Instagram Controls My Reading Weekend

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my friends we are just entering a long weekend and I thought it would be fun to do an Instagram controls my life again it's been a couple months and also I really need to go book shopping today and I want you guys to make my decisions so it's Friday afternoon and all weekend I'm going to be doing a series of polls on Instagram hi guys I'm doing another Instagram controls my life so make sure you follow along all weekend and vote on all the polls and choose what I do with my entire life thanks okay so Liam was just getting dressed and before we barely even started this video I was like we you could have Instagram shoes and he said that was super cool idea so you're choosing between those two shirts and those two sweet wings I would let you choose what I'm wearing but I already got dressed before I decided to do this whole thing you can choose my outfits tomorrow I'm not like loving this but it's cold outside and I don't have that many sweaters so I'm wearing my Lala sweater haha alright show us your outfit oh it's dark now bazinga in Canada Day these are new Oh Canada - is what they're called our first stop has to be coffee because I worked from home today I usually get my coffee from work we have this really epic like coffee machine but I work from home today because Liam didn't have school and I actually finished my hours for the week and it's only like moon so I need some coffee or I'm gonna get a headache because caffeine dependency is fun so I'm going to post a poll and let you decide if we should go to Starbucks or Tim Hortons Liam wants two more please I want Starbucks so you all chose Starbucks and the two bookstores that I'm planning to go to next but I'm trying to decide between they're both right next to a Starbucks so I figured I would let you choose what bookstore I'm going to next and then I can just get Starbucks all in there instead of stopping by the one goes by my house I don't have a good picture of bookshelves so I'm literally just like zooming in on a weird picture and to make you choose where we're going book shopping either a chain bookstore which is going to be indigo or an independent bookstore which is going to be mosaic books I actually would really like you to choose the independent bookstore normally I would want him to go because I like going to indigo but indigo actually doesn't have in stock the book that I need first book with on and I'd like to get my spoof on TBR ready so I hope you choose the independent bookstore but if not I don't know I hate driving downtown and the independent bookstores downtown so really I don't really care but I kind of do either way I'm interested to see your decision we're gonna go in to Toys R Us that's not Toys R Us where is Toys R Us I can't see it we have birthday presents to buy three birthday presents to buy didn't even see your bazinga shirt because you're wearing a hoodie buzzer yeah all right we're done shopping it's a small bag for how much money I just spent I said way too much money on children who aren't mine but I also bought Liam something because can't go to the toy store and not buy a present for your own kid there's these things called gross grocery gang I don't get it okay yeah he's happy and I'll be happy a second because I'm going to the book store and we're gonna find out where you guys wanted me to go oh 80% independent bookstore okay you guys want me to support the independent bookstores respect does it have a name gooey chewy all right can we go to the bookstore what do you does allow me to go can we Chewie listen I saved you from the prison that is the toy store you're now free and now you're gonna come to the book store did you understand you're gonna come to the book store with me and you're gonna like it listen I have to pay for parking oh well there's one minute left you took me like 20 minutes to find a parking spot this is why I hate going downtown we get to cross the rainbow crosswalk no just this one the bookstore is right there and the Starbucks is there yeah what we made it all right we're at the bookstore it'd be nice to let them choose the books that we want to buy but it's hard to vlog in a tiny bookstore for toil and trouble purple you're so cute Liam's reading while you decide the next poll user edit who I didn't Eddin who Eddie cat treats what's up William got a joke cat books I got my try and I got 2 bucks you guys picked split tooth both of those books work for different videos so you kind of chose the next video that I'm going to how much did that book win by there's no 70 percent 69 percent to 31 but it was actually the more expensive book but it's the cooler looking book look it's got red pages and now I kind of still want to go to Value Village because I have not been in probably a month but I don't want you guys to choose between that and something else so I think I might just ask you like should we go to the used bookstore too and you'll probably say yes if not okay I posted a poll should I go to the used book store my phone's about to die which is awkward but we're gonna go get lunch I'm gonna decide we're not you and then I'll see what the poll said if you want us to go there's the one nice part about our downtown it's just beautiful trees it's so beautiful out ball is here where the people voted 96% said we should go it's a lot hoping there's some good thrillers spooky fun you're so dirty okay so I'm gonna make them choose a stack of books to buy either the sack which is what I want to buy or a stack of mystery books that are garbage that I don't want now I have to walk around with this part full of books that I'm gonna buy yet man that was so close like it was 50/50 for the entire time we were in the store and just as we were checking out the left stack finally pulled ahead which is the one that had the stuff that I wanted so I actually ended up putting one of them back and I just got two out of the three but they're in this giant Value Village bag because I bought a bunch of winter stuff for Liam - anyway we're gonna head home now cuz we must to go to his birthday party and then we have the entire night free and I guess you can decide what we do I'm still laughing about his cat jokes okay on my last percent of battery I posted a poll asking what you guys want me to film and then if I get some ideas then I'll put up a poll of like two options and then you can decide even further but I have like no idea what it's on this weekend so any ideas nice puppet come on my way home I made Robbie get gas and [ __ ] he took his bag of Sun Chips so we wouldn't eat them he didn't get to eat lunch today apparently so he's just eating some chips while bombing gasps look at this man tell me if you get the joke so here's the two books that I got linking them in the bardo which I've heard amazing things about has won awards I didn't like one of those books I was like oh my god I have to read but when you find it for you know three ninety-nine I'm gonna give it a try and then there's something inside your house I didn't even see that whoa that's crazy so yeah this one I like had on my TBR last year and then everyone said it wasn't actually really good so then I took it off my TBR but again a couple dollars for a signed copy so cool I can't we're going to notice that oh and of course I also but these two I should film my spook Athan video tomorrow Liam has been dropped off for the birthday party so we pretty much have five hours on our own so my first pull I put up isn't actually a pole it's asking what you want me to film and then I'm gonna do two more poles tonight one of them is gonna be where you decide what book I read because I started actually I started four different books this week and I'm just having a really hard time with the follow through and so these two the ones that I've read the most of and by that I mean like less than 50 pages I'm just very easily distracted right now so I'm gonna make you choose the book that I'm reading and then you're gonna choose what we do for our date night either women go down to the pub which we never do because we never get anybody to watch our child so we should want to do that but we're both so [ __ ] tired that we kind of want to sit around and just like watch Netflix and hang out but you're gonna decide either you're gonna make us go out and like enjoy the night or we're just gonna you know cuddle and fall sick because if I had a preference it would probably be light-years what should I read so I'm gonna let the pull around even though I'm pretty I know what you guys are gonna choose I'm gonna tidy up the house and then I'm gonna read for a little bit before our date night starts I mean so for the book you guys want me to read I'm I don't even need to check broken things Amy for Sam one that I want to released I'm down to go to the pub but I'm also really down sit on my couch you item just woke up from a nap so whatever it's date night should we go out okay I'm clearly ready for a night in but there's no way you guys chose Stan cuz you're nearby you're probably like Oh a date night how nice they should go out live the live live it up oh it's close the culture than I thought it's 58% go out Oh what we've done I'm in a really small town so I don't know if date night to you is what date night is to us but like we can't go out to see like a movie we don't have like a theater we have two pubs and a Dairy Queen ooh can we please do beer burger and Blizzard hey I just got in the car these I can't tell it looks like it's raining but it's actually just immediately melting snow we're tipping the balance of temperature see what a gentleman make me drive but at least you opened my door for me it's a beer with much - Dairy Queen yeah I mean I should have done a poll but I just wanted ice cream I didn't want anyone else to choose my destiny it's really early well it's like 6:00 something Saturday morning Liam had a great time hockey I can't really show you his friends faces cuz that's all go for it but he had a great time and I read like I'm tiny man so my goal is to read broken things today but right now it's actually hockey practice but I'm gonna go ahead and do a poll and ask you guys if I should go it's a new day of polls where you decide my life today should I get up for 7:00 a.m. hockey practice word do I deserve to sleep in and just let the boys do it it's up to you okay they're getting ready to leave so I'm not ready I sure hope you chose that I could sleep in a me precisely Ben yeah guys are the real MVP thank your name oh god the windows so hard okay hold on hold on there who needs a tripod when you have a windowsill all these are dusty I'm wearing the same shirt that I wore yesterday and were to sleep yesterday really killing it with this faction life get away from me okay so it's time to plan what I'm gonna film today and I need to look through all of the pomp sorry suggestions requests whatever you want to call them that came in yesterday how many response it doesn't tell me how many responses oh my god it never ends okay a lot of the requests are like do a vlog a weekend reading whoa like hey what's happening and then a bunch of them are doing Instagram controls in my life and I'm like yeah on it try a chapter and I'm kind of working on that video already a lot of requests for a challenge which I can't even think of what that would look like a lot of recommendation requests which I don't do a lot of like could do something about horror books thriller books scary books I guess I could do a thirdly recommendation a lot of like fall tags do an autumn tag do a Halloween tech I haven't done a tagging so long and then there's a bunch of requests for videos that I already have planned for like certain times three thriller series but I haven't read three thrillers yeah bullet journal no thank you closet on haul is coming up a lot ok I go in for a reaction video that could be interesting spook is on TBR and will be filming that today okay take a picture what video do you want me to film directs or reaction to old what do I call an old challenge I'm just gonna leave it vague it's a reaction to an old video you don't know what I'm referring to you I have this idea I've made a couple of videos that are like I can't even think right now but like authors I need to read her books I need to read or books I'm gonna read as soon as possible or something like that and I think it'd be funny like three years later to see if I fir read those books or those authors but I genuinely don't know which one you guys are gonna choose so I'll check back in like an hour once I'm actually like camera ready yeah okay so I filmed the video that you guys voted for you want see the reaction so I did a reaction to authors that I haven't read yet from four years ago and there were some surprising thing so if you haven't watched that video you should check it out I'm gonna edit and upload it now and then we have other things to our day then you get to choose so I should also probably finish a book and take some Instagram pictures okay lots of you okay I'm thinking about getting my nails time it really all depends on if the nail place has like time for me cuz I don't have an appointment but I'm gonna ask you guys anyway if I should go natural or bold I don't know like what's what right now but I'm gonna post that I think if you choose natural I'm gonna do my normal nude or I could do like a nice pink kind of ombre if you choose bold I really don't know it's either gonna be black or red or something really Halloweeny because I'm gonna change them in like a month anyway haven't even seen if I can have an appointment yet but we should check what the internet wants me to do okay so we know tell us Liam wants me to do a poll either we get candy or we get our nails wait does that him included yeah he's getting his nails done know what 70% Boulder okay hold wears bold mean look at my nails I'm getting coffee hey what can I get for you can I get two large French Vanilla's with a quarter coffee okay so we just went out for dinner I didn't vlog I didn't I didn't post any polls because it was like a sushi buffet and that would have been confusing but here my nails these are my opinion of like bold they're almond shape they're matte black except for my ring finger it's like glossy black that's better the restaurant actually had a really nice bathroom type like took a little picture of my hands against their matte black wall anyway so you chose my nails I didn't go like super bold the like for Halloween this is bold now we're heading home and I grab coffee because if you noticed on the first day I didn't show you the poll results for Starbucks versus Tim Hortons because Starbucks is winning for about two seconds and then Tim Hortons has been winning ever since and I felt guilty ever since then so I got Tim Hortons on the way home tonight for me and Rob have he took his own car home now I'm gonna head home and I'm gonna have to ask you a poll of what you want me to read next it's gonna be light years or girls of paper and fire and either again light yours is gonna lose or you're gonna see that I really want to read it because it's been into a pulse that'll be up to you okay it's been over an hour and ready to read the results is girls paper on fire 79% super excited to read it I just like I'm really into light years and I had to stop at like 50 pages and now I really want to keep reading it but you guys get to choose side sign good morning it's not what I look like so first thing I need to do this morning is drink some coffee so you might as well choose I feel like all I've talked about all of the choices have been about coffee so Robbie just picks up these like random things I haven't tried any of them so I don't even like caramel you're like all careful what's this one Hawaiian hazel not YUM what should I try caramel our hazelnut little do you know that that's actually going to be the coffee that's in the picture I'm taking for Instagram the spook is on prompt for tomorrow sorry I'm trying to get my white rings come on what a challenge prompt for tomorrow is blood so I'm going to take a picture of a book with blood on the cover and then my new blog nails and then a red coffee cup with whatever coffee you choose you know it's probable weird if anybody ever like comes to my house and sees a giant tripod in my room and the results for the coffee I really hope it's hazelnut maybe I'll love caramel though I mean you know me better 61% caramel okay that's up for 15 minutes which is pretty good results caramel and now we have the perfect Instagram picture I'm trying to think of other bookish polls I can get you to choose today but first I'm going to edit a picture and not great so Rabbie's off at a plumbing job this morning and I'm just gonna be home reading finishing the last book you chose for me tonight we have Thanksgiving dinner with my family tomorrow night we have Thanksgiving dinner with Robbie's family and then we need to fit in some type of fallish activity so i'm she'll ask you about that when the time comes sorry the camera angle is bad my window so isn't it the best height okay so I jumped the gun a little bit last night when I asked you for my next read I wasn't actually done my first read I just wanted to have something I knew who I was gonna read next and I just finished broken things and I really really so until these three girls they're obsessed with this like game it's like Slenderman and one of them dies and the other two like years later we're finding out the truth but the truth just like wasn't great nothing else but it was great and now I am starting girls of paper fire because you chose it I am super excited to read this I did want to read light-years more but I respect your decision and I just read two pages and I'm so hooked so I knew what this was about but there's like a whole nother level to it or basically when every baby is born they're like blessed by a shaman and they get this pendant and in the pendant is like a single character that will define them as a person and define their fate and when they're 18 they find out what that character was said all these years and like their true fate in the world it just sounds so freakin cool why I'm excited about a fantasy you know I'm excited back in the car we're heading to Thanksgiving dinner and I was gonna go through some of the stuff I have in storage at my parents and depending on my find I have an idea for a video so yeah I don't totally know what's in here but I think it could be interesting heading home shopping at the grocery store really quick to get stuff for tomorrow's Thanksgiving and I asked you while I was at my parents where you wanted me to do the live show I originally asked if you wanted me to make it into a video the box that I found or just do a live show and you said YouTube and then I was like thinking about what was in that box and it's not interesting enough to be a video so I'm just gonna go through it live anyway not listen to you but I did decide to make the poll asking where to do the live show and the result is Instagram so I might also try to figure out how to do it on both well I'll definitely be doing on Instagram I have this bin okay look how dusty this is I'm pretty sure has a bunch if this is like my memory you peaked in it right yeah it's like my memory box Thanks as much as people today act like they're so concerned with global warming world peace and politics does anybody take the time to research how they can help do people really take the time out of their day to put together a discussion group protest vote or watch the news to keep up-to-date on the issues well why would you what with a new reality show premiering each week and a brand new phone coming out each day better than the last who has time for the real issues this generation cares more about buying $200 jeans technology is ruining awareness when it should be helping thanks for coming to my TED talk those intense 15 ok you're finally gonna choose an outfit for me and I'm gonna let the poll run while I'm getting this ready so here are two outfits burgundy with skeletons or plaid mustard and green the livestream went well last night by the way it was like three hours long I'm trying figure out how to put it on my channel because it's like it only shows two of the three hours and it's like a weird chunk of the three hours and I'm confused I feel like you'll choose the green one but I want you to choose the burgundy one and the answer is oh the burgundy one 69% swell ivan kudrya okay I hadn't tried this on before posting it so I hoped it would look cute together and have a look at myself so let's see okay I was worried the sleeves of this would be weird with the sleeves of this it's not bad I don't hate it I don't love it there should really be a Polish should I wash my hair and all the answers would be yes it's been about a week it's like it's a cute and grunion eat right good Imaginext well should Robbie wear this cardigan so we can all match oh man look I've got burgundy liam's Burgundy okay now they need to choose which pumpkin patch we're going to oh so rather than say the names I'm gonna just ask them if you should go left or right left or right you've got five minutes to decide cuz we're gonna get coffee first life is so cute making a pull should we go on a hayride or should we go to the pumpkin patch huge shows pumpkin patch and here we are all right show us your pumpkin very nice William what's your pumpkin oh that one no where'd it go I don't know there's some boys here and we're done our day at the orchard and now I'm gonna hit up one more thrift store just because I have to and I don't know what I'm gonna get you to decide it depends what I find that seam we got these in the free books I'm interested I'm gonna ask you if I could [Music] you're just saying yes to everything now I'm testing you all right so you decided I put up a poll for each one of these books and you guys just kept saying yes all of them I thought maybe you choose like two I guess you didn't know the next poll was coming you were like yeah okay good so I am still getting all five I threw in the last one just to text you she kept saying yeah sounds like you're gonna say yes to anything but you didn't do me wrong you didn't make me buy whatever it was called my best friend stepdad or something but I did end up getting five bucks and then was that to me I probably would have left the store with two so now we're going to some more Thanksgiving activities and Thanksgiving dinner again and I think there's anything else for me to pull you on I'm going to finish girls paper and fire and I guess I'll come back later and just like tell you my rating just so you know and other than that the video is over okay it's the next day I'm wearing this shirt for the fourth day in a row fifth day Naru but okay I finished girls of paper and fire and I loved it so much so I'm happy you ended up picking it because I didn't like broken things but your other choice was amazing it's magic and girls in love with girls and badass things and scary things and just a good time for everyone so yeah that's my final I know this wasn't like a reading vlog or like a wrap-up but I felt the need to tell you what I thought of the book that you chose because you chose two books and I talked about the both briefly and I'll talk about them more in my wrap-up thank you for controlling my weekend it was great I enjoyed your friendship and I love you as a friend bye
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 52,024
Rating: 4.9833102 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: FVhPwjnIEo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 47sec (1847 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2018
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