren Senna doors now opener is actively setting up mass production company has not yet announced the price it only says that it will be in the region of a full-size SUV and potentially more affordable than Jetson one write in the comments what is your choice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] these were the best vetoles but not all so we continue briefly and in groups the lift company makes stylish carbon aircrafts capable of landing on water which allows them to squeeze into the ultralight category sir is a stable and safe design but slow and clumsy the main disadvantage is the price one unit costs half a million dollars and besides it is not available for personal sale but perhaps it is Lyft who will provide the most affordable opportunity to become a pilot because company plans to open vertipodes all over the world with an estimated cost of 250 for 15 minutes flight [Music] thank you [Music] thank you the development of the ultralight multicopter kiwi go go was started in 2013. and later the project was bought by the Chinese automaker each Spain for its Evie told division also known for its two-seed Air Taxi kiwi GoGo promises an impressive 30 minutes of flight with a range of 30 kilometers [Music] foreign [Music] a Turkish military manufacturer bakar Technologies has recently gained Fame for its combat drones in Ukraine but the company also develops civil aviation so far little is known about the actual performance of the says Serie vitol and the claim flight duration of one hour seems unrealistic [Music] oh foreign [Music] competitor to the Jetson one with more to offer namely landing and takeoff from the water with patented system of removable waterproof batteries and comfortable boarding [Music] as an option the company plans to offer fixed Wings which will help extend the range and usefulness of the aircraft [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign again the X1 model is a development of 2020. it is twice as fast as the T1 and Promises longer flight duration and range [Music] there are no manual controls visible in the original design which is not fun at all but in the 2022 prototype the company showed one-of-a-kind control using a steering wheel and joystick perhaps soon there will be pedals like on a car but a full-fledged flying car is a distinct direction for the company and a topic for another video a small team from the Philippines financed by the Australian Innovative technology company has already built several different EV tones including foreign Taxi they even arrange an aerial Promenade on their vehicles [Music] the First Flight of the concepto Millennia took place back in 2018. [Music] can see the aircraft is quite stable and is able to perform various tricks such as flying into the hangar the design of the carbon body in the form of a boat suggests that the device is able to stay on the water in 2022 the developers posted a video of a new flying machine most likely the next generation will become a full-fledged amphibian [Music] [Music] hover bikes are almost always slow and clumsy but one company wants to bring us closer to what we saw in the cinema speeder could be in the first place but still in development and it is not clear what would come out but the mayman Aerospace team has extensive experience that created jetpack and for five thousand dollars you can even fly on it for two days in a special training center at the Southern California lunch included speeder is a modular platform on jet engines and will be produced in different configurations [Applause] including an ultra light recreational vehicle for flights without license but no way in the foreseeable future you can fly around the city with such a noise level foreign the flight time will be up to 20 minutes pre-orders are already accepted the total price is 380 000. the team also plans to push the limits potential of the jet installation is over 6000 horsepower this can unlock speeds over 600 kilometers per hour which makes the speeder the fastest veto vehicle in our top [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] if the speeder or the jet pack can fry a pilot [Music] then what this flying meat grinder is capable of you can only guess nevertheless the fully electric hoverbike scorpion from the Russian company hover surf has been flying successfully since 2017. powerful and capable of quick takeoff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oops maybe not always successful [Music] [Applause] it fits into the ultralight category by compromising on safety open propellers really scare but the blades are made of wood and shatter into pieces on contact but you obviously need a protective costume hoverbike scorpion was sold at a price of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in a limited edition [Music] exturismo is a Japanese gasoline electric hybrid hoverbike powered by Kawasaki motor quite heavy and unmaneuverable but already available for sale at a price of 555 000. [Music] [Applause] but the price will drop several times when an all-electric version appears without a license it can be flown in Japan and it is not clear how this vehicle will be regulated in other countries it does not fall under the ultralight category but perhaps the hoverbike will fall into a special category because it rises only a couple of meters above the ground [Music] thank you and in the end a very weird aircraft that does not fit into any category xaver zero was created with love for claustrophobes [Music] according to the company's Vision in the future air conditioners on the walls of buildings will be replaced by vertical parking or Sky pots Xavier zero is now evolving into the Xavier Z2 with a targeted price tag of 250 000. [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Top Box
Views: 1,064,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: personal flying vehicles, vtol, evtol, personal aircrafts, amphibious, best personal aircrafts, no license aircrafts, top flying machines, best privat jets, privat evtols, single seat aircrafts, easy to fly aircrafts, vtol aircafts, privat flying vehicles, vtol jets, flyingcars, manned drones, Best Flying Vehicles, smallest aircrafts, small flying vehicles, vtol personal vehicles, single seater aircrafts, 1-seater aircrafts, ultralight aircrafts, Single Seater, jetson one
Id: giZeEEdzQwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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