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good day to you all and welcome to the broadcast i've been out just looking at jobs today i think this afternoon my buddy kevin also one of my viewers is how i got to know him may need us to own some material so we're gonna swing by his little job and uh see if he's gonna need us we're looking for two zero four let's see that's 400 quicker yep there we go where are you kevin i knew it he must got him a late start today oh boy that is a state point he's gonna have fun with that it's always good to check a project out first why you done kevin do i need to protect your identity all right so we just visited with kevin and had a look at the driveway that we're gonna have to get the stone down on and to help him out i am headed to the house to get my steel pole saw we're going to trim some limbs so i can more easily tailgate this material without scraffin scuffing my truck let's get to it let's drive my granddaddy's truck today it's been skipping a little bit kind of a miss when uh i hit the accelerator in any gears i'm thinking the fuel filter might be getting clogged not sure but that'll be a project for another day there's my pride and joy yeah let's just run down here to the garage get my poles haul and we'll go help old mr kevin out i ain't charging no extra for this it's right around the corner from the house and it's more for my benefit than anybody else's so i don't mind to do it plus i like cutting trees this little truck starts and idle's just fine i'm hearing some crackling and popping in here that don't sound good at all sounds like burning oil too problem is here oh [Music] [Music] i don't want to cut it off until i know what it is oh boy that's a nice one i just can't see where it's coming from i swear i can't see nothing so huh rats how's that i don't i just don't know well that's a drag i was really excited about driving this little truck today that's all right luckily we've got other trucks we can drive until we can get this one repaired just take this old ram i guess don't worry lou i'll get you fixed buddy hit my faithful [Music] pole saw that doesn't let me down make sure it's gonna start now we're gonna get the bear necessities absolute bear necessities my well i'm gonna find my trusty hard hat look at that yeah well help master kevin out man behind the scenes that's what i said my name's not aaron but you know we got a man and i can't well worth the crap so right [Laughter] she said you cut the tree and i said well we would but we're not exactly set up for that today [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] i'm gonna say your purpose [Music] just she she does not mind at all no no just do cut what you need to cut yeah right [Music] put that steel to work baby i can't say anything i have an echo so i've got the echo one [Laughter] i tell you it's i really like it now it's i really like it mine will tear some stuff up i just didn't bring it [Music] i'll go ahead and trim that oakland back [Music] [Applause] rvs [Applause] really i just my size and everything sweet my size swinging in a tree i just can't imagine [Laughter] [Music] that well now she doesn't have to worry about limb falling over her car now [Music] [Music] todd's meeting the neighbors talking to the chickens can't never say he's not friendly i said they can't ever say you're not friendly you're even meeting the neighbors the chickens i believe that will do master kevin well sir that should that should at least back us up to like i said right there where that swell is we'll drop i don't know you think you think one load a ballast will be good because it's got a rock base it's just washed out and that's what i'm trying to do down there is fill in that that wash with material so that when we bring the so he's thinking big ballast up there in the parking spot i don't think it's going to need it it's pretty tough it's pretty packed up there yeah that's me [Music] it was me where's george off just robin up there hey i'm always learning the whole thing really you think it'll yep that's what i would do of course i'm a fool never a fool well anything's gonna be better than nothing you know well see i just worry about these dips like you're walking through right now that's that's that's what i did on a couple of my others was pack that larger stone in and then bring the road bond in and have it all locked in together yeah and i know road bottle always uh yeah looks like yeah okay so yeah i'm easy i like an agreeable person right see i know how you are about employees that's why i figure if we work together instead of me working for you now made you a mess that's okay it gives me i don't follow me before i get started especially since you got those kind of tires sounds good to me and then if it goes bad you can blame the drunk dump truck guy whoever that may be right whoever whoever that guy is yeah that guy just showed up yeah okay get you some stones pal if you think that's good enough i'm okay with it we are on our way to pick up the 750 dump truck go get some road bond and then we're gonna tailgate some stone out for master kevin hopefully we don't spin out if we spin out well he's got a tractor there and he'll be able to sort it out just loaded up kevin's first load of road bond told him give me about nine tons i'm gonna go ahead and start the bottom of the driveway if i didn't have him there doing the grading i would start working my way from top to bottom before spreading going uphill but i would spread from the top and work my way down because loose rope bond is easy to spin out on luckily that's not the case so let's go up here and see if we can fit up that little driveway that might be the problem ttw one abc and this stuff is damp it may clog up and tailgate and then we're just fouled what's up y'all man i didn't know y'all were in the deck removal business yeah whatever pays the bills right did that guy call you um that's a good question that's real good question a good tree man yeah good today yeah yeah he got some good stumps in there too what's that got some good stunts too oh yeah yeah well let's go get our rocks hey y'all oh christie knows asheville arbor care so if you're in asheville and you need a good arborist give him a ring he'll be glad to take care of it that looks good real good and i'll cut her i cut her a couple of water bricks off to the side because the way that yard comes down i don't think i don't think a crown's even gonna help it that looks good i don't think it'll do i think i could probably uh i'll start about halfway up and spread the first load and then the next load i'll take from the bottom [Music] [Applause] right [Music] i'm glad you pulled the tractor out because i just paused [Music] teach a young whippersnapper how to do these things that stuff's wet so what we're going to do is we're going to open our links on up or i'll let it roll now here's 17. here's a good one for those that don't know what dictates whether you reverse tailgate or whether you take it straight in do you have a certain preference the muddier it is okay yeah yeah if it's real real muddy i'll try to tailgate that way you're driving onto your road yep that's you're not gonna track it up but you think that one's okay see like this one i can only tailgate so far right so like i'm gonna start tailgating probably about where that little uh hemlock or spruce or whatever yeah i'm gonna start there and i'm just gonna let it roll okay and then you'll have to use your machine good i'm doing one two three four 11 five 13 14 15 16. so you can see how much that's going to open okay if it's bone dry if you pull this and you can just fit your hand that's about wide enough you want the bottom of the tailgate to open up about the width of my hand okay unless you're in neanderthal no no you know one two three four five six seven eight fourteen fifteen sixteen so we'll just go with sixteen that's probably about right and what happens is it's not clogging here what happens is when you raise the bed and you hear the material slide it hits here and then the bottom will open and this much will fall out but the top won't hangs because this doesn't move away gotcha yep huh all right we can always back drag the rest of it yep and it feels like you're turning over keep going because by the time it feels like you're turning it over and you are it's oh all right here we go now what i'm going to do is i'm already on the slope that i want to be at i'm going to raise the bed until i hear the material start to trickle then i'm going to go to it and then just wherever i want to start spreading pop the tail again gotcha in there in theory everything works in theory yep you don't have to raise that very far when you're already uphill right you look good so far as far as you just want to hear it just there she goes yeah we don't want that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's a good thing about this business and that's why we all like doing it you learn something new every day if you get to where you're not learning anything new probably need to find a new business see adjusting the bed putting more downward force on the rear wheels that's what he talks about right there that ford just not having enough [Music] just not having quite enough power [Music] there she is there she is [Music] i just told you in public that's exactly what you were talking about about the this specific truck not having quite enough horsepower to get you out [Music] oh did you yeah well like what i was doing when i had to raise the bed back up if you're in a dump truck and you're emptying me a little more traction yeah [Laughter] one thing i can do is you can get your tractor up at the top and i can get a run at it going backwards and i'll just go as far as i can until i spin out well that's that's i was wondering originally if if i start bringing some of that down and fill up that gap right there if that would help you ease up into it i can dump it at the top and then especially with that three-quarter then i wouldn't have as far you have to drive it from the bottom to the top constantly yeah yeah so let's do you want to do one more row road bond and then we'll do the three-quarter okay because that way i can put it at the top and that last load of road bond i can take and yeah is that okay oh yeah comical yeah yeah definitely uh well i'll start pulling this and we'll i'll wait on you next round sounds good pal [Music] let's make sure the bed's empty first make sure my band's empty [Music] good deal all right let's go get leading them with twos that one didn't spread too too good but i'm just glad it didn't clog up in the tailgate if you've ever had that happen you know why i didn't want it to happen it's awful [Music] red tire again now you might have to make me a liar i think you can back most of the way up but look how smooth it is where your tires were last time yeah you know better than i do i'm just saying i sleep yep let's go ahead and tailgate this one all right because this is the road barn right let's go ahead and tailgate this one and then we'll drop the three quarter up there and i can spread it while you go get the last load of red ball [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go round number two hello when that stuff's a little bad [Laughter] it's still going better than i thought yeah let me pull this up and load number two let me pull it on the last load um do you want to get this one and then we'll get the next load up if you want to just jump in with me and we can go towards the oh absolutely that'd be awesome that'd be awesome sweet you got the time i got the time buddy well one thing about it i'm glad i'm just hauling the diane kevin's there because i am off my game tailgating some road mark [Music] i don't know why that robot looks damp and it feels like it should be sticking what it seems like maybe i'm just being a little shy with getting the bed raised up high enough but everybody has an off day so we're gonna go get some three-quarter wash for him now and hopefully back up in there i don't think i'm gonna be able to but i might i just won't be able to load as heavy i won't build back that feeling there with nine tons this thing's reverse gear's too hot so let's get some wash stones see what happens still about eight tons but now what i'm going to do is pull here in a good level spot i'm going to go ahead and raise the bed and let that load slide all the way the back against the tailgate that way when we get over here where we have to try to back up hill up that driveway we'll have as much weight off the front end and as much weight to the rear end as we can get [Music] [Applause] that's all we can do out there to make this [Music] i think it is good the chances of being able to pull up actually back up that driveway is possible man i ain't just off my game today not because i'm not having to do the grading two and all i'm having to do is hold the material just throwing me off i think it's not the materials fault it is just all me being off my game we'll get squared away though all right i've made a couple of runs at this hill not trying to make it to the top but just to pat down the road on now i'm going for it yep not yet [Music] over there come on oh baby pull please make it please make it [Music] happen [Music] well he's right you were right and i'm highly surprised i'm very surprised yeah so what's your youtube channel going to be called i won't have one brother you'll have to make one i was going to say i'll just have to make appearances on yours please make [Music] foreign [Music] today yeah well i trimmed their trees there for them i won't even charge them for that i'll pull down the bottom if you want to ride with me the quarry we're doing some great things here today i got a couple of feet off the one side before um way over there yeah okay let me show y'all how much room i've got here [Music] right there's all the room we've got [Music] give them a ride well no yeah yeah yeah all right she loves it so far now uh for quality assurance this call will be recorded oh okay yeah yeah and of course we would uh be about to run out of fuel so i'll stop by fuel station real quick so what's the name of your company kevin and uh where are you based out of this is a video shout out appalachian solutions and i'm out of uh clyde north carolina out of haywood county serving how far out from clyde haywood and buckingham heyward and bank home you know henderson ah yeah i've turned down some jobs in henderson got an affinity no just distance yeah wow since we're on empty 50 gallon tank [Music] soon as possible all right and the words of the dirt boss we're back at the site not too too much room up in here let kevin made some of this stone that's a dandy tractor right there he can get her done buddy [Music] playing the a east bit of land playing action i'll tell you that locomotive it's got a gutsy sounding engine what kevin was saying back here this is soft and when you drive right on top of it it draws that fabric to you so you got to spread on top of it as you go to minimize that just nature of the game [Music] [Music] oh yeah get that thing out of his way fine job at three-quarters firming up that ground quite nice young lady yeah you're okay here yep there she goes beautiful beautiful beautiful and that folks is a good way to get a big dump truck and a little space take care buddy we're pulling down the driveway i'm gonna go get eight more times of the road bond and he'll have all the material he needs for this job here we go okay you say it my brother i thank you sir last load for the day [Music] she looks good all right go ahead [Music] it's empty well another day [Music] you'll be back across that baby well i'll have to taper it out yeah i'll spread it taper it and then i'll just drag sweep now that was a good time i really enjoyed working with mr kevin there and if he's watching this video kevin thanks for having me join you on this project i had a lot of fun hauling the material and once you work that little b series kubota tractor and you guys can [Music] check us out in the description i will put a link to uh our merchandise store we got a lot of good digging life 21 merchandise and some hillbilly swag that's a good way to support the channel go over there grab your cheap coffee cup sticker hoodie whatever you want to get or don't get nothing either way i love you and i appreciate y'all for watching but the absolute very best way that you guys can support our little channel three easy steps like comment and subscribe in all seriousness really thank you guys for watching you guys are growing this channel faster than i could have ever imagined and we have got just a super supportive base of subscribers you guys are positive you're optimistic and i love reading through the comments so you guys be sure to comment you never know when you're commenting on a video that's going to randomly enter you guys for a drawing on one of our live streams on our live streams i'm going to start going back to a video and we're going to just use two buddy to randomly select somebody who commented on that video and you'll get you a cup or hoodie or just some random something that we've come up with so thanks again for watching guys we love you and we can't wait to see you on the next [Music] project you
Channel: DigginLife21
Views: 15,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a dump truck business in nc, how to haul gravel, how to haul crusher run, how to drop spread gravel, how to drop spread road base, can i make a living running a dump truck, is running a dump truck a good job, digginlife21
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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