The worlds most popular case just got better!

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[Music] all right today is the launch day of the brand new liam lee 011 dynamic evo because evolution says around the box i swear this is like case week on g's two cents that's fine we're gonna get through all of it you know if you can't upgrade your graphics card and stuff there's other things you can do with your system and you obviously uh we have a video about that coming out actually things that you can do with your system other than graphics card updates but cases are fun because it's the thing that you look at all the time so you got to enjoy it but now let's talk about the evo here this is the next generational improvement to the world's most popular case i mean the o11 dynamic is without a doubt the most popular case we have ever seen and that's just evident when we do our you know jay nick and phil react to your setups yet we've literally not showed certain setups just because they were o11s not because we don't like it it's just we don't want it to be a 15 minute video of 1011 after another if you have an 011 it's possible we saw it we liked it but we skipped it because we were looking for something different der bauer and the guys at lee lee have spent a lot of time sort of seeing where can we improve the dynamic where can we make some customization where can we give the user choice on layout configuration airflow options they took a lot of feedback not just from the original uh 011 dynamic but also from the prototypes that were shown earlier this year now this is the gunmetal version i specifically requested the gray one so there you go i just i and the cool thing is it's the gray outer panels but black interior and black chassis frame so it looks so good like look at the back side right you see this two-tone gray black i love this already now on the outside it's going to look very very similar to a standard 011 dynamic however their the evo is specifically about customization and modularity that's where all of these boxes come in right here these are the additional kits that you can get to customize stuff so we've got an upright gpu bracket yeah so you can have the gpu mounted upright more vertical this is the vertical mounting kit which would be like more towards the bottom where you've got the gpu mounted you know vertical pretty standard additional i o kit top i o kit and fresh fresh mint kit wow front mesh kit so we'll be taking a look at those after we see what comes in the box standard so the box of accessories here is going to have a few different panels and such in here this is the hardware or hard drive mounting bracket that mounts down where the rear fans slash radiator would go get one for each side this gives you a place to mount additional hard disks or ssds without um having the mounts on there permanently which are going to affect air flow and such so this is removable based on whether you need it or not we'll show you where that goes inside in a second this is extra screws velcro straps hey look the dead bower normally that's on there by default you know why they didn't do that i'll tell you why they didn't do that and this shows the level of thinking juice they have in their heads if you invert this you invert that and then you make the devour logo upside down so this is completely convertible you can invert it and make it a left side case so that the panel's on the opposite side everything's upside down and if you did that the rear derbar logo would be upside down as well so once you figure out the con the the orientation you want everything in then you stick your debaur logo where it's designed to go uh and the leanly logo obviously so it's not upside down let's talk about the front buttons things have changed here on the front side so you can see here we've got our power button right here and then on the sides is where we've got our fan controller there is a fan controller built in as well as an rgb controller built in so those are right here on the side you can see that we've moved the usbc usb 3.0 and the multi-port headphone jack so that's the three prong like you'd use on the phone to the front separate from this and the reason for that is depending on the orientation you have this case right side or left side that's still accessible but if we take a look at the very bottom we've got mounts here and here so we can take this guy did i mention it's a nice snug fit we've got this screw right here that retains the wires we can now change and we need a little bit extra slack which you can get by opening up the inside we can change the location of this so that it's always facing the side you want it to face where you want it to go and we have a screw retention hole right there and we got a screw retention hole right there and right there so that this wire these wires for the usb are always going to be mounted down that way you don't have them sitting there flopping around underneath the case you'll notice now this is where there's some changes extra ventilation here because there's no such thing as too much ventilation 120 millimeter fan mount that has a bit of room for sliding up and down dual power supply mount which is something they've gotten rid of but brought back so that's a hot swap cage that allows you to put two and a half inch drives or three and a half inch drives on there but if you remove the cage entirely by removing these four screws you now have a place here where you can put in tandem psus if you need to that's not something i feel most people would really need honestly this is not a dual pc system so you're not gonna be putting an itx build in here in an atx build which would potentially need two power supplies it's just they give you the flexibility to do it all right so taking the top panel off it is entirely mesh as you can see there is no fan filter here which i am perfectly fine with see because this should always be an exhaust there should be no reason to limit the airflow of your exhaust because dust is not being sucked in by these being intakes it's exhausting so any dust sitting here would get blown off as well what i also think is interesting though is we have these screws right here i like how they just use screws as their slide mechanism to retain but we do have this small piece right here as well so you can take this main one off to get your glass off which is going to pop outward because the original glass just slid downward i just it just slotted in now it goes out and up to reveal our tinted tempered glass side panel and the rear is still fully mounted because of the fact that we have this piece right here which is just an additional i think i unscrewed it too far yeah this is just an additional piece but you might be asking yourself what is that piece all about that box looks mysteriously simply similarly shaped doesn't it so this is that top i o kit so what this allows you to do and you can see that it's funny how that one has the shape right there too this retention piece but there's nothing there this one allows you to actually take the bottom usb ports that i showed you remove them from that box mount them in here and then if you so chose for them to be this would end up being where your usb ports are if you want them to be there i feel it's an awkward position because it's kind of like centered which is really weird but it also perfectly lines up with the center channel right here which is another major redesign inside the chassis in terms of cable management we'll show that in a sec this is just showing you once again the amount of modularity you have now that we've done that we can pop this piece out slide it up and then you can see the dual mesh it's fairly fine mesh air does flow through it but it's pretty fine mesh so i mean airflow is still going to be somewhat restricted through this but not as restricted obviously as if there were a solid panel right there right off the bat you can see things are quite different back here if you've taken a look at the inside of a standard 011 dynamic and if you haven't you can go and watch the video where i built a water cooled version of the dynamic from my daughter in a white case where we showed all this back here there's some changes specifically with this guy right here so now because we have the hard drive cage here which has mesh on the cage as well as mesh here hard drives ssds do get warm so it's good to have them not get trapped with heat as much get some radiating heat outward there so two more two and a half inch drive mounts but if we remove this guy look at this channel that you have here for routing cables so a little minor correction here this is just a hard drive cage it's not hot swappable typically when you see the sleds like that i think it's hot swap plus the dynamic xl these are a hot swap cage which has the cables and stuff so just correction there this is not hot swappable that's perfectly fine though once you remove that now you can see like this particular area right here is is awesome when it comes to cable management it's it's first of all it's part of the chassis so it's really rigid second it's big a lot of case manufacturers like to give you this little channel where you're supposed to fit two pci express cables a 24 pin cable potentially sata fan wires maybe some rgb maybe you've got a ton of fan headers because you have a fan controller in here somewhere and then you start to realize real quickly they don't all fit in the channel then they're too thick then the panel won't go back on and you start to just go what the hell is the point of this channel anyway nothing fits in it you run things next to it which then makes the channel itself completely useless this is really deep as you can see all the front panel connectors for the case are already in here and i can like stick my whole hand in there i don't know how many j hands can that fit i don't have little hands either so there you go you can fit the j hand in there this right here is pretty awesome this is actually a pump mount this is already the right size to be able to fit something like a a ddc pump or even a d5 pump on here if you wanted it's also a support for your power supply so if you have the power supply up here you can still fit a pump and stuff down here giving you a pretty awesome way to hide the pump and some cables or some tubes back here if you didn't and use the integrated um distribution blocks which are super popular for the lean in fact the liam lee case the the o11 itself has made distribution blocks popular for other cases because so many people were getting a simple off-the-shelf part that just mounts in here seamlessly and gives you all the ports you need and even an integrated pump other brands started offering um well third-party support for distribution blocks for their cases because of the popularity of people doing it here the downside is in my opinion it takes away some of the creativity you have because everything's already pre-routed for you and you're usually just using one pipe with a with a 90 degree bend can look kind of boring but at the same time super sleek and clean there's nothing wrong with that either speaking of super sleek and clean one of the things that this particular chassis is known for is the vertical mount right here for fans and radiators you can fit a 360 millimeter radiator right here and you can also like i said fit a uh a distribution block here my daughter's o11 dynamic has a distribution block right here with a pump built in but the cool thing about this is before the way you measured and mounted the depth of that was you had different mounting holes you had to unscrew it and you could slide it forward or slide it back so this is a button spring loaded button this now swivels slides out and you can take this bracket flip it around 180 now you can see we've moved this back more flush with the back wall now you can have the fans and the radiator on the inside it's not going to really make a difference in terms of cooling it's just again some flexibility if you're going to be using like a thick radiator moving the whole thing back will allow you not to have it so far forward intrusive inside the main chassis area itself if you do not plan to use that area there for fans or radiator because you can still potentially mount something on the front a lot of the leon lee cases do offer well you have the bottom intake so if you wanted you could have this is how my daughter's layout is three fans intaking on the bottom a radiator on the top and you just have this bottom to top or rising heat kind of airflow which makes perfect sense the front at that point isn't even necessary but you can replace it with this bracket and this bracket comes with it and this gives you additional mounting locations for a whole bunch more options anything you need to mount whether it be rgb controllers fan controllers additional ssds additional hard drives and swapping it out takes literally as long as me showing you in real time how long that takes to put it and i just grab that cable there we go so now we could mount more stuff there but as you can see with that being flush ssds would mount right here no problem death wise hard drives wouldn't so if we were to flip it around 180 like i showed you now we have plenty of depth here to add three and a half inch drives big like if you want to get like 10 terabyte drives or something using this as like maybe some sort of an integrated server with a vm or something running while you have a regular system going you have tons of storage right there and if you look at it from this side you can see it's fairly flush with the uh well not flush but it's it's making that back panel look a little more solid this top piece here for mounting radiators does actually have a removable bracket so you undo the screws it comes out you can mount your fans and your radiator to it mount it back in the top it's a lot easier than trying to finagle everything in here with it being part of the chassis that's not really any different than the way the dynamic works down here is quite a bit different though you've got this piece which again is a thumb screw that retains it it just pops out you can work on this independently what i love are these half moon notches do you know what that's for it's for having a place to put your fan wires through so you're not having to pinch wires accidentally or finagle them to try and figure out where you're going to route them it is to be able to have wires go through there without a problem if you don't want to use this at all you could take it out just make it more clean have all exhaust fans at the top and now you're just dealing with pure negative pressure but it will pull air through the bottom and anywhere else there's ventilation so you'll notice we've got these screw holes here here and here here here and here so what that allows you to do is to take these and you can screw them down you have a place now to add more hard drives you do still have the wire channels here that you could use to make things look you know nice and neat through there and in terms of fan support it does support 120s and 140s on the bottom so all of this comes with the setup like this comes factory with every single one of these cases the dynamic evo what i'm going to show you now are some of the optional pieces because this is where things really start to get exciting and become a little bit out of the box you can like i said take this motherboard tray and flip it inverted if you want it what that allows you to do is make your case now a left side case so everything is reversible you can take this and mount it to the other side as well everything is screwed on it is not rivets so anything that is designed to move and be reversible is completely um unscrewable so it's just standard phillips head screws this is the additional i o kit so you can add more so you see how we have these usb ports right here we could even add another one right there so we got usb here and usb here every expansion piece also comes with an instruction set a destruction set showing you how everything gets installed and i love the fact that it's illustrated because illustrations make the world such a better place this is obviously designed to replace the tempered glass on the front of the case if you're the kind of person that's like me that goes you know what i just want all of the airflow possible that's exactly what you get with the front mesh kit so there it is all mesh which is kind of cool looking even if you don't have fans right there just the fact that you know you have the extra airflow and if you just love the industrial look of this all just being gray and just beefy mesh and stuff such so the rails just mount to these screws that are already in here on the chassis and they are designed to mount recessed slightly so that's where we would put them for 120s and then we could scoot the right one over and that's where it goes for a 140. so like you can see right there you can mount additional radiator and fans to it if you want i think this is something that i kind of wish that it came with by default was this mesh kit because i think a lot of people might want that but you know i guess the nice thing is instead of them having to manufacture two versions of this case and be like here's a mesh version and here's a glass version like so many brands are doing it's everything is the glass version and then for those that want it you buy the kit i have no idea what it costs honestly that's the downside is there's additional cost to it and then you say here is your mesh kit and you have the options now to mount it the last two accessories we have here are the different gpu mounting kits so we've got a vertical gpu kit and an upright gpu kit let's go ahead and take a look at the vertical kit first all right so it doesn't say if it's pcie gen 3 or gen 4 it's at least a gen 3. it's also noting which makes perfect sense this is only going to work if you're using the normal orientation if it's inverted that's not going to work you unscrew as you can see right here all of the screws that it lines up with that you need to use and i believe the top one doesn't come off and then these holes are all held in place here vertically so right now it's set up to be able to accommodate a triple slot graphics card and that's what i love about this vertical bracket a lot of vertical brackets are only offering you two slot compatibility now especially with 30 series cards and how hot they get and the power demand of 3080s 3070 ti 3080 ti's a lot of them are triple slot now one of our biggest complaints is we showed a lot of them do not actually have three i o bracket tabs to support the weight but 20 series cards definitely did um 6900 xt 6800 xt custom cards are all using triple slot so that allows you to make sure that's compatible but if you don't want your card to be quite as recessed and you're using a dual slot card you can move this over one slot undo the screws move it over to these two mount it down and now you won't see this empty slot right here in front of your graphics card that'll that'll fill that in and it will push it a little bit closer to the side wall but the nice thing is because we're not using what a lot of brands do which is this area right here a lot of brands will use this mesh to go oh we should just put a vertical card there then it's too close to the glass then you don't get as good of an airflow to your to your uh cooler on your graphics card then your graphics card starts throttling because even though you have good airflow if the volume of air in front of the fans is not great enough and it's being squished off by the glass it's still going to thermal throttle and overheat now this one's going to be interesting because it's like liam lee has figured out a way to utilize the motherboard ventilation and they've made that a location where you can actually mount your graphics card so you can have fans blowing directly on your graphics card so essentially the way a graphics card is going to look is like that which is really neat place to put it because if you move it away from anywhere you're exhausting the heat right because half this is a founder's car obviously so half the air blows straight through the cooler and that's going to go into the chassis half the air here goes out these exhaust vents out the rear of the case so i've had i've seen other brands make it so you can mount them like inside the case fully and stuff but that's just creating a weird situation where all this heat is kind of being recycled through it but if you have fans right here blowing directly on the card that's gonna make it pretty unique where you're able to get cold air blowing directly on it now the only thing about the founders edition card that's going to make me concerned depending on the orientation is this fan is pulling air through like that right so the air travels front side of the car to the rear so if we do that and those fans are blowing in they're going to be like competing but for a standard car that has regular fans that's not going to be a problem whatsoever it gives you an extra long riser cable because you need to be able to reach your motherboard there's a long one you can take my word for it right there one two three four right there on the top one two three four which brings us to a point that we were kind of talking about off camera a second ago is lee lee has incorporated the provisions for all of these these these secondary parts that are available for modularity without being intrusive in the design if you're not using them if you had like exposed brackets and big holes that are visible with threads and stuff you're not using that's ugly we don't even notice these mounts are here until you look at the instructions and you go oh that's where that goes so there it is mounted right there it looks a little wobbly because i don't have the uh the bracket on here it does obviously have a bracket that's designed to grab on to the gpu if you will i believe it goes kind of like that and then it mounts to the rear the rear tray so i'd actually would have to flip that around and it looks like you're supposed to use this one with it which i'd even if you're supposed to use this one i would find a way to use the fans because i'd still rather have fans blowing directly on it but check that out now you have this completely different way of mounting your graphics card like i said that would go on there that would hold on to your card it would clamp on with using these 90 degree brackets right here and they do have these rubber isolators so you're not scratching up your card um these will just double stick on there then you're good to go so this is my maximus extreme eatx motherboard and as you can see that's clearly not going to work because it's wider than the base and sure i could mount this on there but i would not be able to use the upright gpu bracket because of the fact that well all these plugs come out at a 90 and clearly there's no room right there the other thing you need to keep in mind so you standard atx only eatx with the upright bracket isn't going to work you could use the atx without the upright bracket it's just gonna look weird too because the graphics card is gonna or the motherboard is gonna overhang the tray right here you do have this notch right here that allows you to pass the cable through so if you're gonna be plugging in a monitor cable or something part of the build needs to be having your cable plugged in route it out along the top right here and out this grommet and then coil up the rest of it then when you're ready to plug in your system that gets routed to your monitor so you're not going to have a quick just a quick plug on the back of the computer anymore specifically for your um graphics card now i wouldn't be surprised if lean league came out in the future with some sort of an adapter that plugs in right here that's just a display port 1.4 extension that plugs into that and then you have that that just adds another point of failure though but i i'm that's just something worth pointing out it's kind of like uh you know when i use the 928 or something like that i've got to take the rear panel off on everything to plug it in it's kind of a pain in the butt but it's the price you pay for um for cleanliness it's cool because the the biggest and that's not a pun about its cooling the biggest downside to chassis or cases is is you always have to make a trade-off there's always trade-offs to be made there is no such thing as the perfect case as you just saw this one would be out for my personal build because this is the motherboard i'm currently planning on using and if i want to put the graphics card right here then this is a this is a no-go i don't think i'd put the graphics card there personally i i would probably fill that area up with water cooling but then i would still have a big chunk of the case or that motherboard overhanging where the case kind of cuts off so that would look kind of odd personally so it's one of those like well if you're going to use this then it needs to go in a big case that's designed to have something this wide put in it so anyway a huge thanks to lee and lee for allowing us to have a day one look at their new 011 dynamic evo this is the successor to the very popular dynamic you can see now options galore they had options with the other one but now you have options galore and i i it's just so well thought out i mean you've got a name like der bauer behind it i mean devourer is an enthusiast not just overclocking enthusiasts but a pc enthusiast he likes cleanliness he likes clean aesthetic so it's pretty obvious that you know nothing in this case is an afterthought or an oversight everything is here on purpose the fact that all this extra support is already built into the case and none of it is even noticeable or visible until you go to use it so aesthetically a plus air cooling wise it's very similar to the standard dynamic only now with the mesh panel and the fact that you can add um fans to the front makes it even that much more amazing for air cooling and then obviously for water cooling there's no reason i mean my daughters 011 dynamic with water cooling it keeps everything super cool and that system is overclocked because water cooling and overclocked go hand in hand what are your guys's thoughts on this i guarantee lee lee will be reading the comments most of what you see here if not all of it is through direct consumer feedback not only on the standard dynamic but also the prototype that was public giving people an opportunity to speak up and say hey we'd like to see this or we don't like this and they listen so sign off in the comments below how you guys feel about this case and whether or not this is worthy of a build for us you guys want to see us do a build in this i know the answer is yes it's always indefinitely a yes but is it worthy enough for you to build in it thanks for watching guys and as always we'll see in the next one which is tomorrow [Music]
Channel: JayzTwoCents
Views: 1,220,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lian li, lian-li, lian li evo, dynamic evo, computer case, best computer case, best computer, best pc case, pc case, 011, 011 dynamic, 011 dynamic evo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 50sec (1610 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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