Intro to Motion Graphic Icons: Boat [3/8] | After Effects Tutorial

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hello everybody and welcome back to tip tart today we're continuing with our motion graphics icon series now before we get started I will say that you can watch these in any order that you want but do you recommend if you're a beginner you watch the camera one first because I explain all of the intricacies of basic stuff like moving keyframes shifting drawing and squares and shapes and lines and things like that I explain shortcuts and details that I'm not going to do so much in the rest of these otherwise they'd all be 45 minutes long which is crazy previously we've made the camera the photograph and now we're moving on to the boat the fun one which I like but let's take a look what we've made so far we've got a camera sliding in looking cool and I'll photograph doing the same thing the next step is to create the boat these are really simple really easy to do you should be able to follow along even if you're a beginner but if you run into any trouble let me know I'll do my Express best to explain myself in the comments let's get started without any further ado let's move on let's cut off these layers we've had before so that we don't need either of them anymore unless dive right in let's grab our simple icons one jpg which you can get at the description below on my website and let's create a mask quickly over the boat so we know what we're working with grab a rectangle tool and with our icons layer selected just draw a rough square around the boat doesn't have to be perfect it can be rough that's fine brilliant let's press open square bracket to push the start of our layer to where we want it to be and let's come over to motion v2 and realign the anchor point to the center if you don't have this plug-in it's really simple you can just click the Pan behind tool and you can move the anchor point yourself let's hit P to bring up the position keyframes and so I've been 960 540 which is the center of a 1920 by 1080 composition or you can just align it like so I remember the numbers so I do it that way the first step in sort of animating this sort of logo is to draw over a shape in shape layers in After Effects you could if you wanted to import an illustrator file to shape layers but doing it manually allows you to think about how that design is constructed and the best ways to animate it to make it look realistic or like it's actually made of the components that you're animating I'm gonna sort of blast through this because we've done it three times already but it's quite a simple process you grab your pen tool or your shape tool and you just basically trace what you've got for example this first wave I'm going to click here I'm gonna click here and drag and then I'm gonna click here and drag until i roughly copy the shape that I got easy peasy first bit done I'm gonna press I open square bracket to align it like so and I'm gonna name it wave 1 make sure you click off the layer after you've drawn each shape otherwise we'll end up drawing lots of shapes on one layer and that's useless what we want is lots of shapes on lots of layers so we can animate them all individually with greater ease for example we've now got wave to draw on as well you can see where I'm coming from this is SuperDuper easy peasy lemon squeezy ok we're gonna grab our boat and we're going to use the pen tool trace this wave like so however if we were to let go here and then click here for the next segment you'll notice that if follows the curve that we've previously set using this line tool so what you want to do before you click this one before you let go of clicking this one you click and drag to where you want it to be in the right position okay I'm holding shift B don't need T and then before you let go of anything press alt press and hold alt and what that does is that sets I'm still holding out that sets the previous part of the line so that when I move I'm only moving the second handle from there I can reposition it to be roughly over the line where I want it to be and then let go which means when I click up here it treats this point down the bottom as a linear point rather than a Bezier point and what it means it ignores the influence of the previous segment so we've got to do the same thing here I'll position to it to where I want to be I'm gonna hold down alt this time I'm gonna hold shift - and that's gonna lock it tonight degrees let go of everything and then when I next click the next point it's gonna be a perfect line with no corner here which is exactly what we're after for example I can click and drag here and position that like so then holding alts I can push this back to where I need it to be nice and simple that's how you get really complicated shape or not really complicated but a complicated shape inside of After Effects looking the way you want it to look ok we'll call this one moat main and we'll press open square bracket to push it to the start let's draw the master then nice and easy and it's so now almost good Burnette me like that on the mast and let's do the same with these sails here let's grab sail corner holding shift because I know it's maybe it's not 45 degrees holding shift because I know that I get a perfect triangle we're gonna do the same thing open square bracket rename it sail left and then clicking off that layout we're gonna do the same for this one open square bracket call this one sail right that's all of our light our lines rather our lines all of our lines done we just now need to create these colored shapes underneath the easiest way to do that is to duplicate the shapes that we've already got okay you've got sail right and we've got a sail left so let's duplicate both of those push them underneath okay let's remove the stroke by alt clicking the thumbnail until we get a line through it and then what we can do is click on fill click on the eyedropper and just eyedropper our sails here and then move them into position like so totally overlay the initial jpg perfect let's do the exact same thing with the boat underneath so we've got boat main we've duplicated that you push it underneath with ctrl open square bracket duplicate his control date just in case you didn't know let's alt click the stroke thumbnail until there's a line through it and then fill the boat with the green color okay and then put it into position like that and then to test how well we've done it we can delete the JPEG underneath and see how much it changes not much at all pretty much perfect let's select all of these layers and I'm gonna change all of the ends to be round what that does is all the ends of the lines just get a nice little round cap on them I'm using a plug-in called buck Kappa which is hilarious if you don't have that it's really easy you can just twirl down the contents of your layer until you get to path and you get to stroke sorry and then go to line cap and line join and make them both around okay that just gives the ends of the lines and less rounded and believe it or not perfect we are ready to start animating nice and easy this one's a fun one to do because you can have things bobbing about because it's on water which is lovely first thing we're gonna need is our waves to come in and we can do that with trim pathing and at the start of this video you probably saw the way the boat was animated the waves kind of come in the boat Bob's are the water then all the sails drop down it looks pretty cool it's fun to animate let's go to wave one let's go to 12 down add trim path okay twelve down trim paths grab your end keyframe and just drag that all the way down from 100% to 0% and you can see what that does it just basically trims the end of the path where should why it's called trim path all the way down to zero let's keyframe that and we want to make sure that all our animations are fairly sort of regular in their speed and how long it takes to do things in the previous episodes I've been doing sort of 15 or 10 keyframe movements so for example ctrl shift and right to a movie 10 frames and control right will make you move one frame so that's 15 frames for the first part of the animation and that goes from start and I made all the way up to end and that means it takes 15 frames to do that perfect let's grab those keyframes and hit f9 to give them a bit of easing so it looks less boring when it does it let's go to our speed graph editor so if you click the graph at it button here you should see a little arc that looks like this which indicates the speed of your animation you know slow very fast very slow I'm sorry if you don't see that it's because you're on the value graph you would probably see something like this just click the second to left icon here and make sure it says speed graph okay zoom in a little bit click and drag over both of the points in the graph which correlate exactly to the points of keyframes here and then just click and drag on the yellow handle so there moves from fast to slow I'd say okay fact that probably moves a little bit too fast so I'm going to drag my second keyframe by selecting it and pressing alt shift right rather than ctrl shift right and that moves keyframes rather than the playhead 10 frames over and then just outright 5 frames over until we get a 30 frame animation let's get to me let's grab both those keyframes go to the first one hit ctrl C go to our second wave hit ctrl V as I point working twice if we don't have to hope or don't wanted to come in at exactly the same time it's always nice and there's a little bit of a delay so I'm gonna move along three frames the control right and I'm gonna press open square bracket to push that second wave over a little bit and for the sake of neatness I'm gonna put it underneath like so looks good to me perfect now the next bit is the fun bit we can have the boat bobbing up out of the water okay this is really easy and fun to do grab your boat main and your boat main two layers and make sure that the anchor point is in the top middle roughly and then bring up your position keyframes for these okay so we're gonna find a point where the line starts to pretty much cover everything that we need so let's say halfway through okay and then we're gonna press P to bring up the position keyframes we're also pretty gonna want to scale them a little bit as well so we hit scale so P shift s brings up position and scale is keyframe both of those okay and then let's go over say 15 frames 1 1 2 3 4 5 keyframe again and now usually what we did in the previous episode is then go over ten frames keyframe again and have this second frame be the sort of overshoot okay so this we're gonna animate all they're hidden on here this one they're gonna shoot past a little bit where they need to be and then this one they're gonna rest back in their right position but because it's kind of specially bobbing out of the water a little bit it might be nice if we overshoot again okay so these come out overshoot undershoot and then settle so let's let me just show you what that means the first thing you don't wanna do is hide these so we know we're gonna want to hide them underneath that wave to do that we need to shift their position all the way down and probably scale them down a little bit as well to maybe 90 we can even try 80 to be honest it was that's 800 yeah 80 looks alright on this one we're gonna overshoot them a little bit so let's scale them to say 105 let's shift their position up a little bit not too much maybe that much this one we know is where we want them to end up so let's grab these key frames move along 10 keyframe again go back to those I have this undershoot so it comes back down a little bit and then we'll shift him to maybe 95% scale again so we've got now is a little bobbing motion okay like that might be best if we actually did these from the bottom you know it's like yeah that looks okay mmm that looks better from the top yeah that's why we leave it the way is let's add some easing to these f9i so that looks like okay that looks okay I don't like the scale changes there though I prefer just position ones so I'm actually gonna do is grab all the scale keyframes of these last three and set them all to 100 which means it's just undersized on that first Bob as it rises out of the water I'm also gonna do is grab all of these and see if I can't tweak the speed to make it look a little bit better the first one you probably want it to go fast to slow and then the second lot you might want to leave as they are I might do is just tweak them a little bit so it's not a hundred percent influenced but it is a little bit still out of say no they look good as where they were all right perfect I'm happy with that let's just quickly grab these like so and trim them with alt open square bracket and then you'll notice that it looks fine apart from we can still see the boat which is kind of done this is where our mask comes into play we could add a mask on each individual layer and try and animate them separately compensating for their position for the position of the shapes or we can add a shape layer above it and track mat both of them so that you can't see them okay and that's probably what I'm going to do that's the easiest way today I'm gonna trace over this first wave does that feel perfectly accurate song because your line is in between the edges of the stroke and I'm just gonna make sure that I've got enough space to cover up that entire boat area okay like that just quickly realign that anchor point let's press open square bracket to put it to where we start at the start of where we want it and let's press control open square bracket to push it down until this is the first layer above the main boat and we'll call this mask well then select our boat main layer and go to alpha inverted matte mask underneath track now what that does it means anywhere that this mask shape isn't show this boat main shape so for example the stroke of this boat is now invisible because it's behind that mask but when it animates up it'll start to be visible again which is exactly what we want let's duplicate this mask layer drag it above boat main to which is the colored part of the boat and do the same thing like that okay which means that when it's underneath there's nothing there and then it starts to come out like that which is perfect it's a little bit weird still because it's above these waves so let's take all of those layers like so collapse them and push them below both of those waves okay press you to bring up all the keyframes again and you can see airguns comes growing out of the ways perfect it's pretty good happy with that let's take a look a bit further away good good good now we want the mast to grow out of the boat we also want it to be attached to the boat okay we don't want to be floating there in this animating without it being attached so let's go all the way past all the animation that we've done okay and then and only then link the mask to the boat layer so grab your pick whip and attach it to the boat now the reason we go past all the animation is because then it's always stuck to the boat I'll show you what happens if we did it when the boat was still moving if we go here the boats still moving and then we pick with our mask to our boat main layer it pick whips it in that position forever meaning it'll float as we animate okay which is and what you want and that is why you go past all your animations make sure it's in the position you want it to be in and then pick whip and then it sticks to the boat which is exactly what you want because what that means is when that boat first Bob's up we can say after a few frames we can start trimming the end of this path so that it animates out okay go to our end keyframe it move say 15 frames long let's do more than that try 30 keyframe again go back to that first one and just drag it all the way down to zero so now when it comes out the water he grows with it and Bob's with it as well which is the important thing let's F 9 those that add a bit of easing to them and do the same thing to the speed graph go from fast to slow let's look happy with that fact let's have a start at the same time as the boat rises out the water yeah that looks okay apart from it needs to start on two three frames later yeah that looks good otherwise if it doesn't start three from a toe you can see it beneath the waves here but as soon as that boat is passed the waves we can have this layer start okay brilliant let's go then to the end of our animation and this time equip all of us sales to our mast which means they come out of the waves with the mast which is perfect however because the mast is attached to the boat it also scales with the boat as well not a massive problem because we're not going to see them until the boat stops scaling but as that boat starts to bob back down that's when we want these sails to start flicking out like you saw in the beginning okay so go to that keyframe here on the boat main and we'll just put all of our sails to start they're very important now that you make sure you set the anchor point for these so you've got both of our right hand sails has put them next to each other okay we want both of their keyframes keyframes sorry there anchor points to be in the top left of their shapes okay because that's the way they're gonna swing out and one the same for the left hand ones apart from we want them to be in the top right again I've got the plug in here but you could just sort of click and drag and move these around okay using the Pan behind tool for these ones then we're gonna need scale and rotation keyframes for both of them so let's start with the left hand side let's bring up s shift our for scale and rotation okay well keyframe all of them and we're gonna have these Bob like the boat did okay so 15 frames for the first animation keyframe that then it needs to overshoot a little bit so that ten frames undershoot a little bit 10 frames I'll shoot a little bit 10 frames this might go very slowly in which case we can tweak that later but as long as the increments between time are the same it's gonna look just fine okay so we first wanted to start with a rotation that is sort of underneath a little bit like that let's go 30 degrees and let's start with a scale of 0 okay that means this is gonna be the overshoot okay that's gonna be under shoot that's gonna be over shoot a lip and then that's gonna be where we wanted to end up okay so this first one can be over shooted let's rotate this way maybe 20 degrees and let's scale up mmm actually let's level the scale like we did the same for the bow it only scales on the first bit okay so in that case we can probably just get rid of all these key frames meaning we can just move back onto that rotation let's understand was what 20 yes let's do this one 15 the other way let's do this 1 7 or so this way Oh 7 okay and then this one can be finished meaning when we ease these with f9 and we go and do the first one like this we should get something that looks pretty good perfect and you can see that it moves with the boat however this is taking a little bit long to grow for me now the mask so I'm just gonna move that in meaning it should be pretty much at the top when our shapes start to grow from it ok perfect we're happy that's let's just duplicate exactly what we've done there but with the sail on the right hand side like so scale shift rotation and let's just keep frame them all like so so so and so okey-dokey this one then we can now copy what we've got underneath but it'll be reversed okay because it's facing the other way so negative 30 would be positive 30 for example once again I'm a big dummy and forgot that there are no scale keyframes there so we'll just delete those and let's overshoot as we want to negative 15 becomes positive 15 okay negative 7 or positive 7 becomes negative 7 and then settle becomes settle swings out ah now this one hasn't overshot here so this one is the overshoot we did that wrong this one needs to be negative 20 which we missed that one's positive that ones over there we go perfect let's ease those with f9 go to our speed graph grab them here and just shift that along and looks good looks really good let's have this second sail come out a little bit later than the first sail move along three frames or ctrl right and then have that animation start it just gives it a bit more life perfect and let's just quickly check what we did on that first one here so we had some wind go by that's nice and easy to do we can do some wind quite easily let's have the wind come in at the beginning but let's go to the end so we can tell where the lines are actually gonna be let's click sort of here-ish and then draw a nice wavy line we don't want it on a fill though we want it instead on a stroke with this green color let's have the green color instead of the dark blue that looks okay and then let's position it all we want to and making sure we give it round caps again if you want to give it round caps but you don't have this you can just go down to the stroke and choose line cap around and we've already been through this before you add a trim path to it you trim the path it's nice and simple you can see that this kind of motion graphics is very much the same thing done in different ways okay once you learn it once that's really all there is to it you just need to apply your thinking and your knowledge of what the object is in how you want to animate it okay let's just trim that little layer like so and bring it around to the start of the animation let's have it be sort of just as the boat starts to come out because then by the time it crosses the sails should be in position yeah that looks good apart I forgot to add the start keyframe on to this one so that the line actually ends which is quite important wouldn't you say oops I've done done a lot there what we're done I've some for some reason keyframe the offset and the opacity as well which I didn't need to do so let's easy ease those make them go from fast to slow and then as we did before just offset this lower end with alt and right and then you've got your line dancing across the screen as the wind goes let's duplicate that shift along maybe three frames and then adjust it so it looks like there's two looks good to me let's see what we've come up with okay here we get you ready happy with that that looks lovely okay then let's collapse all of these boat layers like so go back here find the earliest one press by to move our playhead to that point and then select all of our layers precompose making sure we move all of the attributions the new composition we'll call this one boat and there we go it's nice and neat we've done our boat looks good however these other ones spin in in a cool way so all we need to do to recreate that is to make sure we pin movement of like a scale and rotation of a null object to this boat composition layer so for example we've got a null object here that is scaled and rotated from 45 degrees and 90 percent all the way up to zero degrees and a hundred percent okay so that's easy to do ctrl shift alt + y or add a null object open square bracket pusher where it is ctrl open square bracket will push it underneath the layer then you can just add in a rotation and scale keyframe like so move along 30 frames like so and then on the first one negative 45 and 90 percent scale drag over all of them hit f9 to ease them go to your speed graph and go from fast to slow okay and then you can see well you can't see is this a null object you can see it'll rotate like so okay and as soon as that object is finished rotating you go to your boat lair and pick whip to the null again it's important this finished its movement otherwise you'll be counted in it that looks pretty good to me won't like that however you notice that this one looks a little bit more animated that's just because I've put an expression on it that gives it a bit of bounce it's not necessary I just like it and that is called elastic and the ease and whiz so I'm gonna select all of my keyframes go to my ease and whiz plug in elastic out all apply and all it does gives it a little bit of extra bounce and overshoot on that animation as it comes in so you can look at it now there you go happy with that all right let's see what we've done so far then in this series we've got our camera coming in we've got our photograph and we've got our boat which is a little bit more bubbly and bouncy than the other two perfect next time we'll be moving on to the surfboard which is quite a good run because it involves things like masks and shapes coming in sort of forming themselves which is quite cool however like I said you can watch these in any order you want so if there's any others that are out feel free to do so and watch those until then have fun animating and creating motion graphics and I'll see you all next time for the next episode of motion graphic icons for more tips tricks and tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: TipTut
Views: 14,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiptut, tip, tut, adobe, creative, cloud, graphic, design, designers, tutorials, lessons, tiptalks, tipwalks, helpful, after, effects, motion, graphics, icons, beginners, intro, how, to, animated, icon, animate, photo, boat, sail, line
Id: 6XYTpWt6bDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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