Install Radarr using Docker in a Synology NAS

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take my tips welcome to another tech by tips video in this video we're talking about the application named radar we're going to cover how to set it up the in the container how to configure the application and we're going to test that it works with our configuration thank you all for joining this channel if you haven't subscribed Please Subscribe it'll help the channel grow like the video you liked it and feel free to write in the comments any topics that you would like to see covered in Channel and let's get to it welcome on today's video we're going to be talking an application named radar this application is a movie collection manager for using it on mid-turned users and it is used to fetch movie files from the internet that you are interested in and it keeps uh track of the quality of the files that you have if a better quality is available it'll upgrade that and it'll keep track of all your media organize it nicely in your folders and it's it's currently going like all the way to like very high resolutions or 4K and I think also 8K now so it's a very good open source application you can run it in Raspberry Pi Linux Mac windows in our case we're going to be running it in docker and we're gonna set it up and configure it if you want to download it you can just go to github.comradar and that's where you'll find all the information for it and the instructions and details it has a big community of people that are working on it so it's it's well supported and uh yes let's get to it uh in our previous video we set up sonar and for this one we're gonna go again and validate we only have three containers our two downloaders and our sonar so we're gonna go into the registry and we're going to look for radar and as usual we're going to grab the one that says Linux server radar right click download and uh wait for it to give us the list of versions that are available okay we're gonna select the latest version and we just wait for it to download the image once again these images are pretty small so it shouldn't take a long time most likely it'll be something like around 300 Megs or maybe less so let's give it some time and all right the image was successfully downloaded we can clear this and it is a 196 Megs of uh space so it's really really small we can just select it here and click the launch button we're going to leave this as a default we're going to click next and we're going to rename this container radar we enable resource limitation and enable auto restart so it doesn't take all the resources of them are machine and if it for some reason gets stopped it auto starts again then we're going to go into the advanced settings and here as usual we're going to add three options so we click three times on the add button and we put the processor ID which is usually 10 26 and their group ID which is usually 100 and the time zone that for my case going to be America New York and we select save then we proceed and click next the next thing that we have to do is specify a port uh the container is going to be listening on Port 7878 so we're going to switch that to port 8083 in our um host because we're already used 8080 8081 and 8082 so we're going to listen on 8083 in our host we could click click next and then we add the folders that are necessary for a container first of all we're going to go into con into the docker configs we don't have an option here so we create a new folder named radar and then we select that here additionally we add another folder that is going to be pointing to our downloads completed radar and we're also going to add in our media where our movies are going to be located so the first one is going to be mapped to the config location the second one is going to be mapped to the downloads location and the third one is going to be mapped to movies we then click next we validate that the information is correct we leave this checked so that it starts automatically and we press done so now it'll start creating a container from that image that we downloaded and we can see it here we select radar we go into details and logs and we check that everything is working out so we can see it's working we just have to give it time because it has to set up things and it's going to be a lot of lines of logs so just be patient keep on refreshing until you see that it says that it's listening at a specific Port so I just let's just give it time and we'll be back when it's done okay if we go to the very end of the logs we can see that it's already listening so now we should be able to go into our IP of our Nas and then go into Port 8083 which is what we specified and we should see the application loading this is the user interface for radar so our application is responding the first thing we need to do is go into these settings because we're gonna set it up just like we did with uh sonar it's very very similar so we're gonna go into media management the first thing that I like to do here is make sure that I rename the movies and that I remove the quality because I don't care about having the quality in the name so it should look like this the movie title and the the year and then also we want to check this so that if we delete the file from the disk radar doesn't try to re-download them additionally we need to specify a root folder so we're going to click on this and we're going to say that our root folder is in the movies directory so that's where all our movies are going to be stored and now that we have this we should be able to save the changes and from there we'll go ahead into the profile session really I normally don't change anything here this is just if you want to tweak uh the files you want to download for each version quality but honestly I don't make any changes here if we go into the quality we can specify sizes that correspond to the qualities I also don't touch this so for me that's a skip if we go into custom formats I don't really do anything with this one you can search uh on the application documentations what it's used for uh because honestly I don't touch it and it hasn't affected me and the indexers once again we're gonna do something here which is we're going to use another application for uh specifying our indices here which is named Prowler so we're not going to touch it now we're gonna use Prowler to populate this the next thing we want to do and this is where we do have to make changes is we go into our downloads clients so here like we did before we need to click on the plus symbol then we go to sub ncbd and we can take advantage of the fact that we have already provisioned uh sonar so we can just go in another window into sonar and grab those settings from there so we're going to downloads clients and then we select seven CBD we get the name we copy and paste that here make it a lot easier and faster for us so that's the IP of RNs and then the port would be 8080. uh nope 8081 for Saab we copy the API key here and the username and the password we copy that too sub and CBD and then our category for um the the movies is just movies we're gonna leave it like that and then in the priority we're going to specify Force for both of them and we're done with this we can just test that it connects and it did so we can save it next in we're going to work with the Q bit turned so let's go here click Plus on the torrents we look for qubit turned and then we go back into sonar and we copy the settings that we already configured so we'll put the name we put the IP of our Nas we use port 8080 for cubic turns we grab the password and the username and in the category we're going to leave it as radar because this is for movies and then on the recent priority we don't touch anything but on the initial State we make sure that we have Force start and then sequential order and first and last I usually don't select those I wanted to download anything that I can as soon as it can so that's good and then make sure you have remove completed selected so that it can clear those downloads from the download client once it's done and it has processed the files we can test this it works and we save it so now we have our two download clients the next thing we need to do is actually do the mapping because remember that we're mapping the folder in our client download clients to a different location in our radar container so we click the plus sign we select the IP over of our Nas and then we're going to say that the remote path is going to be down loads radar and that's going to be mapped to our local downloads so we have download Trader in our downloader map to downloads in our um radar container so now we save this we have our mapping we have our two um clients nothing to change because everything was changed and we are good with this now if we go into the lists once again I don't use this but you can use it to import a list of movies that you follow or are tracking in another place under connect I don't do anything either that's mainly for notifications and metadata if you are using something like Kodi you can have it generate the metadata files that Cody will consume under attacks I don't do anything here either let's go into General because in general we do something so we're gonna go back here and we're gonna say that we want to use form slogging and we're going to make this Radar Radar also remember that now we have access to the API key in the general section security of our settings so we'll need that in the future and other than that we come down here there's nothing really additionally that we need to do so I'm going to save these changes all right and then in the user interface there is really nothing here that we need to do so that's our basic configuration for radar now everything is empty um but once we set up the indexers with Prowler then you will we will see that this will get automatically populated by the other application and then we can start searching for movies and stuff which is going to be in our next segment okay now that we have set up Prowler we can see that we have received our indexers from Prowler and everything has been configured automatically by the other application so we're good we can start using our radar application so let's just give it a try some sample things to download and a movie that has been released in a while let's say Titanic for example all right so here we search for the movie and then here we add it by clicking it and then we specify here that it's going to be in our movies folder when it's done downloading and we want to monitor the movie and we want it as soon as it's announced as possible and then the quality here let's say that we want Titanic in 1080p that's fine for me and yeah we don't do anything else then we click add movie and it'll add it to our list of movies that we're tracking here and it's going to pull down some information from the movie database so we can see like the ratings for the movie like rotten tomatoes give it a 88 IMDb has 7.9 the movie database 79 says that the files are going to be stored here in the movies Titanic folder and currently we don't have it it's missing we want it in 1080P and then more extra information so it's searching for a movie if you see here this is spinning it's just completed so it looks like it was grabbed by our nzb provider so we can see that stab and zbd is showing a fast download of our movie in 1080P so it looks like it's working and we just wait for it to finish downloading and then we'll see if it is actually put into our Nas into our files media and then we go into movies and it'll create a folder here for that and it will put file there so we just give it a little bit of time to download it's uh kind of slow because it's a big file it's uh almost 50 gigs so I'll stop it by and with the magic of YouTube I'll be back when it's done all right this is taking quite a bit of time but it occurred to me to show you something interesting here while it's downloading you can come into the uh wrench here and you can go into connections and then you can click on show active connections and it tells you how many connections for each server you're using as you see right now it's using all 50 connections it's using 25 for the US servers and 25 for the European servers so that's a good thing that I thought you should know if you want to monitor which server you're using the most and all that all right it has finished downloading and now it's in the process of unpacking so this is going to take a little bit of time it says almost like an hour so all right we can see that Sab ends with the application completed processing this so now it should in any time here pick it up and move it into this right location if we are a little bit uh impatient we can just go ahead and force it ourselves but it should according to this already be importing so you see downloaded importing so we just have to give it time and it'll grab that file and it'll put it here into a new folder inside our movies folder and that should be it for it all right as we can see if we go back into the nest we can see that in the movies folder uh folder with the name of the movie and the the date is created and if we go inside we see that the file is being put there so it was successful hope you liked this video like subscribe and share that'll help the channel if you like the content also remember you can uh write comments and suggest topics that you want covered in the channel and that's gonna be it see you on the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Tech Byte Tips
Views: 6,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, linux, server, pxe server, pxe, bash, shell, application, diy, imaging, debian, tips, tutorial, homelab, self host, virtualization, infrastructure, networking, ip address, broadcast, network, dns, kubernetes, lightweight, k3s, k8s, raspbian, containers, deployments, home lab, docker, esxi, virtual machine, nas, synology, dsm, 7.1, surveillance station, multimedia, htpc, sabnzbd, qbittorrent, media center, media pc, prowlarr, sonarr, readarr, calibre, calibre-web, mylar, mylar3, lidarr, bazarr, radarr
Id: 2pROWCIxzFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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