Intermediate Levels - Lesson 15: Christmas

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hello today we're going to review noun an adjective clauses and then we will continue our study of adverb clauses and let's start with some new vocabulary a Christmas tree a Christmas tree my Christmas tree is a fir tree either real or artificial that you decorate for Christmas a Christmas bulb a Christmas bulb Christmas bulb is an ornament that people hang on Christmas trees tinsel tinsel is thin strips of shiny paper used as decorations for Christmas a ribbon a ribbon a ribbon is a long narrow piece of cloth also used for decorations at Christmastime a Christmas card a Christmas card a Christmas card is a card that you send to relatives or friends at Christmas time Christmas stocking a Christmas stocking this Christmas stocking is a long sock which children leave out at Christmas time for presents a Christmas Carol a Christmas Carol Christmas Carol is a Christian song sung at Christmastime carolers carolers carolers are groups of people who go to houses or businesses and they sing Christmas carols a reindeer a reindeer reindeer is a large deer with big wide horns and it's used by center to pull a sleigh and what's a sleigh this is a sleigh a sleigh a sleigh is a large vehicle pulled by reindeer and it's used for transporting presents at Christmas time a chimney a chimney is a pipe inside a building that goes from a fire to the roof in order to let the smoke out Santa comes down the chimney when he brings the presents to a home egg nog eggnog eggnog is a drink popular at Christmastime it's made from eggs milk sugar and nutmeg and some people put a little bit of rum into it too more mistletoe mistletoe mistletoe is a plant with small white berries and it's used as a decoration at Christmastime if you find someone standing underneath the mistletoe you are able to get a kiss from this person and finally Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is the day and the night before Christmas since gravity's again we have a Christmas tree a Christmas bulb tinsel a ribbon a Christmas card a Christmas stocking a Christmas Carol carolers a reindeer and a sleigh a chimney eggnog mistletoe and Christmas Eve now clauses let's begin our lesson with a review of noun clauses Harrison sentences where the Christmas tree was surprised Bob George listened to what Santa said I don't know who is under the mistletoe when Santa will arrive is open to debate a noun clause is a clause that can be used both as a subject and as an object and a noun clause has its own subject and its own verb in the first sentence where the Christmas tree was is a noun clause it is used as the subject of a sentence in the second sentence what Santa said is the noun clause and it's used as the object of the preposition to in the third sentence who is under the mistletoe is the noun clause it's used as the object of the verb know and in the fourth sentence when Center will arrive as the noun clause it's used as the subject of the sentence let's practice this now Lois what did you think about Santa Clause when you were a child I know AB lived in Santa Clause what my parents said about it was interesting I didn't believe them okay and did you enjoy Christmas when you were child Monica of course I loved opening presents and we didn't have a fireplace that's why we never knew where to put our stockings that would be difficult Rosa did you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning we opened them when our parents let us it was always difficult waiting until the Christmas morning yes it was okay and now what you're going to do is look and listen look and listen Kevin didn't know where the eggnog was no one knows for sure when Santa will come what our house needs is more mistletoe Fred wonders who got him the present with the red ribbon read and repeat adjective clauses now let's quickly review adjective causes have a look at these sentences and thank to the woman who helped her carry her Christmas presents the ornament which is on top of the tree as his the man who I saw on the roof wasn't Santa Claus the carolers that were singing outside were too loud an adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun it describes identifies or gives further information about thus noun an adjective clause uses relative pronouns to connect the dependent clause to the independent clause relative pronouns and some examples of these are who which or that they are our relative pronouns or three that we've learned in the first sentence who helped her carry her Christmas presents is the adjective clause and it's introduced by the relative pronoun who it modifies the noun woman the woman is who in the second sentence which is on top of the tree is the adjective clause and it's introduced by the relative pronoun which and it modifies the noun ornament ornament is the witch in the third sentence who I saw on the roof is the adjective clause it's introduced by the relative pronoun who and it modifies the noun man the man is who and in the fourth sentence that we're singing outside is the relative clause introduced by the relative pronoun that and it modifies the noun carolers the noun carolers and that are the same thing so adjective clause pronouns can be used as subjects have a look here the child brushed the reindeer that was dirty so in the sentence that is the subject of the adjective clause that was dirty that's the subject adjective clause pronouns can be used as the objects of verbs the sleigh that I saw last night was full of presents in the sentence that is the object of the verb the sleigh that I saw I as the subject and that is the object I saw that so I is the subject that's the object adjective clause pronouns can be used as objects of prepositions this is the present that I told you about and in the sentence that is the object of a preposition about let's practice Monica tell me about your favorite Christmas party it was at the woman's house where who my mother worked for it was great and I stood under the mistletoe for 10 minutes but all the boys afraid to kiss me really yeah okay Louis it was at my brother's house um the biggest present which was under the desk was mine it was a new football great Rosa I don't like Christmas parties the last one I went to gave me a headache I prefer to stay home and watch Christmas specials on TV I liked them so okay thank you everyone and now the time has come for us to look and listen look and listen the book that Yvonne received for Christmas was expensive the tencel that you bought is on the table Rita congratulated the woman who got an engagement ring for Christmas the eggnog which is in the refrigerator is sour read and repeat adverb clauses now let's continue our study of adverb clauses and first let's just remember what an adverb clause is an adverb clause is a dependent clause that must be attached to a main clause it needs a main clause and they are introduced by certain words we learned three types of adverb clauses and the words that introduce these causes in the last lesson so we have adverb clauses of time and these are used introduced with words like when and before and after or since adverb clauses of time using when before after and since as in the sentence when the sleigh landed on the roof all the children were asleep now the second type of adverb clauses are clauses of purpose purpose okay we use so that to introduce these clauses like this sentence the kids went to bed at 8:00 so that they could get up early to open their presents the third type of adverb clause that we discussed was clauses of cause and effect so cause effect he's used because and now that for example because Santa was fat he couldn't get down the chimney and mum is going to put away all the presents now that Christmas is over now let's look at some new adverb clauses we're going to look at adverb clauses which present conditions conditions have a look at this example if we don't buy some more food there won't be enough for everyone at the office Christmas party if causes present possible conditions or condition and we use if the main Clause expresses results possible condition if we don't buy more food and the result there won't be enough for everyone at the office Christmas party and the present tense is used in if Clause even if we are talking about the future we only have if and the present tense doesn't matter if we're talking about the future and also when we have a adjective if clause that starts a sentence a comma must come after the if Clause so if we don't buy enough food comma there won't be enough for everyone at the Christmas party let's practice this now is everyone going on the sleigh ride tomorrow night I will go it doesn't snow I don't want to catch a cold okay Monica if there are lots of handsome boys I will go your flirt okay and Luis I'm not sure if there's a football match on TV I won't go no she never very fun okay well if you're good students now you can look and listen look and listen if Santa can't find his reindeer he won't be able to use his sleigh mom will be very angry if Linda doesn't send her a Christmas card this year the eggnog won't make you drunk if there isn't rum in it if the mistletoe falls down please put it back up read and repeat now let's look at some more adverb clauses of condition take a look at these sentences Ralph will ride in the sleigh whether or not it is cold even if Dora stands under the mistletoe her boyfriend won't kiss her whether or not expresses the idea that neither this condition or this condition matters the result will be the same in the first sentence if it is cold Ralph will ride in the sleigh if it's not cold Ralph will ride in the sleigh let's look at it on the board think whether or not it is cold this means if it is cold if it isn't cold something like this Ralph will ride in the sleigh so whether or not it is cold Ralph will write in the sleigh means if it is cold Ralph will ride and if it isn't cold he will ride it doesn't matter even if is close to whether or not even if it's similar but only one condition even if it is cold just one idea here we have if it is or if it isn't here just one idea if it is but it's similar to whether or not means the results will not change Ralph will still do the same thing he did before okay in the second sentence Dora's boyfriend won't kiss her anywhere not under the mistletoe or anywhere else it doesn't matter if she is standing under the mistletoe Ralph's boyfriend will not kiss her let's look at another adverb cause of condition before we practice please have a look at these sentences Beth will be decorating the tree in case Jeff called in the event that Santa doesn't come we will still have a nice Christmas in case and in the invent Express the idea that something probably won't happen but it might happen so it means if by chance this happens say uh in case or in the event that means if by chance something happens in case in the event that if by chance something happens maybe it will happen it probably won't happen in the first sentence Jeff probably won't call and in the second sentence Santa will probably come well now let's practice let's use these new adverb clauses and our sentences and Luis you will play Santa Claus at your school's Christmas party are you crazy I won't be Santa Claus even if they pay me a million dollars if you make a good Santa what about you Rosa in the one that Santa is ill I will play Santa that's if they don't mind a female Santa I think you'd make a good Center and Rosa and Monica that's your name yeah whether or not a place anta is important Santa must make everyone happy that's right thank you everyone and now if you want to look and listen you will learn more look and listen even if we buy tinsel John won't help decorate the tree I will save all the ribbon whether or not your father likes it in the event that Santa can't come down the chimney we will put a ladder up on the side of the house Sandra will be mailing her Christmas cards in the event that the hospital calls read and repeat and now let's look at two more adverb clauses of condition here are some examples I will buy another present unless it's expensive Tom will go on the sleigh ride only if it snows well unless means if something or if not for example unless it's expensive unless it's expensive it's the same as if it isn't expensive unless it's expensive means if it isn't expensive and only F means only one situation will make something happen something will happen something will happen something will happen in one situation and only that situation that situation must happen first then something else will happen for example Tom won't go on the sleigh ride if it doesn't snow this means it's the same as the first sentence Tom will go on the sleigh ride only if it snows means he won't if it doesn't let's put that on the board a second sentence means Tom won't go on the sleigh ride on the sleigh ride if it doesn't snow it doesn't snow so in our second sentence Tom will go on the sleigh ride only if it snows that means Tom won't go on the sleigh ride if it doesn't snow that's only a Flitz practice do you like eggnog Monica I like it unless there's alcohol in it then I won't drink it good and do you like Christmas dinner Rosa I do only if it is with my family I feel uncomfortable eating with others me too and Louis do you like decorating the Christmas tree I love it unless it's on the guys decorating and I was for beneful girls there you really are something Louis okay thank you very much everyone and now you can look and listen only if you want to improve your English look and listen I will go to the Christmas party only if Jun goes with me I won't go to the Christmas party unless Jun comes to unless I'll buy some more stamps we won't be able to send any more Christmas cards we can send more cards only if al buys more stamps read and repeat let's finish our study of adverb clauses with a look at two more types first is adverb clauses showing contrast adverb clauses of contrast I have a look at these sentences even though barb was a bad girl she still got a good present though it was snowing hard Chuck still went to the Christmas party and although there weren't many presents the Smith family had a good Christmas now in each of these sentences something unexpected happens there is an unexpected result we weren't expecting it it's a surprise in the first sentence it's surprising that barb got a present so we can think of this as a surprising barb got a present it's surprising because Barbara's a bad girl she wouldn't get a present usually but she got a present wow it's a surprise and the second sentence Chuck went to the party this is surprising because I think it's bad weather bad weather it was snowing hard very bad weather but Chuck went to the party that's a surprise and in the third sentence Smith's family had a good Christmas and this is a surprise why because there weren't many presents but they still had a good present a good a good Christmas so it's a surprise okay the second is adverb clauses of direct contrast throughout this contrast now we have direct contrast at the causes of direct contrast here are some examples Tom got a good present while Mary didn't and Tom got a good present whereas Mary didn't the two clauses in these sentences are opposites in the main clause something good happened Tom got a good present in the adverb clause something bad happened Mary didn't get a good claw a good present let's practice one last time let's look at this last use of adverb clauses how was your last Christmas Lois mine was good while my brother's was awful he was sick too entire holiday I'm sorry about that and Rosa mine was okay even though I couldn't get me any presents oh really you're a bad girl okay Monica it was great even though my sister couldn't come she wasn't Acapulco thank you all good answers now even though you are all good students you still need to look and listen look and listen though it was raining the Casa family still decorated the fir tree in their front yard Georgie got a nice kiss under the mistletoe whereas Piet only got a hug while my wife had a bad time at the Christmas party I had fun even though Christmas is a hectic time most parents are able to enjoy it read and repeat review let's do some exercises now let's do a quick exercise reviewing noun clauses so can you fill in the blanks with a noun clause Rosa you can go first center didn't know what Santa didn't know who's talking was Lou good Santa didn't know who stocking was blue Louis Leon was wondering no I was wondering who the catalyst were good Leon was wondering who the carolers were and Monica your turn last ones for you I couldn't understand what I couldn't understand what the Kellers were singing excellent I couldn't understand what the carolers were singing great job everybody thank you now let's do an exercise using adjective clauses now we're going to fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun also could you tell us the main Clause who's going to go first let's get Monica first this time okay the Christmas party something we went to last night something the Christmas party which we went to last night was excellent okay good the Christmas party which we went to last night was excellent okay and what's the main clause the Christmas party was excellent good the Christmas party was excellent is the main cause Rosa here's one for you the present something Beth got wasn't what she had expected the present that Beth God wasn't what she had expected good and what's the main clause the present wasn't what she had expected excellent the present wasn't what she had expected is the main clause and Lois you can do this one the woman something I met at the Christmas party was my friend's sister the woman who I met at the Christmas party was my friend's sister and the main clause closes the woman was my friend's sister good woman who I met at the Christmas party was my friend sister and the main Clause the woman was my friend's sister great job everyone again thank you very much now let's do some exercises using adverb clauses I think we'll just get you to give me some sentences Lois you're Santa Claus and Monica you're a Christmas shopper and Rosie you can be a child on Christmas Eve so how about two sentences using adverb clauses of cause and effect Lois what are your sentences before I get on my sleigh I will give miss mrs. Claus kiss goodbye then I will sleep for two days after I return to North Pole wonderful Monica I'll go to the bank so that I have enough money for the bread presents and I will I will buy my husband a new TV so that he can watch the football games on New Year's okay very good Rosa I will get many persons as I was a good girl now that I am older I won't ask a doll for Christmas for Santa for Christmas right ask Santa for a doll for Christmas okay wonderful thank you very much everyone again and now let's do an exercise using adverb clauses of condition now can you please choose an appropriate connector for each sentence Monica you can go first I'll go on the sleigh ride tomorrow is it only if or is it unless the sleigh isn't crowded I'll go and stay right tomorrow on there this phase uncrowded good excellent I'll go on the sled ride tomorrow only if the sleigh isn't crowded okay Rosie you can do this one if or whether or not I by Frank a present depends on his behavior at the office what or not i buy Frank a present depends on his behavior at the office very good whether or not I by Franco present depends on his behavior at the office and Louis the last ones for you Jody will be outside mailing Christmas cards in case or unless that calls Jody will be outside melon Christmas cards in case the calls good job Jody will be outside Manning Christmas cards in case that calls thank you very much everybody and now we're going to move on and do another exercise using adverb clauses of contrast let's try something new we'll have some sentences on the screen with mistakes and you can try to correct them okay let's see Monica you can go first what's the mistake in the sentence though even Dan was a good boy he didn't get a Christmas present I think you gave a clue it's even though Dan was a good boy he didn't get a Christmas present good even though Dan was a good boy he didn't get a Christmas present Lois you can do this one we went to the Christmas party Hank was sick although we went to the Christmas party although Hank was sick okay good we went the Christmas party although Hank was sick that's the mistake and Rosa the last one for you though my stocking wasn't big Santa still put lots of candy in it is there a mistake no there is no mistake here so the correct answer is though my stocking was big Santa's still put lots of candy in it good there's no mistake it was a trick though my stocking wasn't big Santa still put lots of candy in it as usual thanks very much good job and I think we've got a little bit more we're going to finish our lesson now finally with a exercise using adverb clauses of direct contrast like opposites okay let's pretend we are married I don't think to each other I think maybe to someone else let's see each of you can give me one sentence about Christmas using this type of adverb clause first Louis while I love putting Christmas bulbs on the tree my wife hates it so you like it she hates it yes okay good and Monica I love getting up early on Christmas Day whereas my husband hates it so he hates it and you like it yes excellent and Rosa why I love we wrapping presents with a ribbon my husband doesn't think it doesn't necessary okay good job everyone thank you very much hope you learned something and now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write these sentences number one what Jean got for Christmas wasn't acceptable number two I don't know where her present is number three Carrie wonders who will play Santa Claus at the party and before the eggnog which is in the fridge was made by Maggie number five the present that I wrapped yesterday is for Greg number six while Larry hates Christmas his wife loves it number seven if Santa's reindeer are sick he won't be able to use his sleigh number eight Henrietta will make another ham in case Clark's family comes for dinner number nine although we were tired we got up early to open presents and number ten pet got a baseball mitt for Christmas even though she is a girl well now check your work number one what Jean got for Christmas wasn't acceptable number two I don't know where her present is number three Carrie wonders who will play Santa Claus at the party and before the eggnog which is in the fridge was made by Maggie number five the present that I repped yesterday is for Gregg number six while Herot while Larry hates Christmas his wife loves it number seven if Santa's reindeer are sick he won't be able to use his sleigh number eight Henrietta will make another ham in case Clark's family comes for dinner number nine although we were tired we got up early to open presents and number ten pet got a baseball mitt for Christmas even though she is a girl now read the story and answer the questions read and answer bread is a Scrooge he hates Christmas whereas his wife Bonnie loves it he can't stand it he hates shopping for presents because he doesn't want to spend money even if Bonnie gave him the money he would still hate Christmas shopping though he doesn't mind opening a present or two he hates watching others open theirs in the event that Christmas was canceled Brad would surely be happy if there is white wine at a Christmas party Brad will go he won't go unless it is close to his house whether or not it will be a good party isn't important to him this year Bonnie is going to buy him Santa Claus pajamas if he wears them every right maybe it will bring out some Christmas spirit and home next year she isn't expecting a nice present from him last year he got her a new vacuum cleaner he said that would be good enough for two years will now listen and answer the questions number one what do you think a Scrooge is number two why doesn't Brad like shopping for presents and number three if Bonnie gave him money would he then like Christmas shopping number four what is one thing Brad doesn't mind about Christmas number five if Christmas was canceled who would be happy number six what must there be at a Christmas party for Brad to go number seven will he go to a party that is far away number eight what is Bonnie going to buy Brad for Christmas this year number nine what does Bonnie think will happen if Brad wears them often and number ten what did Brad get Bonnie for Christmas last year well now check your work number one what do you think a Scrooge's a Scrooge is a person who hates Christmas why doesn't Brad like shopping for presents he doesn't like spending money if Bonnie gave her money would he then like Christmas shopping no Brad would still hate it number four what is one thing Brad doesn't mind about Christmas he doesn't mind opening a present or to number five if Christmas was canceled who would be happy if Christmas was cancelled Brad would be happy number six what must there be at a Christmas party for Brad to go there must be white wine at the party number seven will he go to a party that is far away no he won't attend a party that is far away number eight what is Bonnie going to buy bread for Christmas this year she is going to buy him a pair of Santa Claus pajamas number nine what does Bonnie think will happen if Brad wears them often she thinks it will bring out the Christmas spirit in him next year number ten what did Brad get Bonnie for Christmas last year he got her a new vacuum cleaner okay thank you for studying I'll see you next time bye bye practicing English I can't believe that Christmas is just two weeks away I know it's amazing to me that it's almost here I'm someone most my shopping but it really seems I'll never get done sending Christmas cards me too I like to get them but it's hard to write them it seems like christmas is a time of year when there just isn't enough time to do all the things you want to do that's for sure so what will you do for the holidays Monica well I'll be spending with my family my brother Hal has a big house in the country and our whole family will gather there we usually try to have a traditional Christmas we sing carols go on sleigh rides build snowmen December is a time of year when we usually have snow so maybe we'll go skiing - that sounds lovely Monica as you know Christmas is not a holiday that I celebrate you mentioned Christmas carols what are they well Christmas carols are sung during the holidays to celebrate the traditional side of Christmas through the decide so to speak but also at the Santa Claus and reindeer side songs like sulla night for example are sung during the holidays but also Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and jingle bells okay I get it Kerry how about you are you going to be with your family not really why not well let's see and my parents have decided to take a cruise 11 Los Angeles and will sail for Hawaii on December the 20th so what will you do well my best friend from college and I have always been close and she invited me to Florida to spend a Merry Christmas with their family we plan on spending some time at the beach and visiting Disney World but to me I think Christmas is a time you should spend with your family I think you're right about that so Dave what will you do Monika's christmas sounds like an idea of a traditional Christmas carries Christmas and Miami sounds really cool to the beach Mickey Mouse but this year I'm going to do something different what's that this year my family will adopt a family there is a wooded woman in our neighborhood and she has three small children Christmas is really hard for them as finding extra money for presents for the kids is next to impossible so how we help them we're going to have them over for dinner on Christmas Eve well do some singing and play some games we've got the presents already wrapped so on Christmas morning we'll go over to their house and watch the kids open their presents from Santa Oh Dave that's really lovely that you're doing that for a family that needs your help on Christmas for me christmas is a time to share our good fortune with others I don't really need anything and those around us need a lot so we will do what we can to help out I was new you're a nice person Dave and this just proves it please please I'm getting embarrassed Tareq we know that Christmas isn't your holiday but school is closed what will you do on that day well thanks for sharing your Christmas plans I love hearing about your ways of spending the holidays for me Christmas is a time when I can sleep in oh that's great I think I could do that on Christmas I would that would be great I know a whole day off sleeping seems like we'll all be spending Christmas in very different ways Merry Christmas everyone Merry Christmas hey Christmas you
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Keywords: free english learn, دروس, learn english free, تعليم, apprendre, Education (Word), iTEP, English, ingilizce cd, you, Key English, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, for, learning english, kolay ingilizce, اللغة, ingilizce, ingilizce ogren, الانكليزية, English for you, IELTS, education, english lesson, intermediate, PTE, how are you, full english, free english, learn english, elementary, beginner, english for you 80 cd, easy english, learn english easy, TOEIC, TOEFL, ingilizce öğren, ECPE
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Length: 49min 30sec (2970 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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