Testing AutoGPT Gone Wrong: Avoid This Mistake

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Auto GPT and experimental open source project on GitHub who used GPT language models to attempt to make gpt4 fully autonomous or as Twitter buyer says currently working on developing artificial general intelligence in human terms this project is a glimpse into autonomous AI agents open the pod bay doors hell [Music] I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that all you have to do is give them a task and we are going to do everything browse the internet create files click around to achieve bad goal only it never really achieves that end goal but more on that later I'm making this video to share with you how I got in trouble using it oh my God it downloaded audio file it's going on YouTube no how you can use it if you are brave enough and also I'm going to leave you with three no code Alternatives so you can start playing and experiencing this AI agents on your own but before that I want to briefly warn you even though it feels like the whole world is flipping on its head and this open source project of Auto gbt is spreading like a wildfire the reality is 99.9 percent of people have never heard of it just think about it if we have 5.16 billion people will have access to the internet and if only 0.1 percent have heard of Auto gbt it's not very far off to speculate that less than 5 million people heard of it according to my YouTube analytics it's around a million people who are actively searching about Auto GPT and you have to wonder how the world is going to look like then one percent of people get to know this and how about when it's 10 of all internet users to be honest the past weeks I really had to sit down and think a little bit deeper about all of this and I have to say I'm both excited and I'm also scared at the same time let me just explain to you where I come from I don't quote yet and I'm new on GitHub but I still managed to get Auto GPT running locally on my machine what I'm trying to say there's going to be a lot of mistakes made both by the highly professional developers but also by the people who have access to this without any further knowledge of it my interaction without the GPT was one big mistake as probably any content creator I simply asked to come up with video ideas that would interest people to watch my videos and subscribe that did not go well and not because it came up with completely irrelevant or absolutely basic ideas which I can't use one of them being that I should create gaming content and that definitely will get me viral um but anyway the mistake was autojumpity went off and Googled me and started watching my YouTube videos of course to gather more information and context which is all great till at almost exactly the same moment I saw a pop-up on my YouTube analytics saying that YouTube Just detected invalid traffic and therefore My Views and my AdSense is going going to be immediately affected and it did I saw immediately at dip in views a dip in my earnings I can tell you I unplugged Auto GPT both from Google both from my machine so fast completely panicked as a small YouTuber that was like this whole situation just like turned back on me I immediately contacted YouTube support and just tried to explain that it was me it was me who by complete accident sent Bots to my own YouTube channel so it's crazy to think that a YouTube was able to detect that so fast they told me just don't do this again and you should be fine so yeah if you don't get recommended my YouTube videos yeah that's my own fault and this whole situation basically made me think that I didn't had bad intentions but how about people who do the other thing is now we have all these AI agents crawling around web we don't know how different browsers how Google reacts to this how it's going to affect your SEO if you build the whole website and push content using AI will it rank on Google on the flip side I have to tell you it was fascinating to sit and watch this AI model to talk to himself discuss create other agents assign tasks start creating files read those files and mind you I was using GPT 3.5 that was not even gpt4 and it's far from being perfect and it gets stuck and it actually never really finishes the original task you assigned to it just keeps going and looping and it can get really expensive if you don't set hard limit on your openai key but we know that with such speed and advancement of all of this technology all of this is just going to be better smarter faster and cheaper and cheaper for anybody to use this at scale if you really want to play without a gbt it will very much depend what machine you use what is your comfort level with coding do you use Python do you have GitHub account all these things it took me half a day to figure that all out and start from zero while not exactly zero you see at the beginning of 2023 I realized that if I want to stay competitive plus understand all the craziness what's going on with AI I have to educate myself on the fundamentals so I've been learning from brilliant.org who is kindly sponsoring this video brilliant.org is the best way to learn math and computer science interactively they have thousands of lessons from foundational and advanced math to AI data science neural networks and more the best part new lessons are added monthly their course on how technology works is a must dust but also thank God I took search engine cores because of that I was quickly able to understand why it was an issue when Auto GPT browsed Google and YouTube for example you can learn how links work and talking about links to try everything what brilliant has to offer free for a full 30 days visit brilliant.org gotta go or you can click the link in the description box below use the link to sign up and the first 200 of you will enjoy 20 of a year of brilliant premium okay let's get back to Auto GPT this is how you use it if you manage to get it started this is what you're going to say it will ask for the name content creator an AI designed to autonomously research develop and create ideas scripts and all assets necessary to create YouTube video about Auto GPT okay so now we have goal that's it this is where it starts getting exciting this is the first part I think the first step should be to research Auto GPT and gather information about it I can use the Google command to search for Relevant article and videos I don't have videos or not GPT so I think now I'm safe you can use why to approve and let it continue if you don't want every single time to do why you'd say why 10 and I haven't done continuous mode continuous mode is that it just keeps going and it's not recommended and N is to basically shut down so I'm going to approve and let it run for 10 Rounds oof it Googled the first result was GitHub page it's just fascinating to watch so it created a file now that I have gathered information about Auto GPT I can start planning the video content and script this is the interesting part every task starts with thoughts reasoning plan and criticism generated a name minutes wait a second it wants to execute python command to run a video editing software it's not just making a video idea and script it actually wants to run a software of video editing the criticism I need to make sure that the video editing server is effective and efficient in creating the video I also need to make sure that I am not spending too much time on the software development process wait it wants to develop video editing software okay so now I can actually also give it a feedback I'm weirdly curious what it would do about video editing part well to my defense I did ask about all the assets related to creating a video wait wait wait a second use execute python file command to run the video editing software okay thoughts now that I have the image for the video and the video editing software I can start working on the actual video you know what um I'm a bit worried but I'm also very curious It's either again I'm going to get in trouble but I have to see what happens so that's the image generated and here's a video editing python file it's stuck now that it wants to write python code for video editing software I'm going to say don't create an actual video just video script so here's the thing that again how well you describe the task is going to be very important okay so but since I'm not creating a video I will focus on creating video script wait it's looking for audio files related to Auto GPT but why just write the script wait a second okay so it says now that I have created a video script I need to start recording the audio for the video I will use the read audio from file okay so now it's searching for audio and it downloaded oh my God it downloaded audio file it's going on YouTube no so it wants to browse this specific website and extract things to be used in a video Digital Trends what is auto GPT here's how the normals agents are taking over the Internet it returns error it can't browse that website and once again to use Google okay yes this happened to me before that what it is it Googles but when it wants to browse specific website and it can't and I don't know yet why and when it goes again I need to Google Google's find the result I need to browse website this is one of those Loops where they just gets stuck okay so we will move on I will make a reminder that you need to write only script okay now it's thinking that I can promise to you it's going to say I need to use Google function to browse internet to get gather more information and if n any of you know why it can't browse and if it's just some mistake I'm making um let me know we will it now came up with something different it wants to fix its own code because it says it will help me avoid any issues or errors when working with the data and will make it easier to purge and manipulate the Json the plan is use the fixed Json function to ensure that energy is a string I receive is persible and compliant with the provider schema okay you know what we will stop here because I don't know what Json file is exactly and it wants to manipulate the data it just smells like I would get in trouble even though the curiosity is real but I'm not going to allow it to manipulate its own code and files so that it can it can avoid issues and errors will unfortunately shut it down to be honest after playing without the GPT my expectations are very low I feel that right now there's this whole excitement because all of this is new but to be honest looking at the actual results like if you want to use it right now into your business it's been quite disappointing at least to me but probably as I will advance using it the results I will get will improve I hope few other open places is Garden mode dot space agent GPT and baby Aji and I really encourage you to check out Tristan wolf article where he really nicely covers each to answer this question how Auto GPT works you can check this article I'm going to link in the description box I'm not going to pretend that I can go in and explain to you the ins and outs of it I really like the conclusions in conclusion the bus routing Auto GPT raises important questions about the state of AI research and the role of public understanding in driving hype around emerging Technologies it is far from being a practical solution yet it has managed to capture that General Public's imagination who may lack a deep understanding of its inner workings very very true at this point if you've seen the news that these AI assistants is going to take over the world is going to take your job not yet at least talking about personal assistant check out this video where I use couple of jailbreaks to turn gpt4 into brutally honest assistance
Channel: Goda Go
Views: 45,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autogpt, autogpt github, chatgpt, what is autogpt, autogpt twitter, how to use autogpt, autogpt how to use, gpt 4, gpt4, chat gpt 4, auto gpt, agi, autogpt tutorial, autogpt demo, auto gpt 4, chatgpt 4, babyagi, hugginggpt, what is auto gpt, how to install autogpt, how to set up autogpt, how to get autogpt, how to setup autogpt, how to download autogpt, autogpt mac, autogpt examples, autogpt code, godmode autogpt, autogpt example, autogpt use cases, autogpt on mac
Id: 4SgYPcVtP_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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