Will It Cannoli? Taste Test (ft. Madison Beer)

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- Today we ask the age old question. - Will it cannoli? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning! - And please welcome to the show, author of her new memoir, "The Half of It", which is out tomorrow. It's Madison Beer! (crew members applauding) - Okay. - You know what's up, Madison! - Yeah. You're familiar with this. - Everything. - You've seen the show a few times, huh? - A couple. Only every day for the last 11 years. (Rhett and Link laughing) - Yeah. Okay. Yeah, so, you know, a little birdie told us, not only are you a Mythical Beast, but you especially love "Will Its". - I do. - And by little birdie, he means the Twitter bird. "I thought you'd never ask," responding to the question, "Recommend me a GMM video to watch right now. I'm stuck." And you say, "Any of the 'Will Its' are fire. Personal opinion." (crew laughing) - I still to this day think about the ice cream sandwich "Will It". - Yeah. - With the crayons. I wanna eat that. - We can arrange that. Let's arrange that. - Like, I don't know why that's the one that sticks out, but yeah, I love it. - I feel like we've arranged something better than that. We usually don't have guests on a "Will It", but since you're talking about how fire it is. - Yeah, right. - Well, I wanna know if you feel the fire after you've gone through the gauntlet of being on a "Will It". So that's what we're gonna do today. You a fan of cannolis? - Sure. (Rhett laughs) - Well, let's ruin that. - Yeah. Cool. - It's time for- - [Group] "Will It Cannoli?" - [Stevie] So guys, between the teaser and the intro, I said something to Madison and Madison said, "Oh my God, Stevie's talking to me." And I just would appreciate if moving forward, that's how you would respond when I say something to you. - Oh, my God, Stevie's talking to me. - [Stevie] Thank you. I appreciate that. - How'd that feel? - [Stevie] I'm talking to you because I wanted to remind you, you have a third mouth button option, but because there are three of you for this "Will It", it's actually a fourth mouth button. - Right. - [Stevie] And you can summon any crew member in the room to come and help you see if something will. - Okay. - [Stevie] Also, our "Will It" crew tournament is still very much happening and Kalyn and Hitch are currently in the lead, so we'll see if they hold onto it by the end. - But it's a long road. It's a long road. - We're still early! - So let's not get too excited, Kalyn. - [Kalyn] Okay. (crew laughing) - Why are you always excited? All right, let's get to the first one, Rhett. - Okay, first off, street corn, also known as elote. It has to be one of the most beautiful street food creations on the entire earth. Grilled corn with spices, smothered in queso, fresco, and mayo with a fresh squeeze of lime juice. - I mean, I love these things. My mouth is watering just hearing you talk about it. Look. - Oh, please don't make us look at your watering mouth. - Thank you. - You don't wanna look at it? - I believe you. - That's fine, that's fine, that's fine. - All right, okay. Can that magic make a cannoli even better? Let's find out with the street corn-oli! - This is beautiful, Vi! What did you do? - [Vi] So this is the street corn cannoli. It's a masa-infused dough with a corn and queso fresco ricotta filling, charred corn bits on the outside, topped with crema, chipotle, and chili powder, queso fresco, chopped cilantro, and a lime, of course. - And I've limted it. - [Vi] Yeah, you did. Good job. - Thank you. - So, Madison, just take your pick. - I'm afraid. Okay. I'm excited. - This is not a round to be afraid. - No, this is a good one. - Yeah, you know it's- - You're not allergic to corn, are you? - No, but even if I was, I'd still eat it. - Okay, great. (crew laughing) Maybe we should make that the last round then. - 'Cause a cannoli... - Are we dinking? - Yeah, we are. - Yeah, we are. - Let's dink it. - Let's dink it. - Cannolis are never savory. - I put corn in my water. - Dink it, drip it, sink it. (food crunching) - Whoa. I could see this with the OC fair. It would be a hit. - Yeah, because... - Great fair food. It's spicy. - The corn doesn't like, corn can go both ways. Did you ever known that about corn? I've known that about corn. Corn goes both ways. - It can be sweet. Yeah. I like sweet corn. - It can be sweet and it can be savory. A lot of people don't appreciate corn the way that I do. - I agree. - [Stevie] That's just not the both ways I was thinking you were talking about. - You gonna take another bite? - I go both ways, as well. - If you take another bite, then you know it will. - [Stevie] Wow. You learn something new every day. - Sweet and savory. - [Stevie] Okay. - That's good. - Okay? - Can you ever just suck everything out of a cannoli? - You should try. (Link gasping) (crew laughing) - This is the episode that I killed Link. - How was it? - That did kinda work and it did hit the back of my throat. - I mean, this one's easy, right? - Yeah, definitely. - Hey, so far, is this fire? - Fire. Living up to all expectations. (Rhett laughs) - It really is so good. - Yeah, that's really good. - I'm more of a savory than a candy guy. So this is a superior cannoli. I think we have already improved on the original. - Agreed. - All right. Street corn, will it cannoli? - [Group] Yes! - When it comes to Coca-Cola and dessert, there's not a lot of experimentation that's been happening. I mean, we got Coke floats. We've got Coca-Cola cake in the south. You ever heard of that? - No. - Apparently, you haven't either, the way you're saying it. - Yeah. (group laughing) - Right. I know, I just don't- - When you say something and just that. - I don't like any cakes. - Ask it as a question. - You don't like any cakes? - Not really. - Whoa. - Yeah. - I'm more of a corn guy, apparently. - Sure. - Well, you know what? I like cakes. That's probably why you follow me on Instagram and not him. (Madison and crew laughing) - Is that a thing? How do I even see- - Don't tell him. Why are you telling him? - I mean... - How do I even see? - Because we're cake people. I mean, listen. - How do you see who follows you? - It's 'cause we're musicians. - Yeah, yeah. Right, yeah. - We're artists. - We got the music thing going, you know? It's no big deal. It's no big deal. Anything that happens to Madison on Instagram, I tell Link about it, so. - Perfect. - Yeah. You know. So, I make sure it's all in the family. (crew laughing) - I don't really feel like my Instagram's worth following. - It is to me. (Rhett laughs) - Okay. Well, then do it. (Rhett and crew laughing) The Coca-cannoli. It could also be called the cola-noli. - I thought you were gonna say colonoscopy. - It could be called the cannoli or the sparkly brown cannoli. All right. Take your pick. - I want the smallest one this time. - Dang. - Vi, what did you do? - It's red. - Very red. - [Vi] The Cola-noli. This is a cola dough with red canola. Oh, sorry. I said canola. Start over. - There's no canola. - [Vi] It's a cola dough with red cola ricotta filling and cola infused white chocolate shards on the outside. - [Link] Now, I don't- - I'm scared about this one. - I don't get the scent of cola. - Good thing it's just not about smelling it. - Okay. - Oh, God. (crew laughing) - I didn't expect it to be that hard. - I'm getting McDonald's. Do you get what I'm saying? - Yeah, what is that? - Because I think- - It tastes like ketchup. - 'Cause McDonald's serves Coke. - No, I know what it is. You're tasting, something about it tastes like the apple pies at McDonald's. - Oh yeah, it does. - In the cola infused dough. Why is that? - [Vi] You said McDonald's? - Something is giving McDonald's to me. I don't know why. - [Vi] Maybe it has the fry oil taste because those are fried, so that could be McDonald's. - [Madison] That could what I'm getting. - Incidentally- - [Vi] McDonald's smells like oil. - My in-laws also give McDonald's. Like, we have a stack of- - Oh yeah, I know about that. - Probably 45 McDonald's gift cards. (crew laughing) We get 'em every year for Christmas, birthdays and we don't use them. It's like, one time a year we go to McDonald's and we buy everything we can. We just keep handing 'em cards. It's a fun day. - That's amazing. - It's called the McDonald's Day. - Yeah, let's do that later. - That sounds like a fun day. - Let's do that later. - I'll put it on my Instagram next time I do it. You won't see it. (Rhett laughs) - Okay. That was excellent. I'm having a good time. The cake people having a great time. Coca-Cola, will it cannoli? Yes! - I don't know if I'm with you. (crew laughing) - I know, we didn't... We didn't even get to talk about it, dude. - You didn't like it? - [Stevie] It feels like no one else liked it. Were you like, too consumed with eating it for yourself? - I was like, surely they like this. (crew laughing) - No, it tastes like McDonald's to us. - It tastes like ketchup. - In a bad way. - Yeah. That's what we were saying. - Okay. So let me rephrase that. So what do y'all think? (crew laughing) - I'm not in love with this one. - Yeah. - Especially after the corn one, which was great. - Well, this is interesting 'cause usually it's just the two of us and we have to get into an argument over who's gonna has a stronger opinion, but neither of you like this. Okay, majority rules. - Two v. one today. - [Rhett And Link] Coca-Cola. Will, will it cannoli? - [Group] No! - KFC is best known for, you know what it's best known for? Chicken. - Yeah. - Yeah. - From Kentucky. - But I'm a fan of the sides, as well, most notably the classic mashed potatoes and gravy. So let's try some cannoli Sanders. Oh, yeah! - That works, right? - That was genius. - Oh, these are puffy. Look at that, girl. Get you one. Whichever one you want. Vi, what'd you do? - [Group] vThis is a gravy infused dough with mashed potato and cheese filling and fried chicken sprinkles on the outside. - Yes! So we're back in savory zone. Earlier you said, are we gonna dink and sink it? But I don't actually remember doing it. - We did. - We did. We can do it again. - Yeah. - Dink it. Come on. - Well, but let's- - Come over here. You're afraid. Why are you scared? - You want me to go on side? - I kind of have a vision for this. - What's your vision? Tell me. - You just kind of hold it right in the middle. - I'm supporting. Like this way? - Hold it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You're the middle of the dink. - Done. - We're never done this. - This is my super bowl. I want everyone to know. (Rhett laughs) - We're gonna sink. Okay. - [Group] Dink it and sink it. - Uh-huh. - How could that be bad? - Immediately, I'm getting the taste of the fried chicken. The taters are just the taters. - I love like, puff pastries in general. - Yeah, it's got that going on for it for sure. - This tastes just like a biscuit and mashed potatoes. - Any anybody wants some of this? 'cause we got this thing. What's it worth to you? - Oh, yeah! That's right! - Chase, what's it worth to you? Anybody? Anybody? - Hold on, you're gonna make the fourth mouth beg? I didn't know that's how I worked. You don't have to make a case for it. - Fine. - He wants them to. - How about, who do you want? - Nobody. - I think, you know what? I think you should get Mikayla to do it because it's a way to like, engender like, a good vibe with Mikayla because of the thing that you guys have sometimes. - Okay. - Act like it was your idea. - Is there conflict with Mikayla? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - He's got beef. They got beef. - I don't know which one of us don't like the other, but something's not lining up. Hey, Mikayla! I'd love for you to taste this 'cause it's awesome and we just need to have another one of our moments. - Hey, Mikayla. - Hi, Madison. - How are you? - So nice to meet you. - So nice to meet you! Link. Hi, Rhett. - Hey. (crew laughing) - This was my idea. - How you doing, Mikayla? - Good. - That, I bit off of that end. So if you wanna follow. - I don't wanna bite off what you bit off. I'll take this one. - You like KFC? - Actually, yesterday, we talked about this. I haven't had KFC in a decade as of yesterday, so. - Well, let's change that. - We're breaking the streak. - [Stevie] To the day? - Yesterday was 10 years. - How do you remember such a date? - I like food, so I like to remember when I have food. - Hold on. - That's special. - Don't eat it, though. (Link bangs the tongue) That was worth it. Go. - Okay. - We loved it. This is just to treat you because I care so much about you getting a positive experience here on Good Mythical Morning. - Okay. - Right? - Okay. - She doesn't hate it. (Rhett laughs) - All right. - Really good. - I love mashed potatoes. I love a mashed potato filling. I love it. Yeah. - This is good. - Look at that. - I would request a little bit of the slaw in there. I like to mix my slaw with the taters and the gravy, but I'm gonna say yes to this. - I'm saying yes. - Yeah. - [Rhett] KFC mashed potatoes and gravy. Will it cannoli? - [Group] Yes. - We interrupt this episode of Good Mythical Morning to tell you about a new video coming out tomorrow, Saturday morning, on the Rhett and Link channel. - Watch if you dare! (upbeat drumming) - Now, some people may tell you to watch what you eat, but what happens when what you eat is watching you? Presenting the Italian delight! I'm sorry, Madison. (crew laughing) But you wanted to do a "Will It". - What type of eyeballs are these? - [Vi] They are lamb and fishies! - Oh, we got two types. Hey, we went all out for you. We got two types of eyeballs. - It reeks. - You have a choice of. What are those and then what are these? - [Vi] The ones that are facing the camera are fish. - [Rhett] Those are fish. - [Vi] And the other ones are lamb. - [Madison] I'm offended. - [Vi] I've picked them out myself. - Thank you. - [Vi] You're welcome. - You plucked them out? - [Vi] Yeah, I did. - Okay, so that's the fish. You know what? I like having choices because I go both ways. Like I said earlier, I could go. - Lamb or fish. - Fish or lamb. So when you bite it, whatever makes a eye like, work. - I can't do this. - Like, the lens. There's some hard stuff in there. - You're making this so much worse. - There's just hard stuff in there. Don't be like- - Hard? Like it's crunchy? - Yeah. - I wouldn't call it crunchy. I call it more like, impervious to chewing. - Yeah, yeah. It's gonna be tough. It's gonna be real tough. But I feel like you should know that. Just so you're not surprised. - Step one is just to pick it up. Not the trash can. The cannoli. - And if I were you, I would go fish. - Fish? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - It's huge! - I'm going fish, too. - Do you see the size of my fish? - That's the lamb. - Oh, okay, fine. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Go fish. - So you're going for the smaller one. Pick it up. Hold it. Get to know it. - It's jiggling. - Are we all going fish? - I think we're all gonna go fish, yeah. - Oh, my God! - [Stevie] I mean, if they're both going fish, though, Rhett, and you go both ways, it's kinda... - That's right. - Stevie. - All right. Let's have some eye contact. - Oh, my God, I can't. I don't know if I can do this. - You just have to just turn off the thinker. - It's off. Try it. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You're right. Yeah. - You know? Also turn off the taster. Don't bite the eye in half. - Get the whole thing in your mouth and then- - Just put the whole. It's gonna be easier. - You know what? We'll do this together. - For us. - Oh, my God. - We're all gonna get the eyeball in our mouth and we're gonna stop, we're gonna pause. - I wouldn't do this for anyone but you two. - We're gonna check in with each other because it's not until you begin trying to break it that we're gonna have problems. - Right. - And listen, we're all gonna have problems. - You're gonna chipmunk it. You're gonna get the whole eyeball in your mouth. - I'm gonna sink it. We're gonna dink. - And then hold. - And if you want to chipmunk it, you can put it in your cheek. - And then we'll hold. - And then we'll have like, a moment of like, encouragement that will only be happening with our eyes because we won't be able to speak. - Right. - Stevie might say something, I don't know. She's always ready. - Stop it. Stop it. - And- - I'm team Mikayla. (Rhett laughs) Oh, my God. - Here we go. - I'll let you. It's gonna be right here. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's just right behind you. - It's just a little too early. - Okay. - Here we go. - Triple dink it. - Dink it and sink it. (crew laughing) - I'm trying. It's like my hand's not allowing. No, no, no. I can't. I can't. - No, no. It's good. It's good. - I can't do it. - It's good. - I can't do it. - It's good! - I can't do it. - [Stevie] You can do it! - It's good. (crew applauding) Now just hold it. Don't dink. Hold off your taster. Turn off your taster. (crew laughing) - And now... - No, no, no! No, no, no! - Now we're gonna chew. Three, two, one, chew. (Madison and Rhett groaning) (crew laughing) - What wrong with you guys? (Link retching) (crew laughing) - I am so sorry, Madison. I am so sorry you had to be here for that. - I apologize. - There's no way. - I apologize. I apologize for giving you what you asked for. (crew laughing) I recommend raking your tongue with that. - Yeah. (Rhett and Link retching) A lot of times, he makes it worse. - I know. - Yeah, yeah. - I know. - Yeah, he makes it worse. - Okay, now for the lamb side. (Rhett and crew laughing) All right, so. - Listen, I already went there for you. No, I already went. - Hero of the internet. - (laughs) Hey, listen, I already went. - I don't wanna be a hero today. - I already went there and there's no need. Okay. - You know what? You know what? - What? - Oh, man. How you feeling? - So good. (Rhett laughs) - Look at her. - That's right! - [Link] Eyeballs. - [Rhett] Will it cannoli? - [Group] No! - [Stevie] Okay, well, that is great news for four members of the Mythical crew who are all now tied for number one. Kalyn and Hitch are holding on, but we'd also like to welcome Chappie and Zach Edison to that number one position. (Rhett and crew clapping) - So, so impressed. - Madison, you deserve the most applause here because you did something that Marshmallow couldn't. - Yeah, that's right. Yes. - Thank you. Wow. - Thank you, Madison Beer for being here! - You put stuff in your mouth. - I did. I tried. - Listen, make sure you check out Madison's new memoir, "The Half of It, A Memoir". Comes out tomorrow. - We're big fans of your book. We're big fans of you being an advocate for mental health by sharing your own story. I think it's really powerful that you're putting yourself out there that way and I think it makes a positive impact in people's lives. So sincerely, we recommend that you- - Yes, check it out. - Listen to her story, read her story. However you consume books, consume this book. - Thank you so much. - Because it is a positive journey of mental health. So thanks for sharing that. - Thank you. - And thanks for sharing your bravery and your fandom of Mythicality with us today. - Yes. - Forever. Always a Mythical beast. - And as always, thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. Now, you say, "You know what time it is." - You know what time it is. - We're Molly. - Fae. - And Jack. - From London and it's Jack's birthday and it's- - [All] Time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Happy birthday, Jack. - Happy cheeky birthday. - Click the top link to watch us play Not Jeopardy, but this time, with food idioms in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land! - [Rhett] It's back in black! Top your look off in the new GMM trucker hat. Available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,223,331
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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