NEW BabyAGI 👶 - The Birth of Fully Autonomous AI (Tutorial)

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hey welcome back in this video we're going to talk about baby AGI which is an AI powered task management system essentially you set a goal and it creates prioritizes and executes on tasks to accomplish that goal almost fully autonomously and so I actually tweeted out the author of this and I asked what's the purpose of this and he gave me a kind of a cheeky response in the purpose is it's finding its purpose very similar to humans and so in this video I'm going to talk a little bit about it then we're going to go through the install process and then we're going to play around with it a little bit let's get into it and so let's look at the how it works section the script works by running an infinite Loop that does the following steps it pulls the first task from the task list it sends the task to an execution agent which uses open ai's API to complete the task based on the context it enriches the result and stores it in Pine Cone Pinecone seems to be the storage place of preference for a lot of these projects then it creates new tasks and re-prioritizes the existing task list based on the overall goal so let's get into the install of course the first thing we have to do is clone the repository so at the top of the GitHub page we're going to click this green code button and we're going to copy the link then we're going to switch over to our terminal and we're going to say git clone and then we'll paste the link hit enter there it cloned the repository to my desktop next we're going to change directory into it so CD Baby AGI enter and now we're in the baby AGI folder next we're going to install the python requirements so if you don't have python installed on your computer go ahead and install that now it's pretty straightforward you could do a Google search for how to install python so let's grab this piece of code pip install Dash R requirements.txt we're going to switch back to our terminal paste enter and there it goes and most of these it looks like I already had installed probably from Auto GPT next we're going to open up baby AGI in Visual Studio code or whatever editor is your preference next we're going to change the name of dot m.example to be just Dot N hit enter we're going to go in here and we're going to see what we need so we need open API key we need an open API model so it defaults to Chachi PT 3.5 turbo but we can use gpt4 if we want and then we're going to need our pine cone information so let's go over to open AI we're on the API Keys page we'll create a new key I'll copy it switch back over to the dot m file and I'll paste it in line two next we're going to need to know which model I have access to gpt4 but if you don't you can use GPT 3.5 but I'm going to type gpt4 hit save next we're going to need to grab our pine cone information so head on over to and if you don't already have an account just sign up for one it's completely free and you can have one index which is really like one project on the left side we're going to click the API Keys Tab and we're going to grab our API key come back to dot end file and paste it on line four where it says pine cone API key next we're going to need our pine cone environment so it comes with one pre-populated but that's not the one we have so you can find the environment on the API Keys page so we're going to copy it mine is us west4 gcp come back here we'll update that and we're going to save and I'm going to change these API Keys before publishing this video so next we need to update the rest of our end file so the table name we'll just call it test table that's fine the objective we're going to use an objective of grow my Twitter following and the first task will be to put together a list of interesting content for Twitter we'll save now it says here alternatively you can add the objective directly in the command line but I always prefer running these python files from visual studio so that's what we'll be doing so here it is babyagi dot pi and we're going to go ahead and click play now usually the first time you do this it takes a little while because pine cone needs to get initialized with its new database so keep that in mind so we're already getting some outputs using gpt4 potentially expensive monitor your costs objective grow my Twitter following and at this point it's probably setting up the Pinecone database which is why it's taking a little while so switching back to Pinecone while it's going it does still say initializing which I think is why it's hanging right now so we'll wait for that to finish but it should be finished pretty soon okay here we go task lists put together a list of interesting content for Twitter new task same thing and if we go back to Pinecone it shows ready so that's why we're going now so at this point I think it's probably pinging GPT 4's API endpoint which is why we're waiting now and there it is Task result inspirational quotes engaging questions memes and Gifts behind the scenes content polls so it came up with an entire list of things that we can use to grow the Twitter following and this is going to keep running it's going to create new tasks based on the previous task and continue to run over and over again okay here we go now the task list is curate a collection of memes and Gifts schedule daily inspirational quotes plan weekly engaging questions Series so the next one on the list it has reprioritized it and now we're going to curate a collection of memes and gifs so this runs continuously and I'm really excited to see these different projects that are essentially fully autonomous AI working on your behalf I couldn't imagine a world in which I have ai running in the background doing things that I need to do all day long and saving me a bunch of time and so that's it if you found this video interesting please consider giving a like And subscribe and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Matthew Berman
Views: 37,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, babyagi, baby agi, baby agi github, baby agi vs auto gpt, auto gpt, autogpt, gpt4, gpt 4, artificial intelligence, what is chatgpt, chatgpt explained, chatgpt tutorial, baby agi tutorial, openai, open ai, artificial general intelligence, agi, agi ai, autonomous ai
Id: pAtguEz7CBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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