Install Linux GUI apps on Windows 10

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now i love to roast microsoft but they just did something they hadn't done in a while and that is they made a fantastic feature called wslg now windows subsystem for linux is not new i've covered version one and version two but this one is pretty legit i gotta say i am enjoying it and well let's let's just show you on the desktop because it is amazing now to get started with wslg you can just go to their github page microsoft forward slash wslg it does require an evaluation build now they don't really lay out exactly what build other than it's 21 000 plus and you can always check your build number by going start run and win ver and you can see right now i'm on 21 390. this build number is pretty bleeding edge and you can see evaluation copy expires 10 19 20 21 so it'll constantly need to be re-upped as i go around to this because it is the dev build now you can switch to a beta build but right now that's only 19 000 so it's very important to know you do need the development build to do this today however if you wait till the fall this should be pretty much good for everyone so now that you got your dev build or you're on 21 000 plus you can continue and you can see you need that right here as a prerequisite other prerequisites for gpu enabled acceleration which you're going to want if you're doing like video editing using caden live or other things you're gonna definitely want this these drivers amd and intel is pretty easy to do nvidia i had to sign up for the nvidia developer program it's all free everyone's accepted it's just another hoop to jump through so when you go to here you'll actually have a sign in to where you go okay i want to get the cuda driver and then you want to grab this one hit download now and then it's like hey membership required so that's another hoop you got to jump through just go ahead join now and say you want to download this development build but once you got that going setting up windows subsystem for linux i'm not going to go too in depth because i've already done it on my website forward slash wsl2 and the big thing here is obviously you're going to be on the proper build and if you're not 2004 is how you or or above is the one you need for any wsl 2 work you first do the wsl this this is actually version one then you update to virtual machine platform right here these are two feature updates you can do through powerline or you can just hit start run appwiz.cpl and then go turn windows features on scroll down to windows subsystem for linux check that and then also make sure you get virtual machine platform and then just hit ok so there's two two methods to enable those two features and then lastly you do need a kernel update i went ahead and linked directly to this msi file you need to install this this is direct from microsoft but you can just do wsl kernel and you should be able to get there this just adds that wsl to feature that we talked about once that's done launch into your powershell which you do want powershell with admin for this one and what i like to do is just setting version two as default right there on their website it actually kind of shows hey what's listed right here and you can see if you need to do an update or an upgrade of your things and you can see ubuntu is running right now version two now if it is running you do need to do like a shutdown like this and this will shut down your actual wsl you can see the state is stopped and then you'd want to do a wsl dash dash update this will upgrade this to wslg so you're on version two now you need to upgrade it to wslg you just do that it'll check for the updates and then implement them directly here the first time i did this it took roughly i want to say five minutes or so all right and then that's done i'm just going to ignore that error because i did do the update prior to this now let's go ahead and launch i'd like to use windows terminal as this is just a great project that has come a long ways first thing i like to do is just a pseudo app update and upgrade so there's the update and then sudo apt upgrade and you can see just a couple little knickknacks stuff to do but then we can actually add graphic programs we can do sudo apt install caden live and we'll go ahead and add that there's a bunch of dependencies because i didn't have qt and any of that in here yet now i will mention while i did this update there's a massive update but it took maybe a minute or two and it's dang near native performance or maybe even a little faster i don't know how what kind of magic they did in the background but wsl one was just atrocious they've done a great job with the actual speed of this now we can launch i got g edit here i'm going to go ahead and launch that you can see that performance notice the icon and there's always this little tiny icon right down here you can see the little penguin as well and we'll go ahead and let's go nautilus and check out the file browser again you can see the little tiny penguin in the large penguin uh just kind of shows what the file system is it's kind of cool this is obviously just the wsl file system but i think if you want to use this as your browser you can actually go into mnt and then you can see your entire browser or basically your entire file system from here and let's go ahead and launch into caden live and this is a great video editor i used it for about the first 500 videos i did on chris titus tech and you can see it works really well you got the icon but again you got that little tiny penguin just to say hey this is running in windows subsystem for linux and we can adjust this uh if i had a video to pull in here let me see if i can't grab something real fast and let's see how it interacts with just file explorer it'll be kind of cool if we could do a drag and drop all right so let's grab this mp4 file see if i can't drag and drop it no it's not going to allow me that'd be cool though all right so you can't really interact directly from this to that i just wanted to test it however i think we can just do that from nautilus doing this uh let's go ahead and grab a new one let's go nautilus got a quite a ways to go to get that file but let's see if we can drag and drop that one so you can't interact between the two gui applications just yet which yeah it's not not the end of the world and we'll grab that's right there and we'll toss that on the timeline and there it goes there's chris titus crypto that's my intro for another youtube channel and i can see that i can edit everything in real time and that's actually really good i'm gonna actually mute my audio real fast and there we go you can kind of see i went ahead and muted it so we shouldn't have any reverb or anything happening and you can see i can scrub pretty well you can see that acceleration if you do that in software it's not going to be nearly that clear or that fast so very very impressive as far as everything they're doing being able to pull a 1080p clip like this and easily scrub through it with absolutely zero latency is probably the most you'd ever want to do inside of a wsl so i'm gonna go ahead and quit this and that and close out of these two things and this is wsl g and the graphic element if you want to do this today i would not recommend using the evaluation build there's a lot of things about the valuation build that i have problems with and i i will say the last two builds 281 h1 and this evaluation build i'm on now it's gotten better usually i just roasted the last five or six prior to that from 1803 and on has been pretty terrible but 21h once decent i would say it's getting close to being in a recommendation if you're going to need something for windows 10 but not quite yet the evaluation build is still very much in development and i got to say wslg is the best feature from it hands down amazing if you are on a prior version i would recommend you know 21 h1 if you're going to go that route and you want to use wsl 2 by all means use wsl 2 however if you want to get the wslg feel you can use x-ming and you can still do graphic applications that way you'll just have an x server one thing i won't forgot to mention which i want to show you the diagram real fast is right here is how wslg works and this is important because it can interface with both weyland and x x work which is amazing the amount of work that went in in the actual technicals behind wsog are amazing and i can't emphasize that enough so just make sure that when you're in here you can test it out with x-ming which is good but wslg is still definitely an upgrade whenever that does get released probably going to be fall of 2021 that that happens and to me it's an amazing feature for developers out there but with all that said let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 53,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, install linux gui apps on windows 10, wsl, wsl2, windows subsystem for linux, windows 10, linux, wsl 2, wsl2 ubuntu gui, windows subsystem for linux 2, linux on windows, ubuntu on windows, windows 10 wsl 2, wsl2 windows 10, wsl2 gui, wslg, wsl2 ubuntu, setup wsl 2, set up wsl 2, wsl1, wsl 2 fast, kali linux wsl, linux gui apps, windows, gui, kali linux, how to, windows insider build, wsl ubuntu gui, #wsl2, linux subsystem, getting started wsl 2
Id: KcIdAunRSSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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