Clearing And Burning At The Farm

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now i'm going to jump on the excavator the uh reverse gravity has kept the boom off the ground long enough so uh i'm going to put the stumper back over there where it goes i'm actually going to go over there and see if my 36 inch digging bucket fits on this because that was the bucket that come on this machine and i uh once i got the new buckets and they put on there i brought it home enough actually it's never been back on the machine on that coupler so i am going to check and make sure that fits because i do need that for a job uh for an overflow i need to cut a 36 inch ditch instead of a four foot less i got to pack so i'm gonna go make sure that that bucket still fits on here then we're going to go to the back back there take some trees down and set some stuff on fire gonna be a good day uh take two remember to wipe the dusty window off before putting the camera on there let's sit that right there and then grab the stumper that i used to pick my rocks up with take that over here and set it off i'm just gonna lock the coupler so it's not beeping the whole entire time yeah i have not from the time i took that or the dealer took that bucket off when i uh because that's the that's the original bucket that come on this excavator and uh i dug some i dug that pond with it while i was waiting for all my attachments to come in and pretty much the day i went to the dealer and picked it back up or brought it home and set it right there and it has set there ever since so i'm going to see make sure it fits on here before i take it to a job and discover it the hard way [Music] [Music] [Music] so got water in it that is a baby bucket how in the world did i dig with that thing [Music] probably good forever they're ripping them rocks up a little tiny bucket [Music] how does the thumb line up to it the thumb's bigger than the bucket it's actually the same size i wouldn't clear with a derm though look at the it definitely does not line up with the bucket piece but they didn't design it to line up with this bucket that's why i got that bucket it is way bigger oh you couldn't even grab anything look at it the thumb hits like a foot oh that would just that would royally suck right there trying to clear with that [Music] i could rip some rock with it though nothing like play toys [Music] huh well that's good to know i can't even hardly grab that plastic very easily [Music] [Music] so i gotta mix my gravel up i got some gravel yesterday and uh it's a little bigger than it needed to be i'll mix it with the old pile and make an average i wonder if i can grab gravel keep it in the bucket all right now i'm just playing around so i'm gonna finish mixing this take this bucket off and uh go down there and i'll show you what i want to do so back here on the back uh it's where i've been kind of i'll burn and then kind of dump dirt and everything well i've about got it to the grate i want it and uh now i need to expand it over a little bit because my ultimate goal is you know try to expand this field back some i got several acres back here of woods but it's too wet to do anything so if i can kind of keep bringing in dirt and leveling that off some i can gain some more pasture so he'll be happy but uh i got some old pallets and cardboard there i'm gonna pile that up well it's already piled up i'm gonna set that on fire and get that burning i'm gonna clear back shut up i want to clear this back probably another 40 or 50 feet and that'll give me another area to burn right there and i got a bunch of old those old fence posts in that wire i want to get those um burn out so i can separate the wire so i'm gonna go get a little bit more dry stuff and throw on there and get the fire going pretty good now i'm gonna take advantage of that and i had a pile um when i tore out the old fencing let's see if i can move this pop [Music] in the bucket can't never uh don't need to waste a good bucket but um well i broke the bucket that bucket was dry rotted you know what you do a dry run rodden bucket yeah get rid of them uh so this is burning now when i did the fence i had all these the post and they're all in with the wire and everything so what i want to do is pile this up and burn the post out so that i can get rid of the wire and i can't think of a better way to do it and to get a hot fire and put them on there and just let it burn [Music] so aggravating to try and get the wire off the post and i didn't have time [Music] i had to do it the night the fence guys showed up that day i just ended up ripping them out but i think this will work if i just kind of it's all cedar so it can be fairly dry cedar burns pretty good anyways [Music] it seems like it should work [Music] see if any of this wire will come out [Music] that much less is in there i don't think it will when i did it all i had was the minion as you can imagine it doesn't happen to really do a whole lot [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna let that burn down a little bit catch up yeah i think i think that's going to burn just fine and dandy then i'm going to go over knocking those trees down and put them on the fire while it's burning well that's burning pretty good there now should get rid of all those cedar logs out that wire it's not smoking too bad now we're smoking pretty good i texted the fire chief and told them i was burning if anybody gets all in a panic we don't know don't want the fire department to come out for something they don't need to come out here for it's good to know everybody in the area i'm going to knock a few trees down and put them on there while it's burning hot [Music] so so [Music] oh that's burning dandy all right well let it go [Music] get all this on there well it's nice and hot it should build enough coals to really burn that stuff i'm about to clear and the wire and stuff it'll just it might actually get hot enough where it dissolves it will do that i don't think that wire is uh gonna do that though that's a pretty heavy gauge [Music] [Music] gotta get all the dirt off the stumps [Music] there doesn't want to come off some sticky gumby clay that's the problem about this dirt in the area it's so it doesn't hurt very well which means it doesn't drain it's sticky uh yeah can't do nothing with it wet but i guarantee you that right there is going to dry it out all right well i want to set the camera up outside and get a little bit better video [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] black [Music] so so so so back in here we go [Music] get some small stuff up there so we can get cooking away that's what i want to do here like i i said earlier just kind of clear back another 40 50 feet down this tree line and uh it'll just add me some more pasture over time originally when i first got the farm the tree line was where those big trees are right there there and all the way down there see where the backhoe is and i've cleared all this back and when i built my pond i put all the dirt in here and uh leveled this off and when they did the fence you know that gained another probably half acre right there and then i can eventually do another pasture right here because the i mean the trees it's it's pretty much wasteland you can't do anything with it it's too wet so it's got to be filled in some and leveled off so might as well make the best of it and use it for something i really don't like being downwind of the fire i might clear these two trees and then go around the other side i don't really care if they have ashes falling on the machine that's how they catch on fire no timber now though everybody's probably gonna freak out since i'm just burning the trees but you know what i'm taking down like five trees that i could get anything out of it's not worth my time [Music] so so i'm just going to cover it up with dirt i'm really not worried about wrapping that roots and little sticks out i just kind of rake them down so that it's low grade and i just kind of keep adding dirt to it as i go let's see if we can't sneak out here and take down these little small trees [Music] well the fire is not blowing ashes all over me [Music] so all right the wind's changing again blowing over top of me when they back up i don't really care if the ashes land on the moon i just don't want them landing on top of the cab engine compartment because it'll suck it up in [Music] there hello here we go mr andres don't hold the dirt [Music] [Music] [Music] so um [Music] so all right well i'm gonna let that catch up i'm gonna knock a few more trees down and that's going to pretty well extend the when a man knows a fire he can get some green stuff i mean literally i just ripped it down and it's burning really good but key is to get it nice and hot and it'll burn with very little smoke let's take down a little bit more and i'm going to stack the fire up again i've got a decent little pile of stuff there now i'll grab this little stuff here and there's one more kind of country to my right i'll probably have to take down these three or four right here and that's going about do what i need to have done and then pretty much just focus on getting it all burnt up tonight i don't like the embers probably should have cleared this before i set the fire earlier but i want to go ahead and get it burning though i would have started this this morning but i didn't get started till three o'clock it gets dark all right there's actually a decent little pine tree unfortunately it's about to die so [Music] no one over there i probably need to clear out now when i clear out this way now the wind i don't know which way the wind is going directly towards me alright going this way i can go up here and rig up all these fighting branches that broke off when i dropped the trees but i didn't feel like dropping them in the woods and smashing all the other trees up on a key and that should be called up by the time i get it it really is amazing how well green stuff will burn as wet as it is i mean everything's just a muddy mess if you pile it on there right got that pulled away from the fire it's gonna sit right there and burn down just standing i'll come back down here later tonight if i can make it back here without getting stuck restack that up i'll let it burn down for a couple hours it'll be nothing but the ends there and there is a burn hole down there but i think it's full and uh pretty much what i want to do is just kind of move everything over into this spot right here and just kind of keep working my way all the way down the tree line over time and uh you know this one lasted me about three years i'll just keep moving it down over time i don't want to clear all that because by the time i get all the way down there it'll be grown back up in trees again and then kind of leave the rest of that as a buffer back there between the neighbors across the field let's go check on the fire this morning the mud's kind of frozen i am so sick of mud this is literally my field a giant mud hole well it will be in about an hour when the sun hits it it's frozen solid right now well that's what's left of the fire i'm going to actually start the excavator up and dig another little burn hole over there and uh relocate it over into a pit and get rid of the one that is right there let while i was waiting for this machine to warm up here i just kind of idled along and dug a little bit of a hit right here i'm going to start putting some small stuff in here i want to move the fire over there was a pit right there i've had for probably the last two or three years and uh it's well over full and just needs to be moved over here i didn't dig it very deep because there's a lot of groundwater and that's probably gonna fill the water but i left a little spot for it to flow out if it does unfortunately i am downwind again but there shouldn't be a whole lot of embers there's just more smoke this morning i'll try to lay some of these bigger logs off to the side and grab some of the smaller brush to throw in there and hopefully get the fire back started once i dig in here and get some of these hot coals and stuff that's still burning should kind of come back to i life find how much wires left [Music] or some of it let's put that down here and let it finish burning out stuff's nice and dry so it should start back pretty easily lay the big stuff over to the side like i said and start grabbing a the smaller stuff anything that's somewhat still burning will just kind of help have like a pint of diesel fuel left in that jug i might be able to throw on it if i get a little bit of a flame and it doesn't want to take off once i get down in here and get some of these logs that are still burning pretty good it should uh shouldn't have a problem as good as it was burning last night i didn't bring the camera back down here but i come down here another time or two and restacked it up really good there's a big thing a wire get that pulled out thrown over here to the side well there's a little bit of wire gone now i had another pile put it right here for that scrap pile later on another big wad right here if i get that stump out of it let's see what i can do here dragging stumps and everything amazing how strong this wire is when it gets wrapped around stuff well that did exactly what i wanted to it it burned all the post out of it instead of sitting right there for half a day trying to pull all the staples out i like that uh method a little bit better that needs to be broken in half [Music] [Music] just keep grabbing all the small stuff and piling it up [Music] bring that in half right hey good luck [Music] so [Music] so just kind of a little bit of a slow process but if you take your time it really pays off because everything ends up burning pretty pretty good keep it all packed down doesn't burn well there's a lot of big gaps let's see if i can sort this wire out i think i put that stump in there first [Music] oh please don't blow that dust on top of me there's the big pile of wire put the log stuck in it of course let's see if i can fish that out one out so it's pretty good there they'll take it with that little piece stuck in it still burning anyways i'll just let it sit there and burn out [Music] all right let me finish picking through this and should have a fire here going back before too much longer let's manage to get the fire back going finish adding what's left of this last little bit onto it before trying to break those bigger logs up and pretty much letting it do what it's gonna do now that it's in a hole it should just kind of burn itself down and fall into place as it burns and whatever's left will just be added to the next fire stuff will be piled on top of it that looks like the majority of it might be a couple little logs right here [Music] other than that i'll take all that push it across and start filling that in and building a platform over here so i can drive into some stuff in that pile but i've got these logs that i broke up yesterday that didn't quite burn in half or even come close to burning in half so i'm going to uh try to break them up a little bit more will that work better and i thought it was going to [Music] look at it steaming where it's laid in the fire all last night and got so warm and stack these up like that and sit there and burn down pretty good let's see if i can break this one in half it's got a stump on it almost lost it i think i can dig it down right there we go like so [Music] i don't think i can break this one in half that's it's a pretty big log i might be able to hack away at it though get lost in the ashes i stir up i may just lay that one across there and just let it do what it's going to do or put the end of it in there and just let it burn up probably what i do i can't even see anything now instead of beating the machine to death trying to burn that up i'll just lay it right there and it'll fall in place as it burns down [Music] [Music] what happens is all that smaller stuff burns up and then there's nothing left hot enough to keep these logs burning and the whole green log isn't just going to keep burning without some more fuel there to it [Music] so you just have to kind of re-stack everything up as you saw how it looked this morning all the small stuff burned out and left the bigger stuff i can kind of mix a little bit on there the way it has a little more to burn on top and under and everything but that's about it i'm going to just break these ashes out and probably good well i accomplished what i wanted to the burn pile was right there and it ended right here and i cleared all this yesterday afternoon got most of it burned up finished it up this morning took raked all those ashes over here and i've got a new burn pit right here pretty much so uh i'll let this burn down i got on my wire pulled out still smoldering but it's all uh free of wooden post but you can kind of see what i'm doing now uh i did this section probably about three years ago and uh i'm just clearing another 50 or 60 feet back down this wood line and whenever i get extra topsoil and dirt uh just dump it right here and just kind of keep extending this field out uh making a little bit more usable usable pasture for uh in the future
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 218,766
Rating: 4.9429917 out of 5
Keywords: excavator, trackhoe, track, hoe, digger, bagger, volov, land, clearing, burning, burn, fire, brush, pile, tree, removal, logging, logger, farm, farmer, heavy, construction, equipment
Id: QvsU5Y3tOns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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