10 Atomic Habits That Set Me Up For Success

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in today's video i'm sharing 10 atomic habits that have cultivated success in my life [Music] hi everyone jennifer here and welcome to the daily connoisseur in today's video i'm going to be sharing 10 atomic habits that have cultivated success in my life today's video is brought to you by ritual vitamins and i'm going to be speaking about them later on in the video but for now let's jump into the atomic habits what are atomic habits well i have recommended the book atomic habits by james clear in the chic assignment this month and we are supposed to be working on one good habit to cultivate this month so i read atomic habits and it's one of these books that just really transforms you i highly recommend it and it was really eye-opening for me and put things into perspective because it made me realize that the reasons why i'm successful in certain parts of my life are because i have unknowingly cultivated atomic habits and then the parts in my life that are not so successful or because i need to cultivate atomic habits for right so what is an atomic habit atomic in this sense means small it's the small little changes the choices that you make on a daily basis that change the trajectory of your life so i'm doing a deep dive study on atomic habits in the chic society vodcast um on friday so i go over it in in more depth over there but today i'm going to share with you the atomic habits that i have in my life that have really set me up for success so the first one is to wake up early that's habit number one and you know all sorts of successful people say this so there has to be something to it and i have been waking up early for about 13 years ever since i became really serious about becoming a writer that's what i did that was back before i had children and i would set my alarm up really early even though i didn't need to wake up early but i found that that early morning time was perfect for me to write in now people are going to have different things that they'll want to do in the morning you might want to exercise or clean your house in peace or read or just have some alone me time i like to write during that time so it's going to be different for everyone but i love waking up early and that has definitely set me up for success in my life habit number two is that i set up the homeschool room the night before for the next morning we are a homeschooling family and i know that this doesn't apply necessarily to everyone but for me it's all about thinking okay what do we have to do the next day and how can i set myself up for success the night before so now we will clean the homeschool room after the day is over the homeschool day but in the evening i go in there and i set out the curriculum for the next morning on their desks now when i don't do this the day is guaranteed to have bumps because the kids they're not exactly sure what they should be doing and they have to ask me and then i need to go in now when i do this i lay out their curriculum and they know that they can get started on the things that they can do independently that they don't need me for so i have troubleshooted this area for our particular family and it's been amazing so if you homeschool i highly recommend setting everything out the night before that you're going to need in the morning because the mornings are always so busy but this can relate as well if your children go to school of course you might want to pack their lunch the night before make sure their backpacks are ready whatever you can do to help the following day run smoother is a good thing habit number three is taking vitamins now i've taken vitamins regularly for decades now and i got really serious about it when i became pregnant with my first child and my doctor told me how important it was so this brings me to ritual who are the sponsor for today's video and i've been taking ritual now for pretty much a year straight and i love the vitamins they're really good my favorite thing about them is that they have a mint essence to them and they're easy to swallow they don't make me feel nauseous and i personally really like these vitamins so you know that even with a perfect diet it can be hard to get the key nutrients that you need on a daily basis so ritual helps women and men of all ages fill in the gaps of their diet that's what i really like about it ritual is obsessively researched multivitamin reimagining health from the ground up they contain nine high quality nutrients from d3 to omega-3s that are difficult to get enough of every day even with a healthy diet their no nausea capsule design is gentle on an empty stomach and i can personally attest to that by the way they also offer a men's multivitamin and a 50 plus prenatal postnatal and teen vitamins and they are delivered to your door via subscription so better health doesn't happen overnight it's definitely something that you need to work on every day and taking vitamins is an example of an atomic habit you don't see the benefit of it right away it's a small change so ritual is offering 10 off of your first three months when you use my link and my code down below thank you so much to ritual for sponsoring today's video okay let's talk about habit number four meal planning so i have lived life without meal planning and i have lived life with meal planning and i can tell you that my life is so much easier when i meal plan because so many reasons i save time i save money we are happier the meals turn out better but i can definitely say that it is something you have to plan so i went through a period of burnout after my fourth child where i it was about two years almost where i didn't meal plan i was just tired done with cooking i relied heavily on meal kits during this time and we tried so many of them and that was just necessary for the time but now that i have more energy i have started meal planning again and i realized back then that meal planning would have definitely been beneficial for the meals that i was cooking so with meal planning i just sit down once a week and i decide what we're going to eat based on what we already have or what i plan to buy from the grocery store so when i meal plan i'm able to just have a list and i only get what's on the list when i'm grocery shopping that's how i save money because i'm not just strolling down the aisle randomly putting things in because i don't know what i'm doing so i save money with it i save time and it's just something that has improved my life so greatly if you want meal planning inspiration check out my what's for dinner videos i will leave a playlist in the description box down below okay habit number five is ordering my groceries online so i was always opposed to this i was one of those people that said i will never do that i need to pick my own produce i can't rely on somebody else to do it and then one of my really trusted friends said what are you doing going to the grocery store you're exhausted you have four kids and you know at that time i had a young baby she's like just get your groceries delivered so i did try it i use instacart and now i use also walmart delivery for other things so i do both of them and it's completely changed my life it was a habit that i switched over to that gave me so much more time it also helps me save money because again i'm not walking down the aisle so i sit hand in hand with my meal plan and i go online and order only what i need to order and then it's delivered the next day usually because i do it at night but you could have same day delivery and ordering groceries has just been amazing especially during the pandemic so this is another habit it's like if you can outsource anything uh outsource it if you can do something to help you in your daily life and at this point i don't have the time to just go down and spend an hour or so at the grocery store and with all the kids it's it's too stressful so i order my groceries online i would love to know do you do this do you do it yet are you hesitant to order your groceries online let me know down below okay the next one is big habit number six is intermittent fasting you know this has been so big for me i started this last march and i will be doing a intermittent fasting one year later video so make sure you're subscribed to my channel so that you won't miss that but intermittent fasting is one of those atomic habits for me that has completely changed my life and the reason why is because you started off and you think okay what what's really happening here is anything happening i do the 16 8 method and you actually don't necessarily see results for a while but for me i was able to lose all of the baby weight that i wanted to lose and then a little bit more that i thought i was going to lose i'm gonna discuss this in the one year checkup um but also i've seen so many other health benefits for me my skin is cleared up i feel really good the energy is good i'm not bloated anymore so it's been one of those atomic habits where in the beginning i made these small changes i stuck with them and then over time major results so intermittent fasting has been really huge for me and if you want to know more about my intermittent fasting journey i will leave some of the videos in the icards up above okay habit number seven is that i like to listen to audio books while cleaning how is this a habit and why is it good over time well because i love to read and i don't have the luxury of just laying down and reading a book that much anymore i don't have that much time and if i do that someone always comes and talks to me so i never read the book anyway so i really have gotten to the great habit of listening to an audiobook while i read i put my headphones in usually if there are people around me i have my apron on i tuck my phone into my apron you know i subscribe to audible and i will listen to a really good book and i get so much done when i do this and sometimes if the book is really good i seek out excuses to go clean or fold that laundry clean the kitchen or do whatever i need to do because i want to know what happens next in the book so it has a twofold purpose of educating myself or entertaining myself depending on the type of book i'm listening to and also getting housework done and it's an atomic habit it's something i do every day i see the changes in my house i see that cupboard i went through or the linen closet i went through or a clean kitchen at night and it's because i look forward to it through listening to the audio books okay habit number eight has to do with books as well and that is and this is so big okay if there is only one habit that you take away from this video i hope that it's this one it is that i read living books to my children every night and i have discussed this in a video before on the channel so what is a living book well charlotte mason who was a british educator at the turn of the century defined a living book as a book that draws you in it is a book that engages the reader and draws you in to want to learn more about a particular subject or to be more invested or involved in the story living books are typically classics you can find a lot of those so what i do is every single night we go through a book and i will just read one chapter a night to my older daughters my younger sons we're still in the age of reading picture books and things like that but after they go to bed i go to my girls room and we read a living book so we've read the wind and the willows we read through the little house on the prairie series we read through the secret garden and right now we're reading little women by louisa may alcott i cannot tell you how big this is i'm saying one chapter a night they expect it you go into the room and you read to them and it's transformative we bond over this we laugh over this it's so good to read good literature and it really has improved our relationship and so much more so if there is only one habit that you take away from this i hope that this is the one and if you love reading living books to your children let me know about your experience in the comments down below atomic habit number nine that has changed my life for the better is planning you know i like to plan i plan in both a paper planner and a digital planner the paper planner i use on a daily basis is from the day designer and it's wonderful i really like this planner so i use this on a daily basis and i also use my digital planner my paper planner i pretty much write down to-do lists things for work i will write appointments down but i use it mainly to check off the list that i have to accomplish on a daily basis my digital planner is more for appointments with alarms and settings for when i need to leave and things like that so i use both to plan my life and i'm so much more productive because of it every single day i will have a list of major things i need to accomplish and it's good to just check off the list i get into the habit of doing that every day and that's how i stay so productive and it really is it's it is a wonderful habit to get into so maybe you're one of those people that has a planner but you start off strong using it and then you taper off after a while well i do have a video on that on how you can stay consistent with using your planner so i can leave that linked in the icard above the final atomic habit that has changed my life and set me up for success is to write every single day now i am a writer so writing every day for me is really important to just stay on top of my craft so i might write a blog post i might write in a book i'm writing or working on a book i'm not going to say anything i might write poetry um it doesn't matter but as long as i write something every single day it's just been transformative for my career i have published five books and people say how do you do that how do you publish these books and how do you find the time to write and it's because i write every single day i do it in the early morning hours so do you see how all of these habits are interconnected um i will write early that's why i have to wake up early that that's very connected that's why i set up the homeschool room the night before so that the morning runs smoother so that when i finish writing we're able to do school that's how the grocery delivery is connected to the meal planning and the you know it's just they're all connected to set me up for success in certain parts of my life so i realize that not everybody watching this is a writer but there is probably something that you do that you are interested in whether it is a profession a career or a hobby and i would recommend that you do that passion of yours every single day try to find the time to do that every day it will change the trajectory of your life so that is it those are the atomic habits that i have cultivated in my life i didn't know that that's what i was doing until i read atomic habits but that is what i was doing and those habits set me up for success in my life i would love to know what your good habits are what do you do that has set you up for success also what is one habit that you would like to work on so my habit that i need to work on it's a bad habit is that i'm a really messy cook and i need to work on being neater when i'm in the kitchen because when i cook it's like a hurricane i mean ben is always telling me he's always saying what why why is it so messy in here i have my theories on this but um anyway that's what i'm working on and so i'm going to try to use atomic habits small changes to get in there and make myself a neater cook okay in the chic society this friday i'm going to be sharing 10 habits that i need to work on so i shared the good habits today in that vodcast i'm sharing the habits i need to work on so i will leave the chic society information down below i would also like to thank ritual vitamins for sponsoring today's video don't forget to click on my link below you will get 10 off your first three months when you use my link and code down below thank you so much for joining me today on the daily connoisseur don't forget to keep calm and remain classy and i will see you in my next video bye everyone [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: the Daily Connoisseur
Views: 171,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atomic habits book, atomic habits book summary, 2021 resolutions, change your life, goals 2021, how to change your habits 2021, atomic habits book review, 2021 habits, productive 2021, new year, new year goals, new year habits, life changing habits for 2021, habits, homeschool mom, working mom, homemaker habits, daily connoisseur, habits for success, successful people, James Clear, Atomic Habits, how to change your life, How to build good habits and break bad ones
Id: _8islec9USM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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