Install Any Driver in Windows Easily!!

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today i'm going to show you an easy way to install missing drivers or to update existing drivers in windows stay tuned this week's sponsor is me if you'd like to support this channel the best way is to pick up a t-shirt at all my t-shirts are extremely high quality and durable these are the same shirts i wear in videos so if you like the shirt i'm wearing then head over to and pick yourself up one today i wish i knew about this years ago modern versions of windows do a pretty good job of keeping your drivers up to date in fact the days of doing a fresh install of windows and having almost no drivers installed is pretty much over microsoft has done an amazing job of making most hardware work right out of the box however this isn't always perfect it relies on driver signing so if there's not a signed driver for a specific piece of hardware it simply won't be available through windows update also a lot of obscure hardware devices sometimes still don't install because microsoft simply doesn't have the driver available for that device and let's not forget that windows update doesn't always have the latest driver for your specific piece of hardware in fact i almost guarantee you it won't the device may function with the driver windows installed but that driver may be an older outdated version that has since had performance improvements or bug fixes added to it now don't get me wrong i don't fault microsoft at all for any of these issues they deserve credit where credit is due installing windows 10 or 11 today is way different than it used to be with windows xp those were the days when a fresh install almost never had any network drivers definitely no video drivers and in most cases the audio didn't even work they gave you just enough for the system to run and then it was on you to go out and find drivers for your specific hardware now in the past we used to search google for a device hardware id to find a driver unfortunately scammers have figured this out and have inundated google search results with crappy malware programs and completely bs hardware driver databases you might be able to identify your device through google but the chances of finding a usable updated driver are typically very difficult this is unfortunate because it used to be really easy to find drivers using hardware ids you would just go into device manager right click on the missing device and click properties go over to the details tab and select hardware id from the drop down menu then right click on the hardware id and hit copy you would then search google for the hardware id and typically find the driver unfortunately now you find a lot of junk programs that promise to keep all of your drivers up to date that are actually nothing more than malware in fact that's exactly what i thought when someone in the comments of a previous video recommended the program we're looking at today i just assumed it was another piece of malware that made grand promises of updating your drivers but didn't really deliver boy was i wrong today we're looking at a program called snappy driver installer this is an open source tool that has absolutely no advertising and does exactly what it says it does it installs updated drivers the way it works is by using its own driver database it will first download an index file that uses hardware ids to identify the driver you have in your system it then compares the version that you're currently using with the latest version available of that driver in their own driver database then at this point it gives you the option to update your drivers to the latest versions the way it accesses these drivers is through using the bittorrent file protocol so you're actually downloading these drivers from people who have already downloaded them in the past the way you use snappy driver installer is by either downloading the installer and just installing it on your computer or downloading a portable version and keeping it on a usb drive i personally do the later because i don't like having a bunch of extra programs that take up resources on my system when i'm not using them also as a technician it's nice to have a tool that i can use to plug into any system's usb drive just a warning though you definitely don't want to use a small capacity usb drive for this program i currently use a 64 gig drive and it's simply not big enough i will probably end up going with 120 gig drive at some point but for now the 64 gig works pretty good this is because if you want to download the entire driver database it takes a huge amount of space just the initial install is like 30 gigs then every time you update you end up using even more space so i would recommend using the biggest thumb drive you can throw at it now let's take this usb drive and plug it into my computer and i'll show you how to use the program so the first thing that you're going to want to do is go ahead and open up a browser window and go to this is the website for snappy driver installer and then once you get there go ahead and click on the download link and it'll give you the option to either download the full version or the lite version now the full version is just that it's a full version it has everything and it's 25.6 gigabytes and you have to download this as a torrent but if you want you can download the lite version which essentially just doesn't come with any of the driver packs and that one's five gigs and it's a direct download you can download from here so once you have it all downloaded go ahead and extract it to a folder on your system at this point you can move all of this to a thumb drive if you want but i'm using one that's copied to the system right here just for demonstration purposes so you'll have these executables inside of the root directory you'll have essentially the sdio underscore and then this is going to correspond with the version of the snappy driver installer that you downloaded and you're going to want to pick the 64-bit version if you're running a 64-bit operating system and once you run that go ahead and say yes and you should get the program and what the program's going to do is it's going to look at all of the drivers that you currently have installed and it's going to compare those to what it has available and if it doesn't give you anything you may have to come up here and click update and by clicking update it really depends on what you're trying to do at the time you can just do updates for the specific pc that you're working on and by doing that it will only download the specific driver packs that correspond with your computer or you can hit check all and it'll download everything but as you can see it's going to take a lot of space in order to do that so i would recommend just doing this pc only if you plan on just using it on your specific computer if you plan on using this on a thumb drive or you have multiple computers that you want to use this on then it's a good idea to download everything because then you'll have it available to you when you need it so let's move on all right once you have the program updated you can go ahead and close this window here and essentially what you're left with is as you can see there's several drivers right here that haven't been updated and the way this program works is you go ahead and click on select all it will select all the drivers that are available for you and then you click on install yup that's pretty much what it does is it just does exactly what it says it does it installs drivers or updates existing drivers so once you get all of your drivers installed you should be left with this page right here certain drivers are going to require the system to be restarted and in order to restart it you just restart it like you normally would you can go ahead and click right here and what this will do is it will hide all the drivers that it's already installed and as you can see now i have nothing left to update and i can go ahead and restart the system so as you can see this program is really easy to use you just run the executable the program automatically detects all of the outdated or missing drivers on your system and then gives you the opportunity to install them or update them no pop-ups no claims that you can't do certain things without the premium version no malware and absolutely no bs it just does exactly what it says it does installs drivers and considering that this is an open source project it does a pretty good job of it too however i have had a couple of issues with it my biggest issue is with this tool using the bittorrent file protocol while it works great it's not always the fastest in fact when i want to update all the available drivers in the entire database it typically has to leave the usb in a drive overnight in order for it to update also there's been a few instances where a driver for a system isn't available and it needs to download it and the amount of time that it takes to download is annoyingly slow typically when that happens i'm really busy and i just want to get the system off my bench so i can get to another one however i understand why they use the bittorrent protocol to make this tool work because if they hosted the driver database themselves it would be incredibly expensive and it would be virtually impossible to provide this tool for free so since i'm not paying for the tool i'm not going to complain when it's slow downloading updates the next issue that i've had is just problems associated with updating drivers i have yet to see an instance where it couldn't find a driver for a specific piece of hardware but you know that might happen however i have had one instance when i let it update all the drivers on the system and it left the system unbootable in that case it was the sata driver that updated and after a reboot the system simply started blue screening because it couldn't find its boot drive but this really wasn't hard to fix there's a cool little trick where you force the system to boot into safe mode and then once it fully boots just reboot the system into normal mode and it will typically find its boot drive on the new driver and just boot normally from that point forward in this case that's all i had to do but there is a possibility you could run into problems using this tool while it's always a good idea to keep your drivers updated to the latest versions there have been instances in the past where a bug in the latest driver can wreak havoc on your system normally this can easily be fixed by simply rolling back the driver you just updated but if you used a tool like this to update all of your drivers you may not even know which driver it was that caused the problem so keep that in mind if you decide to use this tool but if you do the tool also has an option to create a restore point before it updates drivers so that could come in handy in those cases and you know another thing that i recommend is not using this tool to update your gpu drivers i would highly recommend using the nvidia or ati driver install to get the latest driver for your gpu in fact if you have an nvidia card check out this video where i show you the easiest way to not only install your nvidia drivers but to customize the installer to fit your needs have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 178,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install drivers, windows 10, how to update drivers, install drivers in windows, install drivers in windows 10, how to install drivers automatically in windows 10, how to install drivers in windows 11, how can i install drivers in windows 10, how to install drivers in windows 8.1, download and install drivers in windows 10
Id: zSP8uIcF43Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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