Install Lidarr using Docker in a Synology NAS

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take my tips hello and welcome to another take my tips video once again I'm glad I see you here uh today we're going to be talking about the application named lidar if you're a music fan you're gonna love this one because it's a an application that finds your music on the internet and organizes it for you so let's get to it welcome to another video in this video we're going to be talking about lidar this is an open source application that behaves just like sonar and radar does but it is specifically for music to manage a music collection accessing Usenet and torrents and it can monitor feeds and grab and sort and rename the files so that you have a collection of music of your favorite artists always in the best conditions this is um just like the other ones available for Linux Windows Mac Raspberry Pi Docker Etc we're gonna re we're going to be installing it in Docker and it has a big community of supporters and contributors so yes let's get to it uh first thing we have here our previously set up applications radar sonar and our two downloaders for now we're gonna go into the registry and we're gonna look for lidar and as usual we're gonna get the Linux server lidar one sorry right click select download this image and we wait a little bit for it to read from Docker Hub and give us the drop down to select the version that we want to download for our system in here we leave it as latest and we click select and now it'll begin downloading the application as usual as one of the R's it'll probably be around 300 Megs or less so let's skip some time and check when it's done check it back all right it has downloaded let's clear this notification up and as we can see lidar is 269 Megs so we can select it click launch leave this as it is Click next rename this to lidar and enable resource limitation enable auto restart as usual so it doesn't take all the resources of our host and so that if it for some reason stops it already starts then we're going to click the advanced settings button and in here as usual we're gonna go and add three options so we click the add button three times we put the process user ID 1026 a group ID which is usually a hundred and a z which is time zone and in my case America New York east coast we click save and we proceed to the next here the container is going to be listening on Port 8686 but we have already used uh 8080 8081 80 82 and 8083 so we're going to use now 8084 for lidar and we click the next button and here we're gonna specify that inside our Docker configs we need a new folder for lidar so we created and we pick it next thing we need to do we need to add another folder that's going to be in our completed and we have lidar we select that and lastly another thing that we need to add is another folder that contains our actual music we did not create that folder before we only have anime books Comics movies and TV so let's create that in this case we're not all here and same music so now we have another one for music we selected and then we specify that in our container the first one is gonna point to the config the second one is going to point to the downloads and the third world the third one is going to point to our music so we click next and we validate the information is correct and we leave that checked and we click done and it will start immediately creating that container for us we see it popping up we select it click details and then log and we monitor the logs until we see that it has completely set itself up and it's actually uh listening on a specific port we can see we're down to the very end it's still working and now we see listening on 8686 which is what we expected to see we can close out of here and then in our uh browser we can navigate to the IP of our Nas and Port 8084 and we will see lidar with its usual interface by now because we've seen a very similar interface with sonar and with radar before so now that we are done with that part we go into the settings and we start making changes here in our system here we want to specify our root folder uh we click on the plus sign here and we are going to say that our root folder is going to be named music and we're going to look for the music folder that we gave to the container and we want to monitor all the albums we want to monitor uh all the new ones that get added the quality profile you can specify here if you want any quality if you want only lossless if you want standard for example you can leave it as any and it'll pick any of those usually lossless means flag files so those are not the standard MP3 files for example and those are usually higher quality and standard usually usually refers to the MP3 ones and here on the metadata we just leave it like it is and we don't really need to do much more here so we save and now we have our root folder here and we want to rename the tracks we select that and then we need to see how we're going to rename uh we have here the illegal characters being replaced and then the column is going to be replaced with dashes so then when we look at the sample of how it would look like it'll be the album title with the year and then the artist name the album uh title the number of the track and the track title yeah I think that's good I think we don't need to do uh much here that looks accurate so we save the changes and then we go into the profiles the profiles here as usual I don't make any changes I'll leave them as they are lossless any and standard that tells you what we're looking for in lossless we have Flack wave back ape asking files that it's going to look for and if you say standard then you're looking for your typical like MP3s vbrs Etc and uh yep nothing else that we should need to do on this part so if we go into the quality here you can again make changes on the base on the size for the different uh categories I'm not gonna change anything here and never do if we go into the custom formats I don't use that either you can read on the documentation if you want to use that but it's really not necessary and the indexers this is going to be an important part remember we're going to be using another application named Prowler to automatically uh keep this updated so we're not going to touch it right now we're going to come back to this later but we go into the download clients and here we will set it up we click the plus button we select Sabin CBD we go back into sonar and we copy those settings that we already set up there so the name seven CBD the IP of RNs the port which is 80 81. the API key put it in here the username for sub nzbt and the password the category in this case is going to be music so we don't change that the priority we make it fours for both and that'll be basically everything we need for sap so let's test it it's working we save it now we click the pause again we're looking for torrents and we're looking for qubit torque so we select qubit current and we go back into sonar and copy the configuration that we set up here we get the IP address of our Nas we get the port 8080 which is what we gave to it our username and password we also provided here the category we're gonna leave the name of the application and then in the initial State we'll say for start and this is not selected nothing is changed here and remove completed stays checked we test it it's working we save it so that looks good the next thing that we need to do is we need to do the remote mapping once again our downloaders have one folder path but inside our lidar container is a different one so we need to fix that we're going to click on the plus here we select our IP the remote path is downloads lidar and locally it's downloads for lidar so we click save and there's nothing else to change because it automatically saves that so we are good if we go into the import list there's really nothing to do here if you want to import from Last FM or stuff like that you can use it I normally don't use it in Connect it's for um the notifications but there's something interesting here that we can actually do there is um a plugin that you can use to convert flag files into MP3 files if you care about that that's a script it's a shell script do you download and you can easily um find that out in um GitHub it's simple because we just have to make some changes to the Docker container so that it can access that information basically we need to put this flag environment flag into our container and then it's a lot easier to set up so let's do that first thing we're going to do is make sure everything's saved okay so now we can go back into the nas let's stop lidar for a second and then here once it's done we are going to select it and then we click edit and then we go into the advanced settings and here we have to add an extra environment flag that is going to be named Docker mods and in here we're gonna put Linux server slash mods and then lidar Dash flag 2 and P3 so we're adding a modification to to the Docker container that is from another repository that they have and that's specifically lidar Dash flag to MP3 and then with that we save this and we save this and now if we click on details we should see that new flag here okay so now that we have that and we can restart lidar we need to wait for this to restart again so let's give it a little bit of time until it reach starts all right it's back up and now we can go into the connections here and we uh here select a custom script in here we're gonna name it slack to MP3 and basically you have many options where you can trigger the script but I usually prefer to just run it when I'm importing a release or upgrading um so I'm just gonna select those two for now and then here in the path we have to specify the location of that script so it should be in the user local binaries and then we should see flag 2 MP3 shell flag to MP3 shell so we select that okay so use your local binaries flag to MP3 shell so now we can save this and we have our conversion from Flac to MP3 that should give us uh MP3s in the case that we care about mp3s and we cannot find them so we get it from the lossless version and we convert it to MP3 which is easier to use than after that we continue now with the metadata because there's nothing to save here and in metadata if you use Kodi again you can have it set up so that it creates the metadata files under text I do not use that either so we're gonna skip it for now you can always search what you can do with this in the documentation in general we do have things in security let's do the forms logging let's use lidar and remember again that General in settings General Security is where you have the API key and that's basically it for here we can save the changes and in the UI there's nothing that we really need to do so that's basically it the main configuration is done the only thing that is spending is the indexers that we're gonna do with Prowler and that's going to be in the next section [Music] all right now that we have set up Prowler we can come back into lidar and we'll see that our indexers have been populated from Prowler so we can see a bunch of them and it it all says Prowler on parentheses letting us know that these indexers are coming from parallel so we should be ready to start using our application so we can go back into our library it's empty we don't have anything so what we do here normally is we would go here into the search bar and we would look for an artist that we like let's say I don't know for example something like three and then when we search it'll give us a bunch of results sometimes the results are an album so we're looking for the band or the group here it says it's a group so this is the one that we want so we select it and then we say okay confirm that it's going to download everything to our music folder and we want all the albums for this artist and we want to monitor all of the albums as soon as we add the artist and for the quality profile we say any if you are you know picky you can say lossless which will give you like flag and very high quality or standard if you just want like mp3s and lower quality for me any is fine because we have configured the Linux mod that converts flag files to MP3 files so any one is script so now we just make sure we select here we just start search for missing albums so that'll trigger it to start looking for the albums immediately after we add the artist and we say add the artist and now we'll if we go back into the library we'll see that it is being populated if we go into here we see that it's pulling data from different sources and now it knows that there's four albums up to this point and it's grab the information for the artist Etc and it's Gonna Keep slowly populating data like you see here rating and stuff like that so let's just give it time because it's working on that and eventually we'll see uh a thumbnail here that represents that artist it just takes a little bit of time to do that and okay it looks like a completed put in the information and there we go we see the banner here maybe we'll see the thumbnail heels here there we go it came so now everything is here all the information is here so now it should in Theory start looking for albums so we can see here it is looking for the albums in the different indexers that we have so if it finds anything yeah you go processing release means that it found something so now we just need to see if it dropped something into sub ncbd or cubic turned and as we can see here it found two torrents that correspond to this uh artist or this band oh there's the third one so you found three three torrents and it immediately added them into qubit torrent so now it's just a matter of waiting for this to download it takes a little bit of time so let's just give it time oh there's a fourth one so that's looking good and here we go something started downloading so that's how you download with lidar let's just give it some time for it to download something completely and then we'll see if it processes the files automatically and organizes them Etc okay something occurred to me while looking at this uh we can see that these downloads are kind of slow right now there's not a lot of people sharing so like this one goes up and then suddenly goes down to nothing so one thing you can do within lidar for example let's say Human Clay this album is not downloading at all so what you can do is you can come into lighter you can go into activity and here you'll find Human Clay and then there's a little X here if you click this x it's going to remove it from the download queue and you're gonna get a prompt saying um do you want to block this release so that it doesn't try to download it again because it honestly wasn't downloading so we can block that specific release and then it'll pick another version to try to download so when we do this and we go back into our client we see that it went away and now lidar should start again a new search for that album and it says that it found again something it's not in seven zbd so it added a new one into the torrents and we can wait a little bit to see if it actually starts downloading or not as you can see this other one is having a boost again so this there's one thing you can do if you see that one of the turns is not downloading you can just remove it and Blacklist it so that it tries with a new one like in this case that it the new one that we added which was Human Clay it's actually downloading now okay as we can see here it has completed downloading one of those and it says moving so it should be putting that into the appropriate category which is into into our media music I mean I could download completed lidar so here it is it's moving all the files here they're good quality files they're flag files so once it's done moving that and it's like ready then we'll see okay it's seating so it's done moving so now lidar should become aware as you can see this bar went up and then it'll start importing as you see here the symbol change to importing and it says downloaded waiting to import and then it'll start executing the importation of the files into our destination our final destination for this which will be in the media music it'll create a folder in here for that artist it's still waiting so it hasn't started but it'll create a folder here for creed and then it'll put that album inside that was just give it time for it to finally uh start processing it and then we'll see that in action okay the status if we go and hover here it says it's actually importing right now so it should create the folder here soon oh I mean there are in music not movies there we go it has a folder Creed and it has a folder for My Own Prison and as you can see it is important the flag files but we're using the Linux server mod that converts the flag files into MP3s so that's why you see some mp3s and you'll slowly see that these flag files turn into MP3s so we currently refresh and you see another MP3 and it'll slowly keep on converting all of the flag files into MP3 until we're in we end up with a full library of MP3 files here this takes a little bit of time so you can just wait let's just give it a little bit of time come back when that's done okay we're down to the last three files here and the other ones are not downloading but I don't really care about those this was just for the sake of showing in the video how you do this I'm going to delete all of this let's just wait for it to finish importing the files I'm processing them into MP3s all right we're down to the last flag file which is great as you can see there's a pretty fast process it doesn't take long time and you can find them in Ernie um Quality possible it could be flock files it could be mp3s and not the end if you have flat files you will still end up with the mp3s as you can see everything is now mp3s and if we go back into lidar and we refresh it should soon disappear from here than My Own Prison album because it should be done important in a little bit just give it a little bit of time and there we go it went away it was imported so if we go back into our artists here we'll see that there's a bar Mark in progress if we see here uh we should see that one of these will soon start showing up in the status like it has those files so you see importing the 10 tracks so now we just wait and we'll see there we go boom 10 out of 10 so it knows that My Own Prison is completed and it has it in our system and that's how you use lidar that's how you configure it Etc hope you liked it if you enjoyed this content like the video subscribe to the channel support us and uh suggest any topics that you would like us to cover in the comments below thank you very much see you on the next time [Music] foreign
Channel: Tech Byte Tips
Views: 1,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, linux, server, pxe server, pxe, bash, shell, application, diy, imaging, debian, tips, tutorial, homelab, self host, virtualization, infrastructure, networking, ip address, broadcast, network, dns, kubernetes, lightweight, k3s, k8s, raspbian, containers, deployments, home lab, docker, esxi, virtual machine, nas, synology, dsm, 7.1, surveillance station, multimedia, htpc, sabnzbd, qbittorrent, media center, media pc, prowlarr, sonarr, readarr, calibre, calibre-web, mylar, mylar3, lidarr, bazarr, radarr
Id: fNNypfR8uIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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