6V to 12V Conversion Simplified (Answers for a viewer)

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[Music] what's going on people um hope y'all are all enjoying your quarantine yeah so that's happening um had a viewer I don't know if their subscriber because of the way that the back side of YouTube is set up but really can't go back and see if this person is a subscriber regardless the username is VR space yes unlike the word space there because VR s they asked said can you please post a 12-volt converted wiring diagram I have a 640 and I'm doing the new wiring but don't have much confidence also if you can explain core with built-in internal resistor versus external resistor so what we're gonna do let's go through this one instead of a diagram I may throw I may draw a diagram and put it in there anyway but we'll show the individual components on this tracker this is my 640 here named you burnished it's a good name anyway so let's get into it this way don't whenever you're dealing with one of these trackers if you're in the same state right there you want to convert a 12 volt but you're not confident or maybe you got some old junky wiring this bird nested because that's you know that's common stuff gets patched and fixed over the years but never really fixed correctly what you're looking for is to look at your electrical system as far as what's gonna drive this tracker what's gonna make this old tractor run look at it as three separate circuits okay you know how to charge in circuit starting circuit and an ignition circuit the charging circuit if you're going to do it well conversion I highly recommend using what they call the GM one wire alternator it's not really at one wire I'll show you what I'm talking about in a second but if you use that it greatly simplifies what you got happening over here so that's super super simple and it literally is one wire that goes back to where it's going to charge but there's two wires involved and I'll show you what I mean and minimum two wires involved the next being the starting circuit again very very simple these old forwards like this they got the start button we're gonna show you in just a second if you don't if you bypass that you're bypassing the only safety on this track if you utilize that if you if your viewers isn't working I recommend going and buying one that start button prevents you from starting this tracker in gear like you're standing beside it right here I'm up here to walk right up here beside it hear me check that shifting making sure it's out of gear Richard turn it on ladies battery still got a good connection but I put the striker in gear you physically cannot match that button again sharing with safety on this thing use it so charge the system starting system and then the ignition I like the electronic ignitions they're just they're simple they last yes I can adjust points I know how to adjust points to the first truck I ever owned was a 65 Ford it had points I learned from my dad how to adjust them very well but why used that old technology unless you just want like if you're restoring I absolutely understand but if you're just using it and you want to be dependable reliable with the with how cheap points are made now how cheap replacement parts are made they're really there isn't a better way than to go ahead and go for the electronic ignition and for that reason I'm not even going to include I thought about doing it and if you are the if there's enough interest in it I'll show how to set up points but quite frankly this is a much better way with an electronic ignition and that's what I have on mine and that's what I want to show and if you guys want to see the other get me down in the comments down below and I'll be long points too and it'll kind of kind of handle this but not the amur bumping gums let me show you these three different circuits and then you'll be able to wire your own if you want to alright so there's your GM one wire alternator if you notice it's not one wire because we have we're utilizing this one right here and what this does it goes right here to this to this stud is where your output is this excites the alternator at lower rpms this tractor doesn't turn very high rpm this helps the alternator to start charging I highly recommend doing this you can get away with out this but if you crank your tractor and it's not charging you have to race your tractor up bring your rpms up and then this thing will excite and start charging the red wire right there leaves the alternator and essentially it is going right there this is crappy happening here I apologize but that red wire from the alternator is coming here reason it's going there this is your battery cable right here going to the positive so that is going to allow it to charge the battery alright so from your big post on the alternator to the positive side of your battery which we're doing through that terminal there that's it that's your charging circuit boom starting circuit this is your solenoid right here this solenoid gets its positive power from this red cable so to make it energized you need to ground which is this stud here the wire going to that stud comes off of this right here you'll start button so when you match the start button start button is grounded in this transmission case it gives a ground here which brings the ground when you mash your button to here you already have a positive in here that causes the contacts to close inside of the solenoid and when it closes it takes your 12-volt power the battery cable over to this cable which runs to the starter so whenever you give it a ground it pulls these contacts together it takes 12 volt from here through this one and gives it voltage here that's all there is to the starting circuit it's literally that simple all right now for what I would call the the Tuffy if you even want call the tough one okay so we have an ignition switch [Music] there is our ignition switch the key side of it right back here oh good you can see it this is the back side of it two terminals that's all there is to tunnel one okay when you twist that key you're taking power through that switch to the other wire so you're bringing 12 a positive to it and through it and that red wire comes run old around through here we bring it right on down here and it comes over here all right so whenever you turn your key switch on you bring in 12 volts positive to this side the positive side of the coal the negative side of your coal is where your black wire from your electronic ignition is gonna go right here your red wire from the electronic ignition that's inside this distributor cap right here you guessed it it goes right there and that's it it's that simple I forgot to mention when I was showing the ignition switch yes one side of that ignition switch needs to go to 12 volts positive the other side so basically this wire shaky camera this one is gonna be 12 volts positive all the time this one is only 12 volt positive whenever you turn the key on and then it sends voltage from here down through the coal I will throw in a wiring diagram not something just hand-drawn to kind of simplify that but I wanted to actually show this on the tractor so you could see the different things that I'm talking about whenever I draw the schematic out as far as the coal goes there's probably gonna be a ton of comments that tell you that I'm all wrong and all this kind of stuff here's my suggestion without even going into all that if you really want an explanation of it I'll give you one but like I said I suggest the electronic ignition I really push them I'm not sponsored by not even giving you a name on them I will put a link down the description because we are Amazon Associates we have you know affiliate links no sponsorship no nothing like that it's just that I believe in them that much they work that well when you order your electronic ignition order the coal that's made for it because it'll be set at the right the right on everything it's gonna work and that will greatly greatly simplify the entire process it's really not that hard and I know that maybe I oversimplified it but that's just my easy it really is easy it's it can be confusing if you let it be confusing don't think of it in three different systems three different circuits you'll nail it anyway hope you enjoyed the video I hope that it helps you out let us know in the comments if it did if you still have unanswered questions please leave them in the comments and I will do what I can to make it work out for you anyway if you like this kind of stuff make sure that you like the video thumbs up if you enjoy what you're seeing all the stuff check out some more videos that we got going here they will subscribe Kachina and click the notification dustless don't miss all the other stuff we got a bunch of big stuff coming out really soon so anyway thanks for watching catch up with you later
Channel: American Tradesmen
Views: 35,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 54UHsXdDwV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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