Inter-VLAN Routing using a Multi-Layer Switch | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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in this network topology if we've got clients who are in a VLAN let's say client the client PC is in VLAN 10 and the PC three is in VLAN 10 and PC two and PC four and VLAN 20 and there's a trunk this is going between those two switches if you wanna learn more about trunking comes to me on Sunday and the challenge here is that devices in their own VLAN can talk to each other and they're in the same broadcast domain the client list that you mentioned Bob right here and they grab a color that we can see so imagine Bob sitting at this PC does a ping and he does a ping - 10 16 0.30 so that behind the scenes if he hasn't already learned the layer to address Bob's computer for him is gonna do art address resolution protocol that's gonna be a broadcast that broadcast goes into the switch on VLAN 10 the switch says oh my goodness that's a broadcast I need to forward this to every other port associated with VLAN 10 which in this topology also includes these trunks so the broadcast is forwarded it's also tagged at this point with VLAN 10 the receiving switch sees it says oh this is a broadcast for VLAN 10 and then it forwards that broadcast to any ports and the access ports assigned in VLAN 10 and then PC 3 can respond back and life is good I mean traffic within the same network what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas well that's that's no problem that works however if we want this client like Bob at this computer who's on the 10 16 zero Network if he wants to access anybody outside of his network which which also between friends means he was if he wants to access anybody outside of his VLAN which is associated with his local network he's gonna need some help from a default gateway so on Bob's computer we've configured a default gateway and then basically but Bob gets a packet if he needs to said to anybody who's not on the same local network he says oh I need to forward this at layer 2 to my default gateway at which point the default gateway would receive it look at the destination IP address and say oh I need I need her up this on behalf of Bob to the right destination and that's what the inter VLAN routing is all about it's layer 3 routing between the two so if we want full connectivity in this topology right here that's what we need to accomplish and the video I like to share with you is pretty short it's just a preview or an explanation of how we can get routing inter VLAN routing using not the traditional external router method but using the multi-layer switch and how it works and so I think you know I this is one of those discussions that I wish I'd had early on I still remember my very first Cisco training or education on Cisco regarding multi-layer switching and it took a while it took like more than just a few minutes to kind of get it and so my hope is that I can create this video and as we go through it together hopefully some light bulbs will go off is that oh I get it and one of the big questions is you know what is a VLAN versus an interface VLAN and that mystery is also going to be solved by this video so let me put the screen back on let me bring that video back up and let's play it most corporate environments are gonna do a convergence or coming together for their layer 2 and layer 3 routing meaning they'll have one physical box that can be a switch and also act as a router to route between VLANs they call this device a multi-layer switch and that's the focus of this video and to appreciate this let's go ahead and take a traditional layer to switch so there's our beautiful switch will calm switch switch number one and if we don't want to put all these ports into one network we can chop this network up into smaller virtual networks and we can do that by assigning ports to a specific VLAN so perhaps these ports on the Left we associate with VLAN 10 I'll close those red or VLAN 10 and I'm top of VLAN 10 we have the IP address of 10 1600 with a 24-bit mask and then for these ports that were on the right maybe we associate them as access ports and VLAN 20 so there are VLAN 20 into this port PC one is now in VLAN 10 and if you take PC 2 over here on the right you plug it into this port PC 2 is now in VLAN 20 and maybe each each our logical interface page basically this router with connectivity to both VLANs and we the IP address of dot one here and dot one here PC one can use dot one as the default gateway PC two can use dot one as the default gateway and now these two devices pc-1 pc2 can send packets to each other on their respective networks and get responses because the router is providing layer 3 routing well let's enter the new generation of the multi-layer switch and here's how it works we start off with a switch and now if this looks similar this part is and we can also partition these off so all these ports on the Left we can associate those as access ports and VLAN 10 and the ones on the right here we can associate those with VLAN 20 we still have our PCs that are attached PC one over here attached to the 10 VLAN and PC 2 attached over to the VLAN 20 and here's the magic for the routing function instead of having a physical external separate router what they do with a multi-layer switch is they build in a logical router into this physical switch so when I draw this logical router with dots right here sort of like a phantom router so logically in firmware and software on this multi-layer switch it has the ability to route between two different networks it has layer 3 interfaces but the challenge is how do we identify those interfaces on this router up here the traditional router it has interfaces like gig 1 / 0 & 1 / 1 what are we doing down here for the interfaces that are representing and working with VLAN 10 VLAN 20 here it is it's called an S VI it's a switched virtual interface it's just a logical interface and the way you create them yes from thin air on a multi-layer switch the way you create those interfaces is say I want to have a logical layer 3 interface from VLAN 10 you go to the configuration say interface space VLAN space 10 you press enter and poof you've got this logical layer 3 interface named interface VLAN 10 then we would assign an IP address to it we train our pcs to use that logical layer 3 IP address their default gateway and now pcs can wrap off of their local networks using the logical layer three interfaces also sometimes called a switched virtual interface that are now available on this multi-layer switch so to complete this picture we'd have interface VLAN 10 we can give it the IP address of 10.16 0.1 on that logical interface we can create interface VLAN 20 for this VLAN and give the IP address of 10.16 up 2.1 then we'd have routing between those to be lands courtesy of the logical layer 3 routing capability and these switched virtual interfaces called interface VLAN 10 and interface VLAN 20 so that's how it works and I thought to myself so would it be cool if we had a lab where we can actually go in and check out these logical layer 3 interfaces on these multi-layer switches and the answer is we can let me share with you the topology then we'll go to the interface so if you're currently logged on to the CBT Magus website you can click the link for the virtual lab and what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a look just at core 1 and core 1 is an example of a multi-layer switch so it acts as a switch at layer 2 it's got its trunks it does Ethernet layer to forwarding but it also has SV is switched virtual interfaces interface VLAN 10 which supports this VLAN and its IP addresses 10.16 0.1 with a 24-bit mask it also has interface VLAN 20 which supports this VLAN and its IP addresses 10.16 2.1 with a 24-bit mask so these are the two names for these two interfaces these layer 3 interfaces interface VLAN 10 interface being on 20 so if you're logged onto the CBT mega-desk website click on the link for the virtual lab will open a tab for core 1 and I'd like to do a couple shell commands then verify that core one has traditional layer 2 functionality and VLAN support as well as its logical layer 3 interfaces so it can provide routing services as well so when slab comes up we've got some tabs for the access layer switch the course which is and also the router let's click on core 1 as an example of the multi-layer switch and let's do a few show commands show VLAN briefed see what VLANs are out there and the report assignments fantastic if you I see the Trump's we would use the commands show interfaces trunk you can shortcut that if you'd like and this shows the trunks that are actively forwarding and which VLANs are supporting and so those are the traditional layer two things it also to show MAC address table to take a look at the layer 2 addresses that this switch has dynamically learned those are all layer 2 functions now as we kick it up a notch if we do a show IP interface brief and we hit the spacebar a couple times check this out these interfaces right here these are all layer 3 interfaces they are the logical layer 3 interfaces also call it SBI's switched virtual interfaces think of these interfaces these VLAN interfaces just like a traditional gigabit interface on a traditional router you bring it up you set the IP addresses hit the mask and then this device using that interface can provide layer 3 routing services in fact if you take it one step further into the show IP route check this up this is gonna show us the routing table on this multi-layer switch and there is a lot of great stuff that is coming where we will further address things like static routing with ipv4 and static routing with ipv6 and dynamic routing with something called OSPF open shortest path first all those skills and tasks and videos are coming up with labs to supportive but for this video I wanted to share with you the concept or idea I like multi-layer switch to make sure that we're clear on what it is it is a device a box I can do layer 2 forwarding based on frames it can do trunking all the traditional layer 2 stuff but it also has the ability to do routing at layer 3 and to get into those B lands to have a hook an interface in those of us it uses a logical interface called interface VLAN followed by the actual VLAN number and that's how it works so thanks for joining me in this video I'll see you in the very next one meanwhile I hope this has been informative for you and I'd like to thank you for viewing alright so there you have it I also um while I was watching that um I enjoyed watching the content too I was like ok just like what we doing at the CBT 9sp create the content we have a peer review we get another person at CBT another trainer to review our content with us and give us input and I'm always I'm always nervous about oh no dice pill that correctly or so I really enjoyed making the videos also I wanted to explain my look today this is the look of a man who has been sick for a few days last Wednesday when we did the Wednesday afternoon livestream I wasn't feeling good aspect I went back and listened to I thought oh my gosh and then I was like I've been sick so I did CCNA Sunday rally for that but today I just I didn't even shower here's my bad hair day in all this glory that's what looks like with no shower and hair and a hat anyway I love this time that we have together I think it's really important to to cover these topics and answer questions also I discovered this that sometimes if I hear something once and I say I think I've got it like the concept of interface VLAN and giving an IP address I find that if I can take that same concept and teach it to somebody else or share it with somebody else and explain it that helps me understanding even that much better I would encourage you to do the same technique so whenever we're covering or addressing something or learning something new find somebody a friend or a loved one or anybody who'll listen to you your dog your cat and explain it to them and that will help identify like how does that work I need to revisit that so they'll give you a chance to revisit that and make sure you've got it down pat so in the light of reinforcing material we have a few minutes I would like to do this if you're up for it I would like to take this topology which is different than what the X topology was in the video and I would like to implement inter VLAN routing live on this topology so let's imagine that we had these networks all set up let me bring up my drawing tool here let's imagine we had all these clients that were connected my question for you is before we configure inter VLAN routing for all these devices so we have the 192 168 1 network out here with this server at that 100 that's in VLAN 777 so this is an access port and VLAN 777 one of the chances in a production environment that they don't have their topology correct the chances are strong the force is strong with this one and I remember I did a yucca mountain from anyway I did a project for the government many years ago and they had on this wall a map of their entire network and I was teaching I forget even what I was teaching at that time to him but I was teaching something and then not a break I said wow look at this map of the whole topology of the ants and I started to do I asked them is ok if I you know do a couple trace routes through the network couple of it was made like five years ago and it was mostly wrong mostly not correct so what what's the myth so Keith what's the message from that the message is whenever we're supposed to configure a network it could be ours or a consultant coming in or a network that we we put together ourselves some scratch it's important to verify some of the basics on that device before we make changes because if we're making if we verify if we do some verification commands like that they shouldn't be they're not should be there we might be on the wrong device you know the CLI when your remote connecting to dozens or hundreds of devices it can be it's easy to be on the wrong one like oh why it's gonna jump over to our to to the show command and then in your mind you go back to r1 and then you start doing a configuration change but you're really doing at r2 so it's always a good idea to do a quick clarification so in this topology let's do this this will I take a few moments let's verify that port 0 1 and 0 2 our importance B then 10 and 20 respectively and that PC 3 and PC 4 are in VLANs 10 and 20 respectively based on these ports and also just help with this I'd also jot it down if I was in a production environment I'd make sure I either have the screen available or documentation I could look down and make sure I'm on the right device and if we want to configure inter VLAN routing if if this switch here switch number 3 is a multi-layer switch we could just create 3 interface VLAN interfaces interface VLAN ten interface VLAN 20 and interface VLAN 777 we want to make sure they are up up up and then we'd also sign the IP addresses now the IP addresses for VLAN 10 should be what the network is expecting to use as a default gateway so in this topology that every device is expecting to use dot one on their local network as their default gateway so if that's the case for interface VLAN 10 on switch 3 we would go ahead and do I P address and on IP address and then we'd put in the address of 10.16 dot zero dot one with a 24-bit mask now you may know or you may not know that you can't do this last 24 likes last 24 most iOS is still required to do dotted decimal by just putting it out there to represent a 24-bit mask and then for innervates VLAN 20 we could create it that logical layer 3 address to support VLAN 20 devices IP address 172 dot 16 0.1 with a 24-bit mask and then for VLAN 777 IP address 192 dot 168 dot one dot and I don't know what the default gateway is gonna be on that Network but I'm assuming it's not one I don't remember we'll take a look and see if that works but if we have this configured if we have these 3 layer 3 interfaces and it's all configured correctly and our clients are all configured to use those IP addresses as a default gateway that should provide full internet connectivity between any and all of those devices so that's the game plan and I think is Abraham Lincoln or somebody like that who said if we have like 7 hours to cut down a tree you might want to spend a big chunk of that time sharpening the axe and that is very true with networks to plan out think about what we're gonna configure then do it also make sure that in a production environment we're going through change control we're not just making newly really changes but we're getting a change authorization we have a back-up plan and all the rest just to keep your job long term all right so let me clear off that screen and let's go to if I can find it and I think I can let me find that lab boom and let me bring up my broadcaster software to make sure we can see it I'm gonna line this up just perfectly so this is the admin PC that has terminal connections to each of the consoles of each of the devices alright so just as the test pc 3 which is in i need to take a look right topology mmm so PC a PC 3 which is in VLAN 10 at the address of 10 16 0 to 30 should be able to ping 10 16 0 10 the client PC because they're in the same VLAN and that's assuming we have these trunks that are currently working all right so let's that's just that let's just on switch to let's do a show interface trunk just to make sure we have the trunks all right so we have some trunks VLAN 10 is allowed on all of them that's great and if we do a show VLAN brief we can also verify that that port that PC 3 is connected to which is 1/0 that it really is assigned a VLAN 10 so these are so the basics we'd want to do just just to verify that the the infrastructure that we think's in place is in place so if we go to PC 3 and this is where a Keith Parker holds his breath ping 10.16 0.10 which is the IP address of the PC over on switch 1 also in VLAN 10 and hey all right so I'm glad that worked and I'm glad it continues to work but what we should not be able to do is we should not be able no device on the network should be able to reach or access any device outside of its local network because we don't have routing setup so let's make a road trip over to switch 3 which is a multi-layer switch will first take a look to see what switched virtual interfaces it has if any and then we'll create them bring them up a sign of IP addresses and then test to verify we have inter VLAN connectivity by doing a test from or pcs so we'll go to switch three and here on switch three let's just do a quick show interface trunk the reason I'm doing this is because if this switch 3 is not trunking it's not going to be a good default gateway for any of those clients hanging up off of switch 1 or switch 2 so it looks like all the VLANs are forwarded and trunked and that is great news from switch 3 perspective next let's take a look at what layer 3 interfaces it has to do that with show IP interface brief one of the Cisco engineers favorite commands you know what I was expecting at least like a VLAN one interface for management or something so on this multi-layer switch it has no absolutely no VLAN interfaces no layer three interfaces at all which is abnormal in a production environment we're gonna have at least a lot of those for management for remote management because because we're not going to the console port every time on a production switch we're gonna want to remotely connect to probably the SSH or with our network automation tools but certainly we need IP addresses on a multi-layer switch if we want to remotely connect to it ok so I have none let's solve it and we're gonna solve it by creating three interfaces one for each of our VLANs so we'll go to configuration mode and we'll do interface VLAN 10 first and you want to see something check this out do show I digress I'm gonna stay focused so interface VLAN 10 and then now that that interface is created I see that the state is saying down so let's go ahead and bring it up with a no shutdown all right survey says there we go ok so the interface is up now we need an IP address associated with that 10.16 dot 0 network and because all the clients already have been given IP addresses either statically configured or they learn to via DHCP they're all trying to use 10 1601 as their default gateway that's the IP address we want to give to switch 3 on this switch virtual interface for VLAN 10 so Louise the IP address' command and 10.16 0.1 with a 24-bit mask and about a ping but I don't know I just got out well my work is done here I have two more interfaces to configure but I like oh I'm so happy I was gonna get out so we have one interface and it's also important to check our work so hold on don't get going too fast so let's do a checklist to show IP interface brief and there we go so VLAN 10 has the IP address of 10.16 dot 0 dot 1 let's go back in the configuration mode and let's take care of the other two as well interface VLAN 20 and an interface for interface VLAN 20 will do ft address once we 2.16 dot 0 dot 1 not 160 oh my gosh I just wash my hands and can't do a thing with them once 32 16 dot 0 dot one with a 24-bit mask and we'll bring it up to alright and then what we're here we'll also create the third interface interface VLAN 7 7 7 IP address 192 dot 168 dot one dot one I'm hoping will verify that is correct in a little bit and then no shutdown on this already did that no I didn't okay so the show IP interface brief type exclude you and hey there we go so what that is right there that's just a pipe symbol it says hey let's filter the output and control it and this exe is a shortcut for exclude so it said please exclude any rows of output any lines they have you na in them and that would represent all the interfaces that are unassigned IP addresses begins doing the show IP interface brief command alright so um that looks good VLAN 10 B then 20 B then seven seven seven we now have count um three three we have three switched virtual interfaces and so especially because it's directly connected to all three networks if somebody forwards a frame to it for a different network it should be able to assuming IP routing is enabled let's check that too it usually is by default on a multiplier squid show IP routing oh that's I the verbal to text mode doesn't work to show IP oh yeah that's exactly what I meant to do alright so if I did a show IP route and it said nothing like this it just had like default gateway not set or something like that it could be because IP routing is not enabled so you need to also make sure that IP routing is enabled so on a Cisco router and this multi-layer switch because I didn't week it it's enabled by default it's good to go it's directly connected to these three networks so let's test this and let's go back to PC 3 I think it's I think it's important to test then we do a test before and test after is to not test like I'm gonna test from here make a change then test from here then make a change then Tess from here it's nice to keep it kind of consistent to remove the variables and that way we know pc3 can ping PC one client PC so because we had successor already let's continue there and make sure that PC three can ping the new default gateway the switched virtual interface on VLAN 10 and to do that mmm what you see is a ping once indeed run a tryst pink n dot 16.0 that one hey hey what do you think if you are a wagering person what would you think yeah all right rockin that is working also hey we can see here in the output for this little virtual machine that it's default gateway is 10 1601 which we just pinged so we should be able to ping anything that's that's a big call we should be able to ping anything so let's let's take a look not of that let's take a look at this and let's do a test let's try to ping from ten sixteen 0.30 from our PC three over to the server at 192 168 1 dot 100 and that's a good test so that'd be a PC and VLAN 20 on the 10 16 zero network who's using his default gateway which is switched 3 2 forward a packet to 192 one SKU 1.1 which is on VLAN 777 you know they didn't verify on switch to I didn't verify that port 3/3 really is associated to be nine seven seven seven before we try that ping let's go verify that as well you know what yeah yeah that's how six and one half a dozen in the other we could try it doesn't work then we could go verify it but since I already said let's verify it let's go ahead and verify it so then you bring back the right window there it is and so on switch to oh there it is right there yeah port gig 3/3 is the sine of seven seven seven as an access port that's great alright so back to PC three and let's do a ping to one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one hundred oh yeah okay so here was my here's my big concern there I didn't know for sure whether or not that PC that server at 192 168 1 dot 100 if it also was using a default route pointing back to dot one which was the switched virtual interface address now if if that had not worked and we still wanted to test our reach ability what we could do is we could ping from PC three to the switched virtual interface address of 192 168 1.1 just to verify reach ability and path through the network as opposed to having a device fail so now that that works let's do one final test and let's bring up the client PC here in the lab and in this client PC let's just go ahead and confirm a couple things so let's bring up a command prompt I smile verify the IP address on this guy so on a Windows computer they be IP config is 10 16 0 10 for its address great and it's default gateways can be 0.1 which is the switched virtual interface for VLAN 10 that we just set up we also verified previously a ping between PC 3 and this device that was before we set up the routing so let's bring up browser chrome is on the desktop I'll grab that and make it a little bit bigger and I've got a web server running on that 192 168 1 dot 100 device all right they'll have to do one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one dot one hundred yeah that looks good all right we can also verify the trace the path the TR AC ERT here from windows - t don't bother doing name resolution one ninety two dot one sixty eight dot one that one hundred and that should show the first top of ten 1601 and then going to dot one hundred as well alright well that one pleasantly well let's read let's review what we did we added switched virtual interfaces on switch three one to support VLAN 10 another switch virtual interface to support B than twenty another interfaces part two then seven seven seven we assigned each of those switched virtual interfaces layer 3 address that was appropriate for those networks and the IP address that all the clients were using as a default gateway and then we tested by testing from the client first make sure they could ping their default gateway which is great and then we tested end-to-end connectivity between VLANs which is our goal of inter VLAN routing all right well you know what sometimes sometimes it doesn't go as well as we hope as far as like oh what's this and why is that one of the gotchas that I often discover when working with switching is spanning tree I mean spanning tree is a wonderful thing it's needed a lot and that's why we use it but sometimes we make a change and it doesn't work it doesn't work in the spanning tree especially if we're using the older I Triple E state Oh 2.1 D standard it takes a while to converge and so you bring a port up and it made it you know blocking listening learning you know you could have a cup of coffee come back and it's not quite done yet so there are some tips that we can use to help speed that up for testing port fast is one of them on the individual switch ports we can all see that command called switch port host which makes it an access port and turns on port fast we can enable rapid spanning tree as opposed to just the default original flavor might release a dash at 1 D and those are all ideas of helping but here's the cool thing as a person practices and they get more familiar when something doesn't work we can do is we can say way ok let's think about the whole process and the more practice you have the mark suppose your help you have to the contents networks you can say Oh like earlier today I was working with Jeremy Chara and we're working on some lab stuff and it is so cool because um there were stuff that wasn't working and he and I were like yeah well like check spanning-tree do it and it's like we were in sync as long as like you know what - Jack how did Jack when - Jack and I thought yeah there's nothing I need to tell Jeremy and vice-versa there was like there was no secrets to how the network is operating and why it might not be functioning we are both on that same train and that just comes with the experience so I also wanted to point out that I'm really excited about some new assessment labs in fact I they'll be dropping up five o'clock I'll do some posts on social media Twitter and Facebook and LinkedIn and these are assessment labs and so here's I think you'll love them I think you'll love them because here's here's what I here's what we did I created some assessment labs for layer 2 switching they meld trunking and VLANs and spanning-tree all things layer 2 at the CCNA level and also I created some for routing static routing for ipv4 ipv6 OSPF single area at the CCNA level and I threw in some zingers like configure this it looks really simple go and it's not meant to be tricky but I thought to myself if someone goes through our CCNA training as CBT Nuggets and they've they've gone through the videos they've enjoyed them and they've done the hands-on practice when we ask them to do hands-on practice they're ready yeah they're ready not just today I understand the concept but yeah I can I can configure this I can troubleshoot this I can set this up I can verify it and so there's I'll share with you one scenario and I won't give away the answer because I want I want somebody who's doing the assessment lab to really hit it and the assessment lab involves OSPF and by default by default the path is the wrong path any like what why why Allah speed up did you do this to me why why you're supposed to be great link-state and it is great at this link today but we have to know how it works and that training is in the CCNA portion are the OS there's two sections of videos in the new CCNA one is called OSPF it's like OSPF concepts it also has labs event and then one's implementing and verifying OSPF so those two together would prepare a student who's been through those two just crush it like oh yeah I remember this I know I know why I not to do that's great and the first time we do something is tricky it is the first time we learn a new skill it's like I'm not sure I'm not how do I do this how do I but we're gonna the more you practice and that's at the virtual labs are therefore to the more you practice and follow a step by step you'll get better and better with it and that's that's the key if I look back to where I was you know 25 years ago with Cisco see I started in 1989 that was my first introduction to Cisco and then I got my first CCIE in 2001 and another CCA in 2003 and yeah I still remember those early days like looking at the CLI like what do I do where do I start and so what's cool about the videos that Jeremy liked and Chuck keith created is that you can watch the video will explain the concepts why it's important how it works and then provide you some opportunity for hands-on labs so you can actually do it and so whether you use packet tracer which is great for CCNA or you use the virtual labs or you have your own gear it doesn't matter to me I would love you to it does matter that you practice and so that's our encouragement is to what can we do to reduce the friction between a learner coming into Cisco wanting to get their skills and then being able to practice and so whatever method works best for you do it and the more you practice the more comfortable you'll be and maybe in ten years or five years you'll look back on that training at CBT Nuggets and think yeah I get what Keith was saying when I was working with Jeremy today like we are both so comfortable with all these related commands because we've been building labs and we've been diving into it again for the last three or four months building see seen a so in a few years you can fix yourself saying yeah I remember when I was brand new to that I think about where I am now holy schnike urse is amazing and you never know when the call is gonna come in for you to apply those skills because you might you know networks that are in place they don't change a lot like you're not gonna reconfigure routing every week you're not gonna reconfigure switching every week but when there's a problem and then you're looking okay where where is this problem on the network how many people is infecting you can think through it looking at the topology okay I think the fault domain the area where the problem is is here and then based on your knowledge of holiday or to forwarding works and how layer 3 routing works and all the access controls that also get mixed in how they work as you improve your skills you're gonna be able to much more quickly troubleshoot those problems when they come up and resolve them without making knee-jerk reactions that might negatively impact the network so it's coming yeah so I look forward to that day in a few years or maybe even less that you look back and say yeah I remember when I didn't know anything about Cisco and now I'm just like rocking and rolling and also the the commands you learn in Cisco Cisco gear there's a lot of similarities with other platforms too so if you start seeing a Juniper device or Palo Alto or other they say oh that's the kind of the same kind of concept and similar CLI and you can start HP has a lot of similarities on other platforms as well ok so today I only bring Beca this slide real quick and today we focused on inter VLAN routing using a multi-layer switch we took a look at the video we use the different topology and influent and verified it live which is a lot of fun next Sunday the 12 12 22 we're gonna do a tow 2.1 q trunking I'm looking forward to that very much 12:25 offline please enjoy that with your friends and families and loved ones and then CCNA Sunday 12:29 spanning tree protocol which I happen to love oh you know what if you have a minute it was pin but it's not anymore I've got I'll if we took a hundred I would say entry-level CCNA Canada's people who studied and they learned and then they they got their certifications they have the skills out of a hundred of those if we presented them with a specific spanning tree question and we asked them why is that most of them would get it wrong or we asked them to guess which ports will be forwarding which ports will be blocking or which ports will be route ports and so forth a lot of them would get it wrong and so I wanted to take some time and make a presentation where I can chat with you about the basis of fine tray give you a big a nice overview of what it does and then also some basic steps that never fail in being able to determine and control spanning tree in an environment whether it's a tattoo I Triple E 802 1d or rapid spanning tree these concepts apply to both so that's why I wanted to add spanning tree to CCI Sunday on 1229 and then New Year's Day OSPF Network types and if you can't make it for any one of those I will periodically post on social media the listing of all the URLs and if you have a friend who is like hey you know what I might be in Cisco or getting involved feel free to refer them to that list of URLs and the ones for CCNA Sunday's are gonna be oh gee I T dot online / CCNA 0 1 and og I T online / CCNA 0 to all lowercase and so that way when when these months of Sundays are over which eventually they will be and we have this nice fun collection of a lot of content that just got right to it um it would be a nice it would be easy to find I'll put in a playlist to probably it would be easy to find them go through them and if you want to get a study buddy that I have discovered is extremely helpful people told me that like I interview people all the time asking ok what what's the secret right what's the secret for you being successful and getting into IT when maybe some people said you couldn't do it or you didn't have a lot of support the answer one of the answers was a family or friend or someone who believed in them and I got to tell you I have seen I'm not going to say tens of thousands but I have seen thousands of people that didn't have a huge support group that we're able to get the training get the books do the hands-on practice watch some videos consistently make progress in the right direction and their lives are different I mean we're talking about people that didn't have homes or didn't have a place to live and now they're doing extremely well I believe you knew I I think with the internet and the training options we have now that anyone can do this I mean you know if somebody has a disease like a mental disease or disorder that's handicapped in that way that might be some challenge they may have to work harder to do it if I think for you know an average human who wants to get the CCNA as a starting point it's great and also compte has a plus and Network+ and security plus and then oh I also just identified that on Cisco's website they're keeping cyber ops so as far as one cc made to rule them all after February 20th twenty four twenty twenty and CCNA cyber ops so CC day the new one is going to be out there and based on what they have on their website right now the other CCNA is CCNA cyber ops all that content there's two courses that go to that for that certification when its fundamentals and when is operations and those were both available as speedy nuggets if you wanna check those out feel free to as well so uh thank you I am so grateful that you've joined me for this time today I enjoy teaching I love helping to make a difference wherever I can I am grateful if you haven't already click on subscribe bit the alert Bell so you can make sure you get alerts the fact that so many people are helping other people in the channel is fantastic so if you see a question or if you see a comment where you can help please feel free to jump in do it I make it an hour to a week the carve-out to go try to catch up with everything but the more we grow and the more we the more people in the community the more we have to help and if you're not sure about an answer you can say here's the belly who's my best guess and as I look through those I'll be happy to chime in as well all right for so I will see hopefully I'll see a lot of people back on CCNA Sunday or we'll take a look at 802 that 1q trunking on behalf of the channel and myself and coming off of this several day cold thank you thank you for your participation and I'll see you in the very next video thanks everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 27,562
Rating: 4.9247651 out of 5
Keywords: cbt nuggets, cbt training, ccna, ccna 200-301, ccna certification, ccna study, ccna training, cisco, cisco ccna, cisco certifications, cisco training, multilayer switch, interface vlan vs vlan cisco, interface vlan routing, interface vlan ip address, interface vlan down, new ccna, cisco certified network associate, new ccna 2020, new ccna 200-301, new ccna certification 2020, networkchuck ccna, networkchuck, new ccna exam 2020
Id: F6b7oQ6J7Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 15sec (2715 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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