Configure and Verify IPv4 Static Routes and Routing | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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hey on behalf of myself in this channel thanks for being here it means a lot to me to share a few minutes together I just I have a few notes of what I like to cover and address the first thing is I'm super excited about the new content that we're creating at CBT Nuggets regarding the new CCNA I get to work with you know about 20 years ago when I got into was working IT I thought I want to work with these certain individuals and they had a chance to work with those as through my career it's been fantastic and one of those people that I've had the opportunity work with for more than like 20 years off and on was Jeremy Chara so Jeremy Chara Chuck keith network Jacque and myself are working on the new CCNA content wrapping up those pieces and super exciting so let me break down what we do at CBT we create a chunk a nugget if you will of learning and so in CCNA one of those topics is static routing and I wanted to share with you the process behind that here's my studio here in Las Vegas that I record out of and I wanted to share with you a few details about that but first but first I want to share with you something really fun they did with my daughter earlier this week check this out I'm gonna share my screen with you and I'm gonna share with you my sierra favorite the right page here here we go here's my iCloud photos if you're ever in Vegas and have a chance to go to the happy place which is in the Mandalay Bay shopping mall do it it's a lot of fun check this out this is a video of me doing a backwards freefall into nothingness bring it up here I had my daughter film this for me and I thought to myself I'm just gonna let go I'm just gonna relax and let go and fall into it and that feeling can be very effective and helpful sometimes especially if you're considering a job an IT or improving your skills an IT it's good to have a good plan and then just fall into it let it happen all right here we go and I thought to myself okay just keep my back straight the balls won't move they'll be there it's like a trust fall without humans yeah and I got I gotta tell you it's as fun as it looked all right that's enough of that so I wanted to share that with you it was fresh in my memory um this is studio this is what I record at night I put my content at CBC nights behind the scenes and we close my iCloud Phocis the stops making noise on me and this is also how I create videos so a lot of people ask me Keith what do you you know how do you create the content here's my secret leaving for the video back on here's my secret to creating content that people enjoy and love and can get benefit from I think back to when I was learning a topic and whether it was IP subnetting or basic routing or advanced route or whatever it was and I think myself what would be the perfect course for me to have received at that time so back in like the 90s is when I deduce IP subnetting and it was tough I really struggled with subnetting and that's why I created some some dating content after that there's like okay here's a great way to consume it and the same thing with with routing or reading in a routing table pretty much those skills are not inborn no one was ever born and the doctor said oh this baby's gonna be you know around a routing genius it's all learned and the secret is I've done many interviews with people who are new to IT who've been in IT and here's what I've discovered if we're interested like how does that work I want to know how that operates how that functions that gives us a lot of energy and motivation to keeping things going and keeping studying and so um I have a lot of physical gear here in my office in Las Vegas and I use that periodically but nowadays like when I was first starting back in 2001 I got my first CCIE I had to buy a huge rack of equipment just to get the hands-on practice but there's so many other great options now including you get use garrick that works you can use packet tracer if you haven't done that yet I'm going to encourage you along the way to get that as a tool to practice with there's products from Cisco like the viral product there's no third party options like genus 3 and viral era and even G and so forth so getting the hands-on is important so I'd like to share with you this screen and this is a way that I would present the information regarding how to do routing like sweet kids said okay what is routing how's it work why do we need I'd say something like this a router doesn't know how to reach any streets what do you mean Keith the street like us think of a network like a street like imagine right now the street that's outside wherever you're at for security reasons you may not want to tell the world what street you live on but I know that this three design directly connected to if I follow my driveway long enough I hit my street I know that's I'm connected to that street well a Cisco router or any router or any computer for that matter doesn't know where any networks or any streets are until you tell it you train it so there's three basic ways of training a Cisco router on how to reach a network and one of those is to have a directly connected network meaning you can let me show you a video or a graphic here on the screen and they move that mic back up on this screen right here let me get out a pin - that'll be fun to do fun to do all right there we go so this router right here if we just powered it up right out of the box it does not know about the 10-1 network or the 10.12 network or anything else because it's just electronics and software and until we configure a network it doesn't how to reach either though so we go into the interfaces of this router and we tell it hey mister router you this interface 1.1 slash zero is 10.12 dot 0 dot 1 and press enter with the mask and when we do that it's at that moment the router says hey hey guess what I know how to reach this network I can reach the 1012 Network and so by building it from the ground up like okay how does it router even know how to get to anything well it knows based on what you configure now that's one option to getting access or reaching a network a street that the router can forward packets to which is his goal another option is we can dynamically train the routers to talk to each other it would go something like this we train the routers that they should run a dynamic routing protocol such as OSPF which is open shortest path first or we can use like on the internet we use BGP border gateway protocol and we train the routers to share information with each other so then if Robert won so let's say Bob is right here and Bob needs to send the packet to the server on this network if Bob forwards that pack to the router the router is going to look at the destination address and say what do I do and if we're using a dynamic routing protocol these routers can train router one that up to forward a packet to this network go ahead and send it to router 2 and router 2 is gonna notice Center out of 3 and so forth till it gets to its destination so one way of a router knowing how to reach a network is a directly connected network the second option is a dynamic routing protocol are learning dynamically but the third option that a router can use to learn want to reach a network is a static route and so what we do and let me go ahead and bring back the this the this graphic right here this is a good one this is a studio so this is a set of videos a set of nuggets on static routes for ipv4 and so what I do is I start with introducing ipv4 static routing and then how a router learns routes and then adding directly connected route so I like to point out something also that's really really important and that's this little bad boy right here let me bring my pan again and that's this what this represents is a lab so not only does a person it's a good thing to know about ok how does this work how does it function but it's also really important to reinforce it so if we did some white board work we said okay here's the reason that this router needs a static route and let's go back and take a look at the graphic again for that and that is right here so if we wanted to train this router I've got a lot of buttons to push over here we wanted to train this router how to reach the 192 168 1 Network we would have to tell router 1 to forward it over to router - if we did it statically with static routing and adaptive del router 2 - 4 - router 3 and then router 3 is directly connected but you know what check this out you know it goes south really fast is that if packets only have a path one way we don't want to be like the roach motel where roaches check in but they don't check out that was a commercial from like 30 years ago but we need full connectivity in both directions so as we look at a situation where we have to do static routes what we want to do is make sure we have paths from router 1 to that at work and also from that Network back to router one so the reply traffic can come back in and what really helps to reinforce that is the concept of a lab so I'd like to take a moment if you've got just a moment let me show you what a lab looks like to reinforce this kind of concept so we've we'd have the topology in mind we talked about the routers and the syntax and how it works and we'd do something like this check this out and I've got one queued up for us so this represents one of our labs and so there's a computer well then I've logged myself out and I'd lock myself back in this is a Windows server that's currently currently running putty and it's got connectivity to router one router two out of three and so right here on router one we could do a show IP route and say yep this this router knows how to get to directly connected networks but you notice what's not here it doesn't know how to get to the 192 168 1 line she wants to date 1 0 Network for the 24 bit mask it doesn't know how to reach it so what we would do after we've talked about the routes and the syntax we didn't walk through the configuration of it and and here's the power check this out let's it's fun to watch people configure I love it I mean I literally can sit and wow look at that look at that show command and look at this he's making this static route and he's verifying the route he's verifying traffic it's fun to watch but you know what at the end of the day we need to take that ability to not only read a routing table and configure static routes but we need to build that as a skill so that when it comes down to it if we're looking at in a production network we're looking at a topology we're at the CLI we need to be able to not only read the table but also make corrections if there's needed if there's Corrections needed so the hands-on lab are so fun and the great news is the labs are supported in many of our videos also if you have your own gear that's great too but my goal is to reinforce those concepts and if you've got just one more minute I've got permission to share with you maybe a sample nugget from that series on static Crossan and my intention is this I love I love creating content that really makes a difference for people's lives so I'm thinking every time I create a video first okay bill John Jared Wade they're trading ten minutes of their life or eight minutes of their life to watch this video what do I want to give them in return and my goal is I want you I want you the learner as you join me in this experience I want you to walk away saying I can do this I got this and then to reinforce that and practice it with the lab so that if you're in a job interview and they're asking you about well what does this mean or how would that work you can say yeah here's how this works and I've configured this before even if it's in a lab environment you have the practice you can then demonstrate it here in Las Vegas we have a huge data center by switched communications and one of their exams or whether questions for new ed engineers is they give them a lab it's BGP it's gnarly a lot of fun and they get my ideas 90 minutes they may have changed that by last I recall was 90 minutes and they sit him down they say configure this and the reality is if a person can configure it and verify it that's a good candidate that that company wanted to hire and mold his companies don't always just want some of you knows everything they want something they can learn and can grow and can demonstrate what their current skills that they currently have are so let's take a look let me switch over here and let me bring you back to studio where I have some of these videos and let me bring in this one right here this is so these are all built logically one step up after the other here's the introducing ipv4 static routing let's play that one and I'll play that video and then I turn the volume I'm gonna be quiet for us no computer networks I can't believe we're gonna pack it in look at here doesn't say what do I do all right no that was super fast that was it to XP and I'll put it down at 1x and I'll size it up and then we can enjoy this for just less than a minute together but it can afford it here or there or yonder that's an important decision that routers make millions of times a day and in this skill on static routes for ipv4 I'd like to share with you some really cool techniques including how to train the router with static routes to reach a given network or host routes to reach a specific IP address or something very very cool a floating static route that can help us with fault tolerant scenarios to make sure that our network can continue to forward traffic either the hiccup or a problem another cool aspect about learning and static rouse is that I've got a nice assortment of hands-on labs for United go through that can only reinforce those concepts but also start building those skills of implementing and verifying static routes and I'm making this introduction to this skill these videos in the scale very short so we can get right in the next video where I'll see you in just a few moments till then I hope this has been informative for you and I'd like to thank you for viewing and I I don't know how many times I've said that but it's been a few and I love it I also got some tools in our Arsenal I've got a shock board that I brought up so I can we do chalk talk we can if something a topic comes up we want to discuss it we can easily do it right here so if I grab the right tool if we have a new idea or if I want to elaborate on something we can do it right here very very easy to do and as we continue the journey together also one of the ideas that we have is we're building all of this our CCNA content with the idea behind it on a larger enterprise network so it's pretty cool because we take like individual concepts like static routes and then we move on to and that's for ipv4 ipv6 and then we move on to things like routing protocol like OSPF and onto control mechanisms like access control lists and so forth and and as we do we just build and build and build and build and the cool thing is the skills that we learn together and enjoy together as we go through these we can apply those skills to production networks in fact I want to share with you one of the most interesting complaints that I have received here hits CBT Nuggets in this MSN News the complaint was I don't in my production job I don't have a chance to go in and really change everything all the time because once the network's in place the routing works the switching works everything's all set up there's change control and maintenance needs to be done but it's not like sweeping whole new changes so he doesn't get a chance to from the ground up build new networks every day and here's what I told them I understand your concern keep the job it was with a major Internet service provider by the way it's great job keep the job learn what they're teaching at that job whether it's scripting or whatever the tool the thing is that they want you to focus on and be a master that and you want to build networks from scratch holy schnikeys do it you can do it with hardware you have in your house you can do it with Viral from Cisco you can do it packet tracer you can do it with gns3 you can do with Eve NG there's lots of options just to get that itch like I want to build it from the ground up and that's what we're doing in CCNA - so we're taking it from the basic concepts to basic infrastructure to basic IP routing say it layer 2 switching layer 3 routing and then onto access control list talking about IPSec and VPNs as far as understanding what those are talking about first hop redundancy protocols and the cool thing is every single one of these videos that Jeremy and Chuck and I are creating they are taking it step by step by step at every end and when we talk and I won't give away Jeremy secrets because he's amazing and I can tell you that he and I and Chuck we care just like this chat right now I'm talking to you and so when you're listening Chuck or Jeremy or any other trainer of CBT Nuggets well we're sharing information and we're teaching we're doing it because we really we really want you to get it we want you to take the skills and the knowledge and the enthusiasm and turn around and put that into a production and put it into your life to improve your life because the more Skills you have the better your quality of life is gonna be for yourself for your employer and also for your friends and family every surrounding you also I would encourage you that along the journey of studying and preparing for the world of IT and getting better and better all the time I would also encourage you to spend a little bit of focus on health like I've started eating better in the last probably 8 to 12 months and fitness and also Recreation to make sure you have a nice balance so hit the IT hard keep learning it's worth it it's a lot of fun it's interesting and it's worth it and at the same time make sure we have balance in our lives so my intent was to go about to go out this amount of time so I I appreciate you joining me in this video if I if you had a question that I didn't have a chance to get to because I've been chatting with you I'm gonna post this video live on my channel as a video so it'll be there later and you can go back and you can add that question and after I have a day or two go through them all I will go through and I will answer your questions if you have them so if you haven't subscribed to my chart channel here Keith Barker networking please take a moment to do so love to have you a lot of great people who are supporting this channel by participating in interviews and motivation and how they got started in IT and how they survived and thrived in IT and anything we can do to help you successfully conquer the world of IT or get into it or do better in it that's what we're gonna help with so uh on behalf of CBT Nuggets the company that I work full time for and love and myself in this channel I'd like to thank you for viewing and we'll catch you next time bye everybody
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 20,754
Rating: 4.4594593 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, ccna training, certification, cisco, cisco ccna, network+, route, router, routers, routing, static, static route, static route configuration, static router, static routes explained, static routing, default route, static routing configuration, static routes, administrative distance (ad), default static route, gateway of last resort, more specific match
Id: 1_f-qoaejCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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