The Pros and Cons of Linux in Windows

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today we're going to be going over linux and windows the pros of cons of having it here because many people have realized i've been in windows a lot lately and a lot of that deals with wsl it has gotten to the point where whatever i want to do i can do from here i just expand this out i launch this wsl machine and i can have all of my normal linux utilities at my fingertips graphics acceleration does work i can even launch i think kaden live let's go ahead and launch it oh i don't even have it let's just show you a quick sample of what i'm dealing with here and then let's talk about the pros and cons of this because there's so many things about it that most people don't understand the first thing is i said in a prior video it's actually a little faster than native linux and it depends on what you're doing but that was not a false statement a lot of the linux users got kind of mad at me for that but the reason why it's actually a little bit snappier and faster is because there's a lot less happening within this container this linux container that we're dealing with here the big thing that's missing that gives it that extra oomph is there is no system d now right here we're running into a little arrow let's see if we can't uh fix this up and now let's try to install that caden live i bet it won't have a problem this time around now you'll see here this is roughly i think was it three three or four hundred packages that we're installing and it flies through it because there is no system d there's a lot of things that are aren't really needing to happen on the background there is no init system period which makes this extremely powerful because a lot of the things we're doing in a productivity setting is pretty much streamlined so a lot of folks that were just using linux for programming or possibly productivity type work some of this can be done through wsl and it's so much easier and valuable now as you see here those three or 400 packages that pretty much happened in what a minute's time so when i say linux in windows is actually a little faster than just being in native linux it depends on what we're doing when it comes to updating and installing packages yeah it is actually and let's launch caden live just so you can see what this looks like and look at that here we go now obviously theming and some other stuff are a little off so i'd probably actually change this around and say hey uh let's uh let's see windows style and we could run a config wizard change this you do see nvidia hardware acceleration is on which is kind of impressive and i've actually taken uh video files and actually scrubbed them here now obviously most times you're not going to want to run a program like caden live here they do make a windows version that you'd be better off suited for than running it through wsl i just kind of want to show it as an example the same can be said some people were like hey show us a game in wsl and i'm like it's kind of pointless but with the same time there are some things that linux has that windows doesn't i'm thinking like tux racing let's go ahead and install that and we'll just do this say yes see what it pulls in here this is a little bit of a bigger package with it being about 50 megs let's see how long it takes here comes the install and now let's launch some tux racing [Music] and there we go you saw there's a little bit of lag there there's still some issues with uh little things but as far as what you get and you get the hardware acceleration and a lot of things that you need to do most people that are going to be using linux in windows aren't going to be necessarily playing linux games but more so doing it for different builds whether it's programming just finding vim and other things that i am used to having that command line to do ssh and a lot of like scp transfers all these things that i use for servers is all right at my fingertips and i'm able to do everything i normally would do inside of a linux box now in windows so that's kind of like just couple examples of wsl and this is the pros section but there are some noticeable drawbacks that we need to talk about but the big thing here is it's everything in one system you can game you can program you can do all the stuff that you've been meaning to do very easily without any compromises now i wanted to kind of push this to the limit and see hey can we get like a one to one because that would be kind of insane so i did do like a vert manager and launched into this and ran an entire virtual machine through wsl now obviously that is not recommended because wsl at the end of the day isn't a virtual machine or maybe it is very much like it but it's like a nested virtual machine at this point and the performance of this aspect of it was not good so it's not perfect for everything this is one drawback to it that i saw obviously if you're doing virtual machines you probably want to do something else most people will be using vmware workstation or possibly even like virtualbox the other thing is there's no systemd i said that as a positive because it sped things up there's no in its system but that does have its drawbacks so let's say you wanted to run like a service so let's say we do system control power off or whatever it might be none of this is going to work we do system control status sshd or whatever it might be it's never going to be able to do anything because there is no in it system yes it makes it a little faster but it also comes with drawbacks as i can't set up anything like here now what i could do is like maybe a cron tab dash e and do like a crony and set up those tasks where they auto fire off at certain intervals so there's ways around it but it's not a perfect solution by any means i still much rather would have a full init system to where i could do system services properly but again most people don't care about this and if you do care about it that brings us to the next point the big thing a lot of times folks use linux desktop for is the customization they love the productivity the customizability and the modularity of all of linux they can change the file explorer they can change the way it looks they can do tiling window managers they can do everything you could possibly imagine and that's what makes linux linux really when you're using it as a desktop at least now for the more professional system user that has to be in windows all the time i don't know if it makes sense to have linux anymore for that person if they don't care about this type of thing like there's still privacy and security concerns with telemetry and other things in windows but again that kind of speaks to more of a linux desktop user that's already over there it's not going to really sway any existing windows users i don't think and that's that's the big thing here is it's more for that working professional that needs to have all those windows utilities because uh when i'm working and i'm like hey i need to go ahead and make changes to like group policy i can just do gpedit.msc kind of look up everything i need to do or maybe i need to do a remote session and i just want to do mstsc and then load up remote desktop i have all those tools that i use in business right here in the windows session but then i'm like oh crap i need to get into those linux servers and then i can just come into here and just do you know what i need to log into that one server i have for uh dns and i'm just going to go ahead and pull this up and we'll accept this fingerprint and sign in and this is just a better experience yes powershell and windows has sh capabilities but this is a full-blown i've always enjoyed the linux experience a lot better when it comes to ssh and sap for that matter so there's some things that are just better in linux and now you can actually use those using wsl so i find this the big pro here is for system and system admins and mainly programmers that were using linux or had to use linux to really kind of develop things and now wsl kind of bridges those gaps for that those working professionals for the linux desktop user obviously this didn't this didn't matter at all a lot of people care about you know the privacy security or the modularity and customizability of linux those users this doesn't do anything for because you still have all the windows fixings that most people don't like for me i'm kind of like all three of these users i'll still keep my dual boot i'm not going to delete that i still love my debian install for a lot of the customers customizations i do but it's still so nice when i'm in windows to be able to do all these things and not have to boot into that if i don't want to and that is the beauty of wsl it comes with pros and cons it's not for everybody but it is gone from me just going this thing's hot garbage to hey this isn't so bad for a lot of working professionals now which is great i still recommend people dual boot just so you can have experience it for yourself so you you fully understand both operating systems i love both for what they are now at the end of the day i'm in windows a lot more because of wsl because it has so many of those linux features now i can do a lot of the ssh the things i loved about it the things that i miss and why i still have a dual boot of linux is mainly a lot of the functionality and productivity that i gained from linux desktop when you have that customizability and you can change it however you want it you can really be more efficient in the linux realm but again just depends on you let me know which one you like the best do you use wsl did you actually convert from linux to windows with wsl i think that's the main fear a lot of linux folks have i don't really see this happening but if that elusive user out there that did switch from linux to windows let me know and y'all be nice to him in the comments if that person does exist because i'd be curious to get that person's feedback and with that let me know your thoughts and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Titus Tech Talk
Views: 33,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech
Id: ysCD2u80niM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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