Intermittent Fasting What I Eat in a Day (No Special Diet)

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just waiting for the plane to fly by story of my life hi everyone in today's video i'm going to share what i eat in a day while intermittent fasting [Music] welcome back to the daily connoisseur so this was such a highly requested topic from people after they watched all my intermittent fasting videos if you are brand new to my channel i have been doing intermittent fasting for over a year now and it's completely changed my life i love it so everyone's saying what do you eat on intermittent fasting because i don't do keto or anything like that i eat very normally okay so the other thing i want to say is that i'm not a nutritionist i am not a doctor or scientist i'm not telling you to eat this way okay this is just how i eat i'm sure people are going to be saying oh gosh i have a lot of carbs for dinner tonight in this video they're probably going to say you shouldn't have that many carbs for dinner here's the thing about me if you know me well you know i really don't care what people say or what they do or or anything of course i want to follow rules and and be healthy but i feel like if i'm eating healthy food and i am nice and full and i feel great and i feel good then i'm just going to keep doing what i'm doing so yes i could be breaking a million rules in this video i have no idea but uh having said all of that you're probably like what on earth are you eating today this is just an average day now again every day is different so i don't eat this way every day i could do a bunch of these if you're interested in seeing the variety of foods that i eat but here is my very real life mother of four what i eat in a day while intermittent fasting video all right good morning everybody it's just after nine o'clock in the morning and everyone is on a break well some of us are on a break i know i am but we've been doing school since eight and so this is my lighter breakfast today i'm not that hungry um and this is what i'm having so i'm having some berries or bambooties as my son likes to call them and i've made not to get to california on you but i have made avocado toast so it's just toast with avocado and everything but the bagel seasoning and some chili flakes it's one of my favorites and it's really nice on mornings when i'm not that hungry and i do plan to have a bigger lunch so that's what i'm eating it's about 9 15. i'm also having coffee with cream and that is breakfast for now all right everybody it is 12 26 p.m and this is what we are having for lunch today i had to go outside because it was too loud inside and i didn't feel like filming in front of everybody so i'm having some salmon and we're having brussels sprouts kale mashed sweet potato and then this is a potato salad that we have a lot of leftover from yesterday so i'm probably going to also have some of that um for dinner tonight so this is what we're having and it's a lot of food i mean i don't know people are always talking about my portion sizes but i feel like this is quite a large portion but this is the big lunch so i have a bigger lunch typically and a smaller dinner so this is what i'm having for lunch i have water to drink i always have water pretty much to drink with every meal don't really drink anything else no juice or soda or anything like that and that is what we're having for lunch today okay it is approximately 2 30 in the afternoon and i'm having my afternoon tea i'm having pg tips i'm sorry it's not something more fancy but you know i do love my peachy tips fiji tips with some milk and one sugar and i'm having four little chocolate chip cookies so i wish i could share a more decadent treat sometimes i have something really amazing like a homemade cake or something you know delicious but these are just little chocolate chips from trader joe's nothing too fancy but i'm really looking forward to this and this is the little flower arrangement i have here that i made a few days ago and i'm just sitting here enjoying this and that's my tea time for today okay i need to film this quickly before everybody comes piling in i did my plate first before they came in so it wouldn't be too loud but anyway it is currently what time is it it's 5 09 p.m and this is one of those nights where i didn't feel like cooking if you couldn't tell i'm having a marinara fusilli that's what we're having tonight and um did not have garlic bread so this is like the improvised version which is basically sourdough toast and a little salad with spinach bell pepper um what is this shredded carrot and that yo mama's ranch dressing so good i'll leave that link down below so anyway this is what i'm having for dinner tonight and um after this i will not be having anything else so it'll just be water until bedtime and i'll probably finish this around 5 30. i need to call everyone in after this i can already hear them bursting in at the front door i know the dinner's not that impressive but what can you say sometimes marinara is just extremely comforting okay so there you go that was it i hope you enjoyed this video that's what i happened to eat that day and you can see i did not plan this in advance otherwise i would have had a way fancier tea time treat and dinner wouldn't have been so basic but you know i wanted to show real life like what i would eat on an honest day in my life and that is what it is maybe next time i'll go a little more fancy for you i don't know i hope you enjoyed today's video please give it a thumbs up if you'd like to see more intermittent fasting videos from me keep calm and remain classy and i will see you in my next one bye [Music] everyone [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so you
Channel: the Daily Connoisseur
Views: 137,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: intermittent fasting, how to lose weight, tips to lose weight, weight loss, weight loss tips, intermittent fasting for beginners, how to intermittent fast, intermittent fasting for weight loss, what is intermittent fasting, how to start intermittent fasting, intermittent fasting results, intermittent fasting benefits, intermittent fasting weight loss, a beginners guide to intermittent fasting, how to fast, what i eat in a day, daily Connoisseur intermittent fasting
Id: bdgIeHqq3fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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