Install Bazarr using Docker in a Synology NAS

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by tips welcome to another tech by tips video in today's video we're gonna be talking about an application named Bazaar and this is an application used to retrieve subtitles for your um videos mainly like anime and TV series and movies is what we're talking about here since we're um setting up our whole infrastructure here uh where we're connecting Bazaar to sonar and radar so if you're a person that uh is bilingual maybe or in your family there's people that speak multiple languages it's really good because you could hear it in one language and then have the subtitle in another language or maybe if you're hard of hearing or you have friends or family that are hard of hearing it's really good to have those subtitles for them so that they can enjoy the movie so um like And subscribe thank you for being here and I hope you like this video we're almost wrapping up this series about uh doing a home theater PC and uh yeah let's get to it all right and uh we have already set up our system to download our anime and TV shows using Sonar our movies using radar our music using lidar Etc so why are we still talking about other apps well we have a good companion app here for your TV anime and movie managing applications and we're talking about an application named Bazaar this is a companion application for mainly sonar and radar because it helps you to automatically grab the subtitles for your content so let's say you download a TV show or a movie and the file doesn't come with the subtitles included this application will download the subtitles for you and it is great for everyone but especially like if you or any friends of yours don't speak the language of the movie maybe or they're hard of hearing maybe and you want to have those subtitles there this application is going to be your best friend so it's an R but contrary to most of the R's this is a python based application but it is pretty straightforward pretty simple and pretty useful and has 110 contributors a good application if you can re if you want to read about it you can come here and read in Morpheus 65535 Bazaar and let's get to it let's uh install this in Docker in our signology Nas so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to go here into our Nest we have all of our applications running so we're going to the registry and we're looking for a Bazaar and as usual we're going to grab the one that says Linux server Bazaar and here we're gonna wait a little bit for it to load from the container registry and then we'll pick the latest version to download it so latest and we click select now we go into the image here we wait for it to download we should see bizarre slowly being downloaded from the internet it's a pretty short application it doesn't take a lot of space so it should be pretty quick and just like that it has finished downloading it's 421 mix pretty big compared to other ones that we have downloaded but still not bad so now that we have that we can proceed and double click it so that we can create a container from it and here we click on next and we rename this as Bazaar we enable research limitation we enable auto restart and we click on advanced settings and as usual we're going to check here or we already have a time zone but it's the wrong time zone so let's make that our own time zone and then add two more variables here for the process user ID 1026 the usual process group ID 100 is the usual I've had some people putting comments on the series because apparently they've not watched the the other videos or they have not read in the comments but the process uid and the process group ID is something that you grab from within the the nas you can SSH into your Nas as the user that you created and then run the command ID and it should give you this the process user ID and the pro on the process group ID so that you can have those numbers this allows you to have the right permissions to the folders because it's gonna run the container as the user that you specified in the nas so make sure that you always use the right ID for the user and the group that you have uh given access to the folders so now that we have the times on the IDS nothing else to do here we can save this and we're back here and we proceed to click next and in this case uh we have Port 8088 but we have not used in our Nas so we're going to select that the container is listening on 67.67 so we proceed and click next and now we need to map folders here and it's important that we're going to map a few so we click on add folder the first one is we're going to go into Docker configs we're going to look for Bazaar we don't have Bazaar so we click on config create folder and then we make one for Bazaar so now we should have the folder here for Bazaar so we select it and then additionally we're going to add the media anime which is where we are storing our anime in the end and then we're going to add also media movies because that's where we're holding our movies at the end and we're going to add media TV because that's where we're going to be holding our TV shows and in here we're gonna say this one is going to map to slash config inside the container this one to slash anime inside the container this one to slash movies inside the container and this other one to slash TV inside the container and then we click next we make sure that all the information is correct we leave that checked and we click done and that will create that container for us mapped to the right user so it has permissions and it'll also map those folders inside locations of the container now we go back here where we have our running containers I will see Bazaar coming up we click on details and we go into log and we monitor this to make sure that it has set itself up it is starting so we keep on refreshing until we see that it is actually listening for connections I don't see that it's updating yet let's give it a little bit of time okay now it started uh to work on itself to set up let's keep on refreshing this and it says what's already started and waiting for requests so now we should be able to close this and go into our I and the IP of our nest and put the port 8088 and that should load us here our application Bazaar and here we're going to be doing this setup so let's get to that part now [Music] okay and the first thing we're going to do here is going to click on the option that says settings if it doesn't take you there directly and the first thing is we're gonna go into general in general this is basically to make some changes on the user interface and the listening address Etc so we leave it like it is and the security we can go here and say again that we want form authentication and then we provide a username and a password here so that we get prompted for the username on the password when we want to enter into the application and here's the API key in case you needed to connect to other things in the future this is where you get it General Security API key and what else here for the updates we don't make any changes here logging if you want if you have any issues and you want to see more information in the logs about what's going on you can come here to log in and activate debug but I'm not going to do it in the video that's not what I need and also become aware that within the config folder that we specified there's a folder for backup where it's gonna store backups of your application configuration and basically that's all we need to do here I just wanted to make sure that it prompts for the username and password so now we can save here and if we go again into the application after uh logging out then we should see that it prompts for the username and password so we can basically come here and say Bazaar bazaar log in and there we go so that part is working right now the next thing we're going to do we're going to go into languages here within settings and here we have several options right let's say that you are a bilingual person like me or you might speak one language and you might have some other family members or friends in your household that speak another language and you want the subtitles to be available for all the different languages right if you you have that case you do not toggle the thing that says single language this year so you would what you do is you will come here and specify the language that you want to download right let's say for example in my case I want English so I would type en and select English so that adds English here but I also like Spanish so I can come here and say okay do I want Latin American Spanish or Spanish from Spain I honestly don't find a difference I usually pick up Spanish and that usually works for all of them so now I have English and Spanish let's say that I have uh I don't know somebody that speaks Chinese interesting here we have the Communist Chinese which is a simplified and the traditional Chinese which is the one spoken in Taiwan and other places so you would pick for example the Chinese simplified if it's a person from China so now we have three languages selected in here in the languages filter right so in this case uh let's say I want to remove one I just click the X so let's say only English and Spanish right so the next thing that we can do here is we scroll down a little bit and let's see language equals I'm not gonna do anything here embedded track language I'm not gonna do anything here but then here or is this language profiles this is something that you set up you have two languages in this case right so you can say that you can have a profile for English only you can have a profile for Spanish only and you can have a profile for both of them so you would come here and you would click for example add a new profile and then we can call this profile English and then we click on ADD language and then in here we make sure that we select English which is the two options that we currently set up and which type of subtitle you want to use there are several options there's a normal or hearing impaired the hearing impaired required or the forced um I usually don't uh change this part so I just leave it like that and then here or it says cut off I just make sure that I select the code for the language here so the cutoff is English and most most contain I put nothing I leave that blank and then must not contain I don't want to filter anything there so I leave that blank and I don't toggle this so for the language basically the name of the profile English and then picking up the language that I want for that profile and the cutoff so I save this so now I have a language profile for English let's create another one for Spanish so we create that and we say this is going to be Spanish we add that and then we say this is for the Spanish subtitles we leave that as it is and we pick es which is the code for Spanish and we say say and then we can create a new profile that says all so in this case we would add a language here twice the first first one is going to be English second one is going to be Spanish if you have more than one language you keep on clicking and adding right and then for the cutoff you could leave it blank this basically like the cutoff is um that you have to have that specific language no matter what so if you for example want always to make sure that you have English and you don't really care much about Spanish then you can say that or if you want to make sure that you always grab Spanish or put Spanish as a cut off and once it finds that language subtitle then it it finds that okay it's okay it's done I found what I needed right if you leave it blank then you don't have a cut off and it'll just look so however you want in this case let's just um leave it blank then the next thing or actually no let's speak English and then we save it so now we have three profiles and these three profiles are one for English one for Spanish and one for both and here at the bottom we have something that says default settings so we can actually set up default settings if we click on the toggle for series then it's going to say apply this profile to all the series added to Bazaar so let's say we want all for all the series and for movies we also say we want all of them so by doing this we're saying whenever we add a movie and we download a movie and we have a movie make sure to grab all the subtitles for both languages for the movies and the same for the series the series includes both anime and TV and then here we basically save these changes now we have this part configured now we go down to the providers section and in here is where you'll specify from where you will retrieve those subtitles uh there are websites out there that are free you can create your own account and then use them to download your subtitles some of them that I recommend I'm gonna put them right here when you click on the plus sign and you go into the drop down addicted is definitely a good one so I would recommend that you put addicted you need to create an account you will have your username your password and you can also get your cookies set up in here another one that is good Argentine if you're from Spanish speaking countries this website has a lot of Spanish subtitles so it's a really good one additionally I would recommend that you add down here open and they both need a username as a password so you just need to go into the website and create that account uh what else additionally I would recommend is a good one especially if you like if you need Spanish subtitles so that's definitely a good one uh what else there's subscene it's Shady right now there's a message there's this broken may or may not work so but if it does work for you it's a good place to get subtitles um let's see what else um is another one for Spanish subtitles so that's a good one uh Super Sub style subtitles is a good one this is free that like you need to put a username or a password or anything so let's just add that for now and TV subtitles is another good one that you don't need a password for keep on going uh yifi subtitles is another one that is good and you don't need an account and I think wisdom yeah wisdom is another one that you can add they don't need credentials so you basically add you keep on going and adding your accounts and your providers that you have from that list and then once you're done with that then you save those changes weekly Cruiser subtitles here and here we're gonna make sure that the subtitle folder specifies that we store the subtitles alongside the media file so it's going to put the subtitles right next to the movie files or like the anime or TV series files and here if you have a anti-captcha provider you can add it here I don't have one so I'm not going to put it but there are tools there that you can use for that anti-captcha and dip by captcha and then here by default it comes with the Adaptive searching which is like a limit so that it doesn't hit your providers too fast but I honestly just remove that I just let it be and what else we can do here let's check on post processing post processing uh I leave that encoded to utf-8 that is correct and then let's add the common fixes so like is there white space or punctuation issues in the subtitles it fixes that for you and I believe that is it I don't need to do anything else here I'll just leave it like it is and zip you can apply other changes like for example change the color of the subtitle and stuff like that but I never really do and then here now we're going to click where it says sonar and this is how we're gonna integrate with our sonar application so we enable this and then what we do is we put our usual information here which would be the IP of our Mass but then sonar is on port 8082 in our case so we specify that and for this part we need to put the API key for sonar so let's grab that real quick so we go here into sonar settings and then we go into you General Security and we grab this API key and we put it here and we test it and it says that the version is provided so that means that it was able to connect with sonar so then we come down here and we can make other changes here for how it handles our subtitle grabbing here you can specify like a a score for the subtitle files by default it starts on a very high number which is 90 but I've found that it can be times where there are subtitles available but they're not as good with the score so I usually take this down a bit maybe to like 80 sometimes 70 and that should be good enough to get uh most of the subtitles that I need you can tweak this as much as you like to make sure that you can get more subtitles the higher the score it means that it's more likely to match the video and and not be out of sync and stuff like that but sometimes lowering it a bit helps you to grab that subtitle and what else here yeah I don't do anything else the only thing that we do need to do here is at the bottom or it says path mappings we need to make sure that we map those paths first of all let's just save the changes that we have so far and then we need to add the mapping so we're going to click on the add button here and we we're going to do it twice why because we have a folder for anime and we have a folder for TV so we need to add those two in here so in within sonar we have anime and TV but within Bazaar we have them mapped as anime with lowercase and TV with lowercase so we select that and that will map the folders appropriately between the two applications so now we can go back and save and we are done with the sonar part now we should be able to go ahead and do basically the same thing for radar so we click on radar and in here we're gonna make sure that we enable radar we put the IP of RNs and we know that radar is on Port 8083 if I'm not mistaken so let's validate that here 83 yes that's radar let's log into radar because we're gonna need to get that API key so let's make sure we're there and ready for what we needed okay so now um let's get that API key let's put it in here and this test and we got the version number so that means that we were successful in connecting to radar and in here in the score with the movies tends to be by default lower which is 70. I leave it as it is it's worked fine for me with a 7D score so I just leave it like that and we go here we save first and now we can do the mapping so we come down here click add and then we search within radar we have our movies in the slash movies folder and within Bazaar we have slash movies also so now that we have mapped it we can go back up and save and now we have established a connection from sonar and radar if we go here into notifications that's if you want to enable notification systems like a bunch of them that they have here I honestly never use it so I'm not gonna do anything here I'm just gonna skip it and then in the scheduler here's where you specify how often you want the applications to sync so this will sync Bazaar with sonar and radar and then here you can specify for series updated every hour for episodes every hour for movies every hour I leave it as a default I honestly don't change anything here and then for disk index indexing which is uh reading all the files in our disk to identify which episodes and movies we have that's scheduled to be done daily I honestly don't change this I leave it as it is same for movies daily and then in the search for subtitles and upgrading of subtitles I leave it as it is for six hours that's fine for me 12 hours it's perfect and for the backup I want my application to backup every week on Sunday at three in the morning so I leave everything as it is so I just don't do anything I haven't changed anything so I don't have anything to save and then in the UI you can here specify the amount of things that you want listed in your view I leave it in the default default of 25 and the style here you can change if you want it to be light if you want it to be dark or you want it automatically I leave it auto so I don't have anything else in here and that's basically all the configuration that we really need to do here if we go into system we just have an option here to see uh details of our tasks and here you can check uh if something is running or not and you can manually trigger a task by clicking on the play button next to the tag the task name and we can view the logs here to see if we're having problems with the with something this helps us identify that when we you go here into providers you can see the list of all the uh subtitle providers that we configured and we see if it's working or not and uh you can refresh here to make sure that all that information is accurate here's where you have the information about the backups of the application nothing has been backed up yet but you can come here and back it up manually if you click on status you see more information about the application like the version and all that stuff if you're going to releases you see the the logs for the releases of the version of the application and in announcements you see announcements uh provided to you by the application or developer so that's basically that there and if we go back now into the icon here it's empty because currently I have nothing in the system I deleted everything that I had downloaded as part of the tests of the other applications so let's do a test and let's show you how this would work okay [Music] okay for the purposes of testing I am adding a little bit of content here and I'm waiting for it to start downloading I've added the Ahsoka series and the bleach series I'm gonna look for the last season of the bleach Series so that I have some content that is Anime and some content that is just regular TV and that should get us some files to look subtitles for and inside radar I'm waiting for it to load right now I've added a few movies that are already downloaded uh Star Wars the three latest Star Wars movies in the sequence so you can see like the force awakens The Last Jedi and the rise of Skywalker so those are downloading so that'll give us a few movies to also check that it is able to work and grab the subtitles for those so now let's just give it time to do its thing because it is not gonna take a little bit of time and I don't want to bore you waiting for it to download we'll be back when we have those files available okay so I let it download a few episodes of the something that I know is going to be available right now which is The Soca series for Star Wars and the bleach the latest season of bleach which is an anime so we have a few episodes here we have one two three four five six like eight episodes of anime and we have like seven episodes of Ahsoka and I also had to download a few Star Wars movies just to have something it's done with two of them the third one is importing it right now allegedly so we have something here and then we can go back into Bazaar and it has only synchronized part of it so we see that it's it found out that we already have the Ahsoka episodes but it hasn't synced with bleach yet since the task is uh pretty separated in you know time wise so it's it's probably one of the reasons why it's it's not aware so let's see here if we can index all the files that we have in a disk so here's for the subtitles that are supposed to be existing for the episodes and then we'll do the same thing for the movies here okay that's done here and then search for wanted movies subtitles I'm not going to trigger that yet then let's sync with radar and with sonar again to see if there's any progress in recognizing that we have more files now with sonar okay it's taken it's time working with this hopefully we'll see some progress let's go back into the series and see if it detects any differences now still hasn't synchronized the bleach part and the movies at least we should have two movies see it's kind of slow yeah I'm having some problems with the the nas uh the virtualness is repairing the storage because something weird happened like one of the discs was for some reason disconnected and that caused that so maybe that could be the the issue that I'm having here but uh yeah let's go back in here into Bazaar and at least with what it has already determined we can see some details here yeah I'm having some troubles because of that probably all right I've given it a little bit of time and now it has synced better with sonar and radar so now it notice that I have movies and those shows there and if we go here into the series we can see that it can tell that I have seven episodes of Ahsoka and seven of bleach and if we go into Ahsoka for example then we can see like the details about all the episodes one thing that is really really good about Bazaar is that if you're video files already have subtitles embedded within it it is able to determine that from the files so if you go here on the subtitle area and you highlight it it tells you it has the English and Spanish subtitles embedded in there and for all the subtitles that are embedded you will see that that means that it's part of the video already so you don't need to download the subtitle because it's already there but um let's go back into bleach and see what's the case here okay we see that this one has English only this one English English and then here looks like it doesn't have subtitle oh it does have the English forced but it doesn't have Spanish so that's why we get this little option here that pops up when you hover over it since this is not the format that we wanted subtitles in that's why English is still searchable so in here if you want to look for that subtitle you can just go here and click on search and it'll trigger the search for that subtitle of that episode and you can do search for Spanish too and see if it finds it it did not find anything apparently so we're bad luck there but yeah the others the they have subtitles most of them but they don't have Spanish so we could try if we select here on manual search and we click then we can trigger a search there for the missing subtitles of that episode and then it's not pulling anything right now so it looks like any of my indexers don't have anything for Bleach so that's sad for the test but let's see well already Ahsoka has it but let me let me see if it can pull something all right so in this case if we needed the subtitle and we do the manual search then we would get these results here and then we can pick one of these subtitles to download I want to try to see if it works fine with our video so in this case I would click here for example to trigger the download of that subtitle since it already has it I'm not gonna trigger the the search let's go into the movie section and here we have three movies and it says that the audio is in English and this one has French and Spanish also and if we go inside the movie here we'll see that it says that the language is English right and we have the three dots here where we can um do things like if we have a subtitle we could actually sync it if we click on on this button here it says sync if you download a subtitle but it it's not in sync with the video it can actually fix it for you or at least make it better and uh if you um click here it'll scan the disks to make sure that you know if you have subtitles or not for this movie we already have the English the SRT file so the subtitle is in SRT format so if we go into the nas we could validate that by going into the media movies and then this movie was the force awakens so we could go here and here we go we have the movie file here but we also have the subtitle file that was downloaded for it so you would see always that the subtitle file is next to the video file and it'll always have the dot language dot SRT extensions and so like I said you can synchronize if they're not properly synchronized and you can perform your search directly from here if you click here it'll do the automatic searching if you click the the manual button then it'll bring up the search and then you can pick the subtitle that you want uh so that's something you can do like if it automatically downloaded a subtitle but it's not like the best it's not in sync or something and you think there's a better one you can come here manually look for one yourself and it'll show you information like for example the score so this is a really good subtitle apparently it has 99 score it's in English it's from and you'll see a lot of information who uploaded it and stuff like that so uh yeah that's how you use um Bazaar to download subtitles and it works as you can see with anime TV and movies and I hope you found this video useful or remember to like And subscribe to the channel if you like the content feel free to suggest me topics in the comments below and I'll add them to the backlog and remember I do not monetize this channel if you like the content and you want to support me feel free to donate on the link in the description below you can donate with PayPal or you can donate with Bitcoin if you want so that's gonna be it for this video thank you very much see you on the next one foreign
Channel: Tech Byte Tips
Views: 3,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, linux, server, pxe server, pxe, bash, shell, application, diy, imaging, debian, tips, tutorial, homelab, self host, virtualization, infrastructure, networking, ip address, broadcast, network, dns, kubernetes, lightweight, k3s, k8s, raspbian, containers, deployments, home lab, docker, esxi, virtual machine, nas, synology, dsm, 7.1, surveillance station, multimedia, htpc, sabnzbd, qbittorrent, media center, media pc, prowlarr, sonarr, readarr, calibre, calibre-web, mylar, mylar3, lidarr, bazarr, radarr
Id: ifcBCjki8Kw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 53sec (2213 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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