Install AutoGPT Locally 🤖 Step-By-Step Tutorial

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hey welcome back in this video we're going to explore Auto GPT which is an autonomous gpt4 experimental project and what it claims to do is develop and manage businesses for the purposes of increasing net worth so you can set a goal such as increasing your Twitter following starting an online business it will go do the research for you come up with a task list and actually execute on those goals and it also has a completely continuous autonomous mode which means no user input is required so I'm going to show you a little bit about Auto GPT then we're going to go through the installation of it and I'll walk you through that step by step and then we're going to play around with it at the end let's get into it so this is the auto GPT GitHub it already has nearly 15 000 stars and 1700 Forks so it's incredibly popular and it's by someone named Torin tulino and it says Auto GPT is an experimental open source application showing the capabilities of the gpt4 language model this program driven by gpt4 autonomously develops and manages businesses to increase net worth and really what is special about this is it is fully autonomous it has access to the internet it can go and execute and continuously run experiments to try to make you money so first let's look at the features it has internet access which already is super cool because gpt4 only has internet access if you have the plugin and this one has it out of the box next it has long term and short-term memory power through Pinecone which I'll show you how to get that set up and why that's so important is because you're actually able to continue to build on top of a business goal over time and it can store task lists it can iterate on those tasks lists execute them create new ones and it doesn't all need to be done in a single prompt it does use gpt4 for the text generation but I believe leave you can also plug in GPT 3.5 turbo if you don't have access to gpt4 it has access to popular websites and platforms and it also has file storage and summarization through GPT 3.5 now what you're going to need to get this installed is python on your computer you're going to need an open AI API key and you're also going to need Pine code and again I'll show you how to do all that a little bit later in this video and it also supports giving your AI a voice through 11 Labs now I haven't played with that but if you want to you can get the 11 Labs API key plug it in and the AI will actually talk to you now let's get into the installation it's pretty simple I had a little bit of issues with Pinecone but hopefully I don't have them going through it this time with you so the first thing we're going to do is clone the repository so you're going to come here under the installation section grab this first piece of code git clone and then the GitHub link we're going to copy it we're going to switch over to our terminal and then I'm going to paste it in git clone I hit enter and it clones the repository to my desktop now let's CD into that so CD Auto Dash GPT I'll hit enter and now I've changed directory into that folder and so that was already the next step we did that and the next thing we're going to do is PIP install our requirements now again to do this you already have to have python installed if you don't have it installed go ahead and install it just Google search how to install python on your computer it's very straightforward but I have it installed so let's do that pip install Dash R requirements.txt the requirements file lists all of the dependencies that we're going to need to run this so that's what it's doing let's hit enter and it's going to install all of those dependencies so I've already installed this that's why you're seeing requirement already satisfied but when you actually do this it's going to take longer and you'll actually see a slightly different output so the next thing we're going to do is open up your code editor I use Visual Studio code so let's get that up now I've already opened the folder for auto GPT in Visual Studio code and what we're going to do is we're going to come to this dot m dot template file we're going to click it and we're going to rename it to just dot m then we're going to open it up and it gives us a template to apply all of our API keys that we want to use now the only ones that I'm going to be using today are Pinecone and open AI I'm not going to show you how to do the 11 Labs voice integration but you're welcome to try that out yourself you also don't need these Azure keys at the bottom if you want to launch this on Azure you would use that but we're just going to do this locally today let's switch back to our browser we're going to go to open Ai and we're going to grab our account keys and we find that from account slash API Dash keys so let's create a new key I'm going to copy it let's switch back to our editor and then on the third line where it says open API key I'm going to replace what's there with my key and hit save next we're going to need our pine cone information if you don't already have a Pinecone account you can get one for free and just go to so I'm going to log in now with pine cones free version you can only have one index and you don't need to actually create it yourself auto GPT will create it once you've given it the right key so on the left side under API Keys let's click that now I already have one but you can go ahead and create one if you don't and we're going to need two things we're going to need to copy the key value and I'm going to place it in the first line of the dot m file and then we're also going to need the environment and that's the region which is found right here so mine is us-west4 Dash gcp so I'll copy that and I'll place it on the second line right there and I'll save that so once we have that done let's switch back to the GitHub repo and see what's next so the next thing it says to do is actually run the script called main dot Pi rather than running it in terminal I actually prefer running it through Visual Studio code so let's go ahead and do that so we'll switch back to visual studio code I'm going to open up the scripts folder go down to main.pi here it is and then I'm just going to click this little play button in the top right of vs code so the first time you run it it's going to take a little while because it has to set up the Pinecone instance but there it is done so says welcome to Auto GPT enter the name of your AI we're going to call this bizbot so bizbot here I'm at your service and so now we're going to describe what the ai's role is so bizbot's role is to grow my Twitter following answer up to five goals for your AI so number one create unique Twitter post ideas grow my Twitter following come up with a Cadence for my Twitter post and then for goals four and five I don't need them so we'll go ahead and hit enter so one thing to note is as soon as I hit enter it created a file on my desktop called AI underscore settings.yaml so if you see that file it didn't just get created out of nowhere it was created when you hit enter here okay so I actually had to restart it and the nice thing about this is even if you restart it it continues from where you left off so you don't need to start all over so that's what we're doing and now we are thinking and here we go bizbot thoughts I need to come up with unique Twitter post ideas and grow the Twitter following I think a good strategy is to curate interesting articles related to law share updates about my business and share legal tips or insights so interesting I didn't actually specify that my Twitter is mostly about AI so it automatically assumed that it's going to be about the law so you should specify that and so it gives us a few responses it tells us it's thoughts it's reasoning what the plan is so a list of action items and criticisms them so where it could actually go wrong which the last one I find super interesting and so here's what it wants to do the plan is to curate interesting articles related to the law share updates about my business share legal tips post at least once a day and engage with my followers by responding to comments and retweeting relevant posts so yeah that is what it would take to actually grow a Twitter following so next if we want to continue with this we type Y and hit enter so it's going to actually go execute on that plan and the next action is it's going to browse the website so that's what it's doing right now it's actually going to the website looking around for interesting things that we could possibly turn into Twitter posts this is so cool based on the interesting legal articles I found on the home page I think I can curate some posts from these articles I should also check some hashtags that are popular in the legal industry to better understand what my target audience is interested in so now it reformed our plan our next steps and here's the criticism I need to make sure my post are not only relevant and provide value but they are also tailored to my target audience I should monitor my metrics to see if I'm growing my following and adjust my strategy if needed and the next action is looking for popular legal hashtags so go ahead let's do it and we can just keep going like this and it's super cool so it can run and each time it's going to tell me what it's thinking it's going to tell me what the next steps are and then I hit yes and continue and it will just continue to hopefully grow a business out of this now it also has something called continuous mode now you notice every single step it's asking me to confirm I want to continue in continuous mode you don't need to confirm anything at all and it gives a big warning for this if you enable continuous mode it's going to use a ton of your API resources so you just have to keep that in mind and that's it I find this incredibly cool in the world of autonomous AI is really starting to Blossom if you do something cool with it please share it in the comment comments below I'd love to see it and I'll link everything in the description below if you liked this video please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one [Music] thank you
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 85,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autogpt, auto gpt4 github, autogpt4, auto gpt 4, autogpt demo, autogpt twitter, autogpt reddit, gpt 4, gpt3, chatgpt, autonomous ai, python, autogpt tutorial, ai art, dall-e mini, machine learning, make money with gpt, ai assistant, ai make money
Id: m6TwUf0seS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 08 2023
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