The Best & Worst Gaming CPUs of 2024 Ranked! ⚑ Tier List

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today's video is sponsored by World of Warships hello and welcome to the scal channel and today let's go ahead and rank every single CPU you can buy right now in 2024 even though I'm making this video in December of 2023 and that's because 2024 is going to be a big year for CPU launches as ryzen is going to be officially transitioning to their 8,000 lineup of CPUs in the fall and Intel is going to be unveiling their new LGA 1851 socket with 15th generation CPUs also around the same time so what that means for all of us watching this video is that basically we're going to be left with the same CPUs the same ones that you see from this video for about 9 months or so so I think it'd be smart to go ahead and rank them that said AMD is probably going to release some new apus at CES 2024 but that shouldn't really affect the rankings of this video as those new 8,000 apus will technically just be be ryzen 7000 CPUs with better integrated Graphics they won't actually be on the new architecture so for example if AMD comes out with a ryzen 58600 G that's basically going to be the same as a ryzen 57600 in this video as they're going to be performing the same CPU Wise It's just that there's much better integrated graphics on the 8600 G so I think that covers all bases if you're looking to build a PC around one of these C VI that I'm basically going to be ranking all them off of which one is the most worth it so without further Ado like this video if you like the audio cuz I changed it up no like actually look at my last video and look at this one and if you think the audio is better in this video let me know by giving a like on this video and with that out of the way here's a quick word from our sponsor World of Warships is a free-to-play naval Warfare game where new content is released every month month whether it be new ships ingame Nations Cosmetics or even ship classes there's always going to be some new form of content when it comes to World of Warships every month like their upcoming Godzilla versus Kong expansion which is going to be coming in Tangent with the new upcoming Godzilla versus Kong movie and I know a lot of you who are watching this are PC Gamers and I'm happy to report that World of Warships does have good graphics with some pretty Advanced sea simulations so the water effects that you see in game should be somewhat realistic to what you'd see in real life if you were to see these huge ships going across the sea with over 40 unique maps gameplay wise there are multiple different ship classes to choose from whether it be battleships destroyers aircraft carriers Cruisers or even submarines and one of the other cool things about World of Warships is that it's been around for a long time meaning it has a very long-standing and passionate community so if you don't know where to start with the game you can contribute to any of the in-game discussions if you want to find out what ship could be best for you say if you're first starting out and don't worry the game is also on mobile and console so you can really play it anywhere so if you want to download World of Warships I'll a link to it in the description below along with this code you see here on screen which will grant you a really huge holiday starter pack with a free ship 300 Del Bloons 1 million credits 7 Days of premium account time as well as a host of other benefits so once again all of that can be found in the description below so we're going to start from the cheapest and work our way up and we're going to start with the ryzen 54100 which retails at $64 right now that is super cheap but it's not exactly the most fantastic of CPUs but its main strength is how cheap it is it's a four core eight threaded CPU it's not the fastest four core CPU in this video but it gets the job done I Ed it in my $400 gaming PC bill guide and found that it was still surprisingly capable in 2023 and I call it kind of like the last resort CPU because spending an extra $50 will get you a considerably better CPU to send to your gaming PC around so I'm going to go ahead and put this in C tier cuz its main strength is its price which can also be said for the I3 12100 and this will probably go down as one of the best budget CPUs ever cuz when this came out it was basically kind of like a middle finger to AMD because up until that point AMD was known as the budget CPU brand they would come out with these really awesome four core or six core CPUs on a budget but when the 1200f or 12100 came out it was like that one CPU that we all needed that AMD didn't have an answer for because at the time their cheapest CPU would have been like a 5600x at $300 that was six cores and more or less was really overpriced for the time but meanwhile Intel I was like okay here's a $120 4 core CPU eat it and it's still really fast this day and continues to show that cores aren't everything single threaded performance is going to dictate the most as to how fast your gaming PC is going to be CPU wise and the 12100 continues to prove that till this day and I'm going to put it in a tier now the 4500 because like I just said cores aren't everything the 12100 outperforms the 4500 even though the 4500 has more cores and more threads that's because its single threaded performance isn't as strong as the 12100 although I did use this CPU my $500 gaming PC build that was more for budgetary reasons but alone on itself it's not the best I would put this in D tier because for quite literally a few more dollars you can get a much better CPU in the form of the ryzen 5 5500 six cores 12 threads ryzen 5 ,000 CPU I think it's literally like 10 bucks more than the 4500 and it's a good bit faster but it's still not the most fantastic CPU but once again kind of like the 4100 its main strength is its price it's 100 bucks and for a $100 CPU it definitely gets the job done so I'm going to put this in B tier then the 4600g Well apus from the last generation of ryzen CPUs on the am4 socket are basically outdated cuz they use Ancient integrated graphics and gpus have become cheap enough to a point where you can get like a 4100 with a super cheap $40 GPU and it'll outperform any 4600g 5600 G any Apu that's 4,000 or 5,000 so it's a waste of sand don't even consider it now the 13100 I had higher expectations from this CPU when it first came out but it's still retailing for $120 but it isn't really offering like a $30 upload lift in performance over the 12100 so for that reason I can't really recommend it because for $10 more you can get a CPU that is more capable in my opinion than the 13100 so we're going to put it in D tier above the 4500 because the ryzen 55600 right now for $130 is going to be one of the best budget CPUs you can get and it's also one of the most well-rounded six cores 12 threads overclockable and it's it's basically a 5600x without the X like if you literally look at benchmarks between the 5600 and 5600x they're the same CPU just with about a $20 price difference so the 5600 is going straight into a tier really good CPU for the money now the 5600 g once again why do we need ryzen 5 5000 apus in 2024 they're old they're dinosaurs there was a time in place for them but that isn't the case anymore and like I said AMD is going to come out with their own new Apu soon at CES so it's going into the waste of sand category now the i52400 this has always been a reliable pick and it was a solid pick for the longest time but now in 2024 there are other CPUs that have been discounted to the point where they are better performing CPUs than the 12400 whereas say like 1 to two years ago it was probably one of the only options you can get for a reliable six core SE CPU that actually performed for its price so although it's selling for like $150 right now the next two CPUs we're going to cover destroy it in terms of performance and basically cost the same amount of money so 12400 it is going to get my respects going to put it in B tier below the 5500 uh no 12400 is a bit more reliable yeah keep it there like I said the 5600x can be had for the same price of a 12400 it's going to be faster but once again I don't rate it too highly because you can get the $ 5600 for $20 cheaper it's going to be basically the same CPU but it's still technically a better CPU than the 12400 so it's going to get a slight ranking above it but the CPU that I didn't expect to be this cheap even in 2024 is the I5 12600 K specifically the KF model that doesn't feature any integrated Graphics it's selling for about $155 right now that is excellent that is one of the fastest CPUs you can buy under $200 it's really good it's a beefed up 12400 and it's going to beat out a 5600x so I got to put it above it and it's only going to cost you about five bucks more pretty good oh but this one Takes the Cake this CPU I'm about to cover next technically isn't sold at least if you live in the United States in most major retailers because honestly I don't see retail ERS standing to make money if they ever released a ryzen 5 7500f unless you're a Chad and you buy off of AliExpress because you can find these right now actually for as low as $155 which I don't believe they usually retail for around $175 but that said it is by far the best budget CPU under $200 period it's essentially a ryzen 5 7600 with no integrated Graphics but it's going to save you about $40 in price and that is it's really nice especially if you want to hop on the am5 socket amd's latest generation with dd5 ram support on a budget and yeah like I said I feel like Amazon and new EG are scared to carry it because like I said they stand to make no money from it but AliExpress always comes in clutch so now we move on to the ryzen 75700 X which is kind of an awkward CPU because it technically offers the most cores and threads for the money under $200 but like I said cores don't mean everything for gaming it matters about single-threaded performance and why bother building a new system around the ryzen 7 5700x when you can build one around the ryzen 57500 F that is next generation and is going to blow it away in terms of performance so the 5700x is only good as an upgrade CPU if you know you need a CPU with more than six cores for gaming which is understandable but I think there's a better CPU you can upgrade to later on in this video but 5700x for the moment I think we'll put it wait oh my what I think I messed up the rankings no no that does not look right the 12600 K should be here and the 5700x should be like here yeah yeah I don't know why I said the 12600 K was like the second best budget CPU under $200 yet it was ranked below the 5600 that didn't make sense my apologies for that okay then 5700 G you already know waste of sand now the 13400 this CPU is underwhelming because performance- wise it's the same as a 12600 K that's here in a tier but it retails for $190 which is about $40 more expensive so I'm going to put this below the 13100 F now we get to the typical ryzen 7000 CPUs that all of us can purchase from most retailers like the 7600 and 7600 X both of these have come down in price a lot and even though the 7 500f would be my pick over both of these pricing wise they're still very strong and they outperform nearly all the CPUs around it which is why I'm going to give both of them a really good ranking right here below the 12 600k because those ryzen 5 7600 CPUs despite being six cores outperform the 5800 x a last generation 8 core CPU once again cores aren't everything for gaming it comes down to single threaded performance and why even bother getting a 5800 X when a 5700x is more or less going to be within a ston throw in terms of overall performance of the 5800 X but it's going to cost you about 40 bucks less so this is kind of a pointless CPU C tier all right 12 700k I might give this a bit of a harsh rating but that's just because the ryzen 57600 and 7600 X are faster than it and they're cheaper and and there's one other CPU we're going to cover soon that's about $20 more no about like 40 bucks more but it is substantially better in performance and it's from Intel as well so the 12 700k even though it's on a nice discount and although it again has eight cores in four e cores like I said cores don't mean everything single threaded performance does and there are just simply newer CPUs than this in the same price range meaning I'm going to put this I'm going to put it at the top of C tier then the 5600 x3d this is the first ryzen 5000 x3d vcash chip that we've come across so far in the ranking and although this is an excellent CPU it is a bit overpriced especially for a six scoree CPU that's last generation and it's only available at Microcenter stores across the US so if you're International you can't get your hands on the CPU but in the use case scenario where you're able to get your hands on it it is a fantastic CPU as an upgrade if you're already on an AMD am4 ryzen based system so I would not build a new pc around this CPU but if you're on a current ryzen system upgrading to it is a smart choice so I'll go a and put this in C tier below the 12700 k then the 13500 I love I5 500 series CPUs because they're kind of pointless they're in between the 400 series and the 600 series they're kind of in a no man ground they aren't overclockable it's their pricing is always stupid and the 13500 at $250 literally doesn't make any sense because you can get the 13600 k for the exact same price right now as of filming this video and this CPU is going to offer a substantially better gaming performance so 13400 13500 uh yeah below the 4500 it's a point pointless CPU unlike the 13600 K this in my opinion is Intel's best CPU they've released on the LGA 1700 socket it really has everything you need if you're a gamer it has a good amount of cores plenty of ecores and a lot of threads and is a good step up from the 12 600k in terms of overall performance and I don't see most Gamers needing more than a 13600 k at $250 you should honestly stop right here if you want an intel-based system this is it the 13600 K is a very well-rounded CPU and I believe also it's one of the few Intel CPUs above $200 that beats AMD in terms of price to Performance which is amd's strong suit in the upper CPU price category the 13600 K is definitely the unicorn of Intel's LGA 1700 lineup it's it's going to go to the very top of a tier now the ryzen 9 5900 X is a pointless CPU it's a 12 core CPU on amd's Old socket why bother building a new pc around this or even upgrading to it because you look at that CPU right there the 5800 x3d that is the go-to CPU upgrade for all current AMD ryzen am4 users but if you're building a new system don't even bother with a 5900 X who cares if it's 12 cores it's slow it's slow for the money let's say it again cores don't mean everything single threaded performance does I'm going to put this at the bottom of D tier now the 5800 x3d will go down as probably the best CPU upgrade CPU ever made because if you're already on an AMD ryzen am4 based system this is the CPU to upgrade to cuz in current benchmarks it still hangs with like modern Intel and ryzen CPUs that are a lot newer despite it being older and that's all thanks to its 3D vcash so in terms of performance even for its money is really nice but I wouldn't recommend building a new system around it because it's going to be on an older generation AMD platform that uses older ddr4 RAM and if you're already going to be spending that much money on a CPU why not just get a 7700 or 7700x or a 13600 K but it's still a great CPU so I'm going to go ahead and put this at the top of be tier there we go oh the 14600 K well at $300 right now okay let let's get this out of the way there was no uplift in performance between 13th gen and 14th gen Intel processors which was really upsetting basically all these 14th generation CPUs you're going to see come out are basically rebranded 13th generation CPUs but they're going to cost more so they're basically pointless which is upsetting like the 14600 K which is basically a 13600 K in Disguise but costs about $50 more is not worth it we're going to put this at the top of waste of sand now the 7700 and 7700 X could be better value CPUs depending on their price if they're selling for below $300 or right at $300 USD that's really good but if they're selling above that like around 330 then I wouldn't really consider them because you are within a Stones Throw of the 7800 x3d which that later on in this video is going to get a really good ranking but the 7700 and 7700 X on their own are pretty good depending on the price so they're going to get a decent ranking for me I'm going to put them I'm going to put them above the 5800 x3d just because they're on the newer AMD platform that being am5 and if they are on a nice discount they're better CPUs than the 5800 x3d but the 13700 K is also on kind of a nice discount you really don't need any more than this for an Intel CPU especially if you're a gamer because this is from time to time receiving some really nice discounts I think right now this is selling for $360 USD and performance-wise it Stacks up pretty nicely even versus AMD in this price range versus the 7700 and 7700x the 13700 K is faster I know it's kind of goofy it's meant to compete with these CPUs right here so I think I got to put this at the top of B tier probably actually I'll do this I'll put it in between cuz the 7700 is going to be objectively cheaper than the 7700 X yeah ah it's a tossup I'll leave it like that yeah I'll leave it like that what isn't a tossup is the 12900 k s it's pointless it why buy an older core I9 processor cuz once again cores aren't everything and if you're getting a CPU that is older than say a 13700 K what that means is that it's going to have slower single-threaded performance because it's on an older architecture those extra cores and threads of the 12900 K would bring you over the 13700 K aren't going to be beneficial to adding any more game performance therefore we're going to put it in the waste of sand category ooh ooh this is the one I've been waiting for AMD is going to regret making the 7800 x3d because ever since AMD introduced 3db cach to their CPUs they've basically officially taken the CPU gaming performance Crown from Intel and the problem with these x3d CPUs is that that they kind of make the rest of AMD CPU lineup that aren't 3D vcash CPUs around it pointless like why bother getting more expensive CPUs than the 7800 x3d when it's 8 core layout is perfect for achieving the best gaming performance when it comes to Benchmark charts and in terms of pricing because it's an a core CPU you can get this for $350 which is only about $40 more expensive than the 7700x or 7700 and it's cheaper at times over the 13700 K and even if this CPU jumps up to $400 it's still very much worth it therefore easy s tier recommendation I would not be surprised if we see the 7800 x3d outperform amd's next generation of 8,000 CPUs just because those 8,000 CPUs at launch probably won't feature any 3D V cache but an AMD fashion will probably introduce a ryz 8000 3db cash Series in the future after that and those will be the CPUs to have so if you buy a 7,800 x3d I don't think AMD is going to like you because you won't feel inclined to upgrade from it for eternity anyway it's like what I was just saying it's kind of pointless to get the 7900 or 7900 X for gaming CU they're 12 core CPUs and the most efficient layouts for gaming are going to be eight or 16 cores so unless you just want those extra cores for bra rights I kind of view them as pointless so I'm going to put them in C tier um the 4100 yeah we'll put them right there they're just in a weird spot and I don't like them for gaming just like the 14700 K cuz it is a rebranded 13700 k for $50 more hoay that is going to go in the waste of sand category woo all right the 5950 X all right class what have I been telling you for the longest part of this video cores don't mean everything this is amd's Flagship CPU from like four or five years ago four years ago actually and although it's a 16 core CPU it's single threaded performance is like that of a 5800 X not going to be a whole lot faster in fact the 5800 X 3D is going to outperform the 5950xt being worth it for users who are already on an AMD ryzen A4 based system and they know they need 16 cores I'm going to put this at the top of the waste of sand category because it's not completely useless for the reason I just said but it's mostly going to be useless but what's also pretty useless is the 7900x 3D because although it has that 3D vcash label on it only six of those cords can utilize the 3D V cache that makes that CPU so fast in the first place and its price is not the best either it's the 7900 X 3D is not the best showing from AMD just because the best layouts for x3d CPUs are going to be eight and 16 core layouts so it's not going to get a good rating from me although it is very fast still cuz it is a 3db cach CPU I'm going to put it at the top of D tier yeah well it's also kind of pointless if if you're loving these Segways is the 13900 KS this is probably the least egregious of the current i9s you can buy because it has the best blend of performance and pricing but who needs an I9 okay I do cuz I'm a professional content creator and a hardware Enthusiast and I need those integrated graphics for decoding this kind of footage here on my da Vinci timeline while graded but for gamers pointless so I'm going to put this uh I'm going to put this here above the 12900 K now the 7950 X this is a tough recommendation because within $40 of this you can pick up the 7950 X 3D and that features the 3D vcash in a 16 core layout and it actually works kind of well and the power draw on the 7950 X 3D is much lower than the 7950 X and it will still outperform it for gaming so like the 7950 X is kind of pointless honestly so I'm going to put it in D tier just below the 7900 x3d cuz once again it doesn't feature any vcash if you're someone who knows you're going to need a lot of cores and threads for Beyond gaming cool but for gaming alone pointless cuz you might as well get the 7950 x3d if you want it all and this is going to get a pretty good ranking from me cuz it's the 7800 x3d just double the cores although it's still going to be slower than the 7800 x3d but I'm going to put put this probably at the bottom of a tier cuz it's definitely an a tier CPU just what brings it down this low is its expensive price and the fact that the 7800 x3d is faster with half the cores half the threads and about $200 less oh then the 14900 k i no no no no and then we okay why do I have the i51 12500 here well that's basically cuz you can't even buy it and it's a 500 series I5 CPU which as I said with a 13500 is a very awkward CPU to rank because it's kind of in no man's land and I think nobody bought the i52 for 500 which is why you can't even get it right now and if you're thinking of getting it you're dumb so we're going to put it at the very bottom of waste of sand and there you have it that is my ranking of all the CPU you can buy in 2024 before we get amd's official ryzen 8000 CPUs this fall and Intel's new 15th generation CPUs as well and if you enjoyed this tier list video give it a like cuz it's been a while since the last one so that'd be cool and links to all these CPUs will be in the description if you want to check any of them out for a new or current PC build you're working on so with all that said thank you so much for watching and this is the the scatter Channel signing out
Channel: ScatterVolt
Views: 275,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tier list, cpu tier list, cpu, best processor, best cpu, processor, best cpu for gaming, best cpu 2023, best cpu 2024, best gaming cpu, best budget cpu, intel vs amd, amd, intel, amd vs intel, gaming cpu, pc gaming, best gaming cpu 2023, best cpus 2023, intel vs amd 2023, intel vs amd 2024, best cpus 2024, best cpus, cpu for gaming, budget cpu tier list, best processor 2023, best processor 2024
Id: wgYVmbD8TGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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