Closet Tour | Ten-Item Capsule Wardrobe Winter 2021

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come join me for a closet tour of my 10 item capsule wardrobe hi everyone jennifer here and welcome back to the daily connoisseur a few days ago i filmed a closet tour and this has been so highly requested and i thought that i would show you how my 10 item capsule wardrobe works for me what i do how i store my clothes how i store my out of season clothes what do i do with things like swimsuits and exercise clothes i'm going to be answering all of that in today's video so without further ado let's check out my closet tour this video is part of a clutter-free january which was started by dawn from the minimal mom i'm going to leave a playlist for you down below this week we are talking about clothing decluttering and there's some really amazing youtubers check out who is also doing this collab so check out the playlist down below for more clothing decluttering inspiration but i thought you know all of these ladies are going to be talking about clothing decluttering and i have hundreds of videos on the subject so i thought i would just show you my closet and show you how i make it work for me now there's a few things to keep in mind my closet is huge i understand that having said that i haven't always had a large closet when we lived in our first home my closet was really small and i'm inserting pictures of it here so i know what it's like to have very limited closet space and throughout the video you're going to see little tips and tricks on how you can make it work for you but because my space is so large i've had a lot of fun with decorating and allowing my clothes room to breathe even my storage options like the canvas bins there's lots of room to breathe in there so if i had a smaller space i would absolutely consolidate everything and utilize storage under the bed or other storage solutions in order to make my wardrobe work for me so let's jump into the tour so as you walk in i have this little set up here and i was using this to film when i had a newborn baby and i had to hide in my closet literally in order to make a video so this is this beautiful wallpaper that i still love and if the lighting was better i would do more videos in here i have this painting here that used to belong to my grandmother and then i'm sorry the exposure's so bright i'm just trying to get it really bright in here so you can see because the light's dark but these are my books see if you can see that there's polisher poison madam cheeks these are my books connoisseur kids my book in japan mademoiselle chic and then the lost art of dress which i wrote a blurb for and of course my victoria magazine so this is what i have here i also have my keep calm and remain classy poster just to remind me so up above i have books and things like that so it's not really that organized i could definitely build organization here with some more shelves i just have books everywhere in the house and this is no exception so i just have a lot of books there so this is where i keep my core items right now and some extras so i have hanging here the mercy wraps that i love so much they're so beautiful and i think they look nice i like looking at them first thing as i walk in i have my lily silk camisoles right here this is a spring blouse that i will be bringing back and i've just started to hang it up because i might start wearing it for winter i'm liking white this is also you know my lily silk blouse that as well i have the gray wrap here my brand new jumpsuit that i'm so in love with i know it looks sad hanging in the closet but it's so cute um the draper james dress my mercy beautiful sweater and then i have some more jeans right here here i have some beautiful dressing gowns that's the thing is when you have a smaller wardrobe you can decorate your wardrobe so to speak um as and really decorate it as more of a chic boutique whereas you might not be able to do that if your closet is crammed with clothes down here i have a little stepping stool that i will pull out if i need to access the upper shelves and i have a few folded t-shirts right here my striped t-shirts my motton bow black t-shirt there's a few more books there i'm telling you there's books everywhere and i don't have a shoe rack so my shoes and slippers are hidden all around my closet just in little alcoves so they're out of the way so i have some my thursday boots back there and then my um my little slippers here so i have those uh also hidden behind this is a really pretty painting that i got off of ebay and one day i will hang that up but i have to fix the frame before i do that okay so i have a few extra hangers right here and then in this section of the closet right here i have these beautiful silk scarves these are so nice that i like to hang them up these are from monkey and i do have a scarf container up there but these are so nice that i hang them up and i don't want them you know in amongst the other kind of heavier scarves these are my special occasion extras so you all know this gorgeous red dress that's from lily silk the sky corinton dress these are for special occasions i have my coats here my winter coats and most of these you have seen my black j crew wool coat this one uh is from anthropology i always forget if it's anthropology or if i got this from garnet hill but i think this green one is anthropology bcpg plaid coat my sky blue trench this christmas c coat from garnet hill and then i have some dressing gowns here plush necessities and flirt and i also have a terry cloth one as well now what's in this bag this is a lot of my special occasion wear as well i have a few diane von furstenberg dresses in here as well as my dress from the tedx talk everyone always asks where is that i'm saving these dresses because i'm not through with them yet but the diane von verstenberg dresses i bought those when i was going to japan for the television show both times and i love them they look sensational and i think i might fit into them again so i'm keeping those there but i really hardly ever wear them obviously okay we're going to get to this in a moment i know what you're thinking about this but we'll get to that in just a second up here in the storage bins because i only have one uh dresser drawer and this basically is undergarments panties bras as well as stockings this one right here i'm not going to show you those obviously but this one right here is my sleepwear drawer so i have my montel intimates you know chemises that beautiful silk pajama set from lily silk i love this this is the lusame nightgown that's like one of my favorite ones i'm going to do a video recapping my favorite nightmare and the silk lily silk dress and then down below i have socks stockings fleece tights that type of thing okay so this is where i store the rest of my extras and the extras comprise the things that round about your 10 item wardrobe for example in this bin right here we have exercise clothes this one right here is swimwear so i've got all my bathing suits swim cover-ups even sun hats foldable sun hats in there i have more shapewear in this one this one is like you know spanx and things like that which of course i'm not going to show you because that's weird but this these are my scarves i've got all of my pashminas wool scarves um scarves for years i probably could declutter my scarf basket this right here is some of the seasonal things that i am putting away for the year and i've discussed this on my channel so these were the fall pieces like the cake case skirt and the everlane dress christmas just ended so i am retiring the velvet dress until next time and i'm just keeping them in here um i should transfer these to the ones with the lid so that they don't get dusty and then i also have that apc dress that i never got rid of because i don't know i have nostalgia that my girls might wear it one day and i just love that dress and then those two loft shirts down there so i do keep things from prior wardrobes but if i decide you know i'm really not going to wear the loft shirts this spring then i will get rid of them oops let me put this back okay and up here i have one of my handbags that was a gift from my in-laws it's a gorgeous myson bag and then i have sweaters and more sleepwear in this so in these ones you're going to see all the cashmere sweaters and just all of that in these bins right here and i keep a little lid on them and i'll pull those down and put some b-roll in here so that i don't have to juggle with the camera [Music] [Music] all right down here on the floor i'm going to be doing a big handbag feature coming up soon so that is the american leather company handbag and then underneath that i have some bags that just arrived from taco toscano so i'm going to be featuring those i can't wait and then i have shoes here oliver cabell driving shoes and then these are shoes that my mother-in-law actually just released and she gave me a pair so they are incredible i love them also these are just some special occasion wear shoes like these are my nice shoes like the jimmy choos the ferragamos and then my oliver cabell mules and my thursday boots i wear those on a obviously more regular basis okay so i know what you're thinking about this right here they're thinking what is behind this curtain what is she hiding back there i know that this is full of clothes that she's hiding and she she says she has a ten item wardrobe but she doesn't i know that's what you're thinking okay or at least that's what some people are thinking but i'm going to show you what's behind this curtain basically this is a bunch of unsightly stuff i have some filming equipment like my o-ring light i have a hanging storage unit that is full of random things that i certainly need to go through things like gloves and pictures you'll see and then other items so the reason why i keep this up is because it's ugly and i don't really want to see it and i have to go through it so we all have work to do right but this is what this is what it looks like see if i could do this without all these flowers falling down okay so this is what's hiding behind the curtain so it's not more clothes but i just think that this is really ugly obviously and i don't want to look at it so i have my filming equipment i've got my o-ring light and a little pull attachment for my tripod another o-ring light down there back here i have the leftover wallpaper that i plan to line my drawers with and then this is totally not organized something i need to go through but it holds right now a bunch of um canvas bags that i use for shopping i have a few things belonging to the kids in here i have even my daily connoisseur ones in here i have a doll hat that belonged to my samantha in here i have special occasion bags like my evening clutches i have these gloves which i never have occasion to use in california and then i even have some family pictures that i need to file away look at this one from look at that one from back in the day see that's where i'm wearing one of the diane von furstenberg dresses there not cute so anyway that's just stuff that i have to go through down here i have even more shoes so these are just some dress shoes that i don't wear that much i got my jimmy choos and ferragamos there and even some flash cards there underneath this thing this is full of kids um stuff so i have like my children's um i have some decorations from their room customizable decorations and i do have even a few more shoes in there i have some old london soul shoes in there but there's no clothes so this is a computer bag my daughter made me this isn't that pretty so actually i need to bring this out from behind the curtain and put it in a place where she can actually see it um and then the sky dress that will be coming back for spring i didn't want to fold it up it obviously needs to be pressed but i wanted to hang it up but because it's seasonal i'm keeping it behind the curtain so it doesn't collect dust and then over here this is one of my special occasion extras it's what i wore in my photo shoot for victoria magazine as well as a family photo shoot and i have a few aprons back there as well and then down here this is where i keep my dirty clothes hamper so i just keep this behind the door and that's it and behind this is some boots and it's really dark down there rain boots and things like that so that's why i keep it behind the curtain because it's ugly so let me fix it and i will get back to you okay there we go i mean obviously that's not ideal either but until i organize that space properly and maybe figure out a different place to store my youtube equipment like perhaps the garage that's what it looks like for now so that is what it all looks like and um this is what my 10 item wardrobe looks like yours might look very different but this is what works for me and i just i'm very happy with this system so if you have any questions please leave them down below i hope you enjoyed my closet tour i hope that it gave you inspiration to declutter your closet you do not need a closet that is jam-packed with clothes from all different seasons all in there on the rack at the very least i recommend having your seasonal items out and storing away the unseasonal items that will that will lessen the confusion when you get dressed in the morning if you need some more closet decluttering motivation check out the playlist down below for the clutter free january you can also check out my 10 item wardrobe playlist for more inspiration i'm going to have an outfits of the week video this thursday so i hope you will subscribe and come back to my channel to view that video thank you so much for joining me today on the daily connoisseur keep calm and remain classy and i will see you next time bye everyone [Music] you
Channel: the Daily Connoisseur
Views: 130,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter capsule wardrobe, minimalist wardrobe, capsule wardrobe, winter capsule wardrobe essentials, ten-item wardrobe, 10 item wardrobe, Madame Chic, Jennifer L. Scott closet tour, closet tour, minimalist closet tour, closet organization, closet makeover, closet declutter, closet essentials, closet organization ideas, Jennifer L. Scott, Clutter free January, jennifer scott 10 item wardrobe, capsule wardrobe minimalist, Minimalist wardrobe declutter
Id: T3NaY9_lfk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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