Future Aircrafts | TOP-10 Unique Hybrid VTOLs

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In the previous videos, we have focused exclusively on electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. amazing machines but they have a significant  drawback in the form of a limited range up to  200 kilometers. And multicopters are generally up  to 30 kilometers today we're going to take a look at 10 unique hybrid VTOL designs that are capable of covering distances in excess of 1000 km this is possible because hybrids carry most of the  energy in the form of liquid fuel which has a much   higher energy density than batteries but not all  of this energy is immediately available therefore   hybrids also use a lot of quickly extractable  energy from batteries during vertical takeoff   and Landing the batteries are rapidly depleted  and during horizontal flight they are charged   and if using hydrogen all harmful  emissions are also taken out of the Cities foreign cyanex flighter short range low speed and only  two seats for autonomous flight but this futuristic design deserves  your attention because this is not   only a video the development of this  aircraft is really going on in Russia foreign sky from Massachusetts USA another multicopter  design but this time more functional more than   600 kilometers flight range 190 kilometers per  hour cruising speed four passengers plus pilot   most likely designed for multiple flights  within the city without recharging and for   inter-city transportation the company is also  considering a cargo and Medevac configuration number eight Zuri from Czech Republic this tilt  propeller configuration is already a classic   among modern EV tolls such as the Joby however the  flight range on this hybrid electric installation   is 700 kilometers which is several times  higher than the purely electrical counterparts   Cruise speed is 300 kilometers per hour five  or six seats variations including Pilots foreign the us-based company Paragon has come up  with a very interesting orca-like design 38 small and eight large ducted fans promised to   significantly reduce the noise level  during vertical takeoff and Landing   the aircraft will be able to fly 800  kilometers with five passengers and a pilot foreign ambulance will be a multi-purpose medical   evacuation vital remote communities  will be able to receive medical support number six City Hawk from the Israeli team Urban  aeronautics the unique multicopter deserves the   name of a flying car more than others the city  Hawk is comparable with a large SUV in terms of   size and has the same seating arrangement  for five passengers including the pilot   this key advantage of the city Hawk will probably  make it more successful in tight urban areas as   it is able to build a wider network of vertipots  Landing where competitors do not have enough space foreign medical evacuation is also  one of City Hawk's future features   a trange is 150 kilometers Cruise  speed 240 kilometers per hour only   two propellers cause reasonable safety concerns number five attire the French company  ascendance flight Technologies was founded   by four former members of the Airbus C fan  team which developed all electric airplanes artea's lift and cruise design  combines Simplicity and elegance the predicted flight range for five people is  400 kilometers speed 200 kilometers per hour this configuration has already  been tested on the subscale model number four favorite X5 the patented  Fannin Wing system looks promising but   this anadian project can't find an investor  and is stuck on a 1 6 sub-scale prototype   the matter is in an overly complex in Practical  design in addition to the sliding Wing structure   the unused weight of 16 fans and electric  motors must be carried during level flight on the other hand the design of the bottom  shows that the team don't abandon hopes of   creating an amphibian and teaching the  cave root to land on Water by the way   their previous project cave rate  X3 was a hybrid electric seaplane number three cyclocar extraordinary  design from the Russian team   first of all it is planned to use this aircraft  for military needs and secondly for civil aviation   the main advantage of this configuration  is very fast control of thrust vectors   for excellent maneuverability cycler car is  able to dock to Vertical surfaces foreign with two inoperative rotors here is an illustration of how changing the  angle of attack of each Wing creates thrust unique features of the cyclocar are  the ability to move sideways and   land on an inclined surfaces of up to 30 degrees number two trifan 600.   U.S based company xdi is building efficient  configuration with impressive performance   trifan's maximum range is more than  1 000 kilometers capacity is up to   six passengers plus pilot Cruise  speed is 550 kilometers per hour aircrafts of this class will  compete not only with helicopters   but also with business Jets Saving Time by  providing transportation from home to home in 2015 the team built a 65 scale  demonstrator and raised one million   dollars through crop funding and in 2021  they merged with zeriant Aerospace company STI raised over 20 million dollars and received  pre-orders for 200 aircrafts at a price of six   and a half million dollars in the summer of  2022 the developers slightly changed the design   the front fans are now attached to the fuselage  previously they were built into the wings   this solution reduces the cost of  production and creates more lift on the wing they also changed the way the rear fan opens  but there is still some safety concerns   although the trifan 600 has a full parachute  it also has a single point of failure if any   of the three fans fail during vertical takeoff  or Landing for example due to a bird then a bad   landing is inevitable therefore you would  like to have a reserve as a minimum one   backup fan with a distributed propulsion  system like the winner of this top has number one East darling Arc aero systems is  a technology startup based in United Kingdom   its venture-funded team created highly  efficient design with graceful lines   Starling aircraft combine the speed and  range of a private jet and vital capability luxury curious interior designed for a comfortable  flight for five passengers and two pilots   um impressive range of 1000 kilometers and  cruise speed of 480 kilometers per hour   there will be more capacious options with  remote control system and fully autonomous   flights in the future as well as a fully  electric version for medium-range flights three dollars Starling is scheduled to hit the market in 2025  with a price tag of around 10 million dollars a dark horse from California Audi's Aviation could easily take the Top  If it delivers on its performance claims but the question is is this design  really capable of vertical takeoff foreign
Channel: Top Box
Views: 192,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtol, evtol, hybrid, aircraft, flying car, top 10 aircraft, best hybrid aircrafts, best vtol aircrafts, best aircraft, eVTOL Aircraft, evtol 2022, best vtols 2022, long range vtols, flying machines of the future, best flying cars 2022, vtol jets, hybrid helicopters, future concept aircrafts, future planes, new transportation, long range evtols, future vtol drone, hybrid multicopters, passenger drones, best hybrid vtols, Hybrid Aircrafts
Id: YtA9tc1kIus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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