Installing Home Assistant Supervised directly on Debian 11

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hello everybody my name is alan from sauber lab and today will be another video about hummus system in this video i will show how you can install the homa system supervised this video i'm showing because a lot of people started to ask alan can you style the home assist supervisor and that in the first time i didn't realize why i was looking one of the previous videos where i show how you can install the homa system in the docker and in this one i install a container version and this container version is quite limited and a lot of times i started to show some installations for some add-ons that you can do or some supervised applications and when i'm show some installation as some add-ons or some supervised installations a lot of people cannot follow it another they don't want to fully dedicate one computer only for home a system they want to choose this computer for home a system but as well for another applications and then i decide that it's interesting to do it and i will show how to do it this installation i will do in a virtual machine but you can do it directly in a computer this one is more dedicated than the urban principally for a 8 6 64 bits if you want to do an erasmus pie in the next video show it but in this video i will show how you can install directly in the computer if you like this idea and want to learn a little bit more about it we're going to show exactly this video but don't forget to leave your like subscribe for the channel and let's do it [Music] so before we start to do any installation let's go back from the comparation of method of install the first one will be os that will dedicate full of your system only for the homa system so in this way you're gonna have your device can be a razor empire can be a computer only dedicated for this homa system and this way you're gonna have a full control and you're gonna have full functionality for it you're gonna have the supervised ad and backup and manageos in the last video that i showed how to install the docker you're gonna install the container option and this container option has quite limited options as don't have this provides you don't have add-ons don't have backups and you cannot manage it the os what you can expect and the same thing that will happen for the core but in this video i'll show how you can install the supervisor that will have exactly everything apart for us because the oas will be the diamond that we are going to use and in this way you're going to be able to do all the application for supervisor you're going to be able to do all the add-ons and you're going to be able to do backup in this case if you already have your home assistant install sus you can migrate everything for supervise only do a backup and implement the backup have this one in mind first we're gonna understand what we're gonna do for the home assist supervisor i'm gonna have open the github page where they show how to install the home assist supervisor and that we come here what is required to do this one's quite important to do to see because this one will show what's the minimum requirement for you have your home assistant install and work perfectly in the way that you want if you come here they already show what is required for you to have before to do the installation so i come here and they say for you have a full system and a supported system you need to have a drc okay we're going to install it assist md a network manager a app arm a derby linux 11 in this case if you have another version of durbin will work look like if you're running a russian pie it's not exactly there been 11 they will work but you will not be supported they will have most of the functionality they will not have any problem apparently but if i have any problem they will not support you but if you do the backups you are kind of safe other thing you need to have the home assist os agent have this one in mind we come back here and they will show how to do the installation so before we start to do the installation we're gonna open our machine in this case i have a virtual machine only because it's easy for me i didn't want to dedicate a computer only for this one and because i'm gonna show how you should install and after this one this install and deleted this image so it's easy for me i come here and i will do a looking as my cyberlab user and this machine is just zero i just format it i just installed debian in this case it had been 11 so we'll be all support everything's okay but we don't have anything first thing that we need to understand is what's the ip address of our machine so we can come here and put same id and open if i come here and type ip address so i know that the ip address of this machine will be this one in this way i can start to tape all my comments and all my scripts here but i don't want to do it because i want to simulate that you're really running a machine outside look like you have a derby and computer running your garage or any place that you want with this operating system and you want to do a proper serve and everything in the way that you don't need it should be in the front terminal here to do it so we're going to open our putty now we'll put it we're going to tape exactly the same ipad address will be and we're going to open it first time as usual they will show this page that you are sure that you want to access the machine because will be the new key so it's totally fine i will put yes and now i will take my user sauber lab and my password that i define and now i have look in my machine so i can minimize this page and can open my putting here i will clear everything to be clean first thing that i need to do it's open as a router this one it's because a lots of applications that are gonna do it's not work as only user or they will ask your password all the time so it's easy only to put sue and that's we're gonna tape the password remember that when we are doing the installation for the derby and they ask please define the password root yes is this one that you need to do first thing that we're gonna do is update and upgrade our system this one is really important because we want to be sure that our system is work well and don't have any problem so in this way you're gonna type sudo apt-get update and after sud apt get upgrade so they will do the update and upgrade of our system because i forget to put yes they will need to put yes that i want to install everything so yes and i put enter and i will wait this upgrade will take a little bit more time or less time depending which revision and how often you update your system if update few days ago will not be a problem but if updates a long time ago will take a little bit longer in this case i believe that will be fast will take around two three minutes massive so let's wait okay in the same way that some i'm waiting to finish it to upgrade everything updates i will come back here and i will see which application that you need to install here the red suggests for you enter as a root so already did it sood or sudusu in our case that is there but it's only sudo and here they say which application that you need to install so we're gonna install exactly the same application in this way already copy everything here and that i can go back for our putty and hope that they finish yes they finish so what i need to do i need to install all these applications so i'll come here and put enter they will do the installation the last thing that we need to do is fix all the broken installation you need to do it i like to do it because the last time that i tried to install the home assistant without to fix all the broke installation they didn't work and that i need to run it and everything messed up so it's better to run it straight away so we're going to do sud apache fix broken installation install and run it in this case you don't have any broken one but potentially could happen so it's better to avoid it now we need to reboot our system only to guarantee that all the settings or all the application that we did it's work well without any problem and will not have any issue in the future installation or to continue our process so we're gonna come here and put to sue the reboot enter and we wait to reboot if i put okay and close this putty and already open my virtual machine the right is started to reboot everything so i can come here enter and it will wait to have a full reboot so just finish you to do a full reboot for my system so now i can open put again type exactly the same ip address remember before we start to do any other installation start the docker or the home assistant please be sure that's your ip suffix ipo stat kp because i don't want that you do all this installation lose your time to do it and that's the ap address change and that will mess up everything so be sure that you put as this dot going to be sure now and that's we can open our put enter as a sauber lab again so now we are inside our machine we're going to enter this again as a root we're going to tape our password and now we are root we're gonna put cd only to go for the base configuration and now we're gonna start to install our docker should do the installation of docker is simple i find it as official dock installation script that is cool and that and getdocker so i run this one and after we're gonna do a proper installation of this script or we're gonna start this script as they do they cop all the information and say that to get docker and now we're gonna run it that is sudo sh get docker sh and we're gonna put it this installation will take a little bit longer time depend what configuration that you have if you have uh lots of cores and a lots of run memory and a fast ssd will take really fast but in my case because i'm running a normal computer take a little bit long but it's not a issue here if you look we already have the client dock engine version 20.10 what required is 19 so it's fine the same thing for the service 20.10 and here the rest of the information they say that's it's working so now what we need to do we need to define our user because they don't have user at all what use that i will do i will do exactly the same user that i was using here sour lamp so i'll put sudo user mode docker sour lab and i will put enter after this one already create my user after create our user we go back for the page for requirements we come here and we see what we installed so far so we already have installed the docker where we have revision 20 so it's totally fine we have installed all the rest applications and we're running with a debian 11 that is great everyone with all the revision of derby they will work as well but will not be supported and that's now only thing that we need to install it's the home assist os he already opened the page for a home a system or yes that this show what you need to do but then we need to see what supervision what system that we need to download if i open this one that's right here they show a lot of revisions of this os agent that we can download in my case i'm gonna use the linux x664 but if you're using a look like our arm system or a raspberry pi or anything we need to use another revision that we're gonna show in the other video but in this case we're gonna use this one so we come here back and we're gonna clear our page only to be a little bit more tight and we're gonna install this uh os but before we install we should download it to download it's easy we're gonna put we're gonna put w get and our address for the load if you are using another revision don't forget to change this one for the cpu that you're using and that's we're gonna do the download wonderful we did the download now we can install it to install it's simple you're going to put sudo d pkg install us and exactly the same revision if you're using revision 2.2.3 don't forget to change it and don't forget to change that and we're going to install it and wonderful install but how we are sure that we install it it's simple we're gonna check it to check only we're gonna run this script link in description as well and we're gonna put this one if they appear all this information it means that it's working because if it's not working the os agent do not appear it at all so now we can do the installation for the home assistant first of all we need to download all the configuration for the home system so we gonna use gets home system and all the home assist supervised step and that's we're gonna put it and they will download now we can clear this page and it should be a little bit more tight then the last thing that we need to do for this home a system install this application so we're gonna put sudo install and the same name for the home assistant supervise that we have before and we put enter so now we'll take some minutes until they do the installation for the home assist their supervisor to home assist their containers home assistant everything should be working well wonderful once that they finish install the supervisor.contain supervisor startup script supervisor and everything now we can check if it's really work well and everything has been installed properly to check if everything has been installed properly you have two ways you can go there and put a docker and check this system but i'd like to use the portrait so in this way we're gonna install it so first we're gonna create our balloon for our trainer and we create our volume after this one yes we can install our portrait and we install with this script and put enter now we're gonna do the same process we're gonna wait should do the download wait to do the installation after the finish installation we're gonna open the port 9000 so we're gonna wait it wonderful when they appear this information here it means that has been installed so we can open the port 9000 to check and create our user in the part of 9000 the red appeared this page where we need to create our using at least the first time and let's we define our password and the user will be adding and i put great user so now i can come here in my primary my containers and i have all my home assist installed and should be everything work but how i know that this work we can open our home a system as you know job and our home assistant will be the same ip address plus part 8 123 so let's open it once that i opened my part 8 123 the red appeared this page where i can create my user so we'll create my user sauber lab the same thing my password and i can create but before i create remember that i told you that you can migrate all your information for your home a system in your razon pi or your computer and run here you can come here and put alternately you can restore from previous backup so if you click here you can select where is your backup you can locate where you save your previous backup and put it and that's they will restore all the information all the application everything that you did so you don't need to set up everything from zero but in our case we're gonna set up everything for zero so you put create an account you locate your place now it's the time that you want to just share the information i like to put as a share exactly because i want that home assist improve themselves all the time that allow home a system to share to have this information it's good because they will know what's it's going on wrong and that will try to fix if they don't have data how they will improve anything so we're gonna allow them that they use and have this information for me and i put next now they already have some integration this case will not do any integration and put finish now right this title home system as i told now we have the supervisor so here you can come here add-ons now you can install all the add-ons that previous you could not do because you was running in a docker as a container mode now you have a full access you can either set some backups so i hope that you like this video in this way you can have the home assistant supervise it and you can run all the applications that previously show you you can run zero theory tell scale and everything and you can run as a full us but you don't dedicate only your machine only for this human system but you can you work parallel for it if you like this video and think that was interesting don't forget to leave your like if you don't like leave your dislike and see you next time bye
Channel: Sauber-Lab UK
Views: 251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Supervised home assistant, Home automation, smart home, externally lit home assistant, getting started home assistant, open source application, file server, home lab
Id: ivBPS5-zi04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 30 2021
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