I STILL Don't Want a Microsoft Account!!

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today i'm gonna go over all of the different ways to bypass the microsoft account requirements in windows 11. this will hopefully be the definitive guide until of course we find other ways around it stay tuned do you like saving money of course you do you need to check out today's sponsor slick deals slick deals has a free browser extension available to make saving money online even easier when you're on a website just click on the browser extension and it shows you all the deals available for that website this browser extension will automatically search through all of the most up-to-date coupon codes to find you the best savings based on what you currently have in your cart check out this deal i found on foster and grant glasses i love these glasses but end up breaking a pair at least once a year maybe i should buy two so follow the link in the description below and get the free slick deals browser extension and start saving money today unless you don't like saving money no microsoft i don't want an account sorry not sorry it's been a while since i did my video on how to bypass the microsoft account requirement for windows 11. in that time microsoft has added windows 11 pro to the list of versions that will require a microsoft account so you can't just use windows 11 pro anymore to get around this requirement so in anticipation of microsoft fixing the workaround that i shared before i'm going to show you four different ways to avoid having to use a microsoft account in windows 11. also my last video was a little complicated and some of the new ways that i have found to get around this are much easier i mean like really easy but before we get into that i was asked many times in the comments of the last video why anyone would want to do this and you know that's a good question and there are some very valid reasons why you would want to use a local account in windows a microsoft account authenticates your account through the cloud this can cause some complications if you're in an area with patchy internet or your internet goes down for whatever reason in fact whenever i bring an infected computer into my shop i always do a once-over on the system before i plug it into my network however when i have a system with a microsoft account half of the time it won't let me log in without connecting to the internet now imagine if you had a car that wouldn't run unless it had internet access and you were logged into an account that you were forced to create in order to use the car this would be awfully inconvenient if you were out in the middle of nowhere with no internet access [Music] also it begs the question who owns the car if you need the manufacturer's permission to use it then is it really yours many people will claim that if you have no problem with a google account or an apple account then why should we have a problem with a microsoft account but you know what this question misunderstands the problem first of all i disagree with apple accounts just as much as i disagree with microsoft accounts i just don't use apple products so it doesn't affect me but in regards to google or any number of other services online there's a big difference between those accounts and a microsoft account let me explain it like this many of the people watching this video probably don't remember blockbuster but it was a video rental service that had about as many locations as starbucks does today in order to rent a video you would have to have a blockbuster membership i think you all would agree that that's reasonable however imagine if you needed a membership in order to view the dvds in your own movie collection i'm sure you would all find that completely unreasonable that's how i view microsoft accounts or even apple accounts when you sign up for a google account or netflix amazon or any number of other services you're doing it because you want to benefit from the service the company provides my smart tv is not going to be rendered worthless without a netflix account you just wouldn't be able to use netflix now on the flip side i should not need microsoft's permission to use my computer requiring an account to log into an operating system crosses the line between service and property my computer is my personal property and i don't need anyone's permission to log into it it's okay for microsoft to require permission to use their services but i'm not okay with them holding my computer hostage if i don't want a microsoft account i don't use the microsoft store in fact i don't use any of microsoft's proprietary services i use windows and last time i looked microsoft has not been able to sell windows as a service to the general population even though they've been trying to do it for decades now they have successfully sold office suite as a service but windows is still a licensed piece of software not a service however these microsoft accounts are very much microsoft wanting to sell windows as a service they're getting you prepared for it they want you to pay a subscription fee in order to turn on your computer i'm not okay with that and you shouldn't be either finally the last reason you would want to avoid having a microsoft account is privacy microsoft uses these accounts to track you across different computers and devices so if you're shopping for new blinds and then you decide to play a little bit of xbox don't be surprised if you start seeing ads for blinds but with all that said let's get on the computer so i can show you how to avoid setting up a microsoft account in the first place okay so i'm going to be doing all of this from a virtual machine just to make it easier for me to jump back and forth between snapshots this is just so i don't have to reload windows a bunch of times to show you all the different ways we can do this so we're going to go ahead and fire up our virtual machine right now i had this preset up to start right at the tail end of the setup so this is right about the time you're going to need your microsoft account so it's going to take a second for this thing to fire up but once it does i'll be able to show you how to get around it okay now we're in windows setup i'm gonna break this into two different parts the first two methods i'm gonna show you have to be done with the network disconnected now this isn't talking about plugging it in and unplugging it just unplug it leave it unplugged so the first two are going to be like that and then the last two are going to be with the network turned on you know just in case you forgot to unplug your network when you started setup in the first place so from here we're going to go ahead and do things like normal we're going to pick our region i'm going to go ahead and hit next and then pick our keyboard hit yes and then it's gonna ask us we want another keyboard layout just hit skip and then at this point it's gonna tell us we need a network connection now as you can see from here note that it doesn't give us any way to skip i mean we're we're stuck i mean we can't do anything here so here's how you get around that what you want to do is you want to hit shift f10 and that's going to bring up your command prompt and then from there i want you to type in oobe and then it's going to be backslash no spaces bypass nro and as soon as you hit enter it's going to reboot the computer and once the computer's rebooted now what we need to do is we need to go through the entire setup process again which really wasn't that big of a deal it was only a couple of settings so we're gonna pick our region again hit yes gonna ask us our keyboard layout hit yes go ahead and hit skip again and now the next screen you're gonna see let's connect you to the network however the new thing is is i don't have internet we go ahead and click that then hit continue with limited setup and there you go enter your name in here and you can go ahead and set up a local account like normal so this one right here is actually a cool little way to use microsoft's own switches to be able to modify the installer so you don't need a microsoft account i'd like to find a way to get this just default in a regular installer so i'm gonna look into that i don't know if it's possible but it might be okay so i went ahead and restored the snapshot here so we're back to the beginning where we were before and i'm gonna show you the next way in order to bypass a microsoft account and this one's pretty easy and this one's been covered a lot by other people but i wanted to include this in this guide because i'm doing all the different ways that i know of to get around this just like before we're going to go ahead and pick our region and then pick our keyboard we're going to hit yes and then skip on the next one and then at this point it gives you the same screen to connect to a network now just like before go ahead and hit shift f10 to bring up your command prompt but this time what you want to type is task mgr and this is going to bring up your task manager go ahead and click on more details here and then you want to scroll down until you find the service called network connection flow it should be fairly close to the top here it is right here and then as soon as you click on it go ahead and hit end task and then you can close these and there you go you can create a local account so like i said before this one's pretty well known it's been covered by a lot of people before but i wanted to include it in the guide so you can find all the different ways of doing this all in one place so now that i did the two that required you to disconnect from the network now let's go ahead and do the two that require the network to be attached let's do it and then at this point once it boots up because it has network it's going to want to update the installer that may become a problem in the future because microsoft may update the installer to make these bypasses not work but that's okay that's why i'm including everything that i know right now in how to bypass this so if one of these doesn't work you know it is what it is you can just use the one that does work so once it's fired up we're gonna go ahead and like before pick our region and then go ahead and pick your keyboard hit yes and then you're going to want to hit skip and then at this point it's going to check for updates and it's going to take it a minute so it's going to go ahead and update the installer and then restart so i'll meet you back here once setup restarts all right once setup restarts you're going to be faced with this screen right here asking you if you want to name your device and you know what just go ahead and hit skip for now and then from the next screen it's going to ask you for your microsoft account now obviously there's nothing you can do at this point you can't skip it you can't say you don't want one but here's where the trick comes in go ahead and hit shift f10 just like in the last two different ways we do this and then on this one we want to type in ipconfig and then space forward slash release and then by doing that it essentially disables your network so we're going to go ahead and close this go ahead and hit the back button and there we go we can create a local account now this one here is really easy and it kind of works on the same premise as my original video where you have to unplug and replug in the network connection but by using the ipconfig command you can just disconnect the network from within windows so it makes it a little bit easier to get through that and that little work around there however the next workaround is my absolute favorite and this is the one that i'm gonna be using from this point forward and you know what you're not gonna believe how simple this is i mean really watch this okay so now we're in setup again and just like before it's gonna have to go through and update the installer and things of that nature so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to run through this really quick so it checks for updates and then i'll be back once the updates are done and the installer's restarted all right we're back in setup we're going to go ahead and hit skip for now we don't need to rename the device right now and then from there it's going to ask you for your microsoft account so so if you want to get away from creating a microsoft account using a local account have you tried just entering in a local account let's see what happens okay so i'm going to type in rich and we're going to hit next and then for the password i'm just going to type 1 2 3 4 that's not really my password but we got to type in something then we're going to click sign in oops something wrong oh no what in the world could that be let's find out all right so we're going to hit next and that's right all you have to do is enter in your local account credentials as the microsoft account and it'll give you the option to install it with a local account now is that easy or what so you have successfully created a local account in windows 11. congratulations everybody using a windows computer should be able to choose for themselves whether or not they want a microsoft account or a local account hopefully one of these methods will work for you i would imagine that over time microsoft may stop some of these from working but hopefully they don't stop all of them from working so if one of them doesn't work then just try one of the other ones i really hope the last one doesn't stop working because that one's just simple as it gets i don't necessarily mind companies monetizing their users i mean i don't necessarily like it either but in reality it's the world we live in however i still don't think we should make it easy for them and if you agree then check out this video where i show you how to completely disable microsoft telemetry in windows 11. have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 155,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 11 home will require a microsoft account, windows 11 home, windows 11, can you use windows without a microsoft account, how do i skip a microsoft account, windows 11 home edition requires a microsoft account to complete setup, local account, local account windows 11, microsoft account and internet connection mandatory, windows 11 setup now prevents local account creation, microsoft account
Id: SnByg_emgSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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