Fastest 1080p vs. 1440p Monitor (huge difference)

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so as far as Competitive Gaming goes it doesn't really get better than these two monitors right here we have the zowie xl2566k and the Asus pg278qn I mean I'd go as far as saying that all of my monitor testing has led to this moment right here you know these are the clearest monitors that you can buy right now but which one is better you know is it the 1080p TN panel with diac Plus or 1440p IPS with ulmb2 well both are 360 Hertz so let's start there and it's important to note that these two 360hz monitors are very different to a lot of the 360hz panels that you'll actually find on the market today especially those first ones that came out like the Asus pg259qn that first gen 360 Hertz model so you know I wasn't a big fan of how that looked and how it felt to play and you kind of just get this overly smoothed out image because the response times aren't really that fast to keep up with a 360hz panel these ones though are super quick you know to the point where you can actually notice that bump from 240 up to 360 Hertz it's not a game changing different you know I'll never say that but it is one that you can actually notice now if your games can run at 360 frames and above it is a more fluid and smoother experience but that's about where the similarities end for these two monitors the biggest difference that I want to talk about today is resolution right 1080p verse 1440. the Asus here has 78 more pixels than the zowie and it is a pretty obvious difference everyone that I've spoken to who has made that switch from 1080 to 1440 not one of them has regretted it and yeah personally I do find 1440p more engaging and immersive to play on you kind of just feel like you're a bit more involved in what's happening even just for competitive Shooters but does it make you play better you know do you land more shots are you able to spot enemies better you know and track them better personally I think no but it also depends a lot on the game you're playing OverWatch 2 for example you know every enemy target has a red outline so you know they're pretty hard to miss even at 1080P or 720p even so yeah at 1440 things do definitely look nicer textures look better every model is a lot more detailed but it's definitely not the difference of you hitting or missing shots also something kind of interesting in OverWatch is the higher resolution you go the thinner those enemy outlines become for some reason it's kind of pay to lose if you think about it like dropping all the way down to 720p things of course look super blurry and shimmery but man the enemy outline there is just kind of op this is about the only game where I've actually seen this though CS go for example doesn't have any enemy outlines at all and in valorant it's more like a glow on the character model itself which doesn't react with changes in resolution so yeah in those games bumping up to 1440p is basically just a buff in overall detail and you know having a more detailed game world I believe it can only help like in no scenario will a less detailed model be better so the extra pixels on the Asus are definitely a nice experience even for these Ultra sweaty games like OverWatch CS go and valorent it's not necessarily going to make you better or see targets Easier by any means but it is a more fun experience kind of leads into my next point you know one of the biggest things that I've noticed moving up to 1440p is how much less you know shimmery and noisy the maps look as you're moving through them so most people play these FPS games with anti-aliasing off it makes everything look a bit sharper and of course cuts down on the processing quite a bit and at 1440p you do notice way less of that stair stepping and shimmering things do look way cleaner and so the only games where I feel there is a legit competitive Advantage at 1440 compared to 1080 at games like this battlefield and Call of Duty you know games where there is so much foliage so much grass and trees and you know so much detail and of course here the fights are a lot more long range as well like in these games I would take a 1440p 165 Hertz panel ovary 240 hertz or even 360 Hertz 1080p because that extra image detail at 1440 does actually kind of give you an advantage but 1440p is definitely a double-edged sword you know look much much nicer to play on but it is definitely harder to run most people now if they upgraded their 1080p monitor to a 1440p one they would experience noticeably lower frame rates and higher input lag how much you'll notice that though you know it really depends on what GPU you're running so for example in OverWatch 2 all those settings an RTX 4070 can fully saturate that 360 Hertz refresh rate both at 1080P and 1440 on average but at 1440 I did notice some team fights with lots of abilities and ultimates start to dip below that 300 FPS Mark also since GPU usage is higher at 1440 PC latency saw an additional six milliseconds despite both tests having Nvidia reflex enabled but on the flip side you have games like you know CS go valorent you'll see much smaller differences there a 4070 would definitely be sufficient and so 1440p 360hz would be totally fine but yeah OverWatch Apex Call of Duty Battlefield I definitely recommend a 4080 or even a 40 90 to really get the most out of 1440p 360 Hertz otherwise you will see a drop in performance versus just sticking with your 1080p monitor but what about the latency of the panels themselves you know the 1440p has more pixels has more colors surely it is slower to drive than the 1080p one so to test this out I pointed an ultra slow motion camera at both monitors side by side receiving the exact same input and I basically just wanted to see which monitor would respond quicker and the result is so close that sometimes the zowie would be a little bit quicker and then other times it would be the Asus basically it's just whichever monitor is closer to starting a new screen refresh and of course if I play them in real time or even just at 50 or 25 speed they both appear to be responding at the exact same time I also ran a latency test within nvidia's ldot software and I saw 1.6 milliseconds on both displays so I mean as far as input lag goes both monitors seem identical now IPS vs TN is another big difference between these two you know viewing angles I couldn't really care too much about you're gonna be looking at the monitor straight on anyway but the colors are very very different and look the colors aren't terrible on the zowie but you do have a lot more depth and color information on the Asus so a game like CS go you know it actually looks pretty good on the zowie but then you have games like OverWatch and valorent way more colorful it's a much better experience on the IPS and we're not so much talking about color accuracy here the 2566k does actually have pretty accurate colors for you know normal web use for example but it's the total amount of color that it can display it's really small compared to the pg27 so pretty often you'll see like color banding and blobbing which isn't non-existent on the IPS now those extra colors you know it's not like it's going to help you win games or anything like that kind of like the extra pixels it's a bit of a stretch to say that but again it does add to the experience and for me at least does make it more enjoyable to play on now both of these monsters have a below reduction mode that you can enable on the Zao it's called diac plus and on the Asus it's called ulmb2 and on most monitors this setting is not really worth enabling it's usually not tuned that well or maybe it's not suitable for the specific panel that it's on but here it is pretty much as good as it gets and I'll say it again you know these modes they're not like doing any processing or adding input lag or anything like that all it's doing is scrubbing the backlight on and off so each frame instead of being shown for the full frame duration it's shown and then hidden now this strobing can't be seen by the human eye at 360 Hertz some people are sensitive to it at 240 hertz though and certainly at 144 Hertz and below it can be a lot more noticeable but at 360 Hertz this strobing is totally invisible on both the zawi and the Asus I have a small section in another video which explains in detail how this works and why it reduces the eye tracking motion blur that we see and I'll leave that video linked down below but basically diac plus and neural mb2 both are extremely good ULM B2 is a bit more events though it has a few more things happening and it does produce a cleaner looking image with less double Imaging honestly if you buy either of these monitors this is definitely a setting that I'd recommend switching on and testing out for yourself you do need to be running at least 360 FPS though consistently if you're running the strobing at 360 Hertz so just keep that in mind but yeah ulmb2 on the pg27 eqn you cannot get clearer than this and that plus 1440p just makes for an ultra sharp experience I quickly want to mention the 240Hz OLED as an alternative here this is what I'm personally using mostly because the image quality is so so good and I do feel like 240Hz is enough for me personally the price is pretty similar to the pg27 IPS main advantages that you're getting a much deeper looking image slightly wider color range and also some of the best HDR performance that you can get today main drawbacks doesn't get nearly as bright although I do find it to be enough and the 360 Hertz with ulmp2 on the pg27 aqn does make motion and tracking a bit clearer but yeah I'm still really enjoying the OLED I'm probably going to keep using it until the 480 Hertz model comes out next year personally I just can't unsee that beautiful OLED image however if you primarily want the least amount of motion blur possible pg27 IPS is definitely the way to go for now so I guess the big picture here is that you know 1440p 360 Hertz most people would assume that it is slower than a 1080p 360hz but it actually can keep up in terms of response times in terms of input lag and the blow reduction mode is actually Superior which is pretty surprising to see but yeah that's pretty much it I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: optimum
Views: 768,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best monitor, fastest gaming monitor, best 1080p monitor, best 1440p monitor, Zowie XL2566K, 360Hz vs 240Hz, ASUS PG27AQN, ASUS OLED, OLED vs 360Hz, optimum tech
Id: d7wTYfWvlPE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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