Intel i5 11400F vs 12400F vs 13400F vs 14400F / Test / 1080p - 1440p / RTX 4090
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Channel: Hardware for Gamers
Views: 110,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: benchmark, test, comparison, hardware for gamers, vs, Cyberpunk 2077, 2k, 1440p, hogwarts legacy, 12400f vs 13400f, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, far cry 6, fortnite, 1080p, 1k, RT, i5 11400f, i5 12400f, i5 13400f, i5 12400f vs i5 13400f, i5, i5 11400f vs 12400f vs 13400f, RTX 4090, alan wake 2, i5 14400f, i5 14th 14400f, i5 11400f vs i5 14400f, i5 11400f vs 12400f vs 13400f vs 14400f, 11400 vs 12400 vs 13400 vs 14400, 13400f vs 14400f, 12400f vs 14400f, 13400 vs 14400
Id: 8xxJrbUAkJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 2sec (362 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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