30 Windows Commands you CAN’T live without

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You thought you were done, but no. There are 35 more Windows commands you need to know. Let's get right to, the first thing we'll do is launch our command prompt and B mode. Mr. B mode. So either hit Windows key S on your keyboard or click the Windows icons as far from there. Type in cmd, right click and run as administrator. But hold up. What if it just ran as administrator by default all the time? Instead of clicking run as administrator, click on open file location. There we have our command prompt shortcut. Go ahead and right click back. Click on properties advanced and click on Run as administrator by default. Sucker click okay, apply. Okay, so now every time you run command prompts, it will default to beast mode every time. This command will help you hide all your deep dark secrets, the weird photos, the journal, everything. First, I'll take all my images and my journal and send them to a zip folder. And then with the copy command I can hide the zip file inside a photo of a kitten. Copy slash b, specify the image plus the name of your folder, and then the name of your new secret photo done to the random person. It's just a photo to you. It's a safe with all your stuff. With this command, we can encrypt every file in that folder so that no one can even open it. If they do find it. Cipher slash e and the folder, I'm in every file encrypted. So now only I can open these files and no one else can. This command is crazy. We can hide our folders from everyone like this folder here with all my secrets. Keep an eye on it, it's gonna disappear. I'll type in a trip plus H plus S plus R, and the name of our folder, boom, it's gone. Even we can't see it. To bring it back, just do the opposite. Change your pluses to minuses, removing those attributes and the invisibility cloak and there it is. Net sh w n Show profile. This command will show you every wifi network you've ever connected to. And what's even crazier is you can see the wifi passwords for every network right here in your terminal. Same command net SH WLAN Show profile. Specify the wireless network. I'll say see butterfly and then type in key equals clear to see the wifi password in plain text. There it is right here. If you wanna see all wifi passwords for everything you have stored this crazy command, this one-liner will send you all of them. Now that's too much info, too much to parse through in a command prompt, what do you say? We put it into a file. Let's do that same command once more, but at the very end we'll do side arrow, side arrow, I think it's what they're called. And then the name of our file, wifi passwords dot txt and bam. All right there in a file. Austin. Blur these please. Now you're never gonna remember that command ever. So let's say we put it into a batch file for safekeeping open notepad. I'll paste in this command and these will all be below by the way, file save as all files and we'll call it wifi dot bat. Now we just type in wifi dot bat and there they are. This is a quick way to find out all the info on your system. You simply type in system info like this and it shows you your system info. S, P or secure copy lets you copy a file to a remote server securely type in s sep the file you want to copy and then the username and the server you want copy to mine will be route at the IP address, then colon and where you want to store it on that server. Hit enter, authenticate with your password and bam, that file is copied. I use this all the time now I bet you didn't know this one. Check this out right from Explorer, wherever I am, well say and Call of Duty. I can go up to the address bar, type in CMD, and suddenly a terminal, a command prompt and Call of Duty just like that. That's awesome. I can also do it in reverse where I'm at right now in the command prompt. I'll type in explorer and then dot right after that explorer window open right where I am. That's awesome. Did you know you can map any folder on your system as a mounted tribes? For real, check this out. The command will be S U B S T subs and then a drive letter. Let's say S for, do you want some more coffee? Don't put a colon after that. And then the location, let's just use the one we have right here. I'll put that inside quotations and I think it did it. Let's go check. Let's open up explorer and yeah, there it is. Drive S. If I click on that, it goes right to the call of duty folder like I mapped it. That's so weird. It'll probably want to undo that. So the command is subs slash d and then the drive letter, which was oh S for some more coffee. Okay, time for a quick coffee break and this coffee break and the entire video is sponsored by IT pro tv, which is now it pro from ACI learning. Now you're gonna need them because of what I'm showing you here is just scratching the surface on it. If you wanna get a job and change your stink and life, they've got all the training you need to start learning and growing. So I don't care if you're just getting started or you're a seasoned veteran, there are always things you have to learn cuz hey, we're in it and things are constantly changing. So whether it's that first cert or you finally wanna learn hacking, they've got your back. And I'm scared to say this, but you probably don't even need coffee. No, what am I saying? Of course you need coffee, but if you don't drink coffee you may not need it because they're so entertaining they won't put you to sleep. Like seriously, if you hang out with my friends like Daniel Lowry and Ronnie Wong, you're gonna have a good time. So ccna a plus cloud stuff, ethical hacking that got everything and when you're done watching, you can actually just start doing. They've got labs baked in and practice exams that'll help prepare you for exams. Let's probably self-explanatory, so if you wanna learn it like me, check out it pro TV like below. And if you use my code network, Chuck, you get 30% off forever. So just just do it. It's cool. Coffee break over now it's time to make your command prompt. Pretty first command is color. Type in color and just pick some random numbers. Like two and four. What? No, I can't, I can't see anything. Zero one. Well that's kind of nice. Four, two. Okay. Okay, so <laugh>, let me uh get some help here. Color slash question mark. Ah, so here's the colors. Let's get it back. Seven, zero, nope. Opposite zero seven. Actually I wanna change it for the entire video. Let's go green on black old school. So two will be green. That's the text black zero the background. Nope, I had it wrong. There we go. I spent way too long in this command <laugh>. The first number is the background, second number is the text. Now we can do more to make this thing pretty like we can change this. Check it out, type in prompt bracket. Hey, beautiful closing bracket and then dollar sign, capital G. Now that's how you have a prompt right there. Now you didn't need the brackets but I thought it was prettier since we're talking about pretty, you could do it just like this, but that's not as pretty. Now if this is not your thing, just simply type in prompts and it will reset it. Now if you wanna be even more extra, cuz you do and I do too, you can change the title of your window as well. For some reason it's all for prettiness. So just type in title and then what you wanna title it home. Sweet Home, look at that. It changed the name. That's nice. How much can you curl? This next section is crazy. You ready for this? Modern windows like Windows 11, I think 10 has curl built in. Curl is amazing. So with the curl command we can do things like, hey, what's the weather? We can check the weather in our command. Prompt curl w ttr, dash i n slash, where are you? I'm in Dallas. The weather right there in your command prompt. This is the coolest way to check the weather. Hands down, this one's pretty cool. You can actually unor shorten links, see where it goes before you open it, type in curl and a few parameters like head and location. And then these shorten your url, just paste it in there and we'll get some info. And then, because we only care about the location of it, where it's going, we'll do a bracket, type in fine string and type in location. Bam, shorten link goes here. And also you should go there and check it out. It pro tv. Shameless plug. You can also check these status of a website to see if it's up. Type in curl dash capital I then lowercase s and the website networks chuck.com. Is it up right now? Sure. Hope so. Yeah, it is 200. Okay, which also happens to be the name of the coffee I'm drinking right now. Wow. Oh my goodness. Where do I buy. Some Curl Continues. What's your public IP address? Find out right from the command line Curl check IP amazon aws.com. Bam. Public ip, but you can't see mine. I've blurred it out, right? Austin, you blurred that, right? Thank you. This one's kind of dumb but it's still pretty cool. You can use Curl from your command prompt to create a QR code type in Curl and then QR, e n c o.de, and then slash the website. You wanna make a QR code for? Let's do network chuck.coffee and <laugh> QR code right here in your command prompt. That's just the coolest way to do it. Let's see if it works. Dude, it totally worked. That's awesome. You're welcome. Now I have good news. You no longer have to rely on YouTube to know when I upload a video. You can use the command prompt. It does everything fact curl, you can curl dash s and then this address, which is kind of long and at the end just say user equals whoever you wanna see, and it will show you the latest video from your favorite YouTuber, at least the name of it. <laugh>, not the entire video. That'd be kind of cool. And you can even do it for Twitter. Check this out. Same story, curl dash s, but a Twitter U url. And there's my latest tweet. You never ever have to leave the command line. That's the point of this video. Stay here. I told you it's home. Sweet home buddy. No curls not done. A few more you can define a word dictionary right in command, prompt curl dick.org/d for definition colon, and then a word. Let's do the word of the day. Contra tense. An unexpected and untoward accident. Something inopportune or embarrassing, A hitch <laugh>. Use it in a word in this unhappy contra tenses. I'm never gonna use that word. Now this is probably the coolest use of Curl and it's where worlds collide. Twin Worlds. Collide. Now did you know you can use chat G p t from the command line? This is crazy. Check this out. Now we're also still using Curl. I'm gonna paste in as long command. I'll have it below. Now let's ask it a question. Who has the longest beard? And there it is right there in the command prompt. Eight feet, two and a half inches. How do you live? Dude must know so much about it. Now we can use chat, G p, T and Windows command prompt. It's only fair that chat G P T can then use command prompt on it, right? You can do that. By the way, found this post on Reddit with a pretty fun prompt. Let's try it out. Okay, we gotta set up. Let's see if it works. Yeah, I think so. Okay, well you can't curl or do anything else. Bust it is stupid. Here's a fun one. You can open a website right from your terminal. Just type in start the website and it opens. With these two commands, you can delete all the temporary files to save some space if you're running outta space. So you can download that new Call of Duty update, run that command, and then run this command space restored. This one's pretty dumb and pretty fun. You may not have this command. Type in Telenet and just see if you have it. Hit enter. Oh, you don't have it. Let's make sure you have it real quick. Hit Windows key S and just search for features and click on that first option here. Turn Windows features on or off. We're going to enable Telenet a very old protocol that's probably not safer to use for most things. Find Telenet, click on it to enable it, click okay. It's gonna install it real quick. Done super fast. Now if you type in Telenet, it should work. How do I get out of here? Oh, type in Q. Okay, type in Q, take me a minute, figure it out. Now time for the fun stuff. Type in Telenet and then tele hack.com. Ready? Go. Now pick your po, like maybe you wanna watch Star Wars and your terminal. Why not type in Star Wars? And we're just gonna watch this for the rest of the video. Ah, I'm got to this. Okay, that's enough. Let's get out of there. I had control C to stop it. Let's try one more like Aquarium. Aquarium. I hear it. I mean that's just nice to have. Now time for the Fs. F1 through nine can actually make you pretty awesome on your command. Prompt F1 will type in each letter from the last command. It's kinda strange. That's cool though. Let me try it again with a real command. Yeah, like I don't know what the use case is for that. F two is even weirder. So like for example, if I type in IP config, that's the previous command I type in F two, it's gonna prompt me to copy the previous command up to a certain character. If I type in like I, it's just gonna copy some of it. It's, I don't know, it's why common Blue If you have a use case for that, I don't know. F three is more useful. It'll copy the entire previous line. Okay, get that. F four is weird too. <laugh>, I'll type in IP and think again and I have to go to the beginning of the line. I'll type in F four and I'll say like, where do you wanna delete the character up to? Okay, let's delete it up to I. Okay, that's weird. I don't know. Again, I'm sure people like are amazing at this and find a great use case. I don't get it. F five is pretty cool. You can cycle through previous commands. Just F five at, yeah, I like it. F six enters the EEO F or the end of file indicator. That's handy for when you're hiding stuff. F seven is pretty cool. It opens up a list of previous commands. Now this is probably the coolest one here. I wanna do that one. Like that's awesome, right? Like, okay, that's, yep. F eight will like enter the very first command you typed in ever in this terminal or this command prompt, which apparently was cls. And then F nine is pretty weird. Um, it'll enter a previous command, but it'll prompt you for the number. So like, I don't know, 24. Okay, that was the 24th command I entered in this terminal. Again, weird use case. Now to get a proper list of all your commands printed out, you can do this dokey dokey slash history. Everything you ever did written right here. It's pretty cool. Now this next command is gonna break your brain a little bit because what we're using right now, the command prompt, it's old news, it's stupid. I shouldn't even showed you this. The new kid on the block is terminal built into Windows 11. You can install on Windows 10. We're gonna close command prompt and now search for terminal. This thing's pretty slick. You can do everything we just did in Command Prompt, for example, we'll probably want an open command prompt cause the default into Power Shop. I'll cover that in a second. Click on the little tab here and do Command Prompt. But that's the killer feature, right? Tabs. Oh my gosh. So cool. Now because we're in terminal, it opens up some new features we can talk about. For example, maybe you're trying to use secure copy to copy a file, but you're like, man, what's that file name? I don't want to, I don't know where it is. I don't wanna type it out. You can just open it and explore, find it, and just drag it there and it copies it. Could you imagine typing this out or trying to find it? That's awesome. Another cool thing is that no matter where you are an explorer, you can shift, right? Click a folder and say Open a terminal, and bam, there you are. If you need help, just simply ask for it. Type in help, and it'll give you pretty much every command you could ever want. I think that's a lot of 'em. And typing in any of these commands like subst or start, you can do a slash question mark to see how to use it. This command is not one at all. It's this advice. Use this <laugh>. Use PowerShell. PowerShell is better than Windows Command for prompt in a lot of ways. Now, don't get me wrong, I still use Command Prompt for a lot of things. It's just outta habit. It's what I've used my entire career. But if you wanna learn anything, you wanna dive deep. PowerShell is powerful. It's like command prompt but better. And you can do a lot more. And to use PowerShell, it's already right here and terminal. You can switch back and forth between actually Azure Cloud Shell Command Prompt and Windows Power Shell. That's the video. See you later.
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 1,344,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Windows 11, command prompt, top windows commands, top cmd commands, windows 11 commands, windows 10 commands, ipconfig, top 40 windows command prompt commands, network chuck, best windows commands, windows commands for beginners, command prompt tricks, command prompt wifi password, command prompt hacks, command prompt tutorial, command prompt windows 10 repair, command prompt windows 11
Id: prVHU1fLR20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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