How to create a buckler shield in Zbrush. Zmodeler Tutorial (Timelapse)

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hello everybody this is kudo today i'm going to be showing you how to create this shield in zbrush uh basically what we're going to be using is c modeler and then later on we're going to be using the imm brushes to create the small details so let's get it on okay so this is just going to be a summary of the video the first thing you got to do is start your scene like i always just get a primitive hit edit and then make it a polymesh3d after that what i always do is remember to rename it it doesn't matter honestly what you do because later on you're just gonna insert a new mesh and i use the customize button right there to basically get the mesh that i want because that i got more control in there than initialized uh my sphere is already cut out because i was already working with it but usually uh when you start it yours is gonna be with a lot more poly but what i like to do is basically just make sure that i do everything by multiplications of eight and in that case what i did is 32 uh polygons for the round shape and then i just i believe i use eight for basically create the actual plate that way i haven't got a lot lot of geometry but it's still not too little that i can actually see the side the actual size and the actual form that i'm actually aiming for okay so with this we are basically already over with the with the plate what i'm gonna do is basically get into c modeler and then with c modeler what i'm gonna do is crease the the edge if you notice when i actually hit dynamic subdivision you're gonna see that it kind of shrinks a little bit so what i like to do in these cases is just uh crease that that edge that way i can actually retain the size that i want and it's gonna be smooth but i don't lose anything okay so with this we are pretty much already done with the with the actual plate so what i'm gonna do now is the boss that was basically the center piece is usually a round but what i did is that i want to do like i would say like a diamond shape uh since i want to keep it consistent with the character that i'm creating there basically that's gonna be the emblem so i make it as small as i actually want but i don't actually like leaving sharp edges so in that case i use c modeler for to actually just create a bevel that way it's gonna look a lot smoother okay so now what i'm gonna do is just create the frame for the frame right you actually got a lot of options i went with the cylinder since i actually find that there are the for me the easiest to manipulate make sure i get it the size that i actually want so now what i do is basically turn in the polyframes so i can actually see what i'm doing and i see modeler to actually insert edges i'm gonna insert two because i kind of want to do a little bit of transition between it now what i'm gonna do is use the polygroups a polygroup option because then instead of having to mask or just hit individual polygons or stuff like that i could just basically draw on them make all that inner part uh the same polygroup and then what i'm going to do is basically use the c modeler again and just use move by polygroup and then i can push that middle part of the center inwards now i want to basically do the same but for the back of the shield i do want to make it a little bit more sharp do the same i create a new polygroup and then i push it in now what i do is that i i show what happens when you actually divide or in this case do a dynamic subdivision and then you see that it kind of gets like rounded up i don't want that what i wanted is to still keep the some sharp edges uh i want to keep the form but i do want it to look smooth so what i start doing is basically using bevel on the on the edges that i actually want to have a little bit of transition but i use crease and the ones that i just want to be really short usually the ones that are not going to be visible those are the ones that i do crease on the other ones i kind of do it by eye now with dynamic subdivisions you can already see that it's looking really smooth i turn on the dynamic subdivision that one so that way we can appreciate more the shape that i'm actually aiming for and with that we basically now going to the last part and the last part is creating the accessories uh i believe i call them something like blade guards with this one i'm going to start by creating a rectangular shape uh i would recommend i wish something that i didn't do is basically finish the whole shape before doing anything else in this case what i did is that i just use taper and then i show that is the basically the modifier takes over all of the axes but you actually got some handles in which you can basically in that case on the set axis what i did was just put opacity at zero that way the modifier got no control over that axis then what i did was basically bevel the corners again i don't like to to leave uh sharp edges in there i showed that i'm using the band curve modifier but the issue with that is that since i don't have any geometry it's not gonna actually do anything at least no no not anything but not the the effect that i want so what you gotta do is use uh c modeler again and what you're gonna do is put insert edges but in this case you're gonna put multiple it's up to you um how many you prefer you just gotta have enough for you so when you actually do the bank curve you actually have geometry to be able to rotate it and it doesn't look too sharp still we're gonna run dynamic subdivision again so it should be smoother regardless but it's always nice to have enough to to work with and then a head accept and then uh if you just do it like this and then you actually try to subdivide it you'll see that it's gonna be too rounded in there i had a little hiccup where symmetry you gotta turn it off to be able to do this i just basically put it in place where i want and now what we're going to do is go to geometry modify topology and use middle and weld it's going to help you out a lot uh and that way i just use it in the x axis but for that in symmetry you could use radial two but since it's middle and well i use i use that in the x and on the y axis that way i could just get the shape right away i should have done the im brushes before that way i could have made sure that it was on the on the actual center but by the eye still was good enough now what i'm trying to check is which of the edges i actually gotta use crease on that way when i do the subdivision they will still retain the shape but it will give me a smoother transition so i tried it it was still doing that so i realized is those small edges i still needed to grease and with that we're basically already finished what we got to do is just middle and weld it again and we got the basic shape now we just use the i am gorgeous here is the phillips then i turn all the poly frames that way i can kind of see where i'm placing them then i turn symmetry on the x and y that way i'm basically doing the work all at once i'm gonna do middle and well again in there i should have um basically unmask it because in order for you to actually have it snapped to the surface i noticed that when it is a mass it works better and that's pretty much it now all that i'm missing is basically drop a material for it to look actually legit and that's it so i just want to say thank you for watching if you like the video please like and subscribe what i want to do is that do two stylo videos basically i'm gonna do this type of fast forward just breakdown well i will say summary of the actual video and then i'm gonna actually upload the other one the other one is just gonna be uh step by step it's gonna be way longer that's why i actually decided to go this route first uh the this actual video is around like 30 minutes long so i think it's gonna be honestly up for preferences that way people already know they can just watch this style of video and they they know they don't know anything at all they can watch the other one and again just thank you again for watching and i hope to see you next week bye
Channel: Kuro's 3D Art
Views: 575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zbrush Shield, 3d Shield, How to 3D, How to Zbrush, Zbrush, Zbrush Tutorial, Zbrush for Beginners, Zmodeler, zbrush beginner tutorial, zbrush 2021, 3d modeling, zbrush sculpting, digital sculpting, 3d modeling software, zmodeler tutorial, 3d 2021, pixologic, pixologic zbrush tutorial, 3d sculpting, 3d sculpting timelapse, 3d, 3d time lapse video, 3d timelapse
Id: LfACukNfBew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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