4 Hovering Cars 2024-28 | Magnetic Revolution

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Wheels have been an Irreplaceable part of transportation for more than 5,000 years but scientists in China are changing the course of history by developing a magnetic technology that will finally lift cars above the ground so they flow on the roads without the latter's resistance as a result cars become very energy efficient since they can develop high speeds with a magnetic push and all these without a mission the project is inspired by the magnetic levitating train that can reach a speed of more than 600 kmph but unlike magnetic Railways hovering cars will flow on a simple aluminium Lane which is much easier to integrate into the existing traffic infrastructure and already in 20122 the early prototypes with 2.8 tons of weight reportedly hit 143 mph the levitation was achieved by a heavy magnetic system underneath the body but since it increases costs and makes cars impractical to drive on regular roads the scientists have come up with a brilliant idea of embedding only the car's Wheels with ring-shaped magnets to achieve levitation but how is it possible the trick lies behind the physics law According to which when magnets start moving in this case when the magnetic Wheels start rotating fast they eventually create a repelling magnetic field in adjacent conductors in this case in the aluminium sheet as as a result this repulsion Force leads to levitation and is used to accelerate the car after revolving from horses to Vehicles the electric levitating car can become the next big revolution in personal Transportation but the exciting news doesn't end here as California based Alf Aeronautics is opening the sky doors for cars as well while at first sight it may just look like a normal driving car despite its unconventional design design the unique flying technology is hidden under the carbon fiber based mesh body there are four electric motors on each wheel and eight propellers each with an independent software controlled electric propulsion system the trick is that the company has come up with an ingenious idea of using the body of the car as Wings it rotates 90° after takeoff to move from upward to forward flight position and while the UFO like cabin is also tilting 90° the driver is always sitting parallel to the ground before these adjustments the unique design of the flying car enables it to gain enough vertical lift and fly forward which can be utilized for different use case scenarios such as finally skipping a traffic jam or hopping over obstacles the great news is that the company has already received certification from the US Federal Aviation Administration for flight testing in limited areas the dimensions of the car are similar to that of an SUV designed to fit in any parking space or garage the initial version or the model A that can seat up to two people is able to travel 200 M on the road and 110 m in the air for early adopters it will cost $300,000 since it will be handbuilt at alf's California warehouse but ultimately the Next Generation or the model Zed is expected to have a significantly Less Price Tag the first production is set to start by the end of 201 25 and they have already received more than $750 Million worth of pre-orders which are open now China's response to America in making flying cars comes from the EV manufacturer X pang's air Mobility division aote the car called The X3 comes with a multi-rotor configuration featuring four axis and eight propellers which can retract when you drive it on the road as a normal car X3 is the company's sixth generation flying car the Prototype of which has already made its public debut and successfully completed the tasks set before him the vehicle came down safely and the company reported that it also conducted multiple single motor failure tests which the flying car successfully passed similar technology is being used for the fifth generation flying car called X2 which is the first human operated Evol to receive a special flight permit in China this allows xang to perform a series of manned flying tests and collect valuable data and experience which will support the development and production of the X3 but unlike X2 which operates on full autonomy you guide the X3 through the air using the rightand gear lever to move the vehicle forward and back up and down as well as to make turns xang ensures drivers will Master the gear lever in less than a day so there's no need to learn to fly before enjoying the experience of flying with your own car one of the challenges of x3 is that it can only carry two occupants due to its weight of about 2 tons since the power requirements for flying this car are much higher than that of road driving currently the Prototype can fly a few dozen miles on one charge but the main goal is to achieve several hundred miles of flying range the key Innovation for achieving this goal is high energy-dense batteries the current battery powering the existing electric cars are still heavy which when used in flying cars require a lot of energy to lift the battery by itself thus significantly reducing the flying range as Elon Musk says in one of his interviews the energy density of batteries needs to improve to over 400 wat hour per kogam for electric flight to work and here truly revolutionary news comes from the world's biggest battery manufacturer catl who has developed a so-called condensed battery with a whopping energy density of up to 500 W per kg this is nearly twice as light as a current electric vehicle battery storing the same amount of energy the company also notes that while the size of the X3 with wings folded is not much different to a conventional vehicle in flight mode it takes up a lot of space so you should think about getting rid of the traffic congestion beforehand but anyway xang is closer than ever to Bringing zero emission flying car to reality and there is also a chance the company will unveil the final version already next year the release of the NextGen Tesla Roadster has been delayed several times but the exciting news related to its technology still makes it the most anticipated electric Supercar Tesla is literally pushing the boundaries of Automotive Engineering which sometimes turns into a headache for the company like the manufacturing of cybertrucks ultra hard stainless steel body body and despite some delays from the announced deadlines Tesla is taking steady steps to fulfill the tasks set before them and when the new Roadster arrives it will reportedly have the ability to hover 1 m above the ground thanks to an optional SpaceX package coming with cold air rocket thrusters around the vehicle besides the special package in combination with the mighty plaid powertrain can rocket the car to 60 mph in an incredible 1.1 seconds these are some things worth waiting for adding a new dimension to sports driving these were some groundbreaking technological innovations of the 21st century which are going to be a part of our reality very soon don't forget to subscribe to witness the initial shift from the age of electricity to the age of magnetism also please hit the like button to help share this exciting news
Channel: Future Lab
Views: 863,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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