Install Prowlarr using Docker in a Synology NAS

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take my tips welcome to another tech by tips video in this video we're going to be talking about the application named crawler this is an application that we're going to use to automatically update the indexers for all of our downloading applications our search applications for the downloads so that we don't have to manually keep adding the same data over and over again in different applications this application is going to allow us to make the changes for the indexers in that application and then it's going to synchronize all that configuration into all the other applications so that's going to make our life a lot easier it's going to be easier to maintain and it'll prevent us from making mistakes while adding the data so hope you enjoyed this video uh normally this video would go later in the series but I knew I wanted this video to be out first um so that you can make a reference to it when you're setting up your applications in the series right but in the playlist it's going to be moved back to where it should be but I'm going to release it first uh so you can have it as a reference thank you let's get to it oh in this video we're going to be talking about the application named Prowler it is a manager or proxy for our indexers that will be used by all of the other R's that we have installed it is a net application based on c-sharp and react so it's a looks very similar to the other r's and it support both Usenet and turns so it's a great application to have to manage our indexers for all of our other R's it also works with other applications like mylar which is not an R but it's it's one that we're suggesting we use for comics in the in the series and yeah it's uh it's supported very nicely for a good amount of people it has 217 contributors it's open source you can find it in Prowler and it has a lot of good nice features like for example Eid natively includes 24 indexer support and it allows you to create custom Usenet indexers and torrent indexers and it's always adding more support for trackers for torrents and stuff so I would say yeah we're going to go ahead and set this up because this will be very very useful for our other applications now if we go back to our Nas we'll see that we have already installed our two downloaders which are cubitorrent and 7 CBD and we've installed our ours which are sonar for TV anime radar for movies uh lidar for music mylar for Comics radar for books but for read art we also needed the support of caliber and caliber web so we have all of that set up uh and they're ready they're just right now missing indexers and that's what we're going to solve with Prowler so we will head into the registry look for Prowler and as usual we get the Linux server one we right click select download this image give it a little bit of time Prowler is another small R application so it shouldn't take a long time to download it should prompt us soon about which version we want to download so when we see that we will go for the latest version now we have it we select and now if we go to the image we'll see that it started downloading Prowler so we just let it do it take its thing it shouldn't be too big caliber and caliber web or exceptions because those are um more like uh full-fledged applications for operating system that it's it's actually like simulating a full system that's why you see they're so big but again we have finished downloading Prowler and as we can see Prowler is 173 Max so it's not that much we select this we click launch and in here we're not going to do anything we just click next we rename this to prowler we select enable research limitation and auto restart because we don't want it to use all the resources from our host and if it turns off for some reason we want it to automatically restart next thing we're going to do is we're gonna we're gonna click on the advanced settings and as usual we're gonna go here and add three options which are gonna be our process user ID 1026 process group ID 100 and the time zone that we in my case are going to use America New York we save this and from here we're going to go next it's gonna by default listen import 96.96 but we are gonna uh open it in our host on Port 8087 because we have 8080 all the way up to 8086 so that's the next available here and we click next the next thing that we're gonna do here is we're gonna add a folder for our configuration so we're going to Docker configs we don't have one for parlor so we create one for browler and now we select Prowler here and that's going to be mapped to our slash config in our container we don't have to map anything else for this one because it doesn't download anything and it connects to the other applications directly so we go next we validate our information is correct we leave that checked we click done now it's going to start creating our container and automatically starting it so let's give it a little bit of time to do its thing we go into containers we see Prowler popping up we select it we click details and we go into the logs and now we should wait a little bit and eventually we'll start seeing logs populated in here and here we go we see that it started logging stuff so we're gonna usually uh wait for it to set itself up we're going to keep refreshing until we see that it's basically done updating and we should see something that says that it's listening somewhere in here okay 942 listening on 96.96 so it should be ready so now we should be able to just close this and look for our Nas IP port 8087 and then we would get this user interface which is very similar to the interfaces of the other application in here it's going to immediately ask us to do the uh configuration for how we access the application and we say we want to use forms logging and we want it enabled so now we're we're gonna say here our username is going to be Prowler password it's going to be Prowler you can choose your own password this is just for the sake of the video series and now we say that we want to say [Music] all right so now the interfaces our usual type of interface and we have our settings here and as you can see it's a little different with the other applications on the menu on the left we have our system here all right everything is looking good we let's just restart the application so that we validate that we are prompted for our credentials to log into the system and we refresh there you go now it's prompting us so we select router for the username and radar for the password and we're in all right the first thing we need to do here is uh within Prowler we're gonna go into the settings but the settings here are quite different right in the indexers um if you click on the plus sign you'll see that it's like a proxy because this application can serve as a proxy for our indexers some indexers have for example captchas right and that's a little bit of a problem because uh automating with a captcha is hard so we need to use for that something like flare soul so if you have a flare flare solver container you can configure it here to use that in this case I'm not going to do it honestly uh I don't use this part uh but yeah you can have like another proxy here like a web proxy if you want so that the connection goes to a proxy it could be socks 4 or HTTP but this is where you configure proxies then uh the next thing we need to do and this is the important part for all of the applications when we go here into apps you see that it has applications and sync profiles right and if we're going to sync profiles it's just our standard profile enable RSS feed enable interactive search and automatic search and minimum see there's one that's standard right so this is telling us that the applications that we set up in here are going to be synced in a specific way right so this application is going to reach out to all of the other applications that we configure here and set the configuration for the indexers on those so what are we going to do here is we're going to we're going to click on the application plus let's configure sonar so we select sonar the name is going to be sonar and in here we want a full sink a full sync like it says here it says that it will keep the app indexers fully in sync and any changes that are made in parallel are are then synced to the application so this is what we want we want Prowler to be the source of Truth for the indexers so that's that's what we're going to do and then in this case uh what we're going to do here is we're going to set the prowler server which is our Nas IP so we're going to put the IP of our Nas and then we're going to put the um container Port I mean not the container the host Port which is 8087. the the container seasonal 96.96 if I remember correctly but we want the actual host Port that we mapped to prowler so it's going to be this and then we're gonna be configuring our sonar settings so sonar we have it running on Port 80 82 if I'm not mistaken we can check it here yes 8082. so IP awareness colon port then we need to get the API key remember I mentioned that when we were setting up sonar so we're going to go into sonar we are going to go into General security and then we're gonna we're gonna get this API key we can copy it from here then we go back in the prowler and we paste it here and now we validate that sonar is able to connect with I mean the prowler is able to connect with sonar by clicking the test button and as you can see we got the check marks that means it was successful it was able to connect so we click save and now sonar is ready to receive the configurations in here for the indexers from Prowler it still doesn't have anything because we have not configured that so let's continue setting up all of our all our applications so let's in here switch to 8083 which is radar all right and we're gonna have this ready so that we can then um pass the API so here we are let's go back here we add a new one we select radar full sync and then here again we switch this to 8087 and the PO the IP of our Nas and then we do the same thing down here but it's going to be 8083 for radar because that's the Port that we specified and then we go get the API key we put it here with check that it connects and it was successful so we save it now we have radar and sonar already configured let's let's go switch to the next application which is uh 8084 the port and that'll bring us to lidar so lidar we go again here into these settings we go into General and we have the API ready we copy that API we say we want to add lidar we put that API in there lighter full sync and then here once again IP of our Nas and the port of lidar which is 8084 and then I mean that goes down here this is 8087 here for Prowler and now we validate that it is able to connect okay successful we save it now we have lidar also configured next application that we have to set up will be 8085 which which is mylar sorry I had an extra little bit in the URL that I needed to clean up we go into configuration and then we go into the interface and which you see the mylar API key here so we grab this mylar API and we go back here we select mylar put the API here we put the IP of RNs port 8087 for Prowler and Port 80 85 for mylar right yes so now we tested it connected successfully we save we have mylar now we can switch to uh port 8086 which would be our vdog and as usual we're going to go into Prowler we're going to select to add and then we're going to select radar we're going to put the IP of our Nas with the port 8087 for prelar 8086 for radar the name is going to be reader it's going to be a full sync and we need the API key so we go into settings General and we copy the API key we put it in here and we test and it was successful so we save it so now we have also configured radar so our downloaders are configured here sonar radar lidar mylar and radar we have all our downloaders here so everything is looking good next thing we're going to do is we're going to go into the download clients but in here it says that adding a download client here it's it just allows you to send a release directly from the prowler user interface when you're doing manual searches but I honestly have never needed to do this I always search directly in the RS not in Prowler so I'm not gonna configure this you can do it if you want you can search on the um the documentation what it is for but I never needed it so I'm not going to install it notification uh again if you want to send notifications you're free to do it here I don't do it so I'm just gonna skip it Tags I'm not gonna do anything here in general once again we have our forms it's enabled we have our user and password Etc everything looks good we don't use a proxy so everything looks good here nothing to change and the user interface also nothing to change so it's looking good so far our main settings have been configured now if we go into the indexers we notice that there are no indexers so if we go into for example sonar here let's go back to sonar we'll see that we still don't have any indexers here because there's nothing to synchronize so what we need to do here is we need to go into indexers and then we're going to look for indexers to use for that we click on the add indexer button on the top here and then we'll get a list right this list has a lot of things so what I would recommend is first we're going to do this we are going to make sure that the Privacy is that the public sites and then the language will be the language that you use in my case I'm going to use English us so now we have filtered it down now to a list of public sites and there for English users in here then we can start also filtering do I want Usenet or turns let's start with using it so here the only free one that we have is bin search so we could just select bin search here and we're gonna add it as pin search we're going to enable it and Additionally the redirect is not necessary to do anything here it's blocked and then the sync profile here we don't have any options but standard because that's the only thing that we have created and then the base URL the prowler will use for request to decide we have to select that one because it's the only option and then the text to specify indexer proxies or which apps the indexer is synced to Applications without one or more matching interface indexer tags will not be synced to in this case um for now let's just test that it connects to um bin search all right it was able to connect so now we can save it and now we should see that uh it shows up in our list here when when I was setting up this I didn't specify any text they're not really necessary so don't worry about it I forgot to mention that so now we have the only nzb that we have that is private but if you have subscription to another one you could go for example into the semi-private semi-private means that you need to create an account with them for it to work and for example nzb index is an option and you can go to their website and create an account and then once you create that account then you should be able to put your API key in here so in that case what you would do is uh you would create your account put your API and then you test that because right now without the API key it should fail right it says that I need an API key now I have uh added using my own API key so you see it here as an option too you also have the option of fully private uh Usenet indexers for example um nzb geek is a very famous one you have NCB Planet which also very famous so you can go there and look for uh an account many of these websites like headphones VIP it's private so in order to get access you need to actually pay a membership to have access to those so that's why I suggested that you go with public or semi-private okay now we have two NCB indexers now let's switch to turns and in here we're gonna go specifically with public so here it's when we have a lot of options right so we for example can select um I don't know why it says Chinese it was supposed to be only English I guess they didn't specify that in here but yeah for example 1337x this is a good one so we can select this one and we can pick one of their URLs they have a lot of them so let's go with the first one and then how do you want to download you can pick the magnet link or the actual torrent I prefer magnets honestly so let's keep it with the magnets and sort requested by Cedars we we want to see the ones that have more the most amount of people sharing at the top so we select Cedars descending and then we test them and it should connect to the website and it would just be able to add it because we got the check mark so now we have added another one but this one is not Usenet this is torrent and we keep on doing that for example if we want anime we can go for any decks for example we selected and we say we want Japanese so and English so it searches for both English and Japanese names or English Great Britain no is there us let me see Spanish [Music] I guess we have to use Great Britain because there's no us or it doesn't seem to be alright so then we test if it connects okay this one is failing let's try okay that's the only one so looks like we cannot add any decks we cancel that that will happen uh whenever you're looking for indexer some of them will fail so you just keep on trying others let's try uh anime time see if we're able to connect to this one okay this is successful so we save it an arena is a good one too so let's go for anirina and test it all right we add it and you keep on doing this basically um you keep on looking for different free options that you have here or if you have a membership you use Sesame private or if you're paying for it you use a private one and you keep adding as many as you can as many as you can that's the key because you have several options to look for the files that you need and let's just add a few more here this one let's see if it works okay we start with a magnet if it doesn't work we try turned uh right sort requested from Cedars descending test all right so that's like a generic one that's not specifically for anime uh let's see what else bit search is a public one we want it by Cedars we test we add it what else another good one btmet is a decent one so we go there sort them by relevance I guess it doesn't have another option all right this one did not work so let's continue oh all right bull turret let's try this one see there's if you can always try to go with the Cedars all right um ebook pay this is for books so that's good for um radar all right this one didn't work so let's continue EXT torrents by seethers test at extraterrances another good one usually so let's try that all right we added so you keep on going even you can even add like in the internet archive so that's another thing to to do and we want to be able to use magnets so don't don't check that here [Music] we don't have a way so I guess size would be like the greatest size will be most likely the one does it work looks like it's not gonna work all right it worked so we add it okay I think we have enough uh options here to Showcase what we wanted to do so we are going to add one last one and that's going to be it for this part so we add that and as you can see here we've spent some time adding some indexers we have two one ZB ones we have a bunch of torrent ones and the trick should be that when we go back into sonar now and we refresh it should start syncing so all of the indexers that we have configured in Prowler should now start passing to sonar as already configured okay the application is a little slow let's give it some time and it loaded and as you can see without us having to come into the application everything is syncing and you see that it says parentheses Prowler so that means that this came synced from Prowler into our sonar now if we do the same thing and we go here into radar we should see also coming into radar if we go into lidar which you see that lidar is also getting them we go into mylar it should also look extra stuff in the there we go if we go here and we go into these search providers eventually it'll start populating them in here so we just have to give it time and it'll sync to all of the applications that we have so if we go here into radar it's already coming to radar um with mylar it's very picky because he has to have like the the indexer that we pick it's not gonna come up in here if they don't have a section for books so that's why you it's very beneficial that you add as many as you can here so that then you can get at least one or two providers into mylar to look for books the problem probably is that one of these doesn't have like the books recognized we can try to sync the indexers to see if it decides to pop up in here but that's what I've noticed that um for mylar it's a little bit of a hit and miss because the categories don't sink out properly but as we can see it's already working for all of the other applications so that that was the important thing that we could see that now our indexers are managed by Prowler and then here in Prada we don't have to do anything else we have the opportunity here to see statistics about the different indexers that we added it'll also tell us how many uh grabs have been done by each of the applications that we have configured so it should be syncing everything now we have our indexers we can do a search directly from here for example for a series say bleach well we haven't specified like an episode or anything so it's probably gonna take a long time because you would normally do like bleach season number episode number and then it starts uh looking for that but yeah you can look for files directly here in Prowler but honestly it's better if you do it in the ass that's what I usually do um our configuration is complete everything is set up in the settings everything set up in the indexers everything is synchronizing among them so it looks like everything's good uh here when you see this type of message it means that the indices indexer was disabled because for some reason it failed when it was trying to uh connect to it don't worry you normally just test it again and if it responds it'll become healthy again and it'll be enabled and it does like a check every day or so so it should be fun as long as you have enough add it here you should have enough to download the content so yes that's it for Prowler this video was a little bit long but now we have our indexers automatically configured and updated and everything as you can see after testing everything went back to healthy hope you liked it that's it for this one foreign [Music]
Channel: Tech Byte Tips
Views: 3,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, linux, server, pxe server, pxe, bash, shell, application, diy, imaging, debian, tips, tutorial, homelab, self host, virtualization, infrastructure, networking, ip address, broadcast, network, dns, kubernetes, lightweight, k3s, k8s, raspbian, containers, deployments, home lab, docker, esxi, virtual machine, nas, synology, dsm, 7.1, surveillance station, multimedia, htpc, sabnzbd, qbittorrent, media center, media pc, prowlarr, sonarr, radar, readarr, calibre, calibre-web, mylar, mylar3, lidarr, bazarr
Id: czBSRQV9sgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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