How It’s Made: Designing Headphones in ZBrush 2021.6.6 – Pixologic Paul Gaboury

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be [Music] uh okay everybody we're live now here we go there you go john you were waiting for that aol noise old school what's not all everybody in here is even gonna know first time with that intro well i woke you up now right that dial up never gets too old right and so many people don't even know what that dial-up is anymore those were the days those were the days okay so uh obviously we all know what we're covering today so we want to take a look at creating this recreating these headphones that we've done inside of zbrush i mean inside a zbrush and really the goal of these type of streams for me is something that you all could definitely make easily after this stream i.e uh you know this is all recorded and it'll be up on our pages so you're going to be able to watch us at any time you want and it's something that i think sometimes getting something simple will help you wrap your head around the the features that i'm going to cover and how i'm going to go and it's also going to see a a path or a workflow here where this is something i pick kind of because it is mostly hard surface but then it's got some um some other items in here right so like this this is this is actually dynamic so we're going to get in a little bit of dynamics to do this part as an example so right we got a little combination of a couple things here so this is just a practice thing for us all i think it's good to make sometimes just some simple stuff uh so as far as your question for a computer uh what type of computer the best computer to be for purposes of zbrush okay just since you're asking i saw also somebody was asking that in the beginning um oh that's awesome john tell her hello um is get the best processor you can afford so speed with as many threads that you can afford so the more threads you have and the higher speed the better off you're going to be and then the more ram that you have the better off you'll be but also with that said also there's speeds of ram so if you're getting you're going to spend a little bit more money to get better speed ram that's going to be better for you right like you could have a machine with 46 gigs of ram but if it speeds only like 2100 1800 that's not necessarily going to be better than say in a machine that might only have 32 gigs or but then it speeds like 4 200 or something there's there's just there's variables there's a lot of variables so in essence think about your ram with speed think about your processor with speed the more threads the better the higher speed the best you can and then also the one big one that everyone forgets to think about is hard drive okay and that's this is not also just a zbrush thing um when you're running something you want to have some hard drive space available and this is for every application is because virtual memory goes on your hard drives right so getting a hard drive that has enough space and then also the speed of that hard drive comes into play as well right so a 7200 rotations per minute compared to a 50 to 54 that's very different you know now there's ssds and everything else like so your three major factors to recap processor as much speed as you can ram same thing as much ram you can get in speed and then your hard drive don't forget it but don't like if you're gonna get a system that in your your main hard drive is only 250 gigs as an example that's not a lot you're gonna fill that up in like one day honestly or two days so make sure you're getting a hard drive as your base hard drive at least get something that's like a terabyte like they don't cost a lot now um and then that way there's virtual memory space there even windows themselves they say keep about 10 of your hard drive completely free and open and zbrush does not use a video card so that get whatever video card you want depending on what you do uh there's only one item in zbrush that uses a video card and you don't need anything spectacular to use it so there is no gpu okay there you go all right so let's take a look at these headphones we're going to be making these from beginning to end so i'm going to show you some of the main steps that i did to get to this all right and then as we go along here by all means fire away questions i'll be watching the chat as best i can as we're moving along here and i've got my my colleague here mr dicekay is in here with us so he'll also be able to type up some stuff for you all okay so let's get that buckled up and let's get going here okay so making this the main usually when i'm especially when i'm doing something hard surface and i mean this is big i look at maybe what is possibly the biggest item on the piece the piece that is hard surface because the difference with hard surface work modeling and sculpting compared to organic you don't have any of that measuring tools that we use in organic i.e if i'm making a human i know humans are seven and a half heads high as an example i can use a head as a measuring tool we know certain things about bone structure where certain bones should be you don't have that for hard surface it's there's no base okay here's where you got to go and for that matter uh majority of the time when you're doing something hard surface you're always starting from scratch you're never really like i can't just load the human body here and make headphones that's not going to do anything for me right so what i would recommend number one is when you're going to make something heart surface look around a little bit and look at what the item that is taking up the most volume for you and that's the item that you want to make sure you get that right because then that is setting your proportions up for down the line and then that can be your measuring stick that we would use and other things in organic like you know there's a lot of things on the human body right or you know we have a and there's an eye space between the two eyes and in fact you can fit five eyes across the head and then if you flip that you can actually go five heads and hit every bony landmark down a human body right this part of the bone of your face which is a zygomatic or your cheek that's the bone that pretty much sticks out the furthest from this angle profile view on a human skull we don't have all this kind of stuff on hard surface so pick something so for me it's going to be the main head piece right the earpiece okay right so welcome for the first time awesome thanks for coming with us so i'm going to just grab what ships with zbrush which is just inside the tool palette i'm just going to grab our cylinder 3d okay and let me see how the color i guess you guys are okay the color looks good right now i have a certain material selected and i've got my a little bit dark so the materials i so you know i'm going to show you the render i did here and i did it inside a zbrush i used uh this metal material and then i went with a darker color as you can see okay um but since we're streaming okay i'm just going to not do do that yet because it's dark right so i want to keep this kind of brighter for you all so you can really see what i'm doing all right so i'm going to grab this cylinder right and then looking at the floor grid i'm going to turn that on for us and in fact let me up the floor grids so you guys can really see that in the stream okay so what i'm looking at is if i'm building the headphones and if i want symmetry in essence along the axe right when i'm in essence when i'm building something on the headphones over here right i want it happening on the other headphone part over here which isn't really that important at this stage so i'm only bringing this up because we got a green line we got a red line and then once i move this away you can see there's also a blue line right so right now this cylinder by default is aligned along the y right so this is normally the floor grid that we would have on okay so what i'm going to do is come down here to my initialize state and i have the options of what wedding what do i want to align along what axis right so i'm going to say let's align this along the x so that way when i'm looking straight at this i am looking straight at the headphones and then this is going to be the side of my headphones right and then this is a little too much for me okay as far as what i mean by that there's too much topology here so i'm going to use this initialized state again and the v divide here okay which i'll throw on my magnifier okay the v divide i'm going to knock that all the way down okay and then we want to knock this down to a certain number like 12 10 right you want this to have a certain number to it right i want a little bit lower polygon count to this okay i don't want it to be really high all right so let's say maybe a little too much let's say we can go i'm gonna go i think nine so we'll go three by three by three yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna live in this world so this is what i'm doing i'm just adjusting what i want as my geometry span so now i got a cylinder that looks like this hello 249 l504 i feel like i'm uh captain's law starting 249 l5040 welcome to the stream so the other thing now i want to adjust is the size this is way too big to be something that's going to go on someone's ears your character's ear right so i'm going to then come over here and we've got slot we've got sliders here that you can adjust the size right so i probably want to live more and i'd say right about there that looks good to me let's say right about that there we go okay so now this is what's going to become my base right for the headphones now so i'm going to say okay i like this this is good to go so now i'm going to make this a poly mesh okay and then now i hit make polymesh and now we've got this as our mesh and for now i'm going to turn off the floor grid okay because i don't really need that right now all right and then where do i want this to live i'm just going to stay in this world right now in the middle of the world okay now the next thing i'm going to do is i want to see what this looks like when we divide up all right so i'm going to not divide up actually when i'm doing something like this especially if i'm going to stay low polygon at this stage i'm going to use dynamic subdivs so that way i have a beautiful flat pancake yes i've made a pancake people there you go so this is turning on dynamic which is over here in my geometry right here okay but i'm hitting the key to turn it on and off i i never touched that button i always use the hotkeys which in this case the d for dynamite is turning on dynamic and then shift d is turning it off again that's d actually here i forgot to launch let me launch my little helper for you guys hold on see i forgot to launch the other little app that we use during this stream i forgot to launch this for your garage okay there we go now you should be able to see what i'm actually clicking on to here we go there you go there so bottom screen bottom left you can see the uh what keys i'm holding on my keyboard as well now i love it hey i'm here to entertain john as much as i can hello john's daughter how are you thanks for watching okay i do watch star trek from time to time i rewatched the the the newer movies you know the reboot that jj abrams said he knocked it out of the park in all honesty all right so because of the flat pancake which makes no sense for this right now i am going to me i live in the world of creasing okay so i'm below dynamics i'm going to go down to the creasing menu i'm going to hold the shift key so i can open up that crease menu and still have my dynamic subdivs open all right so that's important again shift key when you do this we'll keep this open if you don't have the shift key clicked on you can see it closes the dynamic subdiv and only opens up the crease group right and i want to keep both of them open because i'm going to use something in here number one i'm just going to tap on crease so we get a nice beautiful beautiful cylinder it's just gorgeous gorgeous okay so i'm going to turn off polyframe so we can see it so it's still very faceted right here so it's going to control that here are my subdivision levels within dynamic so i'm going to up this i live my defaults that i like to have okay is this set to four okay and then because i've creased edges now i'm gonna come down here in this crease level slider i'm gonna drop this down to two and what that did is soften up my edges now okay because now i am telling zbrush hey you're dividing four times dynamically right but i only want to hold that creasing for two of those four so it divides twice where no edges are allowed to move that are creased and then subdivision level three and some division four boom it softens this and that's that's what i want okay so this is where i want to i want to work with this this is what i want to work with okay so here we go oh heroes bench collectibles love the name first of all let's just pause for the name for a second here and number two the simplest thing sometimes right just goes a long ways for us as artists yeah that shift thing i use that all the time man all the time okay huffy glad glad to help glad wherever that's what we're doing these four two is anywhere you guys need help that's what we're talking about all right so now i'm gonna stick with low polygon modeling here so i'm gonna switch to my z modeler brush which is b z right and then m what you're seeing again bottom screen left okay so this i want to put an edge here because i need to start making something so in fact let's do one thing here let's take a just a screenshot of this so we remember what we're making and kind of i'm going to use this as my own reference for this stream for you guys okay so what i'm going to do is i'm selecting the finished headphones here and i'm going to go to the document and i'm going to click this back color and drag it to black so i want pure black as my background all right and good this is all i want and then i'm gonna hit texture and then i'm gonna do grab doc here i'm gonna grab that and what it did is made a texture of my document okay and then now i wanna add this to my world here my scene right i want this to just be floating around so i'm going to go for texture i've got this selected and i'm just going to click this add to spotlight button and now what we have here is actually an image of this okay so now if we go back to what we've been working on you can see this is here so let's go back now to making our document a little bit brighter just for the purpose of the stream for us and you can see now i have a floating image of my headphones and the reason people i want pure black again as my background i know when i throw that in spotlight 100 black in zbrush is seen as transparent so in essence i'm masking out the background just by changing it to black that gives me the power to just have these headphones now we can move them over here all right and then i've even got an opacity control here right so i definitely want those to be at 100 opacity and then now i just hit the z key for z brush and see now we've got a little reference here right so and then again i can move this reference wherever i want right we can move it down on the bottom here just so it looks cooler in the stream okay so there you go so now i have something that i can look at always and refer back to in my case for this stream okay the next thing i want to do is because i'm using spotlight right now this feature allows me to project the details to a model or paint to a model that's actually not what i want to do i want to use it as a referencing almost like if anybody's taking photography like a light box right that's in photography right old school back in the day when i used to be in the dark room and you made little slides you made you looked at your negatives i digress okay well alfred thanks for coming i'm glad you've been learning a lot that's awesome okay so i'm gonna go to the brush palette now and in samples i'm in essence going to turn off spotlight's feature of being able to use an image to project onto a model okay so i'm going to turn this button off because i want to tell zbrush hey look i'm just going to spotlight okay as just a referencer okay so there you go so now let's get back to this and we're looking at this again and again i'm gonna go to the red side because that's the positive side of my world where that red line is and let's start building this portion right here now okay let's start building out this headphone part okay so we're going to i'm going to turn on my polyframe again i've got zmodler selected right i'm going to do a shift d to turn off dynamic okay yeah an image with pure black will work the same yes 100 and then pure black if you're using it as an alpha is 100 mask see in a texture it's going to be used as transparency as a mask it's going to use as 100 masking just fyi okay so i'm going to grab i'm just going to by default i'm going to insert an edge loop okay there we go i've got an edge loop there right uh i want now these faces right here that i'm painting white to come off now the headphones right so again how i'm doing this is i'm holding the alt key with z modeler and then i'm just clicking while my finger's still on alt you can see bottom screen left and now i'm just painting those and those are the faces i want and then now i just pull out right and then tapping the alt key now while my pen is still on my cintiq will change the polygroup color which i would highly recommend right so i'm going to say okay that looks good there let's go about let's go that high right now right and then what i want to do is these faces here let's let's taper them in so i'm going to come out of perspective as well so you guys can really see what i'm doing here okay turn on off the menu for zmodeler it's the spacebar so you don't get the menu unless you hold spacebar and you let go spacebar it'll automatically close the menu okay so i'm looking at this and what i'm gonna do is hold down control drag a box over and i'm gonna let go of control right so look at my look up here there you go there's the first one people look at me look at me right look at the camera i'm not holding the keyboard but i still have the masking brush engaged because my pen never came off my cintiq i'm going to hold the alt key now and i get a white box this is awesome people this is important this is actually a feature that now that it was in a white box right everything that was in that box stays unmasked and everything else gets masked okay and then now i switch back to my gizmo i'm going to click my little mapquest right icon that'll center the gizmo to the unmasked vertex points so now i can add a little taper and change the size of this headphone a little bit i want a little bit about that and now i'm looking at this i think this is too tall it needs to be a little bit smaller okay and i'm going to now put a little taper also i don't want this to sit like that i want to put a little bit of taper here as well okay so then i'm gonna hover over an edge and again we have z modeler selected space bar it and then i'm gonna switch to slide guys i use this so much okay and then go edge loop complete right so that way when i click on one edge all those i just want to put a little bit of taper like put let's put some design there eh that's right i'm canadian don't you forget it right and then now let's hit the d key for dynamite and look what we've made a wonderful button we i've made a button okay there you go i don't i don't i don't drink caffeine believe it or not heroes i don't hero's bench collective no caffeine for me i'm high on life baby that's how i'm doing all right so this is clearly not what i want right this is some kind of little button looking thing so i'm going to hover over this edge here now space bar it go to crease complete edge loop let's crease those and let's also crease those that is more what i'm looking for right in the type this what i'm making right now and now that i'm seeing this a little bit more harsh again i would say the gap here i need a little bit more so let's do a little bit i went a little too aggressive let's go right about there and i think i'm a little too aggressive here too i'm going to go a little bit yeah there i'm gonna go something more like that that looks good to me okay oh you're from uh ontario it's where i grew up southwest ontario okay i grew up in fort erie saint catherine's niagara falls welland area another canadian with us yes uh hannah you're too kind thank you um the question uh i see dice k is that what you're looking for so daisuke was bringing up you are asking i'm assuming to just have a visual what daisuke is uh responding to you with this menu is what i'm assuming you're talking about if you do want to turn that off like dice k has mentioned to you guys okay you can do that in preferences okay so then you go interface okay and then you want to be able to turn off um the imm selector viewer so that's this right here and then you just boom and then it's off and by the way you can move it to different parts of the ui so maybe you'd prefer it on the left or the right oh john you're in buffalo i grew up in buffalo too i went to lewiston porter high school god the world's starting to collide everybody hello from orlando right so this is i think what you're looking for so there's your on and off i'm going to keep it on because i like it on okay so back to z modeler all right so now we've got this let's start making now this part up here this little ridge part so let's again i'm going to come out of dynamic and i do this because i want to see the low polygon cage so that when i switch to an insert edge okay i want this to have just a little bit of a lip right there and then i need another edge here okay and let's create that okay and then now i'm going to take these faces and again i'm holding the alt key to do this right and then now i'm just going to pull up here and this is where poly gripping is so important people i'm going to tap the alt key while i'm still doing this action right and every time i tap i get different polygroups so my goal here is to get very visually different polygroups than what i already have adjacent right so i can visually see the difference here all right what's going on ronnie hello from barcelona pedro thanks for coming right so there we go right and again if you're looking at the design here right once again here we'll we'll si let me size this up let me make this even bigger so you guys can really have a visual what we're making here okay let's my 80d will kick in if i don't put those cords underneath my banner all right so this part right here is what i'm making right now right so then i need some tapering so i'm just going to taper this way instead okay center that and let's put a little taper there i definitely want creasing here right so once again spacebar boom boom and i want creasing there okay and so now when i turn on dynamic subdiv this is what we're going to start to get right something like this okay so now we're talking now we're starting to get similar things and then the beauty of this because we're low polygon i can constantly keep adjusting say you know let's go a little bit bigger let's bring that down a little bit more now see i'm constantly able to adjust things at a low low polygon even this i can say let's slide this again and make that a little bit smaller okay again the d key puts me in dynamic subdiv shift d takes me out d takes me in and you can see in the ui right here that's turning on and off okay good to go okay so now okay i need a little bit of a cavity so i'm going to take those faces and let's just push them in and i'm going to definitely change the poly grouping i don't want to go down this way all the way to the bottom so i'm going to go right about there okay and there you go now we've got the whole beginning side part right that i'm looking to have here right so let's get now into some of the detailing of this let's start putting this part in okay this is quite easy so number one i'm gonna start naming things main ear piece okay and i'm gonna start making folders because for rendering wise i want to have certain things be certain materials as well okay and i want to take advantage of being able to folder things up and do certain things as we go on here in this stream okay so i got the main earpiece i'm going to duplicate this that's all i'm doing is duplicating it making sure it's in the folder right and then now i'm going to rename this one i'm going to call this one let's call this one sub okay and i'm going to now look at just this one right here right and i'm going to turn off the top sub tool here so now the duplicated one's the only one i have on right now okay and i'm gonna say all right let's hold down ctrl shift tap right here so i get both polygroups and actually the only polygroup i want to keep is this middle polygroup here so i'm going to turn on at the bottom here display properties double just for your you all can see what piece i'm actually looking at right so if we flip it you can see the geometry that i'm actually taking out of here okay and so now i'm gonna go to my geometry menu and again the shift key works for this as well i forget who it was that i think it was hero right the shift key with the groups you can also do the same thing with subtool i mean subtools sub sub palettes if you hold the shift key you can see my sub tool palette did not close because i held the shift key all right and i'm going to go all the way to the bottom here and i'm going to go to modified topology i'm sorry modify topology and then i'm going to do a delete hidden and what i've done is i've deleted all other geometry perfect and now i'm going to say with zmodeler i haven't switched brushes brushes brushes yet okay i haven't switched it yet so i'm gonna hold down the alt key again i'm gonna paint three of them but this time i'm gonna let go of the alt key and it's gonna change those three to a polygroup okay and then again i'm going to hold the alt key paint white and when i let go of the alt key if i don't take my pen off okay i can tap the alt key again and keep changing that polygroup so this is a built-in feature of z modeler to allow me to change polygrouping on the fly okay and that's what i want i want these three faces to be green these and this is why everybody i took the time to drop this at the very beginning why i chose nine okay because i knew and i think my best thing that i can say for hard surface it's like playing chess right for those that have played chess you don't make a move to just to do a move you're making a move that's going to be cause and effect for moves down the line fifth move or sixth or tenth move down the line i see hard surfaces a lot like this so what i mean by that is when i made that original cylinder i made it nine spans for this part of the model this is the main reason why i made it nine spans because i knew i wanted a three by three by three polygroup okay so yes chess john rooks knights yes in case my verbiage isn't coming out right in montreal i love montreal i love me some montreal it's one of my all-time favorite cities that i've ever visited in my life so far i love montreal it's good times all right so i'm going to hold over spacebar now and this time the qmesh all right i'm going to switch it to inset instead okay and then i'm going to say polygroup all is what i'm going to do okay and then now i'm going to do an inset on this let's say right about there that looks good and now i can just tap on that polygroup and tap on that polygroup right this is what i want to do i want to tap right on the polygroups so that i can do the same action to all other polygroups does that make sense right so what you're this is why we're doing the time here to take these and make these all different polygroups this is important taking these these three faces each right and then now when i inset i can now just tap and can do the same exact insets on all three of those in essence that polygroup going okay montreal did have a great season those canadians the montreal canyons that was awesome to see a canadian team in the finals i wish they would have won it though okay so i don't want now the green paulie group right so i'm going to hold down control shift and tap on the green right and then you can see the green ctrl shift click and drag and now all i have left are these faces here perfect that's this is what i want so now i'm going to go to geometry again i'm going to do a delete hidden so i get rid of every other face okay and now i'm going to hover over any face it doesn't matter okay i'm going to hold down the space bar let's go i'm going to go back to qmesh okay and this time i'm going to do all polygons that way when i click on one they all get a nice thickness and again tapping the alt key will keep changing your polygrouping people this is so important for this purpose alone if i now want to come inside here right or outside you can see there's different polygroups to play with so if i want to do this again right and see all polygons it's doing it to all of them but if i now switch to polygroup all i know now when i click here only the pink faces right as you can see will get the qmesh happening to them so as an example i might want to take the time to now even make the inner ones that we already changed to be the same polygroup right so now they all have purple right and then now you guys can click in this and do this or just hold the shift key and now you're making just a move you're not doing a cue mesh okay and there's a massive difference between qmesh and extruding very big difference qmesh is like what makes z modeler in my opinion awesome and its ability to do things is incredible so really quickly since you're asking okay so if i'm in qmesh when i pull on a face you think that's an extrude and i get why you would call that an extrude okay but it's not because what qmesh is going to be able to do for you is when i go now pull a face next to it we automatically weld everything for you so this is all welded here now there's no there's not two faces sitting in the middle right so when you go to smooth this you see it's all connected this is very different and then if i want to delete i can actually click on this face again and look at this and look i can delete them as well if i switch to extrude and do that same action i do an extrude and then i do an extrude you see there's no welding there and then when we smooth it looks like that that is very different and i can't now delete it's just extruding right where qmesh i can add and delete and there boom they're gone that is the difference okay all right so let's turn on our other piece and what is the point of this this okay is going to be this part of my speakers okay and my headphones design here so i'm going to hit the d key right for dynamic subdiv again so now it's on and i'm going to crease now let's get those creased so now they look a little bit better so i'm just clicking crease with an angle it's already set to 45 degrees perfect love it and for the sake of just us having a visual okay let's go ahead and select the gold material that i even used on this model and let's go fill this one sub tool that we're playing with right now this second one with the gold so you can visually see what's going to happen here so i'm going to say material only so i'm going to hit the m key up here so look at the top look at the top and then color fill object and then now you can see in the sub tool it even updates it's gold so now if we go back to this right and now i want to put a little bit more darker not hot pink unless you want hot pink headphones right there so something now a little bit better like that okay so now what we have here is a sub tool that has you know different material and color applied to this gold one and now all i'm going to do is tell zbrush okay let's turn on live booleans up here at the top so look up here okay and then now come over here and make this a subtractive and then now this is what we have now we're cutting in to the shape right so i don't i need more being cut into here right so i need these faces here to move more so i'm throwing some transparency right and then this case i want again qmesh polygroup all why it's so important and i'm going to move all these in a lot more i'm going to go more like that okay so we turn transparency off there that's making a nicer deeper cavity for us okay perfect there we go we got that part we're off and running here people okay well i don't know if we're running but we're moving along here okay so let's now continue and let's start making the internal parts here okay so this is where example where i'm saying the group these folders are going to become important to us and when we start getting into start groups okay so now i'm going to say all right let's just let's just get another cylinder let's get another cylinder okay so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to say let's just append i'm just going to even just grab the cylinder here and it's the same cylinder that we've started with and i'm going to call this uh again we need to rename this it might help if i click on rename main inner ring you guys whatever why don't you guys go to repeat this if you want to remake this call this whatever you want okay yeah brian if you're using qmesh and you go inward it's because you're flipped you flip the normal the normal you were looking at and now you've told qmesh no push this face in but you got to remember qmesh has to create a solid mesh too so in order to do that we got to push the face in and then all these other faces so what he's bringing up people this is let's let's talk about it briefly here okay is this let's just don't worry about what i'm doing right now just let's just answer this question i think it's important okay so no no no what am i i don't want this cube what am i doing let's just make my life easy and do this in fact make it even easier why am i even doing that let's just do this okay so what he's talking about is this okay when you guys go to qmesh this you get that right so what i did is i push the face inward instead of outward right and q mesh okay is about creating a solid surface so this is a solid surface but in order to do that the normal of the face needs to flip right to make the solid face so to fix this is an easy fix if you're ever going to do this you're not going to do that see the difference okay didn't just come down here to your splayed properties which someone has already said i've seen and clicked flip and then there you go okay there you have it problem solved okay back to our back to this okay i'm gonna go ahead now and let's go all right let's add this to the folder and now this is key i'm gonna make a new start group okay so i'm gonna click that little arrow right here and now i'm gonna make this a start group so now i have a start group with two objects and i have a start group with one object all sitting within one folder okay these are beneficial so i can even turn off both those sub tools at the same time by turning the eyeball for the start group off so guys this is kind of like a subfolder in a little way but it's not we don't have you don't have nesting folders okay so there you go sorry side effects my apologies yes you are not somebody your side effects so let's go ahead and again i'm going to go say let's crease this definitely want this crease i already know that let's turn on dynamic so we get a nice rounded piece that looks like this i'm going to turn it and let's go ahead and make that b4 okay now let's go ahead and move this to where we want it right here and now i'm going to size it down and this is what i want sitting inside the headpiece now as i was making this design i went you know what instead of just doing a cylinder like this is flat let's let's have a little bit more fun with this right so how about let's go back to our gizmo okay and let's just solo out so we're only looking at this right now okay and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to click this this gear okay which is our options which this is where we can find deformers and shapes and what i'm going to do is i'm going to click this cylinder instead right and now i get this okay i got this cylinder okay and now i'm going to turn off solo and you see it's facing the wrong direction what is controlling this people so you're aware of this is that blue arrow so if you notice the blue arrow was facing this that direct this particular direction this way and when we made the new cylinder see the cylinders facing that way so okay yes my goal is to finish this in the stream so if i hold down the alt key and then do this and hold the shift key i can snap the gizmo to five degree angles so that i can put the blue arrow the blue arrow facing that direction click the gear and now click cylinder and then this is what i want and now my next thing that i want is i want to take advantage of the cones i actually want an opening in the center and then i'm going to have no spans along the green so see this has got the green cone gives me more geometry this way and the red cones give me more geometry this way okay and then the white cone is no opening in the middle opening in the middle okay what's going on leo and then now i'm going to go ahead again once again i'm going to crease that yes that's what i want right i'm going to size this down now right so i want it to be maybe we'll go about that thick and then now let's size this up right about there and let's put this now in its position down here and go a little bit smaller okay and then now this for me is just way too wide okay so i'm going to take advantage again of qmesh again i have the z modeler brush i'm going to spacebar this this time i'm going to q mesh poly loop it okay i i am dirty monk i like the name good job and then i'm going to pull here right this is cue meshing but if i hold the shift key i switch to move and then i'm going to do something like more around that range so we get a little bit more something like that and i'm gonna add a little more element of design to this spacebar bevel let's go ahead and okay and again i'm gonna solo this out so you guys can see it and i'm gonna turn off dynamic subdiv okay and then i'm going to do a little bit of a bevel there and then i'm going to tap there and make it also there and there okay and then now i'm going to hit the old chris paul gabriel over here bam which really is not chris paul gabriel but darn it i'm always going to say and always going to do it okay which is really standing for polygroups and then hit the d key and then now when i take solo out see that's just there's a little more design element there right and then especially for when we go and start doing something like rendering right now this piece needs to be the same color and material as this piece so let's right now go pick a material and i told you guys i used this material right this is the material i used is this too dark for us you guys this is your feedback because you guys are watching a stream is it a little too dark i need to know this we can lighten it up let's go lighter i'm looking at the stream let's go lighter okay so what i'm going to do is i'm going to say okay this material now with white paint let's now the parts i'm making are all going to be living in the same okay so john why yes it's the chris pg hi gabriel from toronto another canadian we're bringing the canadians today i like it so i'm gonna go up here to mrgb and i'm gonna just gonna say color fill object right because i want this to take on that and then now this ring is now gonna take on color fill object okay and then now let's start having a little bit more fun here okay i'm gonna now i'm going to insert let's insert a cube okay so now we've got this cube i'm going to click it and add it to the folder so it's in the folder making sure it's there okay and let me rename this i'm going to name this repeat inner parts and now i'm not going to use this cube i never use this cube with the pole so once again i'm going to gizmo that hit the gear and i'm gonna grab this cube which is six faces okay that's what i want i want a cube with six faces like this okay so in fact let's just solo it out so you guys can see and then this is to be the same so i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to fill this also again object so that way these three sub tools now have the same materials all right i'm going to size this down a lot smaller so i'm hit the w key to make this be a little bit smaller okay and now what i want for this is i want this to live out here okay so i'm just moving it out to be right about there all right and now i want this to repeat eight times okay mrgb fills the selected material and the selected color on the selected sub tool okay rgb is only filling whatever color is selected to the to the sub tool that's it and then m is only doing a material okay so here we go i'm going to now go use handy dandy and i'm a big fan of this now array mesh i use a raid mesh all the time especially for hard surface so i'm going to go ahead and turn my array mesh on i'm going to turn on these three buttons as well because i know i'm going to use them so i'm just going to turn them on okay and then i said i wanted eight of them so i'm gonna go to my repeat i'm gonna say eight so now i got eight of them it looks like nothing is happening there's eight cubes being repeated right now so the next thing i want to do is tell zbrush okay where do i want these eight pieces to live so i'm gonna turn on the floor grid again just so we can see axis points again right so again red is x blue is z right and then there's a y in there which is the green so looking at the red that's my x i am now going to tell in the rotation part of my array i'm going to come here to my x amount and let's call 360 degrees of rotation and you'll now see it's making like you know a shape for us because there's actually eight of these cubes okay and now i'm gonna go back to my gizmo and now just move these away from the center of the world and there we go yes this is why i love myself some arraymesh okay and then now the beauty of a raymash hello daniel another montreal native excellent [Music] thanks i'm glad uh you're enjoying the hard surface stuff spotlight yeah you can use uh not m there's no material in spotlight it's only color okay all right so now i want to make a little bit better of a shape here okay so let's go back to my z modeler brush i'm going to hover over face and cue mesh only a single polygon and now when i pull this out i can see and again you see i'm changing polygroups i can see what's happening everywhere else okay and because it's an instancing system there's really only one piece that i'm working on and then i'm going to pull this up so it does more of a ramp up like this let's go ahead and turn on dynamic and see what we got okay i definitely want to go back to the creasing again let's crease some of that up so we get a little bit of a softer and let's definitely knock down our crease level and let's see get something a little bit more like that right i want a little bit of a a ramp going up and in fact i'm going to change even the size of this make it a little bit smaller okay and let's have some more fun so i'm going to solo this out and let's take this and let's even push it further this way and let's change this one vertex point and make it like that so we've got a nice little of a kind of ramp piece doing that there we go nice right that was so satisfying nice daniel i like it i like it we're doing stuff here yes all right now i want to come down back into our sub tools okay so this ring's pretty cool all right and what i wanted to do was make another one okay so let's just take the one that already exists and let's duplicate that okay and i'm gonna make now rename this and i'm gonna call this one small inner ring okay there we go and now gizmo that pull that up in here this is centered right so you can click the map quest to center it and now let's just size this down so it'll fit with what i want this to look like maybe a little bit um right around in there okay and then now i want to also now add a bevel here okay so once again i'm going to turn on this so you guys can see it here we'll solo it out so i got bevel and i want to make a bigger bevel kind of right there let's do another one there as well and then there okay i already have one and once again crease pg right because it's making a new and then turn back my dynamic and then now that is more the ring that i'm looking for in there right and let's make it a little bit lower let's go let's live more right in there okay so now we're starting to build out those internal parts right that are coming together for us okay so now that i have that all right let's continue this let's make another another shape here okay let's do another shape in in the middle here so i'm gonna let's go ahead and i'm just trying to think which one i want to do right now uh let's go ahead and let's let's copy this let's duplicate this and i'm going to call this small cylinder all right and i'm going to hit my gizmo again and guys you can see how much i really use this and now i'm going to replace what i just duplicated with this cylinder now and then this cylinder i'm going to close up okay and then this let's make it a a lot bigger let's go right about let's go that size and then let's go about that tall right and then all i'm using is the gizmo let's go ahead now and look at this at this point right and again excuse me i have zmodeler okay and then now i'm gonna click this right so once again i'm making a bevel here is all i'm doing right i'm just beveling this edge okay that looks good we're going to do the old crease pg again crease by poly groups so the way that edge and that edge automatically is getting creased i'll go ahead and this isn't necessary you'll never see it but it's my 80d kicking in okay there we go now we're talking okay this is coming together nicely and let's insert an edge loop here now let's go let's go right about there okay now i want these to be a new polygroup right so obviously people we can do this you guys now know right you can do this here's something else that sometimes i will do people that will give me this the polygroup and the edge loop right all at the same time for me if you guys use an inset instead and like i use flat island when i do the inset see i'm already getting some new polygroups right here as well so sometimes i'll use this just to change that polygroup up top right and then you can shrink it and then there there's a new polygroup right yes i do heroes i do um so here okay i can slide now and i want to bring this all the way in maybe something more like that i definitely want this creased and then now i'm going to qmesh polygroup all pull this out make that be a new polygroup let's go about that big i'm going to go ahead and insert another edge loop here let's go ahead and also we'll wait for the beveling i guess i'm going to select that polygroup shrink it new polygroup i've got qmesh selected polygrouping something like this change that polygroup and then now bevel and i'm going a little bit faster because i'm just doing repeat actions that i've already shown you guys and then there you go so now this is going to be that inner piece that i want inside there and let's make this be gold okay so let's go ahead and assign this to be the gold like that i think that'll look pretty cool so color fill object okay and i got mrgb and then there you go so i want that piece to be a gold piece for sure okay and by the way if you guys don't remember what materials you've ever selected or what color you've selected on certain subtools okay here's a good one lisa needs braces and a little bit of even look up here look up here okay if you guys click here and drag you can see it says pick you can actually pick the material that's been assigned to your subtools and find out which sub what one has so there i want to go back to that and then the same thing for color if you click you can see it's it's all white but see i can grab any color even from the ui so that's really important okay how did i shrink it so fast shrink what what part so fast oh i think you're talking about when i selected i did oh people people people this is this is a must know okay this is definitely going to be a slight tangent everybody we're going to veer off a little bit in tangent fill okay okay this is a must-know everybody uh and there's not a time i don't use this okay so what i was doing is i was showing a portion right let's just use this cylinder okay and then i was doing this i could grow it out and shrink it out that's all i was doing okay and what i'm doing is using my shortcuts look at the keyboard keys okay ctrl shift x expands grows control shift tapping s shrinks okay and now we even have something way cooler where if i like i duplicated a bunch of these okay and let's do this let's do this all right let's do this okay and let's go ahead and assign different polygroups to all of them and now let's make these three have the same polygroup okay uh well let's make them very there we go different you guys now have the ability like even if you did this where i've only got one of these green cylinders right i can tell to give me all three because all three of these have the same polygroup look at that like i'm not i don't even have any of the geometry selected of the other two cylinders but we have now got a new feature that zbrush knows that those two other cylinders are the same polygroup okay and then bam and i'm doing control shift q which everything lives in this visib visibility palette people so i just did this grow to poly groups then i use grow all and then here's your grow and your shrink okay there you go okay that's a must know in my opinion people all right back to our headphones okay looks good loving it let's go ahead and add another um cylinder okay now because i want to stay organized i'm going to move this above the gold and i want to make that gold its own start group okay and now let's go ahead and let's just copy this okay so i'm gonna duplicate this and add it to the folder so now i've got start group two start group three and start group two and here's the nice thing about start groups people if i want to turn these three sub tools off all i have to do is click the eyeball for the start group and bam they're off turn them all back on bam they're all back on so this is why i like to use start groups okay with this all right so now i'm just i'm just gonna again same thing i'm gonna grab a cylinder okay i'm going to just resize this to be about this big bring this down just so i have a surface there something like that let's go ahead and crease this as well so i got something a little bit more like that this needs to be sit more in this world there because i want something like that okay perfect that's what i'm looking for all right and you can see this workflow people as we go along here now this okay again you want to make sure if i'm making sure i want this to be the same color possibly of what i've been making right so this piece i want to move up into this folder i want it to live in here okay and then i'll call this main cylinder all right and then now let's go ahead and let's duplicate this i'm going to rename this a sphere sub i know it's not a sphere it's okay it's all right oops rename sphere a keyboard is underneath my cintiq so it's hard to get at all right and let's go ahead and replace this with a polysphere yes and let's make that sphere a lot smaller and once again i'm going to go down to arraymesh okay and then i'm going to turn on a ramesh i'm going to lock the positions i'm going to turn on these three buttons because i'm going to be using these and i'm going to say let's do 5 and again i'm rotating let me make sure my head's not covering what i'm doing okay there and i'm going to rotate 306 degrees and then now pull out the spheres to give me that okay and now this i'm going to turn this into a subtractive so it's cutting through the surface and i don't want to cut completely through i just want to create some kind of little spherical dip in there something like that yes that's what i'm looking for yes all right we're moving right along here okay now let's make sure that's got this material i want that to have this material as well okay and i'm actually i'm happy with this so let me show you guys how to apply this okay so i can come down here where it says make mesh just click that button and now the they're actually all there there's no instance anymore see they're all actually sphere shapes now okay hello from india nice to have you here beats by paul heroes bench collectibles i love it um remind me of heroes if you're here for the whole stream remind me at the end i'll share my discord that you're asking for okay so okay so just because oil change is bringing it up that lock position what it's doing is array mesh is using the bounding box of the mesh okay if so here let's do it on this since this is still in a raymesh if i turn this off lock position lock size this stuff's important to us right so you can see how things change with them off right so by locking my position locking my size i am in essence locking the original bounding box that i started with okay that's why i'm turning these on if you don't have those on when you start changing the mesh you'll see the stuff keeps moving in space because you're changing your bounding box and then the slider is saying well you're telling me to be so far away from each mesh that's why it's doing that oil change just since you're bringing it up all right so let's continue on because you know what we're going to make another array mesh anyways so let's duplicate this and let's just put this as design okay i don't i'm running out of names right now okay and then i'm going to go ahead and make this again i'm gonna center this and i'm gonna make this a cube okay so what we have is this let's go ahead and crease this boom so we have this okay and i want this to live up here something like this let's just say okay and then i want this to you know live more in that world and let's go ahead and array mesh this okay and i'm gonna go with let's go with five why not and again let's rotate along the x i know i need the x and i'm actually going to even rotate now the shape like let's go 35 degrees right and then now when i pull apart i want these sitting at a little bit of a different angle than everything else that's why i rotated the physical mesh 45 degrees as well okay and let's push this down it's going to live here and then now i want this qmesh pull this out i am going to hold the shift key until it gets to this point okay there we go and then now let's go over this edge spacebar insert multiple edge loops and i'm going to say let's insert some multiple here that's that's enough i'm going to delete the middle one okay so this is what i'm doing right so you guys can visually see insert multiple edge loops and i'm going to delete that middle one because i don't want that middle one anymore and let's go ahead and cue mesh let's pull this up but again hold the shift key so you get a shape more like that okay something like this and now let's do a little bit more to this okay right now we've got dynamic subdiv on with four subdivision levels let's go ahead and knock the creasing down to two and now let's in fact uncrease that edge that edge that edge that in fact let's uncrease this whole edge loop right there because i want something that looks more like that right so it's got a little bit rounded dome kind of look to it that's what i'm looking for something more like that okay and then now again i want to make sure it has this material so color fill object right so there we go we've got now these inner portions of this headphone going all right now let's let's keep moving along here let's keep and now let's add this mesh part okay so i'm going to append something i'm going to say append all right and let's append a plane boom okay and let's call this mesh right and let's even let's let's make a new folder for this uh mesh heart and then i got this in a new folder so now i've got two folders right with some starting groups in it and then now i've got this mesh part okay um so now here's where that's living right so let's change this up let's rotate this 90 degrees so it's facing i want it to face this direction right now it's facing along the z so i actually want to rotate it i'm holding the shift key going in 90 degrees and then i'm going to pull this out all the way here and then i'm watching until what i just created in essence disappears and i don't want to go too far right i want to probably only go a certain portion i want to go right about there okay something like that right and then now what i'm going to do which is a lot of fun super easy and again well you know what i want this to be gold so we're going to select my gold material fill that object so now it's gold okay so now i have that and let's go now into geometry all right and i'm going to turn on dynamic so what this is going to do is smooth everything out now right just creating smoothness i'm actually going to turn off that smoothness i'm going to say no smoothness at all i'm going to say get rid of it so i'm going to knock this move as soon as i've got dynamic subdiv turned on okay but i've got nothing in essence happening to it right that is definitely this from here on this is alisa needs braces lisa needs braces lisa needs braces lisa needs braces lisa needs brace whenever i do this for those that don't know me i'm going to give you some information that's important so pay attention stop looking at facebook stop looking on instagram look it look at what we're doing here okay so now i'm going to say micropoly on and i'm whatever i want here right i used this one right and then there you go that is my pattern now that i have okay and then now this is micro polys so we can make this be anything we want really right whatever cool pattern you want to put on this you guys can do it so i wanted something that at least had you know kind of like some holes in it so you can see all that stuff that's inside right it's rather important okay and then now i'm gonna say all right i need this this is a micro dynamic subdiv so which means is this isn't really existing right now right so i want to turn it into real topology so i'm just going to say apply and now this is real topology so now you can see i have here if we turn this off all the topology for this okay and then now okay i don't need this i don't need all of this this is just too much okay i'm gonna hold ctrl shift again look at bottom screen left right above the pixel logic logo you can see the hotkeys i'm holding right just but does anything really exist john y okay i like it all right and then now wait i don't know why i can't see micro poly what do you mean you can't see micro poly well you got to have i don't know what version of zbrush you're using because that's a newer feature i want to say we gave this in 2021.5 okay so make sure you're using the most recent version then you're not using the most recent version if it's not there all right and then now i'm going to hold down ctrl shift yeah it's not in 2020. and now i'm going to hold in ctrl shift click on this and i'm going to grab slice circle and i'm going to say that slice circle to be a square okay and centered yeah you're like three versions behind now eminem 2020 is old like we've had 20 21 20 21.5 20 21.6 20 and 21.66 you're quite a few versions behind i would recommend upgrading and you can keep 2020 on your system and when you just go get the installer and you can install 20 have 2021 and get the new install for 2021 you could have both there if you really wanted to okay so now now that i have this selected i'm just gonna hold towards the middle here and say okay let's make this and i just need to slice this right around here and then let go and what i'm doing why i'm using that is i want to make a new polygroup that's a circular so now i can just show that portion only right and then now i can say let's go ahead and delete hidden and now let's make another slice for giggles let's go maybe right around here right and then now that's another polygroup see right and you guys can see masking wise and then you can even pull on this a little bit and then now just pull on that and then that's where i want that to live make sense everyone with me on this now okay and that's how i did this mesh part like it wasn't crazy complicated and i'm going to go ahead and adjust this i'm going to give this a little bit more of a ridge just a little bit more there we go like that okay there we go now let's move on to the pattern that's in here okay that one's pretty easy as well okay uh since that's going to be something new i'm going to go ahead and actually i'm going to load from the light box i'm going to load this polysphere i prefer using this polysphere okay so i'm going to double click that from lightbox now i've got this ready to go okay come on come on hold on my all sudden my pen stopped working there we go okay okay now i'm gonna go back i've been working on this guy right here and i'm gonna now append that new sphere okay i got this let's go ahead and call this uh what do i want to call this let's just call this main inner mesh okay and i'm gonna folder this as well mesh inner ear perfect yes i know it's perfect all right and so this is sitting here i'm gonna go ahead and just move this in space right about there let's size it up a little bit somewhere around let's go right about let's go right about i think yeah that looks good from this side that looks pretty good okay and then now this is very cool okay this is another one of these right this is a lisa needs braces moment watch the sphere bam see that i'm actually clipping the sphere down because i want it to live like right about there and then i don't need the other side so i'm going to clip that down so what i've done is actually flattened both sides of this spherical shape with the gizmo that's it right simple simple simple simple and what i'm doing is so you guys again get a visual understanding here okay this is everyone's paying attention right don't make me do the look up here okay i hold down the control key and then just click on it cube right so wherever this lives is where it's going to clip to see and see now it's just going to clip and then obviously if i go this direction it's clipping the other side right so our gizmo isn't just a gizmo our gizmo is never about just okay you can move scale and rotate with it we put a bunch of stuff in there because as you can see you can work fast with this kind of stuff right so i want to live right about there so i want it to be right about there okay and the other side just needs to be right about there okay and then now let me position this a little bit more like that okay and then now let me even grab this right and then let's even throw a taper on this okay this has got subdivision levels so i'm going to delete those okay and again gear paper and then now i can taper this in and i want it to taper in like that i want to kind of have it rounded out a little bit like that perfect and then now i'm going to stretch it to right about there there we go all right and just so we've got a better visual for all of us let's assign a different color to this and let's even put a different material so let's grab a material let's see let's go this metal maybe with a little bit darker every time i click on the hot pink i want to make it hot pink like i'm so tempted to uh make this be a different different like hot pink color all right let's go let's live in that world okay and then color fill object you guys go ahead and make it hot peak if you want you can re-watch this okay okay there we go now we've got this okay and what i'm going to do now is let's go ahead and duplicate this one again right again put it in the folder make sure it's in the folder and this one's now going to be called how am i going to move my keyboard inner mesh part okay and this let's size this one so let's center it so make sure i'm centered okay and then let's just size it up just a little bit like right around there we'll say okay so i'm just reusing the same thing okay and now i'm going to come down here all right bob ross love it listen that is a amazing compliment thank you because as a child watching bob ross was like what is he doing okay love it can you do the same thing with the sphere in the gizmo yes you can do this with any shape west it's any piece of geometry that's not just that gizmo clipping it's with anything whatever you want all right and let's again use some micro poly so i'm going to turn on dynamic i don't want any smoothness and then let's turn on micro poly and this time for this i used kind of more of like a meshi where are you i used this one right and then that's creating that look for me right and then i want this to kind of i'm going to shrink it down just so it's kind of hitting that other sphere and then there you go right and that's what's giving me that pattern in there right and then even if we change that we'll make this one darker a little bit so you really adds a little bit of a contrast between the one inner sphere right gives me that contrasty look let's go darker yeah there we go right and that's all looking in you can really see what's going on in there you're too kind maker jp okay and this can all get sent to keyshot no problem all right especially if you have the bridge so here we go as you guys can see we are starting to make remake this okay so let's keep moving along here right let's keep trucking along here because it's 12 20. let's now do the soft body part right now let's do that ear piece okay so because i already have this right and this is this is the size of that i want right i know this circumference is good oh hello from england hold on i gotta take a water okay here we go 100 is gonna be on youtube and our twitch channel yep this all gets is all being recorded no worries you're not gonna you're not going to lose anything thank you i'm trying hey oh from amsterdam oh man i'd love to go to amsterdam all right so here we go i'm going to take this main piece where we started with way back an hour and a half ago and i'm going to duplicate that one now and let's rename this software ear uh soft ear soft ear okay and i'm gonna move this out of this folder so i'm gonna click this and then just drag down and put it in the bottom and let's put this in its own folder soft parts okay and now let's just solo this out so we're only looking at this again right and what i actually want are these faces right here i want these faces okay so i'm gonna get to the point where this i have back to just a flat plane right i'm just using polygroup selections to do this and then i just did that painting thing with zmodeler once again right no again i'm repeating stuff that i've done now multiple times in many many many many ways right so moving along let's now delete everything else i don't want anything else all right and i'm going to say delete hidden so now we're back to having this okay and then i'm going to go ahead and say qmesh i'm just going to say all polygons and then go this direction so and then i'm going read polygroup it's just me i like to re-poly group things so what we're making is this right and then this i'm gonna put it more right there okay that's good and again this has gotta this has got to be different right so i'm gonna assign a completely different material also for for this okay because i need this to look a little different i'm gonna use the basic material on this and let's color fill object that now so we got something like that let's i'm not going to go as dark i'm going to normally go darker because it's going to be but for the sake of for you all being able to see it i'm not going to go as dark and you know what let's you guys want to have some fun maybe maybe maybe we make this one have some color in it just so it stands out uh it looks ridiculous okay whatever let's make it blue why not or in fact let's just grab let's grab let's see let's let's actually no let's live in the gold so that at least matches a little bit more to the gold because this is obviously a different type of material as well let's go yeah let's go in that world let's go there just so at least it looks a little bit better yes i'm rebuilding the whole thing today for you 100 all right so here we go now this again is low polygon so once again okay i'm actually going to do something here i'm going to get rid of my creasing this time so i'm going to uncrease all so then it looks starts looking like this right that's starting to soften up and rounding it up a little bit okay but what i'm gonna do now is this edge right here i'm gonna hold space bar insert multiple edge loops once again and then i'm going to say interactive elevation now i'm going to turn on my interactive elevation right and then now click and i can actually add spans and create more volume you guys see that so here let me solo this out and turn this off right so see that looks more like this now see this volume here that's not what is what i necessarily had right so here i'm going to turn off diet dynamics so you guys can really see what's happening see so right and left right right's going out and then i can even go inward right and then up down up down changes the number of spans so i'm gonna go with something more like that and in fact i'm gonna delete that one and give me something a little bit more like that right and then that's more what i'm looking for for these headphones right i want something that has some nice roundness there right but then has has an edge there because it's this is a like a more like a leathery type of material okay uh what does click normal s do i'm not sure what you're referring to are you referring to one of these features oh this is using what normal you're talking about this this per polygon per actual normal or averaging out all the normals you're going to get different result right so it's using the clicked normal as the main normal for how the edge loops should be added okay and then averaging is just averaging them out but if you're doing a per polygon it keeps looking at all the polygons while it's doing that so if that's what you're asking okay so now here we go let's do this i definitely need a single edge loop here okay and then these faces here here so let's solo out so you guys can really see these faces here we're gonna cue mesh these in now to do that okay then here i'm gonna bevel this a little bit and so when it smooths i get a little ridge like that right that's why i'm adding this bevel i want a little bit of roundness right there okay and if you guys want to make this more predominant you put another edge loop in here right so i do this and see i can kind of make that be even a little more a little more strong and if you wanted to right we can even add another little ridge right here something like this poly grouping is going to be important right and you can do stuff like this so you got a little ridge in there now see where i'm going with all this okay and so now this also i also want to put a little dividing point in here in this so i'm going to once again use multiple edge loops this time no elevation none whatsoever and i want that so let's do that and then cue mesh this in change that polygroup on the fly again again i'm tapping the alt key look at the bottom left above the logo and there oh no that that i don't like no no no no no i don't like how wide that is so i'm just gonna quickly fix this with some masking and again people what up here i'm not holding the keyboard i still got the masking i know i just scared somebody i love it i'm gonna hold the alt key and then now those vertex points in the middle are unmasked and what i want to do is use the gizmo to bring this closer together i want a more defined yeah something more like that right because that's what i want so then we turn everything on that's more what i'm looking for starting to come together let's now add some of the softness or ripples in here right and it's a donut it's almost a donut daniel almost there okay heroes bench collectibles thanks for joining us watch the stream after we're gonna do the rest of it too okay so now i'm going to go ahead and tell zbrush all right i want this topology i don't want 128 faces so i'm going to hit apply and what i get is this now so this is now subdivided subdivisions right in here okay so what happens is the dynamics is turned into real real topology right okay so 33 000 is pretty good i'm gonna go with 33 000. okay and now what i'm going to do is let's put a little a little more elements in here let's have a little a little more fun with this so i'm gonna go brush c okay and i'm looking for cloth pinch trails i'll hold on that for a moment so you guys can see this so that's the brush i'm gonna select okay and now i'm gonna go with a bigger brush size like two is not big enough okay and now excuse me i'm just gonna start moving along here and start creating those ripples that i want right and i'm changing my pressure to change also the rippling or the folding if if you will that i'm gonna get in here right and then that starts creating that looks immediately this now starting to look more like a i'd say like a leather part maybe okay and then now let's also go in here polygroup okay and let's select out this polygroup this one this one okay i'm going to mask that off so those are masked so that way when i do the same thing here right it is creating a little bit of a crease in there and you know what i'm going to also do let's add a little something instead of going in i'm going to turn this on to z add and let's knock the intensity way down of this brush i'm going to knock it down let's try 20 okay and the difference here now is this is going to pull out instead so i want that ridge to look like it's kind of more like it's being folded inward right so that's more of a look i'm trying to go for and so i'm just going to continue this so again i've changed this to z add and right and so now when we unmask this this is what we start to get okay so now we're getting something a little bit more like this all right and then now let's continue this process and this idea all right i'm going to now go to dynamics and i'm going to tell it to look at the collision state right now okay and so i want to tell zbrush okay this selected mesh that i have which is this earpiece okay i want you to use this as the mesh that i'm going to do something to but all the other sub tools are used as in essence collision states right so now that i have that i'm now also going to again once again let's do some specific masking here that i want to do okay so there here i'm just going to sew this out so you guys are just seeing this let's take this one and this one and this one now okay and i'll mask this so i get like this and i'm going to inverse it so i've masked the whole inner part i've masked this inner part and i've masked masked this inner part make believe tv uh that brush is i wouldn't classify that brush new anymore no that brush is now over a year old like i don't even remember now because we've we've literally done five releases of zbrush in a year and a half i don't remember if we put that did we put that in 2021 or 2020. i don't remember i think 2020. so it's newer but not new new there's a lot of ways to earn money from models inside of zbrush there's a ton of ways toys collectibles tabletop gaming like the gathering selling there make jewelry there's so many ways you could definitely make some money on this all right so now that i have this mask i'm going to go back to dynamics i'm actually going to turn off gravity i don't want gravity i'm gonna turn on expand instead and i'm gonna make this be a little bit more aggressive something maybe more like that okay and then i'm gonna have it have some self-collision a little bit and then now run my simulations and there click to stop so you click in the document to stop right so now you have something like like this looks a little ridiculous right now right so what i'm going to do now is just lightly start pushing some of this back right so get use the dynamics to give me some major big big big ripples i use the brush to give me some small stuff and now i'm using this to give me some bigger bigger ripples right and then now i would want some different look in certain areas so not as much so it just starts breaking up that look a little bit and then this is way too extreme let's go back to getting that to be smoothed down a little bit more there you go right so now if we turn this on right you can start looking at what you're doing as well here so i'm just trying to create this to create some kind of a little bit more rippling or bending or ripping on unevenly through there right go and now if i want again going back to this cloth brush right you can even start through here right doing stuff like that so i probably go with the smaller brush size and you can add ripples through there if you want to as well okay so maybe i go up maybe even one more subdivision level now that'll soften everything up a little bit and then now this is too much now so i'm gonna go a lot lower so this is all this is how i did all this so i'm gonna turn off the dynamics now so that the brush is just the brush it's not any of the dynamic stuff and then in certain areas just add a couple more variations in there and then smooth it back right and then now i don't like the size of this i'm going to make this a little bit more like that right and then this is the process that i did to make that this part this all this and all this right okay uh let me see oh yeah it looks like hold on yeah my connection is okay hold on i'm seeing i'm looking i'm looking at you guys are saying the connections laggy so i'm just i'm looking at it on another screen and looking at my internet connection and obs is fluctuating right now yeah the uh stream is not as clear anymore let's see um yeah i don't well obviously the best way to do this is restarting but then the stream will drop and then it'll start another stream but if you guys can't see what i'm gonna be doing what's the point i'm fine here i'm just looking seeing if i can do something maybe to improve okay if i refresh can you guys retry refreshing your browser maybe and let's see if that will help as well it's a little bit bad but it's still not clear uh it's not too bad it's the webcam mainly okay well for me now the stream looks clean again the stream i'm looking at who cares about the webcam who cares about me we can turn the webcam off too if we want it's really about you guys being able to see what's in there how is it now for you okay it's fine for now okay okay as long as it's working good now all right the yellow color is making me feel like mustard all right so there you go that's how i that's the process in essence that i did for this part of the speaker right so let's continue moving on because we still got more stuff to cover here uh i'm gonna now insert that polysphere again this one let's make this be a different material let's use fast shade and let's make it be a gray color a darker gray color all right darker gray color mrgb color fill object and then this right is going to sit right here let's size that up and then i'm going to squash it a little bit just so i just want to make a little bit of a rounded dome look kind of in there so i'm just using a simple sphere to do that right something like that okay and let's go ahead and rename this year mesh portion whoa portion okay um yeah let's go let's put it in the soft parts folder we're going to make that a start group and that is start group okay something like this okay here we go hopefully the stream is working okay and now i'm going to come down here to surface noise this time and we'll look at this this way here i'm going to click on noise that'll bring in this piece that we have okay in a new surface noise and i'm just going to up the strength just a little bit here right now and i'm going to use now the noise plug-in so i'm going to click on that noise plug-in so this launches okay so let me it's on my other monitor hold on my mouse is being okay here we go there you go now you can see it and what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to use snake skin okay and then i'm gonna say okay so it's gonna be like well what's going on here well what's happening now is this piece is like a certain size and the noise is a certain size right and then here you go i want to change the look of this so i'm going to go to my plug-in scale okay and i'm going to make this start making this smaller something more like this now the pattern is actually sitting in the wrong part of this sphere right now okay i want the pattern sitting here right so this is where these angles come into play right so there are different angles here that you can adjust so i want this y angle to be 90 degrees instead i want that okay right there then now maybe go a little bit different in size and then let me also now do a little other change i'm going to hit edit okay and again let me get my noise here and what i'm going to change is the roundness here right so i want this to have a different type of look so see i want to put a little more rounding there [Music] and i'm going to put a little more rounding here so just play with this a little bit something more like i'd say more like that okay and then now if i hit okay we'll see it here inside of zbrush okay so you see right now there's two noises actually okay in there so what i'm going to do is i'm going to edit this and i'm going to say i don't want the both noises i only want the plugin so this mixing slider here i'm going to turn it off so that the only thing i do get is the noise from the plug-in and i say okay so see it's a lot cleaner now all right and what i'm going to do is this spherical shape that i've added and we've squashed is only sitting at 24 25 000 polygons so i'm going to divide this up some i probably 393 is probably going to be enough 393 000 polygons in essence is what i'm looking at right here like i could probably even go one more like 1.5 is really still not a ton okay and what i'm going to do now is i'm going to tell zbrush this surface noise okay instead of applying it which is fine i can apply it if i want to i just want to show this because i want you guys to be thinking differently as well i'm going to apply it actually as a mask instead so now this is mast noise so i applied it as a mask and the reason why i'm doing this is then i can even do things like i can blur my mask a little bit if i wanted to i could sharpen the mask a little bit right i can do a lot of things with this now now that it's a mask okay and what i want to do is this i'll because i have a mask how about i go to deformations instead menu and i use inflate and then just start inflating this inward so right now i'm making something that looks like that okay and it's masked right now and then say okay that looks pretty good i'm going to clear the mask get rid of it and then now i can just throw some polish on it too and then this is how i made that pattern right so i would say looking at this i need to go back my pattern i think isn't small enough right now right so let's go back to one at the surface noise let's edit this and let's go even smaller with the pattern maybe something something more in that world okay and then map and then once again deformation and i'm just going to inflate just a little bit that's enough i'm gonna get rid of the mask and then i'm just gonna polish it once so it just even smooths things out with the pattern okay it's a little too aggressive the polish so maybe do a polish of like one there something like that see there you go and then that's how i created this portion right actually mr mars don't even duplicate your mesh anymore no no no no no no no no no no mr mars there's a better way to even do what you're saying right now okay i've got to do it i've got to do it i've got to go on it people those that know me tangent time tangent time because i've been watching you guys answering in the chat for sure all right okay good yeah i'm getting good connection my obs again so here's another way and this is for everybody you know even obviously this is now the way i do what you're telling mr mars i forget who you're talking to right now to get after you z-remesh something all right so i'm gonna load just a demo head for now just something simple let's divide them up a little bit let's get a different material on this and brighten this up okay let's add some sculpting just variation on this all right let's he's got pimples he's a wart man warts warts right and then let's throw a different type of pattern maybe on the back here okay and then let's put something very distinct that we can tell like a star let's put some of those in here right let's put why not let's put someone on his forehead okay so you as artists and when you guys are working right you're going to want to now z-remesh things especially if maybe you're using other things like sculptures pro right in fact let's do that okay so this mesh is already clean let's make it not clean so let me go ahead and throw dynamesh on this okay and let's up the resolution i don't need my subdivision levels okay so now it's a dynamesh number one okay and then number two let's throw sculptures pro on this as well so now i'm dynamically tesselating things right and so this is adding tessellation as i sculpt right which is great i use this for even a lot of 3d printing i use this to soften edges like i use this for a lot of things okay so you get in essence your question is coming through is well what do i when i remesh this right especially something like this okay it's been sculpted on but the mesh is not clean anymore right so our response is well let's remesh it let's z remesh this okay i don't duplicate anymore that's dead that workflow to me is dead i don't do the duplicate much at all anymore okay which is fine there's not that this is wrong and not what mr mars was showing you was incorrect it was correct but i want to show you this because maybe you guys will like this even more right so because i have this sub tool that's sculpted the goal of z remesher is to give me new topology and give a clean topology and look at the skull and try and create flow that would match the sculpt in essence right but it's not it can't maintain the sculpt if you've got a sculpt that's 10 million polygons you can't remash and have way less polygons and maintain that sculpt it's not going to happen right you're not going to get clean topology and maintain like super ridiculous looking sculpted detail it's not going to happen right it's not the point of this so when you do this as you were asking you've now just lost sculpted detail right it's gone like so all those hours and days worth of work i need to get it back here and let me oops i'll move my camera more there we go okay i need to get it back right to the version that i had so this is what i'm going to do i'm going to divide up a little bit just to give myself some geometry okay that's about the same range i was living when i did this 220 000 polygons and i'm actually going to now instead i'm going to undo back to the sculpt there there's the sculpt right so see that was 271 000 polygons and i'm going to hold down the control key and tap on that undo now that's now highlighted again i'm up here for those that don't know this is literally i'll look up here look up here right so i went backwards to this held control and clicked this now i'm going to go forward back to the remeshed version that's sitting at 225 000 polygons so now this is what my geometry looks like and now all i have to do is in sub tools in the projection that we're talking about instead of project all project history and now zbrush is only going to project the difference between this marker and that marker and bam there you go i did no duplicating no nothing and it had sculptures pro on it it had decimate it had dynamesh on it it doesn't matter what the mesh is in the previous undos we're just taking the sculpt that you had and then projecting it in the new mesh so this is how i personally now go about doing all of this okay this to me one less sub tool to worry about all this naming and all that i can just do it already and it's opened up other workflows as well for me okay there you go that's how i go about doing that back back to this back to this all right so let's continue on now let's make the headband all right so i'm going to append i don't care what it is anything we're going to make a new folder for this control f a head band part all right and in fact let's actually call this renaming the folder parts i'm going to put more in here actually so let's say parts and i just dropped it all right okay so now i have this let's look once again that handy dandy gizmo i'm going to turn this into a cube right have it come up here we're going to go about this big let's go right around there position that and it going to be about let's go that wide of a headphone set and let's bring this way down like this okay something like this all right let's go ahead and i want this part to be the same as this darker gray so i'm going to click drag pick the pick the material click drag pick my color you can see now it all matches our mrgb color bill object okay and then now this comes to the point back to way back when this whole thing is sitting in the world right it's just sitting here okay so what i want to do is move this in space okay and now let's not forget i have done some array mesh so i'm just gonna convert all my array meshes so i'm gonna go to array mesh and make mesh and i think that was the only one that i didn't convert oh here's another one make mesh okay there all my and i'm using the up and down arrow keys to cycle through my subtools all right so now i'm back to having you know a sub tool selected right we'll go all the way down to this one and what i'm going to do is say all right then let's go ahead and turn on this icon which is multiple sub tool icon or we're having a party it's multiple pizzas because we're all in here having fun right now right so now i'm going to now click this arrow and you see everything moves as a unit so even though i have multiple folders multiple sub tools i am telling all these to move as a unit and put kind of where maybe i want now the one side of this to live right and then now because i started the process of only making one obviously you guys if you were remaking this would probably be more smarter to have both sides being made at the same time right but i for this stream i did this on purpose because i wanted to show this also feature off and gav you guys understand that you can move multiple sub tools and even multiple folders at once to the point of why i'm making folders i can come here to the gear and i can say transpose set and now the only thing that will move are the pieces that are in this one folder see this is so handy and i can hold down ctrl shift and add that even though it's a different sub tool from a different folder and then i can move those as a unit this is so handy especially for hard like this is how i pose with hard surface i don't use transpose master i use the gizmo with this feature okay so there you have it right very useful all right and then now i drag to the side that's red because now i want the other side so the other side is going to be the easiest way to do this is just do mirror and weld right and then that'll give me all sides so now i just down arrow key and then i'm just i'm just down arrow key mirror and welding down arrow key mirror and welding down arrow key mirror and welding see i'm and the other one's populating because it's creating the copies and because i'm low polygons and nothing right now has subdivision levels but this one does okay so now how do i get this also over there and this has got subdivision levels how can i do this well you can actually mirror over a subdivided mesh using a plug-in that we have which is subtool master so there's a mirror right here this mirror is going to allow you to keep subdivision levels okay so now i've got i merge to one sub tool along the x-axis i say okay see and boom so now i still have i have both sides and it's got my subdivision level so now my down arrow key that's selecting this piece so i'd want a mirror here hit okay hit okay i'm fine with that right let it go through the process of making it it's dividing up the mesh and then there right once it's done let it finish well it's making the subdivision levels for me now okay operation complete there you go so i got both sides see so even you know you guys if you model something and you forgot to put the other side you've got two ways to do it now okay what's going on alex welcome okay so now i'm going to click on this and let's just mirror and weld this over so we got two of these now on each side right and let's make sure we have z modeler selected once again okay and i'm going to hover over this face right here and i'm going to use delete and i'm going to turn on symmetry with x and click that so it actually deleted this face and this face so once again here i'm going to turn on my display properties to double okay so you guys can just start seeing things okay and now what i'm gonna do is tell zbrush how about edgewise right we bridge and not only that two holes and i'm gonna make it a round bridge okay so now all i have to do is click on one edge click another edge and boom we got headphones right so now this is how how high do you want like is it st louis for those that don't know the joke st louis has an arch okay or is it more like you know is it a cartoony character or is it more you know like humanoid right so all you're doing is left to right changes the the bridge up and down gives you your spans i don't need a lot of spans here okay so um i'm gonna say that's probably good enough there that's good enough and there we go we've got now these arching headphones portions okay so i wanna do a little bit more with these so here i'm gonna solo this out so we just look at these for now back to having symmetry making sure i have symmetry on right i'm going to someone's from st louis yes rename card are you from st louis or you just know the arch then so you got my joke it's a bad one people but is it a bad one okay so now i'm gonna say insert a single edge and let's put one more edge right here okay that looks right about there looks good okay and then i'm gonna hover over an edge again and this time i'm going to click add to curve okay and to save myself some time i'm going to look at the front here and i'm going to click here here here here here here right so you can click curves like this right okay but people people people you also could come in here in the stroke menu right and you can say frame it by polygroup right so instead of me clicking multiple times to add a single curve point i just did by polygroup okay so i'm now i also want to go here and here i think okay because this this feature is not symmetrical so that's why i was showing you that ability to actually add the curves based by your poly grouping that's why polygroups are so important and why is this anything because watch this now if i hover over a curve where it says now it says delete curve if i hold the space bar i can actually change it to bevel and now i bevel all curves and then now i can do this just adding another nice little element to this right let me make sure right and now i'm going to now say let's do some creasing here right so i'm going to go back to creasing we increased by the old pg that was also beneficial you know what i also want to crease that edge that edge those edges there get those creased and i didn't turn symmetry on okay and let's crease across there turn on dynamics make sure i'm getting everything i want creased and creating that look right just just that little bit right there really changes your designs a little bit and just gives a little bit more life to the piece okay there you go there's that okay now that we have that you can reuse this over and over and over and over again right and do whatever you want with this cool everyone got that so again i'm going to let's duplicate this so i have another version of this and let's actually go back to this one and let's undo actually let's go back to not the beveling okay because i want to actually reuse this topology now to do this part and this part so i'm going to keep reusing it the shortcut for dynamic subdiv is d to turn it on shift d to turn it off okay d turns on shift d turns off okay all right here we go now uh this piece is now going to become this piece right so i'm looking at this i'm going to say i want this portion this portion and this portion let's make that a new polygroup okay and in fact let's have a lip go over this so let's insert multiple edge loops and let's make yeah like that so and then let's make these in that and that be its own polygroups okay and then in fact i'm gonna use this more than once so i'm gonna duplicate another one of these so i've got more than one all right and then the only thing i want to keep now right is this polygroup i just want this polygroup the only thing i want is that one right there okay and then now let's delete the hidden all right and for the sake of what we're doing here let's go ahead and add a new material so let's throw this material on it it's just got a different material all right and now i need some thickness to this so i'm going to q mesh i'll go all polygons and again i'm going to pull out this change my polygrouping on the fly okay so we have something like that now and let's now turn on this again and then this i want to have this material so we'll fill that go back to this and now oops now you'll see this is what i'm starting to make right it's that simple it's not crazy rocket science people it's just that's it and then now i turn on dynamic do i want it to look like that probably not so then back to my handy-dandy creasing i'm gonna drop my crease level to two turn my dynamic this is all repeating items that we've already discussed here okay and then now i'm going to say let's do symmetry and let's even symmetrically go across the z and i'm going to say single polygon and let's have this be more something like that and let's take these edges and let's slide one of these edges down slide one of these edges down there and then there there is this clip and then you know what let's go ahead and crease those so it creates a little bit you know what i think i'm going to even slide those to fit more like that right that's it that's that's how this was made it's not it wasn't difficult to make that it was really easy i'm reusing topology that i already have that exist right and if i want to let's make this be a little bit not as rounded so i'll add some edge loops in there so i get something that looks more like this there you go there's that piece like i wasn't talking people like that piece literally took me a couple minutes okay yes of course there's a way to move sub tools to the center without resizing yes of course enough there is more than one way to do that okay the easiest way to do that is right here in geometry there's position right here you just zero all those out it'll move the subtool back to the center of the world it's that easy okay your other way also could be using the gizmo if you center it right and you hit this little house key so what it does is moves the gizmo back to the center of the world so if you in my case i was holding the alt key if i don't hold the hell key see it moves and based upon the gizmo not the mesh so if i center right i'm looking at this and right now if i turn off this and this no symmetry on see it centers this and if i hit home see move the gizmo what it also did would move those down okay so there's a way to do it you could also go to transform and you can do a set pivot point so there's more than one way to do it okay there you go all right so let's continue on uh this piece okay that's that that is so this is why you gotta name things main head and okay this is gonna be rename i'm just going to call it clip to keep typing easy and then rename soft head whatever okay and so now let's make this piece now right and so all i did for this piece was went okay i don't need this topology right i don't need any of this so i'm just using like that's good enough for me okay so then i'm gonna say let's delete hidden that right so well what i want to do is did i take away too much which i did right so ctrl shift x there that's that's the geometry i want right and then now do a delete hidden and now all i'm left is this okay looking at this i don't want right any mesh here right so i don't want any of these faces actually okay so i'm just going to assign them a new polygroup real fast and then that way i can do this and then delete hidden i'm going to re-poly group so we got one polygroup again and then now all i need to do is qmesh once again all polygons pull it out i'm going to re-polygroup and this is my soft body now hold on let me go turn it back on and now we need to make this look a little bit better right so number one i'm going to select the material frame because this is what i actually put on it and then i'm going to say let's go a little bit a little gray okay and then i'll say color fill object and maybe too much gray that hot pink really wants to get into one of my models okay that looks good there all right perfect so then when this smooths it looks like this right and now what i want to do is put a little bit more ridging in this so i'm going to say all right let's put an edge loop here right and then let's do it symmetrically so once again let's go along the z all right and then now i want to take this okay so i'm going to do q mesh poly loop flat so that only these faces move right and then when i smooth it you start seeing this happening okay and i definitely want these faces here right so these faces right here let's just add another polygroup to them right i want them to come out a little bit so i'm going to go polygroup all instead of doing this i'm going to hold the shift key pull them out a little bit more something like that so we get that soft starting to happen and then now i can play with this some more sliding complete edge loop and say let's soften these corners up a little bit by just sliding around the edge loops that already exist on the model right and this is what i love about dynamic subdiv i'm re-positioning things right and going at it a little different right and let's let's go ahead and give this so it doesn't look so faceted let's give it a little bit more topology and you know what these ends here cancel these ends here i'm gonna let's crease these okay so let's crease these edges here right through here okay so i'm going to say crease flat island uh whoops outer edges and target outer target so we can do this right i want this creasing right through here right i want these edges whoops these edges crease right here okay so that when i go to divide actually i do want that one greased i divide i get a little bit more something like this let's see what else i want oh i want this one to divide too there we go and that one as well now i'm getting my mind in like making things now okay there and then now i'm gonna soften that up by just knocking down my crease level and that'll start softening up those edges a little bit and then it'll fit with where i want that to go now now we can start doing some more adjustments okay and i can grab a deformer and i'm going to grab this red cone and pull it so now this is telling the deformer to be symmetrical and so now i can move just some points around do something like this maybe i want it even to taper a little bit as it's coming to that metal part and then there you go this is how i started making that piece right there right this is all i did it's like i said it's not anything too crazy it's just me taking advantage of what i have right and then now i did for one more thing i did throw some surface noise on this just to kind of start breaking it up a little bit just using this noise like that and then going darker oops darker blend color right just to give especially so it can look very different than everything else right i think uh let's see yeah these edges are creased right now so let's do a partial increasing of those there we go because i want it to be more rounded there there you have it right so there's that part pretty simple nothing too complicated okay and then now i need this part that that's pretty simple too okay so i'm going to again once again append something i'm actually going to replace this and people i'm i'm running out of time too so i'm not going to go as much step by step anymore especially for things that i've already covered and repeated so i'm just showing you now the process of what i did to even make these pieces so this is me just taking a cube right and then just positioning this by the floor and the x side and say okay needs to be this big and have it sit right about there let's go right about there and then this side let's bring it in just a little bit like that okay and then all i did then is insert an edge loop here edge loop here right and then i took again once again unmasking and doing this so i want those to live there okay and then now i want these points to kind of live more like that and then i want these points to just kind of have a little bit of an archway like that and then turn on dynamic this is what we're going to get and once again we are living in the world of dynamic subdivs with four smooths and then i'm adding a crease so i can get a crease and then i'm knocking down the crease amount and then there is that piece okay and then of course we want this piece to have the same color and same material so we want that color fill object so now we got that piece okay and i want in mine i got it coming down like this right okay so this is easy actually okay i'm going to grab this with qmesh single polygon right and i'm just going to pull on this and hold the control key so this will rip it off so this is 100 one of these lisa needs braces moments lisa needs braces lisa needs braces he said needs braces right again pull on the face with cue mesh and then hold ctrl key and then i'll get this piece to be ripped off and then now i'm just going to give it some volume okay and i'll crease that and then now i'm going to reposition this in a different spot so i'm going to put it down here let's make it have an angle like that make it smaller even too so there's a tapering to this okay i don't know about that much tapering maybe like this so it's a little too much tapering i think okay something like that right and then now all i want to do here we'll solo this out so we're looking at just this okay once again we're in z modeler right so i'm going to turn off this dynamic subdiv hold the space bar delete delete that face delete that face and then once again use our bridging this i'm going to do arc do this do this and give me that and then when this does this this is what i get and there you go right and then you can still continue to readjust anything that you want right so i can readjust this to sit more like right there i want this actually sit up higher i want to sit more like that something like that yeah i want that look instead okay and then let's go ahead and mirror and weld it over so we get one on the other side so now that we have this in place let's put some of this detailing in there okay and to do that was quite simple in fact here i'm gonna make this be a little bit have a better arch this is just me being nitpicky okay and then now i want this let's see about adding the little details on this piece now okay so let's the spherical shapes are just that spherical shapes so brush insert and imm primitives insert sphere okay and i'm gonna turn mrgb on so when i insert this i get the the painting and and the and the material as well okay and i'm gonna go to the brush palette and i'm gonna go into my depth and i'm gonna change the embed to zero instead of a hundred that way half the sphere will be sitting outside the surface and half the sphere will be sitting inside the surface and now i just gonna come right here and say okay i want that right about there turn my gizmo back on reset it so i'm sitting straight up like this i'm gonna hold the control key i'm gonna click and drag to duplicate that let go of the control key and now i can create equal distant little spherical shapes that simple right not difficult at all pretty easy everyone's still with me right because the last comment's been the same comment for a while now okay i'm assuming everybody's still with me yes i see people watching but there's there's no action now nobody's doing it okay great thanks daisuke okay so the next thing i want to do is put the logo on the z-man right so this is actually really simple to do okay the sub tool i have selected right now is this little earpiece so let's actually put this in a folder um i don't even know what to call this let's just call it above ear pieces whatever okay and then we'll rename this mean mean piece let's say okay so i have this selected so what i'm going to do now is i'm actually going to use spotlight okay thank you everyone for chiming in okay so now i'm going to hold the comma all right and then i hope i hit my hit my microphone so sorry for the noise i'm gonna go here to where it says spotlight right and you can see right here there's the logo right there you need a couple what appears to wake you up there you go now you're up okay so i can click this but i'm just going to click this one because i know the logo is in this one too i'm going to double click this twice and what that did is change my spotlight out to now this and you can see there's multiple there's the pixellogic logo and there's this so if i hit the z key i go in and out of the two modes of spotlight there's a projection mode which that's what this is and then there's a mode that allows me to edit the image okay so what i'm going to do is grab this and in fact let's zoom in more to our model let's get really where we want to put that logo right here hit the z key all right and then this can snap to anywhere and even snap to mesh so i'm going to say this and let's size this up let's look at it in a sense of this okay that looks pretty good so i'm just sizing the image okay with my size scale right and then this little camera all i do is click on that camera okay that's all i have to do is this little camera right here you just click on this and when you click on that camera okay zbrush if i turn off spotlight is creating the topology from that so see i i clicked it twice and over here in the sub tools it automatically adds it as a subtool so i'm going to delete the one i clicked on twice right and then you can see how long this is why is it so long is because i'm working on this sub tool which was selected and then there's a right and left so in essence the distance from here to here was being calculated okay and that's why this is so long so whatever the selected subtool i am on is going to be the deciding factor okay so let's put this in this and we'll do this let's also just mirror weld this over while we can there we go and so now this geometry was built with a polygroup in the front and here we're going to assign gold to this okay so you got a poly group here a poly group in the middle and a polygraph at the end the beautiful part is there's no spans in the middle so i can do this completely change the size of this if i want to to be more like that right and then now this is there and let's say okay i need that to actually be more like right there okay and then i'm also going to do another little trick okay this one is for you the you zers here's a lisa needs braces oops lisa needs braces with a look up here all come on look up here all combined all right so what you can do is there's a bevel button here this is using creased edges to bevel okay but it can also use poly grouping so if i hold down the control key i can click the button or the slider and immediately add a bevel around the whole logo which is going to be better especially to render with there i want that that's what i want so now that logo will hit certain ways when you do this and let's assign the whole material to this i had this masked off another fill object there we go okay and then that's how i made that logo right that's it it's not it's just using spotlight's ability to bring an image so anything that's pure white right is maintained and given a piece of geometry anything that's pure black is masked out so nothing will be created right so hopefully you all understand that yes that one's lost there i would assume okay so i am a user nice thanks for going with the joke i like it so the logo on the top though i had a pixel logic logo on the top right so throwing this back in the spotlight let's throw this back and we don't need this in here right looking at there we go okay there's also pixel logic logo right here this one i didn't do gray is ignored wintery snowman that feature of creating geometry from an image in spotlight it only looks at pure white and pure black so the grays will be ignored okay now the pixel logic logo i use another feature a completely different feature how to do that all right so i looked from the top like this i grabbed this piece which is our main headband right that we have okay i'm going to duplicate it and i'm going to actually apply the dynamic subdivs to this right so i want the actual geometry so you get i got this clean piece right so as if i delete the lower you can see i've got a very clean piece right in there right compared to the original is just low low low polygon with dynamic subdiv turned on so i'm going to turn off the original and use this and let's rename this pixel logo okay and then looking at this what i'm gonna do now is let's bring in an alpha okay and let's bring in just like that let's bring in an alpha of the pixel logic logo which i have so give me a second and let me go to my desktop here uh let's do this pages where'd you go um where did it go i did have i did have it sorry uh downloads maybe it's in there hold on hold on where did i put that thing okay okay there so let's here we go there it is okay so what i have here and this is a prime example is a pixel logic logo that the logo itself is black and everything else is white so again pure black is being seen as transparent okay and the white is not what i want to do is actually use this alpha in a different way okay so what i'm not going to do now is in the alpha palette i'm going to inverse it so now i have the opposite so what i have here now is the pixel logic logo white and then there's nothing else because again the pure black is gone so i'm going to now hold down the hold down the control key and i'm going to go to my masking brushes and i'm going to use now mesh project okay i'm going to use that brush and instead i'm going to click instead of the stroke that's the lasso i'm going to click rectangle so everyone lisa needs braces this is all step-by-step little information here right i'm going to select the rectangle then i'm going to go alpha pixel logic logo right and right now i have this selected so while i'm holding the ctrl key start dragging out right and you can see this is what i get and when i let go it's trying to make the logo so what i'm going to do is turn off everything but this right so that when i do this right i want that to happen right now i have symmetry on so it'll start creating that logo for me okay so one thing that i want to do now is instead of this rectangle being squared i'm going to turn that off that is going to allow me to do this okay so now if i turn everything back on i can now get kind of a bounding box of where i want this logo to sit right and make these pieces put to come together right i want that piece to start happening in there okay so this is just creating that but what i don't like about this is what i'm getting as a result rate this second so what i'm going to do is while i'm holding down the control key i'm going to come down here to the mask mesh modifiers and you can see there's a bevel slider i'm gonna knock that way down let's put let's try point one and now let me draw out the logo no i need more than that okay so i'm gonna go point three maybe yeah that's much better and then also i'm going to knock down the softness a little bit and i'm going to up the resolution a little bit and the resolution is dependent on two things number one you can see my image is 4558 pixels by 1314 pixels okay but what's really going to help control that resolution is this this right here this is what's really controlling the resolution so now when i draw this out right there that's that's what i want i want something like that right and then now i just have that where i want it i mean that needs to have the gold as well so gold color fill object and then that is how i did this pixel logic logo okay and so now i can delete the duplicated portion and then there's the logo and then i can readjust this so it doesn't sit so high off right the piece different sizing and then there you go so now i got pixel logic on the top of my part that makes sense so when you're doing this be careful the solo you can't have solo on right so you gotta if you're gonna look at one piece of geometry just turn off the subtools with the eyeballs like something like that and you can turn everything back on hold the shift key turning on and off all subtools there you go no you can't use dynamic subject to make a displacement without applying the geometry no because dynamic subdiv is just a visual display it's not real topology yet right and then now the only real things that i have left to do for this um is if i want to put a little bit more detail in here like i did right there it's just again simple using what i have right so i would probably duplicate this right and then i would go let's look at just this piece and i want probably the modeler i want that face only let's go ahead and delete hidden and we need a cue mesh now this out like this let's go ahead and increase that again boom and then now this let's turn everything back on okay and now this can be used as a subtractive right to cut into the surface okay so if i turn this off and then start doing this right so i want this to start cutting into the surface the problem with this is it's very very very very low polygon right so you're better off this is important forget this you're better off taking again this one let's duplicate it let's make a new polygon face here like something like this right and i know i want it to be not as wide so why not just right out the gate do something like that and i'll delete these edge loops and now there okay and then now let's apply the dynamics delete the lower and then now just give me only this people the reason why i'm doing this is now i've got topology that has that flow that i want it's not just a straight cube it's got an arch to it that's matching the flow of my headphones that i've been making here right and then now i just i can pull this out whoops let's do all polygons this time right and then we need it also to go inward as well right so something like this and let's see cumish let's do polygroup all so that we can do that so this is what i'm looking for i forgot to delete my hidden something like this and then this also goes inward so we'll do something like that and so now i get a piece of topology that looks like this right and now i am going to turn that to a sub and then there just like that i've got that little opening now in the headphones right they're pretty simple okay and then it create this little repeating pattern right in here so if we look at this again okay there's a repeating pattern right here okay all i did to do that whoops okay is i said let's go ahead and let's insert something it doesn't matter what like this okay in fact let's not even do that let's let's let's get smarter about this let's take this piece right this okay and i'm going to go brush insert for i i for insert and i'm going to grab again this primitives brush okay grab that and i'm going to grab this capsule right here okay this capsule when it draws out it looks like this so what i'm going to do is change the way this draws out so i'm gonna go to brush and then i'm gonna say two mesh right and i want the capsule to be in here right so let me turn off spotlight i don't let's see why am i getting oh i have the alpha still selected there you go i want this i had the alpha still selected so it was giving me the alpha because that's what it can do as well so i want this and i'm just going to move it more like that right brush create insert i'm going to append it right so now i have one that's vertical and one that's horizontal for me okay so going back to this well that's the one i already made this now i can just draw out right and we're going to go symmetry wise let's go along the x so i'm drawing that out something like that and let's push it in a little bit there right and then okay let's go smaller let's go smaller something like this let's say like that right this is giving me one right great i've got one of these what i want is multiple i want to have more than one here okay so instead of doing just one at a time to get this i'm gonna do something else once again you guys have noticed i'm reusing a lot of topology over and over and over and over again i'm gonna duplicate this one okay and once again i'm going to look at this and go all right we want these only to live in a certain area so i'm going to set myself up again this chess analogy it's just i'm going to split some polygons here delete those so that i get these new polygons and i want that pattern to probably start from here and go all the way around from here let's say right and then once again i'm going to apply my dynamic subdivs okay but before i do that i'm going to insert one more edge loop down the center by switching to insert multiple edge loops and then single specific resolution and i'm going to tap so then i get just this right so the only thing i have are these pieces and i'm going to go ahead and say let's make now this a different polygroup here okay so i want these two inner polygroups right here it's important for me now i apply i delete and what i have is a lot more dense right topology and i want only this surface is all i care about okay and in fact i don't even need right any of this stuff if i i don't really want it okay but it's not going to really matter for what i'm going to do i am going to tell zbrush let's go back to this insert mesh brush okay but instead of drawing one mesh insert mesh thing out at a time let's tell zbrush to do more than one so i'm going to go to the stroke curve and turn on curve mode so what i'm now done is this i have a repeating of these happening right i don't like how close they are together so i'm going to go to stroke and change my curved stepping let's try point let's try right so that when i draw this out see i'm repeating every other so let's go let's go a little bit more 2.5 there that's better for me right and now now that i took the time again playing chess to make these two portions here right now that i've taken that time i can actually go to the stroke palette go to my curve functions and tell it polygroup only and frame right and you can see it's going here i don't want them to go right there so this is why i would only show this portion okay and so now these two polygroups stop right there so when i do this framing see i just get one curve right there right and you don't want to have symmetry on because you don't want two of these now you just tap and then there's that repeating item and then the only thing i care about now for this subtool is this so then i show these with by polygrouping with control and shift then i delete hidden and now i have these that are following the curvature of this whole thing like they're all following that curvature okay and right now they are also being clipped out so i'm going to move them down so they're not clipped out from that other mesh okay and then the other thing that i added to this was i went into this gear here okay i centered this then i went gear and clicked extender and then now you can extend out which wrong ones extend out here let me let me just do this it'll be easier to see take this cone and see make them longer so i want maybe something more like that in there so i just how long do i want that to be and then that is how i can create that repeating pattern so i'm using insert mesh brush along a curve to do that all right and then the last thing that we got to be able to do here is i'm going to append this and then i want this to have this color and that material color fill object and again i'm only going to use a cube like this and let's position this now over here go a lot smaller like this a lot smaller like that let's put that goes we'll have it live right there and let's go right about there let's push that in more something like that okay and maybe i'll go yeah let's go a little bit wider so let's switch to back to my masking pen right and let's pull these edges out so they come out here more something more like that so then this is what i have now and let's go ahead and crease as always crease level to two my dynamics at four and now i'm gonna say let's take z modeler let's take that face that face that face and that face yes uh no let's not take that face let's only take these three faces okay and then i'm gonna go over here to one of them hold down the space bar inset okay and i can have single polygon and i'm just going to inset these something like that qmesh polygroup all push this in okay so i got a little bit of a ridge in there let's crease that let's see what we got okay looking good let's go ahead and crease let's just do a crease all yes and then now let's add an edge loop here and an edge loop here and let's add an edge loop this way and let's add another edge loop this way so now what i have is this piece right and the one thing that may happen right this piece is could start clipping the stuff that's inside here right inside this so that's an easy solve if it does okay this would be a new folder right and then what i would do is i would duplicate this and once again handy dandy gizmo grab the cylindrical shape right and we need it to be facing this direction okay and i'll go ahead and smooth this up let's crease it and now let's turn this into a subtractive right that way i can actually cut out right any of this box that could be in the way here right so i'm using this to cut into that right because if this block starts to get inside this part in here you can just this is why i'm using folders this is why i'm naming things like look what we've done here we've got folders we got start groups this is all on purpose people this is all me making sure i'm setting myself up okay and then the last thing is if i want to put a cord in that's actually quite easy to do here i'm just going to mirror weld this across so we've got it on both sides okay so now i want to put some kind of cord in so i'm just going to in fact i'll just duplicate this then we can rename this cord right and then now i can say okay i got this here uh all right i'm going to turn on local symmetry turn on symmetry so that i can resize this up and it needs to live right here so it needs to be a lot smaller than that let's go let's go even smaller something around there like that and then let's move this up here okay somewhere around there uh okay that looks good all right so let's go ahead and give this a different material color fill object right and then these other pieces need to have that material so i want this once again to have this material and then this to have that material right so now i got some kind of little chrome part here right so then i'm going to take that chrome part i'm going to duplicate it i'm going to size this down something like that let's give this a different material uh let's see i gotta remember i think i used to remember what i used for you guys so you know what i used i know i used a plastic here i used the soft plastic with a color so let me fill that so color fill object there you go and then now this chord part right i can there's multiple ways i can do this i could also just do this is pretty much kind of what i did position this wherever i want like this okay so if you're seeing what i have here and then repeating something that we've already done taking this deleting okay and here i'm going to turn off the poly paint for this as well and let's go back to this material i'm going to delete flat island and i can do this and then come up here do this and then now all i need to do is tell zbrush okay let's make from this edge let's go ahead again in bridge arcs okay and this i'm just gonna do optimal curve optimal resolution let zbrush take care of it tap on that edge come over here and tap on that edge and then there you go and the beauty of this this is even if you want to do a little fun with the chord it's poly grouped so i can go q mesh polygroup ball and i can maybe push in certain parts of this right in here if i want to something like that so then this cord would have some kind of little pattern even on it if i wanted to see and so if we turn our paint back on and there you go and then we would want to reassign this that and so color fill object okay so you guys could go that route which is actually the way i went or you guys could just grab the curved tube or curved tube snap right and then just draw out a tube i'll go bigger draw out a tube that's it and then you can even edit it and you can put it where you want okay and if you don't want it to move off the surface right so if we go back and let's get rid of this if i now want to put a tube like this core like that right and then now smaller red brush size taps taps makes smaller and then i can in stroke palette under curves i can lock the start and lock the ends and now i see this where this is sitting in space i can actually move this to say somewhere right there and then now when i'm doing this you can see the start doesn't move as much see you have control of this curve to position it kind of how you might want it to be positioned oops and right now i also have start bend start i'm going to bend both so that way i freely can really play with this chord there you go that's it and there we have it everybody we recreated my original headphones with a different little spin this looks like a kids size right now handy dandy headphones yeah because uh it's more bulky because i went bigger here you can see how thin i went and i had a bigger archway here right that was the difference that made the big difference right is what i did in here in fact i have this sitting on the wrong side too these pieces need to be flipped so again i can go mirror if i turn on the floor i put them on the wrong side when i was making right so i can go deformation right and i can mirror them over the z right and flip it all over but you guys can also just use the gizmo so remember we were talking about the gizmo if i hold the alt key and click on home see where the gizmo went it went to the home and that i just reset it and now if i just click this and hold the shift key and go 180 degrees that's also flipping it for me makes sense so there's more than one way to possibly make something happen all right there you go they're they're like they're kids headphones they're for my daughter these are the adult ones these are the kid ones so it's really as you can see that archway and the width of this really changes the look of the headphones like someone said bulkier headphones all right oil change me too i got the big ears so as you guys can i'm sure you saw over the stream this is being recorded it'll be on youtube it'll be on our twitch immediately okay i'm sure you guys are seeing the bottom corner we announced the zbrush summit okay that is going to be in october 23rd to the 26th we are already looking for you guys to compete everybody guys this is a great challenge like to compete inside for the sculpt off so it's going to be the same way we did last year it's completely open to everybody you want to compete come compete we will be streaming it okay we'll be looking at people's pieces as always we always round up some amazing prizes okay they're always really good stuff that you guys can win but it's also a great way as an artist to expand yourself and you can get a challenge so there's a link i know it's been coming through but i just want to put it in there again go sign up go for it it's three hours out of your day on a saturday to challenge yourself to see what can you create in three hours based upon the theme that we throw at you it's this this is how i do some of this stuff i i sit there and i try and figure out what i can do okay and in a certain amount of time and now yeah oh that's true weston if it was my daughters they would definitely need to be hot pink good call good call finally getting that hot pink in here huh all right so please take a take try it man and i'm you'll be probably surprised how fun it is and it's a great challenge just artist-wise to go about doing this so okay all right well that's it for me it was this was three hours a lot longer than we were planning on going so i thank you all for joining me for the stream again you'll be up okay oh yes you wanted to see my uh discord hold on let me see well thank you for reminding me i would have totally forgot so obviously we've got a pixel logic discord are you a part of that so let me give you guys that here we go wrong keyboard i'm trying to so here's the pixel logic discord so you can be a part of that as well um see is it coming through i don't see it in the chat coming through even though it's oh it's only on my youtube i'm on youtube right now and i don't see it coming through and then uh my personal one that i communicate with people a lot and have some fun with is invite people copy that copy that roger um are you on what are you on youtube if you go to youtube real quick you can get it uh because i'm on a different i'm on another computer i can't get to it on the computer i'm streaming at right now there you go thanks dice k there's the pixel logic one and then i put my own one in there too since you were asking um unfortunately i don't have any more time for questions i have to get going uh painting a wool you could use you could use uh micro polys there's already wool in in there or use surface noise with an image unfortunately i don't have time to go through all that they can only play one audio file thanks dicekay all right so again thank you everybody i've been paul gabery with a how to do make headphones just as a fun little project it's a great great way to just go at it so thank you for watching have a wonderful day wonderful
Channel: Pixologic ZBrush
Views: 19,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Headphones, airpods max, rapid prototyping, electronics design, zbrush, zbrush tutorial, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2020, pixologic, zbrush free, z brush, sculptris, zbrush live, zbrush download, zbrush core, zbrush trial, zbrush brushes, 3d modeling, digital sculpting, zbrush student, etsy, zbrush character modeling, zbrush character, zbrush sculpting, 3d printing software, 3d modeling software, zbrushcoremini, zbrushcore mini, zbrush mini, figurine, zbrush 2021
Id: lgDxPcaE7E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 21sec (11241 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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