Zbrush Sculpting #3 - Damaged Concrete Pillar

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hello and welcome to my third video on zebra sculpting in this video I'd like to teach you guys I can scope something like this this is a concrete looking column with some damage to it and some rebar sticking out so I'm going to show you guys how you can scope something like this first of all let me go ahead and show you my dirtiest Mac setup here as you can see I've got three objects selected let me go ahead and move the main part out of the way so I've got just like in the picture we've got horizontal rebar and vertical rebar and I've got these two right here here's the horizontal and here's the vertical you can see even in 3dsmax it's almost two hundred thousand polygons so it's quite high poly for just a simple mesh so I probably won't be doing any subdivision of the rebar because I put a little bit more detail into it I could have just used a simple cylinder but I decided to have it look very close to the source image the reference image and let me show you really quickly how I made this rebar first I'll just go ahead and make an eight-sided cylinder and let me go ahead and center it and isolate it so what I pretty much did was I went ahead and deleted the top and bottom and since they were not visible so it's not necessary to have them and then I opened up my element sub object mode and I moved it a little bit this way I've got my angle on and I basically just rotated around the axis to create some to create about let's say three clones then I went ahead and attached it then I went ahead and if I switch to my top viewport I'll just go ahead and delete the center something like this then I'll go ahead and select these vertices and weld it increase the world threshold until they well together and now I've got this effect happening so I'm go ahead and increase the size what I'm going to do is I need to put in a lot more sections here segments so I'm going to go and select an edge ring Connect and just click and slide this up until I get a lot of different segments here you can go ahead and for a better performance you can go ahead and maybe decrease the amount right now I just use 30 but then I apply a modifier called the twist modifier and the default settings the twist axis is okay so I'm go ahead increase the angle parameter and what that would do is just like the modifiers name says it will go ahead and twist the selected object and you can just twist until you get a good result and that's how I get my rebar to make it longer what I do is I'll go ahead and turn off the twist modifier so you notice when I created my cylinder and resized it I didn't really pay attention to its height its z-axis value so let's say I want to make this rebar bar longer I would need to you know select it hold shift and kind of move it up like that right but the problem is if I create a bunch of copies you can see they're not connected here and that's a problem so let me go ahead and delete those and here's what you do you go ahead into your vertex sub-object mode you click on the top vertex any of these will be fine you can even click on all of them we're gonna simply click on one you make sure that right now I'm at my select object mode so I can't really see the Z height value so I'm gonna switch to my move mode and select cut highlight this value and it I can either right click and copy go ahead and select this ctrl C and now I'll go ahead and enter my array tool tools let me go ahead and zoom out a bit I'm going to go to tools and array and now I'm going to say let's have a count of five type of object copy and in the Z value here incremental I want to paste in that Z value that I just copied and then we'll click on preview and as you can see they're matching up quite nicely I'm gonna click on OK and now I have most multiple cloned objects that line up perfectly now I can simply attach them all using this method or going into the attach list which is faster if you've got a lot of objects that you need to quickly attach alright and as always after welding after attach and don't forget to weld it together okay and now the twist value is no longer adequate because you now have a much longer object so to make the twist work you just need to increase the twist angle here to a much higher value until you get something that resembles your reference image so that's how I get my rebar all right so that's how you create the rebar and in this case I only want the bottom part of the concrete to be destroyed which is where the rebar is not going all the way through the the column the column and self is quite simple at the beginning it was like this but for a good subdivision it's important to have your quads your faces be as close as possible equal in length and height and width so that's why I went ahead and added a few more segments here and now they're equal not quite but very close some go ahead and censor that and I'm gonna go ahead and go into export export selected and I'll go ahead and you can choose a name I'll go ahead and call it concrete column which I already have here save replace it and if you're using 3ds max you can use a preset when you're exporting to obj 3dsmax comes with a variety of presets so you can so 3ds max is quite compatible with lots of different programs you can see here there's Bryce cinema4d Maya modo Mudbox softimage xsi ZBrush someone go ahead select ZBrush and click on export the more complex your model the longer this will take well it's a very fast procedure and then you just click on done now it's time to go into ZBrush you can press comma to open up lightbox lightbox is once again a very quick way of organizing your files and seeing what the most recent files you have so I'm gonna go ahead and load up the default Z sphere okay so now one thing to keep in mind when you're importing is that whatever a sub tool you have selected here will be replaced when you import if you don't want to replace it here's what you do go to append and select a random 3d mesh here I'll usually select the polymesh3d make sure it's highlighted now you can click on import select your object and now this new upended object will be replaced but not the object you would like to keep so that's something very important that you should keep in mind for any future projects make sure if you don't want to replace the current object just append a random object and then make sure it's selected and then import in this case I don't want this sphere here someone can select it and click on delete it's telling me that this is not an undo operation Sarge's click on OK and here's my concrete column to review it fully I'm gonna press F and here it is so as as I told you before I'd like to see both sides and by the phone ZBrush only lets you see the front side someone go to display properties and click on double and change my material to my favorite which is madcap gray and increase the brightness I'm going to subtool okay so here's the thing new export from 3ds max and import into ZBrush all the objects are now one sub tool and this is of course a problem because I want to work on the concrete but I don't want to affect these and I did not want the rebar to be affected so what I do if you press if you press shift F to activate polyframe you can see that the poly frame of the concrete and the rebar is different so when you export objects from a different program so I have three objects here the concrete and the two types of rebar when you import them into ZBrush they will all be one object but the ZBrush will know that they have different polygroups so now it's a simple process of going here under split in the sub tool menu go to split and there's an option here called group split and this what this will do is it will split up all your poly groups into individual sub tools someone go ahead and click on us once again Oh tell me this is not an undoable operation but I'm fine with that and now though that one tool has now been split into three sub tools the horizontal red rebar vertical and the concrete column to rename an object let's say you want to rename this to horizontal rebar just click on this rename button and enter in a new name so I can enter in hores rebar and that's how you rename objects you can enter isolation mode by clicking on this eye and now this object has been isolated if you click on other objects it will still be in isolation mode and you will only be able to see them to exit out of isolation mode simply click and once all the eyes are visible here on the right you can now see all the objects when you're in isolation mode you can click on the eyes of other sub tools to make just them visible you can switch between subtools and three ways first you can simply just click on here in the subtool menu next you can press n and select it from here lastly if you hold alt and click you'll be able to switch that way simply hold alt and click on a sub tool that's not selected currently and you can switch to it okay so let's go ahead and get started working on the concrete so to subdivide your model you simply press control D however do we have a problem here that's because because our object is a simple rectangle with no supporting loops it will round it out just like it will do in 3ds max and this is not what we want so we have to go into I wanna press ctrl-z two times to undo that I'm gonna go into geometry I'm gonna hold shift that way I can have multiple menus multiple menus open at once and I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the smooth option and now when I subdivide you can see it's being subdivided but it's not smoothing out it's giving me the subdivision but it's not smoothing the surface someone do that about four times now I'm going to click on the smooth option and now it's giving me a nice result now I can go ahead and begin sculpting so let's take a look at that reference image so here's what's happening and I'm gonna go ahead and drag this into my second monitor and let's begin sculpting let's start with the claybuildup brush I'm gonna press s and change the draw size because right now it's a little bit too big and I'm just going to go ahead and I'm gonna hold alt and begin scoping in a word okay so right now I have to hold alt if I don't want to hold out remember I can always change to the brushes the behavior by switching from Z to Z sub and this will subtract it without me having to hold alt and right now the geometry is a little bit jagged so I'm gonna go ahead and press control D again to subdivide it one more time and I'm just gonna go ahead and scope some damage trying to match my reference image someone I don't really have to go too far in let me go and do some on this side as well at this stage you can be very chaotic and maybe a little bit of damage here as well for variety all right now the damage is looking a little bit too uniform a little bit too clean so let's vary it up so the general strategy and I'm gonna go ahead and use the claybuildup brush I'm also going to use the clay tubes brush with this alpha right here half number four and the clay tubes brush is a lot weaker than the clay powder brush so the difference between these two brushes and this is claybuildup as you can see it just keeps going and going and going we're asked with the clay to was brush it only does one layer at a time so it's a much better choice for adding very slight gradual damage let me go ahead and show you the reference picture so for this area right here the claybuildup brush is a good choice but for this area right here in this area in this area the clay tubes brush will allow you to slightly damage it but not too much so I'm gonna go ahead and use the clay toothbrush in this area right here to add some slight damage but not too much and you can use the clay tubes brush to gradually add lots of small damage detail it's this brush the clay toothbrush is a lot easier to control than the clear build a brush so you can really go be more aggressive with it whereas with the clay tubes brush should have to be a little bit more careful because he can quickly destroy a lot of detail a lot of chemistry very quickly or push it in words sure so you can be a little bit more aggressive the clay to clay toothbrush and whenever you feel that you're ready to subdivide just go ahead and press control-d all right so in the reference picture there is also some rocks going in this this way some go ahead and bring some of the geometry back and it's always a good idea to spend some time looking at your reference images and having a variety of different images because there's lots of different materials in the world and the only way to get them looking right is to spend some time doing your research analyzing them and trying to get all the subtle nuances that really make these materials believable so I just like using the clay toothbrush to gradually add damage it's a very fun brush to use once you get the hang of it and that this at this point it's a matter of just spending a lot more time with the clay tubes brush and the claybuildup brush to add a lot of detail add more detail sometimes you can switch to your / three brush to put in some more cracks there at this point let me go ahead and inter isolation mode so the bars are not in my way you can you can use the slash 3 brush to kind of define the rocks or the the damaged concrete the inside of this concrete pillar and just switch between sculpting positively and scooping negatively and just adding more and more detail variety and a shortcut for increasing the intensity the strength of your brush is you so just go ahead and press you then you can move the slider so just keep on adding more and more detail you can also use brushes like the trim dynamic brush to flat flat areas out okay and at this point it's still looking very rough it's still a lot of work to do but at this point you can use alphas I'm gonna switch to my standard brush I'm going to switch from dots to drag rectangle and I'm gonna switch to an alpha right here called XMD blob - there's a very great set of free brushes that you can download by an artist named Michael Dunham they're called the XMD alphas I will have a link in the description for where you can go to download these brushes and these brushes are very great for sculpting damage and rocks and concrete and this is what it does this is the Alpha right here in front in work at work and it gets this nice destroyed concrete or rock effect it works well in both the negative direction and the positive direction so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hold control to switch to my masking brush and I'm gonna mask the inside of this area in this area basically anywhere where it's damaged you can hold ctrl and then press alt to remove the masking so if you notice that the masking has gone too far off target go ahead and press ctrl alt to remove it and also this area now I'm gonna hold ctrl and click on the mask to soften it now I'm going to go ahead and hold ctrl and click in an empty area to invert the mask so now only the damaged area will be affected and as you can see the alpha adds that kind of destroyed detail in there I recommend Natchez relying on alphas combined alphas with your custom brush work for best results now I'm gonna go ahead and hold ctrl and click on an empty area once again to invert it this time I'm gonna go and drag my brush tang over here then we'll go into Auto masking and click on back face mask I want to change my alpha to this this is a custom alpha that I made I may upload somewhere in the future so you can download it but this is something I mean just by opening up a concrete texture and editing editing it in Photoshop and if you look at the reference image you can see that these are two different materials at work here the the surface is a different color two different material it's got a lot of these cracks in it and the inside is a different color of different material and doesn't have these kinds of cracks but to get these kinds of cracks I'll just go ahead and use my custom alpha and maybe I can go ahead and decrease the intensity to about 10 and now because I'm using masking I don't have to worry about getting those cracks in the inside where they don't fit according to my reference and I can just go ahead and apply those cracks everywhere I can change the size and rotation just by moving around and now to deactivate the mass come on go ahead and come control and drag an empty area now we'll go ahead and remove the mask and let's get those rebars back in here and that is a very quick look at how you can create these kinds of destroyed concrete columns with rebar sticking out and you can always some go ahead I'm gonna go ahead and switch to my rebar sub tool by holding ctrl and clicking on it I mean holding alt and clicking on and now I can switch to my move tool I'm using move topological but it's very similar to the move tool and I can move the rebar as well because the rebar probably will not be straight probably be a little bit damaged and crooked and I can move that as well for a nice effect so make sure to move it from multiple axes so don't just get stuck on one view always be rotating and moving it around and just move your rebar to damage it as well and I can switch to my horizontal rebar and move it around as well right now you can notice symmetries on I can press X to turn it off so we've got a pretty nice-looking damaged column here you can always spend more time different brushes different alphas to get a much more detailed result you can even go ahead and press ctrl D again to subdivide it and to continue adding even more detail so I hope this was helpful thank you for watching and take care
Channel: Arrimus 3D
Views: 14,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, Autodesk 3ds Max (Software), 3d, 3ds, cg, cgi, damage, concrete, pillar, sculpt, environment, arrimus, vertex, edge, polygon, mesh, geometry, mask, rebar, 3D Modeling (Profession)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 49sec (1849 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 16 2014
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