Installing BIG Culvert Pipes In A Creek | DigginLife21

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good morning and welcome to the broadcast today's project we have a filling culvert hat it's about 15 feet down there and about 20 foot down over here let me show you a couple of things that's caused it to fail a bunch of spider webs so here you can see that they've tried that concrete down pot and my foot just went in that hole well the water is actually i know it's too dark in there but it's going down and in between the joints the joints have separated so it's causing all this to wash out another problem they didn't have liners or anything so they've tried to use those cinder blocks there to stop the erosion but it's just kind of out of control we're gonna move their little azalea bushes and start digging this sucker out [Music] so [Music] so and that is a hole now let's uh line that bottom with a little bit of gravel and we got dug out enough up there this time to where it'll fill up the set well we'll just leave it there now we want to back up with a load of three-quarter because that three-quarters can get down around the edges of that pipe and really firm the base up and then as we cover it back up it'll mash it in and we'll move forward from there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] up didn't it water's coming through it is it good that didn't take long to start flowing did it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] aah [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so we're getting there we got this in set and i just left this end whole we put railroad ballast around the edges and then we'll lift it up and the ballast fell down under it making a good bed so i'm just trying something new i haven't tried before now we do have a lot of pipes sticking out we're going to end up trimming it but before i trim it we're going to backfill all the way and see how it goes so that is going good we've got to cut that other section tomorrow and you can see how we cut this section of the creek about two feet low we'll be able to slide a section right on there so to finish out the day it actually took us 15 single axle loads to uncover that pipe so what i've got brandon doing is practicing just scooping dirt loading it in a truck he's getting practice on wilbur there which is really good cause if he hits wilbur it ain't no big deal can't hurt wilbur so i'm just gonna let him spend the rest of the day practicing and i'll probably shuttle some of this dryer dirt with the tractor [Music] [Music] [Music] that's what i told him to do is to just start bloating that dirt in and build us a ramp and tomorrow every two loads we bring in we'll play it in and it'll be on a good enough slope to where we can just drive the excavator in and out to pack it he's a fast learner of course he's running a dozer it ain't much different [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] wow [Music] hmm so [Music] okey-dokey so we've come down to the end almost the end of day two brandon's went to get us some road to top this little section with and this is some of the sandiest soil when i pulled it out of here it was just hard hard hardened and it softened right up so i went ahead and put some railroad ballast down to help firm things up it's you know kind of spongy when i drive a 20 000 pound machine across it but i've tried to compact it in about six to 12 inch lifts and given the nature of this material i might should have done three or four inch lifts because this just despite it still spongy but that's okay so we've got what's left of our junk dirt piles full of roots and just junk i'm gonna haul that off we've got our old pipe we're gonna crush up haul it to the scrap yard make a dollar or two on the scrap and before we leave today we've got our road fabric that we're going to roll out up there in the flat cut it loose because the roll is 200 pounds and i really don't want to uh wrestle with that so we're gonna roll it out up there we're gonna wheel off from down at the pipe up and across it's a 12 foot long roll so this may be just about right we may do two cuts and overlap them but i anticipate it to finish up pretty good so let's get some road fabric rolled out first load road hmm [Music] i had a whole different ending to this video planned and had it filmed but i've just got to trash that because the coolest thing happened to me today as a result of this project right here is the pipe that we just tore out i had it right here because my new helper doesn't know where the metal recycling place was and i'm really really glad that he didn't i had him just bring it here to stage it with some other scrap metal and we're going to consolidate it into truckloads and haul it off and make a little bit of byproduct money you know we tear metal out of the ground we haul it scrap yard and we get a little money back for it yesterday one of my viewers i'll say his name is lyle but i won't say his last name for his privacy and he's been watching my videos this guy called me told me which company works for and he is actually over there grading i guess you might say division or part of their company and it's a huge company they've got huge pieces of equipment and for him to watch my little channel and my little equipment my little trucks humbled me greatly it made me feel really good that somebody of that stature would take the time and spend part of his days after he's run dozers and huge excavators to find entertainment and watching my little channel that just that humbles me beyond what i can describe um so he was calling me he drove by where we were doing this job and he's doing a job just up the road and he waved at me when i drove by i didn't know who the guy was but he waved at me like he knew me and he knew me as digging life 21. you know this is probably going to be a memory that i carry through the rest of my life and it's one reason i do this he called me told me who he's with and said he told me the story that he had put a road in right close to where i was working and i think he asked me one of the names of the people on the road well i only know the name of the person who contracted me who was speaking for all the residents and it didn't ring a bell he said he tells me that he put a culvert pipe in there years ago couldn't tell me how long or anything then today i went by the community liked the work that i did they checked off on it i went by to pick up my final payment uh check yesterday the guy called me and talked to me and i was like i'd like to come by and shake your hand and meet you and he said if it's not raining i'll be here well it started raining and as i drove by the job site i saw him we waved but i was already driving by and i didn't expect him to be there and i had to get on home and then today i called the guy i saw him working and i dropped by his job site just to shake his hand you know it's just like a familiar face and it's just one of those times when you've met somebody you're destined to meet somebody and i went by shook his hand and went on to pick up my final payment check well as i was coming down one of the older residents of the community was walking out and he wanted to tell me you know he liked the work that i did and he appreciated it and he said that pipe's been in the ground for 37 years and i won't say his last name but he's like do you know lyle last name and i was like you know it's so funny that you mentioned that i said yeah i met met him today actually and he's like he's the one that put that metal pipe in 37 years ago i am 36 years old lyle put this top in one year before i was even a thought in my parents minds before i even was a baby or born whatever you want to say this pipe is a year older than me i shook the hand today of the man who 37 years ago shook this hand and i get to touch the pipe that he put in 37 years ago now what are the odds that the guy that put this in 37 years ago think about how many days have passed calls me the day that i'm taking this pipe out happens to drive by and see me and know me from youtube that just blows my mind that is crazy to me and the guy is so nice and uh it's just one of those things that i feel like he is somebody that i was meant to meet and i don't think that that meeting happens by chance that this what are the odds this guy does jobs all over you know i think he said north carolina south carolina georgia i believe for the day that i'm working on the job that he did that's amazing to me and it's just a feeling of nostalgia that's part of why i love doing this job is going into the woods just like this behind me and clearing it and finding something that is obviously man-made but looks and probably is hundreds of years old before i ever even come along or my grandparents came along somebody's hands built that and i just love it every time i experience something like that it makes me love the job more to dig into the ground and pull something out that somebody put in and you know this is just you know lyle if you're watching this video man i love meeting you i appreciate you reaching out to me on that day this is this is something special to me so it's probably going to be a day or two before i get all of the editing done on this day thursday august 20th 2020 i shook the hand of the man that put this pipe in the ground this is an absolutely true story and it's amazing to me thank you guys uh this i love my viewers and and he's gonna be a special he is gonna be a special one and this is definitely definitely gonna be a memory that i carry with me for the rest of my life however short or long i have this this is special to me as we're on the last day that i'm gonna be here on this job we're finished with all the big stuff all the dirt moving most of the gravel and things so i'm gonna go ahead and end this video with a final run through we installed a 48 inch double wall culvert pipe about 51 feet of it we used this yanmar vaio 80 excavator and an m7060 kubota tractor the dump truck was a 2019 f-750 it did a really good job and you know as far as comfort for the driver to be sitting there for some time hauling material it's just been a good track it's great for shuttling stuff still a tough truck to tailgate with this is the top you can see it's drying out from the rain yesterday and i don't know if you guys can tell from the video that it's sunk in right there a little bit of settling and a little bit of settling i'm trying my best right here this was a super fun project brandon did a great job and he placed every bit of this most of it with the excavator and that's not necessarily an easy task for a new operator to keep it from just rolling down and out of sight i'll explain why we left that pipe sticking out here in a minute to get the rock to here he would dump the material here like i instructed him to and transfer it with the excavator and thumb along the sides and like i described to him usually you can sit up on top and you may have to place a couple of rocks down at the bottom by hand to build you a little kind of a blockade or a hump and then you can reach down let go of the rip wrap close to the ground and roll down and get hung and it'll usually place itself pretty well now you can see around the pipe and right here we used some road fabric and we draped it all the way out to here and it goes all the way up and across the road we place the rip wrap first to hold it in place and then up on the top we did some ballast and road bond you can see here i've learned from past mistakes and viewers actually helped me a lot we've set this pipe about roughly a foot in the stream bed and that's going to keep it from having any water running under it so if you guys can see through there that is a pipe and you can see this is a kind of the head wall area there's rock and fabric goes all the way over this is just extra material that was left over from when we dug out into the creek to place the pipe into it and they told us just leave that tree there this side turned out really nice i'm really happy with it we've read this upper side to channel water around through here and right through there now granted it is muddy today because it's been rainy but i'm gonna let brandon practice with the tractor he's gonna pick the excavator up and get it out of here for a job next week but you can see i instructed him to grade this to where water would come down and hit this little hump and you see where water is gathering and i had him use the radius of the excavator bucket to round this out and it's gradual water's gonna hit it and run down that way looking a little bit more at this side we're gonna bring enough rope on once this is done settling to dome shape this whole section and overlap because what we want is water to come down and run off this way but anywhere it falls out of the sky down onto the road we want to be able to run down right here's kind of a side view originally while i'm standing here i wanted to run this pipe out and cut it on an angle so it matches in with the slope but being that this road isn't super wide if it ever has to be widened it's going to be beneficial to go ahead and have that pipe sticking out and we can just bring material out you can see some bare dirt here and this is part of the exclusions we are not responsible for any landscaping so they knew that we were going to be digging the old pipe out putting the new pipe in fixing the road base and fixing the head wall and the downside with riprap but no landscaping no grass planting no you know germination bedding or anything like that that's going to be on them they were going to do that i think just to save some money now as you guys can see with the original plan being cutting this pipe off right here this would have been good and we still got a couple of rocks to throw back up on there but with them deciding to leave this section out that little changing plans changes the game a little but not the budget so we don't have it in the budget to just go ahead and bring rock on down so i think their plan is to just do some landscaping around the end of this pipe but you know when a plan changes at the end i always give the customer the option do you want us to do more for a little more cost or just leave it like this they're happy with it one thing you may notice about this pipe is that we do have a drop of water here i've got a couple of rocks placed right under where that water is hitting and we're going to put you know move a couple more rocks around in here so there's no way as it rains and that flow increases and that water comes farther out then it's going to start undermining the creek bed it wasn't going to have a drop had we trimmed that pipe back but now it does so me personally i love the sound of water falling i love a waterfall sorry i'm shaking i'm trying to use the phone so that's music my ears you hear that but it can be damaging so when i come back in a couple of weeks after the road has had time to settle want to make sure to come down here and check this area and see i'll be able to tell where [Applause] water is eroding if it is but i've got a big rock right there that i'm going to move out we've got a couple of pieces of new rip rap that i can move in here make a little bowl catchment but it turned out really well and the community bear will be able to walk right through that thing there's just something satisfying about a big culvert carrying water and no signs of water coming under that pipe a couple of fun facts we moved 15 single axle truck loads of dirt out from over the old pipe i figured it up to be about 180 000 pounds of dirt that we had to pull out which means that's 180 000 pounds of dirt we had to load back up put back in the hole so just show you guys you know we got a couple of slides from where we slid the pipe down the hill the reality of how this project went we're not just videoing the parts that look good like this you can only imagine how many people just video those pretty sections i'm showing you the reality because this is kind of a learning channel i will have him take the excavator back and tamp this in and smooth that out but he's learning and he's doing a fantastic job i told him i couldn't be happier with what he's done i think it's wonderful i love rip rap i think it looks great i think we may need to push that dirt on out maybe a little bit but i think it's good i think it's gonna stay that's just beautiful wait until all this green stuff grows back up i think it's gonna look really good and they're going to once this is done settling i told them about a month or two since it is still spongy they're going to cap it with asphalt who knows i may do it this is a small enough job where i could just pull up dump some asphalt out rake it roll it in that might be a next video who knows so thanks for joining me on this video guys hopefully you learned something if there's something i can learn from you something that could have been done better in a constructive nice way drop it in the comments guys i'm always looking to become a better contractor and a lot of you guys have helped me get there you
Channel: DigginLife21
Views: 25,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big culvert pipe, creek culvert, installing large culvert pipe, installing plastic culvert pipe, installing culvert pipe in creek, installing creek culverts, installing culverts in a creek, how to put culvert in creek, double wall culvert, road culvert installation, how to install culvert, huge culvert pipe, installing culvert under driveway, how to build road across creek, How to build road thru creek, best way to build road across creek, easiest way to build road across creek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 1sec (2341 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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