Image Formats — Which to use when?

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making sense of all the different image file formats can be really overwhelming but when you're DIY in the visuals for your business you've got to understand the differences between your JPEGs and your PNG s let's go over the different types that are available and when it's best to use each hi I'm Ali I help emerging entrepreneurs get their businesses up and running online with a standout brand and a website and a sure way to stand out but in a bad way is to use the wrong file format for your images this could mean a huge slow loading file on a website a badly printed business card or maybe a missing graphic entirely from an email on the other hand using the correct file format means that your visuals will show up for your potential clients exactly as you had intended there are two main categories of image formats raster and vector files so what are raster images raster images are pixel based and so they're created with a grid of pixels that together form the larger image as a whole photographs are a really good example of a raster image and what you have to keep in mind is that if you go to enlarge one without considering the resolution they can end up looking blurry and distorted which is no good vector images on the other hand are far more flexible rather than being made up of pixels they're created using geometric paths and formulas on a computer and what's so great is that they can keep the same quality no matter if they're being sized down to fit as small as on the side of a pencil or if they're being enlarged to fit on a billboard most likely your logo and brain graphics have been created as vector files but if not and you find that you need a vector file you can easily create one by taking your raster image into design software and tracing it that way so now that you have an understanding of the two main categories let's go have a look at the differences between the most common file types JPEGs JPEGs are a really well-known file type they're really known for their ability to have a small file size so they're great using online and for things that need to be downloaded through email however JPEGs can't have a transparent background so if your image needs to overlay another image or a background color you're going to want to use the next file type PNG z' PNG s are becoming one of the most popular file formats to use online but they're not good for print because they can have a transparent background you can use them to overlay another graphic or a background color which is really useful they're really great for simple colors and shapes and text but keep in mind that the file size becomes a little bit larger than a jpg gif or Jeff well I call them gifts and they're a widely used format online the reason why is because they're really small and file size so they're quick to download you often see these used for animated graphics like memes or banner ads TIFF tips are mainly used for high quality printing you wouldn't want to use a tiff online even though they can have a transparent background because of their large file size they would take forever to load so a better option for high quality images online is a JPEG or PNG PSD PSD files have been created and saved in Photoshop and what makes them really great is that they can contain layers so they're really great for doing any editing on images or any retouching and then you can export your file as needed and any of the file types that I've already mentioned for use on either print or online EPS EPS files are usually vector format and used by designers to create high resolution graphics for print they're really great if you need to send your logo to a printer because they can be scaled up or down to be any size without losing any quality or resolution ultimately the right file type depends on how you'll use the image so ask yourself if it's going to be used in print or online does it need to have a transparent background does it need to be able to be resized and can it be easily downloaded now if you're starting to think about how you can find great images to use for your business and on your website click the video that's on your screen right now where I cover just that and appear loving all these tips and tactics about running your business online don't forget to click subscribe and hit the notification bellow so that you're reminded the next time my video goes live I'll see you next time
Channel: Do Well Websites
Views: 1,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Image formats, file formats, image file types, image file formats, web images, images for website, alli mcauley, do well websites, image transparency, raster, vector, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, eps, tif, tiff, psd
Id: X5VgYeK09hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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