Install Calibre using Docker in a Synology NAS

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by tips welcome to another tech by tips video in today's video we are talking about uh requirement for one of our applications we're going to be setting up radar but radar depends on another application this application that we're going to be covering is Calibre and I I really recommend you to use that app even though it's it's a prerequisite for the other one because on its own it's actually really good it's an application if you like to read like if you have a Kindle or a e-reader device it's really good because you can find your books and then you can change the format of the book to match the format that your device uses so it doesn't matter which format you find and it's really good it also pulls down later data and a lot of stuff that is really cool so I hope you really like this video and uh remember a like And subscribe to the channel if you like the content let me know what kind of things you would like to see in the comments and let's get to it thank you welcome again to another video yeah this is kind of interesting it's not an R but it is actually a required application for one of our R's which is Radar Radar uses Calibre to manage the database and it helps us with a bunch of other things so caliber basically is an ebook manager it can view convert edit and catalog ebooks in basically all the major formats and it can talk to reader devices for example if you have an Amazon Kindle it's very good I highly recommend you use caliber because you can actually email to your Kindle device your books directly from caliber and it can also convert the files to a format that you use in your Kindle and it can actually also go into the internet and grab metadata for your books like the book cover and details about the author the series Etc so it's really good and uh yeah so we need this it is necessary for radar to work properly it's a an application that has a long history it's a pretty useful pretty well supported it has 283 contributors in GitHub right now so yes if you wanna read more about it you can go into covid goyal with a K in the beginning uh Slash delivery and uh yes that's basically it covered caliber so let's get to it let's go in here into our Nas we currently have our two downloaders uh Prowler for the indexers we have um radar for movies uh mylar for Comic slider for music sonar for TV and Anime and now we're gonna add something else let's go into the registry and let's look for caliber all right as you will see Linux server has two of those caliber web and caliber first let's start with caliber we will also be installing caliber web but for now this video is only dedicated to caliber so let's double click here and use the latest version now we just wait for it to download Calibre and caliber web are pretty heavy applications images especially caliber because caliber is actually like simulating a whole operating system for a lot of things that it needs so this is probably going to be the biggest image that we're going to download it's Gonna Be probably like two gigs or something like that so this one's gonna take a little bit of time so let's just wait for it to do its thing and download and then we'll see how big it is in the end okay it looks like Libra has finally downloaded let's clear this and it says that it's two gigs so it's about right so now we can double click here to start it and we're going to do the usual we're gonna go next here we rename this to caliber enable resource limitation and auto restart and then here as usual we're going to go on uh add our environment variables just make sure we don't have yeah we don't have the time zone or the puid so we click three times to add then we put timezone America New York in my case and then puid 1026 is the usual PG ID 100 and that should be the things that we add here as variables yes next we're gonna go here into the port settings here don't be fooled I have noticed that for some reason it says that the container is listening on Port 3000 and 3001 but if you actually go into the docker hub for this uh release from Linux server it says something else so let's go and validate that let's open a new browser Tab and then in here we're gonna put Linux server um and then we put Calibre and we should get to here we select Calibre and we go down to check at the example here and it says that by default it's listening on 80 80 and 8181 so 8080 for HTTP 80 81.81 for https we don't really care about https for this we're going to use 8080. so make sure that you don't leave port 3000 like it says you know the example that they gave us uses 8080 so that's what we're gonna use let's go back in here change this to 8080 we don't need this other portion we delete it and we're gonna use port 8089 because we have used all the other ports and other containers so that's going to be it for this then we will go next and when we go next we have to specify the location of our config so we go into Docker configs and we don't have one for caliber so we click on configs we could create and we write caliber and now we have caliber so we select it and then we also need to add the location of our downloaded books so that's going to be in downloads and then delete it but then we're going to use radar and then where's gonna be the final destination of our books so we go into media and we select books and now we say that inside our container this is going to be mapped to config this is going to be mapped to slash downloads and this is going to be map 2 books and we go next we validate the information everything looks good so we run this container that leave that checked and click done and we should see now that it will start a new container for caliber here here we go we go into the details and we check that log we'll monitor it to make sure that everything is going fine [Music] fresh this takes a little bit of time because it's actually like simulating an X server application so that's the image that's the reason why the image is big and it's kind of a little bit cumbersome but it's actually necessary and it's a good application so I think it's not a waste of two gigs of space [Music] okay [Music] let's give it some time and then we would go into our Nas IP port 8089 and here we have caliber so now we can start that was pretty fast actually yeah it's ready connections have accepted so we're good [Music] let's continue here in our caliber [Music] the first thing we need to do here is we need to let caliber know where our books are going to be located because it says choose a location for your books so then we're gonna Point here to our folder that we gave it which was not config it was actually the books uh directory that point so our media books um location which will be the final location for our books that's where caliber will put our books and we'll also look for our books so we do that and we click next then the next thing we have to do is uh if you have like a Kindle or something similar to that I do have one so I'm gonna go here and select Amazon and then I'm gonna go with the Kindle Paper wipe because that's the device that I have it is good to if you use an e-reader that you specified here so that it behaves in a way that is beneficial for your device so I go with Amazon paper white then we go next I mean and this part you would um specify your SMTP server details so that you can mail the books directly to your Kindle so in this case you have several options you can you can use uh Outlook which would be like a or or something like that and DMX which is for another type of server I usually have problems with GMX because I don't use that so I tend to go with Outlook so I go here and I put I put my email address and my password and I that basically configures all the settings for me to send uh the books using my Microsoft account so let me put that information here I'm going to stop it here and we're gonna we're gonna continue after that when I click next so once you put your settings here it's going to Auto populate all the information here and then you can click on this test email button and it'll uh send a fake email to make sure that it can connect using your email provider and once you can validate that by clicking here then you're you're you know that everything works and you're satisfied with that [Applause] so it should give you something like that email successfully sent and in here we would put our Kindle email address that's where you receive email content and then that's automatically sent to your Kindle device so you can get that from your Amazon account and you would put that in here and once that is done you can go next and now basically you have set up the basics for caliber so we're good we can click the Finish button and it should now start Calibre with its usual interface that it looks like a big desktop application because that's what it's like it actually is in the end and here we go then we can proceed with the configuration of caliber okay so we are greeted by the uh quick start guide for the application caliber so this is an e-book that they add whenever you start the application so for example we can say View and then it'll show us that ebook within the calibri application so as you can see you can actually view the books directly inside caliber but it's kind of slow honestly so I wouldn't recommend uh using caliber for reading see it's it's kind of slow there you go but you can actually view the books here too if you want like when you download them and stuff here it is so we really don't need this book so I'm just gonna go and remove it and remove all of all the format formats there we go we don't need it yes [Music] did it go away or did I do something wrong remove book will be deleted are you sure yes there we go so now we don't have anything our library is empty and now we need to start configuring other things inside the application so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to click on preferences here and here's where we configure our application and the first thing that we want to do is look for the option that says sharing over the net [Music] we click there and then we're going to go into user account and in here we are going to create an account for radar so the first thing we're going to do we're going to click here add user the name is going to be redar passwords will be redar in our case put it again here see that reader okay so now we have created an account for redar to be able to access caliber from the network oh an important thing here is we need to make sure that this is checked which says allow readout to make changes so we're giving it right access to caliber that's really important so we leave that checked okay now we can apply this and it says so we need to restart the server for the changes to take effect and then it'll bring us back to our main page which is great but then we still go back into the sharing over the net and we in main here instead of user account which is where we were we go to Main and we make sure that we're using the port uh to listen for Connections in this case it's 8081 so that's something that we have to take into consideration we did not put a port for 8081 we were only paying attention to 80 80. so that's something that we have to do because we need uh to be able to access the calibra server using the connection that it uses I mean the port that he uses for connections so so let's uh do something here first we make sure that we require the username and password to access the caliber content server and we make sure that it runs automatically whenever the container starts and we can click the start server here to make sure that it's working and it says support 8081 so that's something that we have to actually fix so let's first apply this and click ok so we need to go back here into um our container and we need to stop it for a second here delivery and now that is stopped we're going to click on here we're going to click on edit and then we're going to add another Port so we add Port 8081 for our caliber content server and we're going to use 80 90 in our host to access that so we click save now we've had it we've added another Port here so now we're good we should be able to access the caliber content server and we can start it again from here I apologize because I forgot that part okay and it looks like Arc Libre is up again yeah looks like it's running let's refresh here to make sure that yes we are here and it's working so now we can continue with our process let's validate real quick that it was Auto started so if we go into sharing over the net it is listening so everything's looking good now we are going to cancel out of here because we have not made any changes and we're gonna look for the option here that says Behavior so it's up here so we click on behavior and this is important this is like I would say the most important part in the configuration of caliber which is where we specify when I get a book or an ebook right which format do I want to keep in the end right I have a Kindle so I want my files to have a format that is easily consumable by my Kindle so I'm gonna make sure that here where it says preferred output format I have a Moby because that's the one that usually Kindle uses the most you could also have an electronic publication which is ePub or azw3 which is an Amazon type of file but Moby tends to be like the best so what it does is it'll save the books in Mobi format and if we have another format then what it'll do is it will convert it into that format and in here we have a like a list of priorities that we want our formats to have so we're going to look for um Moby and we're going to move it up because we want it to be at the top that's the preferred input format order so if it's Moby it stays Mobi if it's ePub it converts its to Mobi Etc and uh for here for this part basically we leave the rest as it is so we're going to click on apply and now that we go back to our main page we're going to click on where it says adding books and then in here we're going to look at the adding actions so in here we're telling it um whenever we got a new book uh do this right so the first thing we want to do is we want to check this that says when using the copy to library action check for duplicates with the same title author and language because you we don't want to import the same book over and over again right and then here we select this it says automatically convert added books to the preferred output format which is what we said before I said I want Mobi so this is going to convert whatever I get into a Mobi file and then here we can click on auto merge added books if they already exist and we can here go and say ignore duplicate so if I already have that book uh just don't add it ignore it and this is basically how I like this part so that's all the changes I'm going to make on here then we're going to go into the automatic adding Tab and in here we need to specify a folder where the downloader is going to put our books that caliber is going to look for so in here we specified that we're going to have a path in the root folder called downloads so we select downloads because remember that points to our media uh downloads I mean to our downloads completed radar folder which is where we drop the files so calibra is going to be looking for books in that location and then we check here which says uh check for duplicates when automatically adding files so it doesn't add the same book again and automatically convert added files whenever we get a new book so that's what we do and here that'll be basically it so we would click on the apply option and then it says all the files that you put in the downloads will be automatically deleted after adding them to caliber are you sure yes why does it say that because it's going to grab the the file the book from our downloads directory it's going to put it into our media books folder which is the final destination for the book and then delete it from where we downloaded it so we say yes and then some of the changes you made require restart please restart caliber as soon as possible we can basically restart it now [Music] okay that was pretty fast caliber is back up and we are good to continue with our configuration oh actually that's all the configuration that we needed to do for caliber now caliber is basically ready it will look for new books that we drop into the downloads completed radar it'll convert those into them Moby format that we specified put it into our media books folder and remove the downloads from our destination of the downloaders so it's good and then we already set up the account for radar to connect to the caliber server and we also enabled the caliber content server so we published that port and it's working so it should be able to hit it from radar and also from caliber web if you want to read using caliber web so that's all the configuration that we need here so everything is looking good we'll test it later when we are done configuring our system we will see it in the in action in the redar video so that's gonna be it for this one hope you like this configuration hope you like this application I really recommend it it's really really good I recommend you to read on it because you can do amazing things with this for example once you have a book here you can actually share that book to your Kindle and it'll automatically get it from that email and download it to your Kindle over the internet and then you can just open your Kindle and your book is going to be there and it's really really great so hope you like it uh we're gonna continue this series on the next video we're going to be talking about caliber web if you like it please like the video and subscribe to the channel uh always I'm paying attention to the comment section so feel free to leave your comments there recommend content that you would like to see featured in the channel and remember I do not monetize this channel so if you like the content that you want to support me to continue making content like this feel free to donate in the links in the description below you can donate directly through PayPal or you can do a Bitcoin donation if you want so thank you very much for being here and see you on the next video [Music] thank you foreign
Channel: Tech Byte Tips
Views: 3,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raspberry pi, linux, server, pxe server, pxe, bash, shell, application, diy, imaging, debian, tips, tutorial, homelab, self host, virtualization, infrastructure, networking, ip address, broadcast, network, dns, kubernetes, lightweight, k3s, k8s, raspbian, containers, deployments, home lab, docker, esxi, virtual machine, nas, synology, dsm, 7.1, surveillance station, multimedia, htpc, sabnzbd, qbittorrent, media center, media pc, prowlarr, sonarr, readarr, calibre, calibre-web, mylar, mylar3, lidarr, bazarr, radarr
Id: BEBrk6C7wqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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