802.1Q Ethernet Trunking | Cisco CCNA 200-301

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and welcome everybody I am so glad your hair you know before I do a live stream I'm always thinking you know what everybody's gonna show up and I am so grateful to have a chance to talk with you directly whether you're here live with me now or watching this later either way is great so what I'm going to do in this small section of time we have today in this CCNA Sunday is I like to review a couple things that we've talked about in the previous sessions with VLANs and layer 2 switching just to you know make sure on the same sheet of music and then we'll focus on trunking and I have three objectives for trunking they are why we need it to how it works and three how to both configure it and verify it so we're gonna do all of that today and let's go back to the screen let me go ahead and bring this up right here alright so as a reminder when people actually go back to the video when people get on a network a user and they just start to use their programs and applications they just want it to work and and oftentimes they don't even care about how it works I just want it to work and so as a network engineer and network technician and as a network designer we need to know how it works behind the scenes and that's gonna help us in both them I like building networks that are functional it also helps us in troubleshooting big time so let's take a look at this topology and let's do a quick review of I have a couple couple quick things and it's be totally worth it so I bring up a pencil tool here so let's imagine and this is a little bit of review but I think repetition is giving me the mother of learning let's say that this is Bob right here and Bob's at this computer and he wants to go out to a website now bob is gonna be using a browser like that's not a secret everybody knows about browsers Keith well when Bob uses that browser behind the scenes the browser is using application layer services from the tcp/ip protocol suite so in the case of a browser going to a website it could be HTTP so using HTTP layer services think of that like web services and then also behind the scenes behind before Bob's computer spits that information on the network it's going to add information from additional layers so HTTP at the application layer uses a transport layer protocol and just just as a you know let's talk here a moment when we say the word protocol like Oh protocol a protocol it's will be like a set of rules like Mars code or the English language or whatever language wouldn't speak it's just a set of rules and multiple devices use that same set of rules they understand can communicate with each other so that's the benefit of having a tcp/ip protocol stack that's a set of rules that if all the devices use those same says the rules they can talk to each other so the protocol at layer 4 that is used by HTTP is a protocol called TCP that's an acronym for transmission control protocol and and as that information gets added as this logically goes down the mind of Bob's computer Bob's computer is also going to add on source IP and the source IP address and the destination IP address that means the source IP addresses like the the street and then the house address of where Bob is coming from and the destination IP address is like the street and house number where Bob wants to send this packet to and then before Bob spits down the network Bob also includes additional information including layer 2 information which would be the source MAC addresses and the destination MAC address I should say source MAC address singular and destination MAC address and so every network interface card has a burned in 12 digit dress and Bob is going to include that before he sends the information on the network and in the previous video we took a look or in one of our previous videos together we took a look at layer 2 switching and we identified that Bob's computer if it doesn't know the layer 2 address of another device on the local network and it needs it it will simply ask and that ask is called ARP address resolution protocol or Bob Joe says Bob's computer says hey everybody in the room everybody on the network every of the VLAN I need you to look at this requests see if it's you if your IP address and if it is please respond with your layer 2 address so I can have it and that's how Bob's computer learns the layer 2 address which he's including in this message these about set on the wire and then the actual bits are being sent boom boom on the network and then the switches based on their layer 2 addresses that they see in the frames are gonna make forwarding decisions and if the traffic is going off the local network then we're gonna forward that frame to our default gateway and then the default gateway makes a routing decision layer 3 so that's a separate discussion for another day but that's how it works so you know I did I thought to myself self that's what I call myself I said what could I do visually yeah I know we've looked at a protocol analyzer in a previous video about what can we do visually to help reinforce this concept of the computer doing all these steps before it sends information on the network and they thought let's let's play some cups and so this morning actually last night I went on I bought some cups and I also bottom color-coded free to the layers to help reinforce it and I'll keep these around if we need to for explanations and understanding and also use it today so the first thing that Bob's computer is doing is using an application layer service right there so the browser using an application layer service like HTTP and then as it goes down the protocol stack it's going to need to add a light layer for information so that that whole HTTP request whatever's in there gets encapsulated or put inside the header for layer 4 and that would in the case of HTTP it's using a TCP layer 4 protocol so TCP is gonna add its information including sequence numbers and acknowledgments and so forth and then as it goes down the protocol stack at layer 3 we're gonna encapsulate all of that inside of and layer 3 header and so that layer 3 header is the source and destination well they are three addresses like the street names and house numbers from a layer 3 perspective and that gets added so every time we add a new header now at it it's like encapsulating this they call it we're encapsulating as we go down we're adding more and more information and this it's getting bigger and bigger because we're adding these headers for layer 4 layer 3 and then on Ethernet networks with switches we're going to be adding layer 2 information so we add that as well I'm doing a pretty decent job of lining those up here also the stand today for me getting these in the camera is brought to you if it did speak it could say hey I'm the right height anyway that's what I'm using for the platform and then eventually at some point we spit those bits out onto the network so that the network can actually receive those and then the layer 2 switches focusing on this information the MAC addresses make their forwarding more effective is gonna be if you use the same colors as you did in your diagrams that we've been talking about and I thought to myself oh that's true I'm gonna go ahead and redo all the labels and put them on the right colored cups and make this work so that it can be a nice reinforcement because this protocol stack the tcp/ip protocol stack is gonna come in handy when we start taking a look at trunking so let's take a look at the problem of trunking and our the problem that could come up that can be solved by trunking and this will be answering the question why do we need it and let's start with let's start with this PC right here so this is Bob's PC Bob is currently in VLAN 10 so this port right here is a sign to VLAN 10 as an access port and sometimes companies get large we may have an accounting department Human Resources Department sales finance with hundreds and hundreds of users and we aren't gonna want to put them all in the same network but we might want to have Bob let's say Bob works in accounting so he is in the VLAN 10 which we're gonna use for the accounting users and let's also imagine that we have Lois over here now my inside joke is if you've watched the other videos you know I use Bob and Lois but that's the best thing that boast that Lois is also in the accounting group and she also is this port right here is also assigned to that same VLAN VLAN 10 but they're on different switches well let's just let's just play out a broadcast that Bob is gonna do let's say Bob is trying to ping Lois so Bob at his command line their faces ping ping is an acronym that stands for a packet internet groper nobody calls it that anymore but Rizzoli when it came up I'm gonna guy wrote it that's what he called it but ping is basically a connectivity test it tests can we reach from where we're at to another destination and get a response back it's a great test for basic connectivity so let's say Bob goes to this command-line interface and type ping 10.16 dot 0.30 which is Lois's IP address so because they're on the same network and if they're both in VLAN 10 they're in the same so the network is 10.16 dot 0 dot 0 / 24 that's a layer 3 network address we'll take a look at that in separate videos and because bob believes that Lois is in the same network and types in ping to that address if Bob's computer does not yet know Lois has burned-in address on her network interface card her MAC address what is she what are you going to do and I'll offer that to the group what do you suppose a client does if it sees if it wants to ping or reach another device on the same local network but doesn't yet now the layer to rest of that other noise was it do I'll give you three choices one it gives up says I'm done I can't do it too hard - it just broadcasts everything all future packets gonna be broadcast at layer two - the broadcast address so everybody gets to see it because the switch forwards broadcast for that VLAN to all of the devices the same VLAN or does it send an ARP request you might be saying Keithley I got it it's gonna do an ARP request ARP address resolution protocol to verify r2 to make that request originally hey who has the layer 2 address of 1016 0 30 that does get broadcast and sent to every other device in the VLAN and hopefully the device that has that IP address will respawn back so going back to our topology let's imagine Bob sends a broadcast so this broadcast that speaks that came in on port 0 / 1 which is in VLAN 10 the switch says ok my job because this is a layer 2 broadcast is I need to forward this to all other ports that are in the same VLAN so it's going to forward it to any other ports locally and we need to get that information over here to PC 3 so switch 1 is gonna send that broadcast between itself from switch 1 or 2 switch 2 because there may be clients over here also on VLAN 10 including Louis that needs to see that ARP request that broadcast so here's the trick when that frame shows up at switch to this broadcast switch 2 does not need to our shouldn't forward that broadcast to any devices that are not in VLAN 10 which means it should forward it here to this port two losses PCF port ones left zero because it's in VLAN 10 but should not forward it off of 1/1 which is in a different view then that's in VLAN 20 so there needs to be some mechanism between switch 1 and switch two that we can use to identify that hey this is a broadcast but it's for this specific VLAN and that mechanism is called a tag I mean like a skin tag like you get cut off at the doctor they think a little piece of skin they cut off no I mean like it a little extra label let's use this let's imagine that I'm gonna take off the transport layer and an application layer because within a ping request even an arp request there's no payload really other than just the actual request for what is your layer to address so let's imagine that this is the packet and frame and bits that are gonna be sent across the network from switch 1 or 2 switch 2 here's what switch 1 and switch to agree they agreed beforehand using a protocol or a set of rules saying this hey listen any time you send frames back and forth says switch and switch switch 1 switch 2 together anytime you send frames back and forth I want you to inject a little bit and add a little label that lets me know what VLAN this is for so switch 1 says you mean if I send frames you're way over this link you want me to include in addition to what the user sending you want me to include a little information about what VLAN that's associated with in the other switch says yes and I'll do the same for you and this is this is called adding an 802 dot1q that's the protocol tag and that's how we do trunking so check this out let's imagine that that broadcast ring right here from Bob's PC for the ARP request is about to leave it goes into the switch so the switch knows this is associated do than 10 but before it sends that broadcast over information right there between layer 2 and layer 3 and so what this is this is adding a tag in 802 dot 1 you tag that identifies what VLAN it came from so if this is switch one so so switch one has the broadcast it needs to send order to switch to it says well before I said this is gonna have the tag so it has the tag that says this frame is for VLAN 10 it then forwards it with whatever payload was above it could be an arp request HTTP anything else what else is about it and then it sends it over to switch to switch to gets it and looks at this tag and says oh this is for VLAN 10 thanks I'll remember that reassembles it because the tag is no longer needed because now let's switch to knows what VLANs 4 and then switch to can properly forward that within VLAN 10 wherever it needs to go if it's a broadcast it'll send it to all other for other ports and VLAN 10 or if it's a specific layer to address it'll go ahead and forward it just to the port where that layer let's switch to knows that layer to address lives that's it let's do it one more time this time let's use an example of PC 2 that means to send the frame over to PC 4 and so what would happen is PC 2 sends that frame into the switch the switch before it sends it over the trunk does this says ok here's the data and possibly transport layer and application layer data as well everything above is gonna stay intact and when says oh this belongs this frame belongs to VLAN 20 so it grabs does surgery just dropped my IP layer it does surgery it adds a tag excuse me alright and then it reassembles the rest of the stack so if there was transport layer information and application ever put that all back as well - it has the tag for VLAN 20 and it sends it over there you go as sends it and that way when switch 2 receives it it says oh this is for VLAN 20 and then it will continue doing forwarding based on layer 2 now that it knows it's for real and 20 and that's a two-way street both devices do it so switch 1 will include tags switch 2 will include tags before they send information and the link that we're going to configure between switch ones - is referred to as a trunk trunking an Ethernet simply means we're adding attack to indicate what VLAN that layer to frame is associated and the whole packet for that matter that frame is associated with that's it I'm putting two tags there back in the right order so do a VLAN 10 IP network transport layer application layer fair enough right there there's a whole stack right there but up so you can see it as a reference point all right there we go that the all right so my goal our goal in this session was to identify why we need trunking to begin with why we need tagging and the answer is if we're sitting frames between switches and we want to communicate what VLAN this belongs to we're gonna use tagging and the rules for that is the standard for that today the one that we use is 802 dot1q it's just the standard for injecting a tag into the frames before we send them back and forth between switches we've talked about how it works by surgically injecting it and the last piece I'd like to talk about is actually doing it let's do that I put these down I'm gonna move this all the way to fortunately the solid state it won't harm that all right so let's take a look at at configuring it and verifying it and then if you'd like we can do some protocol analysis just to take a look and verify that tag exists so let me bring up the screen let me clear all that and let me bring up a lab where we can actually do this so we're going to use this topology right here with switch one on the left and switch two on the right with these associated ports and we don't have to use all the ports but because I want to make sure I'm trunking on both of these between switch one switch two we're gonna do that also for this demonstration this device switch 3 is not there's no connectivity to switch 3 I'm just gonna do trunking between switch 1 and switch two at this point all right so let's bring up this and let me sighs that's nice and beautiful and they just verify can get two devices they need here switch one looks good switch to PC to PC three PC four right no before we begin it's really important I feel really important to verify that we're on the right the right device the right switch before we start configuring nearly Willie so in our topology I'm on switch one and it's gonna verify the VLAN assignments 0/1 should be in VLAN 10 0 / 2 should be in VLAN 20 just to confirm on the right device so let's go ahead and do that and to do that we'll just show VLAN briefed that'll do it alright so here on VLAN VLAN 10 has gig 0 / 1 assigned to it and VLAN 20 has gig 0 / 2 in it that's great and I know on the right switch alright it's fantastic so to configure trunking what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to those interfaces and we're going to tell them that we want to use the protocol for trunking of 802 dot1q and we're also going to tell those interfaces that we want them to be a trunk which you know here's the deal we can dynamically negotiate trunking between two switches there's VT bom with dynamic negotiation of trunking but if you know you want the trunking to happen on those ports between those switches it's better off just to tell them so going back to our diagram to get the right interfaces we're gonna tell interface gig 1 / 2 and 0 0 here on switch 1 that we want them both to behave as trunk ports using 802 dot1q so to facilitate that will go into configuration mode and I have type an interface range just you don't have to do both interfaces at the same time if the commands are the same it makes less sense to do it that way so interface range gig 0 / 0 and also gig 1 / 2 + + Enter and this just indicates here that I'm in interface range configuration mode so any commands that we do here are going to apply to both of those switches all right and zero zero one two just want to verify got the right ports zero zero and one two all right perfect I'm comfortable I've the right ports so the two commands we're gonna do our switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q and that says we want to use the dot1q standard for tagging for adding that additional information regarding the VLANs and press ENTER and then the second command is switch port mode from which says you know dynamic negotiation is okay but why not just go ahead and do it in this command does that for both the interfaces then I'm going to configure the other side switch to with pretty much the same commands on its respective interfaces so we're on switch 2 we're going to verify the interfaces here which is 1/3 and 3/2 0 okay I think it's really important to get the right interfaces so it config T interface range big 3/0 Tama and gig 1/3 confirming my interfaces yep and then a switch port trunk encapsulation dot1q now a long time ago there's a Cisco proprietary but there still is but no one uses it hard anymore there was a proprietary tagging protocol called ISL inter switch link and because it's so old the standard is data to that one cue we want to use dot1q so switch port mode drunk all right let's do some show commands let's do a show interface trunk all right so what this says here on switch 2 is that gig 1/3 and switch gig 3/0 both are set to on as opposed to being dynamically negotiated the encapsulation for trunking is using a total mq the status is trunking that's great and the native VLAN by default is 1 so what exactly is a native VLAN it's a topic for another day but the short version is if for some reason we're sending any frames for the native VLAN in this case VLAN 1 if both switches agree hey the native VLAN is vm1 if they ever happen to see a frame that goes boom in coming in and it has no tag whatsoever even though they have trunking established they're going to assume it's for VLAN one let over the native VLAN is so that's the short version there's others around other ramifications but that's how it works so the native VLAN if there's frames that are being sent associated with that VLAN there is no tag assigned but everything else by default VLAN 10 20 any other VLANs we have are going to receive a tag so the receiving switch can know a which we lens is this frame belong to ok let's see here so that's switch - let's take a look at switch 1 let's do a show you LAN show fee that brief is like on my mind let's do show interface trunk and that looks good as well so gig 0 0 & 1 2 or both on trunking and down here it shows us that gig 0 0 there's no VLANs being forwarded off that interface and the reason for that is one of our upcoming topics and those can be spanning tree so I'll save that that fun discussion regarding spanning tree which I happen to love and it's important to understand how it works we'll save that for another day but the shortest spanning tree protocol or STP is that if you have parallel paths like we do in our lab at layer 2 there could be a loop where a frame just goes like a broadcast goes clockwise and counterclockwise forever unless we have unless we have something that identifies parallel paths and then breaks it or drops it our stops the forwarding and that spanning tree spanning tree looks for layer two loops and then blocks on one or more ports so we don't have a potential layer to loop in our switch topology so it's on by default on corporates which is an enterprise level switches including these and that's why it shows no forwarding here for that specific port and we can verify that with some spending tree commands and we'll do that in a separate separate session okay so we've got trunking setup between switch 1 and switch 2 let's test this so for our client PC here if we did a ping I get my pen if we did a ping request and I get out to a cool color area so if we did a ping request from 10 10 60 and 0 10 which is in VLAN 10 to PC 3 10 16 0 30 if piece if this PC had not yet learned layer 2 address there would be an arp request which would include a broadcast before it went over the trunk it would add the 802 dot one cute tag saying hey this is for VLAN 10 the switch to would receive that strip off the tag and then forward it as a broadcast to only other devices only devices that are in VLAN 10 so the for the forwarding of traffic is based on the trunks and what traffic is being allowed so by default all VLANs are being allowed over the trunk so the broadcast for VLAN 10 would be sent from switch 1 to switch to including that tag and then when PC 3 responds back with an ARP reply that would also be tagged with VLAN 10 switch to now doing the tagging switch one would say oh thank you and it would continue forwarding it on its local switch and then if we did ping request back-and-forth in fact all the traffic free lifetime would be tagged 10 10 10 10 10 now in contrast with that if we had PC - that was pinging PC 4 and these are both from VLAN 20 that would also be tagged so basically every frame that is needs to go over the trunk from PC to or to PC for it would all be tagged with 20 20 20 back and forth back and forth so that switch 1 switch 2 would be adding and removing those tags so the receiving switch would know this is a broadcast for me than 20 or this is a unicast for feline 20 if it says specifically or to address either way all that traffic from VLAN 20 is it goes over the switch or the trunks between the switch is going to be tagged with a VLAN ID so I thought to myself self what could we do to really drive home this point and besides playing with the cups earlier those cups of gotta be close area so in addition to playing with these cups earlier and labeling up I also took a few moments to do some packet captures of all those traffic patterns I just described our pre quest from the client PC going over to PC 3 and the ARP request from PC to going to PC 4 and the ping request and what I did let me let me bring them up I'll show it to you I think would be a really good opportunity to reinforce what we're looking at and so I need to find those they're not too far away I know I have it open let me let me look at the screen out the side of my head well I dig those up let's see here where are Liz [Music] I thought I had them one second did we find it real quick it'll be totally worth it I know I created them ok here we go so let me size this down a little bit Shh so we can see the topology and we could see these captures all right here we go so I'm gonna leave the topology on while we talk about this so this is PC one or the client PC when it's doing its initial arp request of pc 3 so down here we have let get a colored pin out as well so down here we have the art per quest so it's a it's an address resolution protocol request where PC is looking for the layer 2 address of PC 3 but here's what I wanted to point out at in the protocol stack here so here's the layer 2 information have the source layer 2 address and the broadcast destination address for the ARP request but here's what was added by the trunk or by switch 1 as it sent that over the end of this 802 dot1q header injected surgically and it said basically this frame is associated with VLAN 10 and that way when switch to received it I think good things down just a little bit - when I switch to receives that it says oh that's a broadcast associate with VLAN 10 I get it I will properly forward that to all my other devices and access ports and other trunks that are associated with VLAN 10 so if we take a look next then at the response here's PC threes ARP reply back to PC 1 so here's the ARP message the ARP reply but the most important part here that I want to point out is this bad boy right here so switch to before it's tempted over the trunk added the 802 dot1q header so we have the ethernet information source in this station layer 2 addresses but before we have the IP information it injected the tag once again the 802 that 1q tag so as we continue this discussion the next thing that might happen would be the actual ping request from the client PC to PC 3 and so once again as that information is being sent over the trunk it's going to include the attack the aido 2.18 or to that one cue tag of 10 saying hey this is for real and 10 and the same thing happens with the reply so here's the reply from PC 3 going back to PC 1 and from switch to this time added the tag so all this traffic was captured here on this trunk between switch one switch to and the tag was added for VLAN 10 so the same process would happen if PC 2 was trying to reach pc 4 and I happen to have that right here so here's the ARP request so in the ARP request it's including the 802 at 1q tag of 20 because BC 2 is in VLAN 20 it's on an access port in VLAN 20 so in that broadcast that our request came in just and then we have the response next so here's the response coming back from PC for to PC to the ARP reply once again this is switch to now whose adding how to verify it and also how to verify with a protocol analyzer I use Wireshark to capture all of this information so let me make sure let me check my notes we want to talk about why we need trunking why do we need ethernet trunking so if somebody asked you that right now say why don't even need a doe 2.1 keep trunking on ethernet why do we need it the answer is a receiving a frame from another switch needs to know hey which VLAN of all the VLANs that we both have configured which VLAN does this belong to and if you don't have the 8 oh shoot out one cue tagging there's not a great great mechanism or the receiving switch to know so that the the reason we have it is to add information specifically the switch is gonna add a little 802 that one cue tag before it sends that frame over the network so the receiving switch knows which we land it belongs to so that's why we need it that's also how it works it adds and removes the tags as a traffic this back and forth over the trunk and we also looked at how to configure it so you go to the interface and you specify a switch port trunk encapsulation and you specify the encapsulation you want which most of the time is gonna be dot1q representing 802 dot1q the standard and then tell it to be a drunk don't dynamically agree to it just do it with the commands which sport mode trunk on all of the interfaces that are going to be doing trunking so that was it those what I wanted to chat with you now one other piece we're not going to configure this today in interest of time but one other piece I wanted to share with you is this let me go ahead and minimize this um right now we have the ability to have the same VLAN like VLAN 10 and have it on multiple switches because of the trunking fantastic but what we also need to do is provide the ability to route between that 10 16 network and the 172 16 networks and to do that we're gonna need to use a layer 3 option something that can do forwarding based on IP packets and that would be a router and as a couple of options we could use this multi-layer switch with its switched virtual interfaces I've got a separate video on that top on that specific topic or we could use what's called our OAS with an external router that's router on a stick and the way that works is we configure trunking on switch 1 we'd say hey trunk on port 1/2 trunk on port 0 0 between you and the other switch and also trunk here on 3/2 going out to the router and then on the router we create logical sub interfaces so on a multi-layer switch we have logical interfaces for each of the VLANs on the router we would all do the same similar treatment with logical sub interfaces one for VLAN 10 one for VLAN 20 one for vo 777 and then this router could do its job of routing between the VLANs but I wanted to point out that those two options exist and I have existing videos already in place on how the multi-layer switch works with inter VLAN routing and I'm not sure what it is but anyway there's there's not a whole lot of interest in round around sticks like yeah I don't see it so at some point if you want to see that let me know and I can add a video on that as well but I wanted to point out that what happens in the VLAN stays in the VLAN layer 2 addresses are only mattering matter in that VLAN so with that VLAN is on 2 or 3 or 4 switches with trunks the layer 2 addresses only have to be unique inside of those VLANs if we want customers to communicate outside of their local network they are gonna use a default gateway which equates to a router a layer 3 device that can look at the IP addresses and make forwarding decisions based on this so let me do this I'm going to take a quick peek at the you I've covered those items that I wanted to cover in this session let me take a quick peek at the queue see if there's anything critical I realize also that a lot of you have been answering questions for other people which is fantastic thank you thank you thank you so leave us the music on for a moment check the queue and I'll come back with a few final comments [Music] [Music] [Music] dissipation in the videos and these these CCNA related training all these concepts by the way that we've virtually everything that I've covered so far relates to CCNA old and new layer 2 switching we're gonna get into Leo 3 routing and so forth so let me take a look and share with you what's coming up and if you haven't yet subscribed I encourage you to do so hit the alert bell so you get the alerts and if you have a friend or a couple friends or interested in getting into IT getting into networking hey yeah they can start here this is great we also of course you know I think you all know we have more training on CCNA at CBT Nuggets we did a collaborative project between Jeremy Chara Chuck Keith or network shock and myself and it's it's a hoot just a lot a lot of fun alright so today we did trunking and coming up coming up on the 1229 which is another sunday another CCNA Sunday we're gonna take a look at spanning tree protocol still staying at layer 2 also many people make some you know spanning tree spanning trees is important it's not too tricky but let's you understand like how it works it's and there's a few commands to help verify it it's pretty pretty amazing also yeah I mentioned this in another stream but there are some common fallacies that people have in their minds about how it works in the pecking order of how a spanning tree operates sound like they straighten those out to make sure you're 100% good on spanning tree and how it works and why it's important so we'll cover spanning tree on the twenty-ninth and then New Year's Day at 4 p.m. that'll give you plenty time to sleep in and all that good stuff I had a lot of requests for OSPF Network types and at some point in the future I will inject and we'll have a session on the topic that we just talked about which was router on a stick how to configure it how a single router external router can do routing if we're not using a multi-layer switch so the multiplier switch video is already in place and you can find that on my channel alright so that's it I'm so glad you join me today and I'll see you the next stream I hope you're 2020 right now it's December 2019 if you're watching the recording of this and I hope you goals for 2020 are great one of the biggest impacts that I've had in my 2019 all it was a single book and it's called atomic habits and I started reading that and I read that book probably twice a year and just to remind myself oh yeah okay and and it's worth the read if you're an audio audible person which you subscribe to audiobooks that works too but if you need a book that can help you build systems to get help you get what you want I would strongly encourage atomic habits it's a fantastic read also I've also got some success videos my channel there these are just like common man success tactics that anybody can use to help overcome obstacles help get you what you want they're all free so feel free to if you know a pep of motivation someday check one of those out and everything I talked about in those videos as well as these technical videos is from experience how it works without any hidden agenda so I'm grateful to have you here hit subscribe if you haven't already click on the alert bell have a friend or to join you for these sessions and I'll see you my friend in another video thanks everybody [Applause]
Channel: Keith Barker
Views: 38,661
Rating: 4.9601088 out of 5
Keywords: ccna certification, ccna training, ccna 200-301, CCNA, new ccna, cisco ccna, cisco certified network associate, new ccna certification 2020, cisco certifications, 200-301 ccna, ogit, keith barker, networkchuck, networkchuck ccna, layer 2 switching tutorial, layer 2 switching explained, layer 2 switch functions, ccna, trunking, 802.1q trunk, 802.1q tagging, 802.1q vlan, 802.1q vlan tagging, 802.1q encapsulation explained
Id: wr0g95w727k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 10sec (2410 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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