Installing Pertronix electronic ignition on a Jubilee/NAA tractor.

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welcome back this is Kim is rich homestead this is gonna be our last video on the old golden jubilee tractor and we're going to install the 12-volt electronic ignition kit from patron --ax hello welcome to our channel we're glad you're here what we get started out she working on the tractor I'd like to start with a little bit of a shout out to both yesterday's tractors and for tronics back in November I purchased the electronic ignition kit for this I went to install it a couple weeks ago and realize when I hooked it up and it was a running that I bought the 1244 a p2 apartment a p12 which is the positive ground 12-volt system apparently when I mater on yesterday's tractors website I clicked one one road to high or one road to low and ordered the wrong one then realize it until I hooked it up and like I said it didn't work so I called yesterday's tractors and or emailed him and told him what happened and they they told me that you know there's really nothing they could do because since I had installed it in the tractor it's got you see there the screw holes got mark on it from the screw that it's now considered used so they couldn't sell it but they gave me a number for patron ik's to call them and see if they could help me so I won on their website and sent them an email and they told me that if I sent them a picture of the igniter destroyed with the wires cut off that send me a new one so I a little apprehensive about cutting this one because it you know it still would have worked on the right track but not mine so I cut it set up a picture of it and week or so later in the mail they sent me a brand new one and it's the negative ground like I need so like I said a little shout-out to yesterday's tractor for doing what they could for me and for patron --ax for providing me with the proper one even though it was my mistake that I order the wrong one so let's let's get busy installing this it gets started we'll need to remove the points and condenser so we'll start by taking the negative wire from the points off of the coil and also off of the distributor because we'll need this off of here to get the connector out and I'm going to go ahead and take this nut off while I'm here because I know I don't need to in a few minutes remove the distributor cap just kind of sit enough here out of the way might be easier to pull the number one off there we go and we'll take our rotor off and the little metal clip has to come off now the dust cover should pry up off of there we've got two Phillips head screws holding the points on and a flat head holding the condenser take the flat head off first now the points don't you hear that gunfire off in the distance but one of my neighbors must be out must be out there using their second Amendment rights now we take the points and black piece goes off if this should come out with the stem just like that so that's the old points and condenser Wow just the last step black plastic piece is what goes through the distributor to keep this isolated and the nuts we took up earlier I'll stick those back on there and then I'll throw these in the box when we're done so that whoever ends up buying this tractor for some odd reason they want to reinstall the points they'll have all the stuff to do it so now we take the the new igniter fish the wires through the hole in the distributor pull this grommet through like that and this will sit up here and you have to know beforehand if you are clockwise or counterclockwise rotation because this will work either way there's two holes here and two holes here if you're clockwise rotation you'll use these two holes if you're counterclockwise you'll use these two all right happen to know this one is clockwise so it'll lay in here just like that and those the one with a single C is o'clock and one with two is counter o'clock so the hole with the C will go on one of the point holes and then the other hole lines up on the second point hole they provide you with a little little baggie of parts it's got two screws and to stay cons stick that in our clockwise hole and in our other hole these are straight not Phillips so we'll tighten these up and now we'll make sure our wires lay in here smoothly and don't come in contact with any rotating parts that looks good and then the box you've got this little little disc here it's got the magnets in it that set this off you just stick that over top with a the old point cam and it will it will drop on when you turn it it's got the same shape inside of here as the outside of these points lobes so you just stick that on and we can put our dust cover back on line with boiler so it should go somewhere along here that does not fit in there the greatest okay put our little spring clip back on for the rotor put the rotor back on stick our cap back on that plug wire back on there and other than hooking this up we're done now we're wiring on it says to take the black wire double check this make sure I'm doing it right connect the igniter black wire to the negative side of the coil so I'll have to connect the black wire here and then the red wire goes to the ignition if you do not have a resistor you can hook this right to the coil as well so you can go black on negative and red on positive but this particular tractor does have an ignition resistor up under the hood way back here so I'll need to probably lengthen this red wire and run it up behind here and through yeah I'm probably about a foot and a half short it's off to extend this red wire and it needs to be hooked on the ignition key side of the the resistor so I'll go ahead and do this wiring and we'll come back and see how it runs hey black wire attaches to the negative side of the coil I just cut the wire short and put the include stake on on there the red wire I ran up it goes underneath the battery tray runs along here up under the battery tray up under the hood up here and I spliced it in with the the wire that comes from the key to the resistor so if everything is hooked up correctly I should be able to key and she'll fire right up T power it's in neutral push the starter button there it is okay so what I'll do I'll start this back up and let it warm up a little bit and then we'll double-check the timing hey there's set the timing on this if you just like setting it on a vehicle one side of your timing leg goes to your positive and negative battery cables little pick up lead goes on your number one spark plug wire now underneath the hydraulic pump on the bell housing there's this little cover for the screw on it take this cover off there's a window underneath that cover that has the timing marks in it so that's where you shoot your timing light at to get your timing marks so let's start this back up and see where we're at I know there's no way I can show you down in there it's just no way to fit the camera in timing on this is 8 degrees and it's almost a top dead center at zero so I need to loosen up the distributor there's a 96 or maybe a half inch nut or bolt on each side of the distributor I'll need to loosen both of those up then I'll be able to turn the distributor a little bit and get the timing correct yeah I had this real thin wrench to fit up underneath here because the oiler for the distributor right over top of that one bolt so there's hardly any room to get in there with a regular wrench so I've used this real thin one distributors loose I'll start it back up check the timing light back in here and get it set to eight degrees okay does that slight turn put it on eight and the one nice thing on my timing light it's got the dial on the back so when it's all the way down it's at zero so that's when you look at your actual mark but if you turn the dial to what your timing is which in this case is eight degrees I set it on eight and check it I should be at zero so that way the numbers aren't the greatest there I've got a zero and I've got a ten so there's no definitive eight so I set it where I thought eight should have been then bring this up to eight and checked it made sure I was back at zero which is what we're at so the timing is set on this just tighten these bolts back up on the distributor and this is a completed installation job so obviously putting the electronic ignition on these is not that difficult barely the only difficult part of is ordering the right one which I unfortunately did not do to begin with so if you have any questions or comments on doing this please put them in the section there down below I'll be happy to answer appreciate if you subscribe we're gonna always like a thumbs up and as always thanks for watching you have a great day you
Channel: Sakima's Ridge Homestead
Views: 20,895
Rating: 4.9041095 out of 5
Keywords: electronic ignition, ford tractor, ford tractor restoration, ford tractor 8n, electronic ignition system, electronic ignition conversion kit, electronic ignition module, golden jubilee, electronic ignition conversion, electronic ignition module replace points, electronic ignition conversion kit for tractors, golden jubilee tractor, pertronix electronic ignition conversion kit, pertronix ignition
Id: cmqw5tfz59A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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