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hi friends its Lala this is my husband yep that's me so today I'm quizzing you okay I got this idea from Ali she did it with her boyfriend and it's basically like how well do you know my reading oh it's kind of like doing a book tag but you're gonna answer the questions so I have 25 books set up I recognized about half of them and I have 20 questions for you those are all written on post-its I'm gonna ask you one at a time and you're going to have to assign a post-it to a book okay I'm not gonna tell you if you're right after each question because at the end I'm gonna give you an opportunity to switch any post-its around we do it like prices right where you say how many I have right I love that yeah okay also I'm giving you three lifelines okay god first one is to pull the audience where we'll go on Twitter and we'll ask them to give you the right answer okay see if they know my reading tastes better than you do the second one is 50/50 okay where I will give you two choices and you'll still have to guess what the answer is but you'll have a much higher chance of getting it right okay and the third lifeline is to phone a friend where you can go on my boxer and ask any of my friends the answer C I like it alright so you can pull out your lifeline at any time okay this is more stressful than who wants to be a millionaire this is ridiculous so hopefully from this angle you can see all the books and we're doing this video has a premiere so if you're watching it as it's going up you can guess right alongside Rami the comments are going to be screaming at you with the writing so right off the bat both cameras I think I am gonna I'm gonna bat 50% is what I'm thinking I think some of these are super eat exactly that's one thing is looking at this eye I know you've read like like there's a few like I've never seen this book in my life never seen this book but all obviously a few of these I've seen I've even read this one so the end of this five books aren't gonna have posted I had to try to throw you up oh [ __ ] I can pee with the heart oh no I didn't think about that there's gonna be dummies okay I'm gonna pause the video for a second because Robbie's gotten a chance to stare at all the titles but I want to introduce them to you one by one so you have an equal chance of winning we've got big little lies by Liane Moriarty girl by Blake Nelson dress codes for small towns by Courtney Stephen Starr girl by Jerry Spinelli into the drowning deep by Mira grant the long walk by Stephen King all your perfect by Colleen Hoover her body and other parties by Carmen Maria Machado holes by Lois acre blue Lily Lily blue by Maggie Stiefvater everybody sees the ants by a king crook a kingdom by Leigh bardugo they savage song by Victoria Schwab Lord of the Flies by William Golding you must not miss by Katrina Leno orange is the new black by Piper Kerman gone girl by Gillian Flynn Angus thongs in a full-frontal snogging by Louise Rennison Jim and Dixie by Sara Zarr the Raven boys by Maggie Stiefvater wild beauty by Anna Marie McLamore the paths and other things that should stay buried by Sean David Hutchinson dangerous lies with Becca Fitzpatrick girl made of stars by Ashley hearing Blake and a long way home by cerebri early first time is my longest completed series see some of these are easy just if you think about them there you go why is that your room I bought all ten of them for you for your birthday okay I'm assuming you read them all next is my favorite book that I read in school the one that I read and grade twelve you should just tell them the answer okay so longest complete series I'm putting as Angus thongs and full frontal snogging and in school we read Lord of the Flies there's nothing else here that we read in school not that I read okay next one is my most read author go ahead and look at the board mm-hmm that's a hard one so I know you own a lot of Colleen Hoover and you've read a lot of Colleen Hoover but you have Stephen King on the board you have to shelter at the Stephen King on the throne Stephen King only because I know how many you have next post it is my favorite cover what are you thinking you stuck between big little lives okay well beauty okay then girl be the stars okay I'm feeling girl made of stars just I think it just represents you a really well this one though I know you like flowers so this you move your post-its at the end too okay next is my least favorite cover of all time just your least favorite yeah well it's not great didn't really like it that's bad hate it so I'm doing everybody sees the ants as worst cover because to me this cover doesn't really represent the story what's the story no idea it's just someone's face alright next time okay yeah my first arc I ever received oh [ __ ] oh my god I'm gonna go I don't look that's dropping out of me okay it's probably not right because it's dug me out for some reason okay next great yeah okay no stressful my OTP alright what are you gonna do you know any of the couples in any of these looks who are you saying in that Ronan and regular guy's name Oh Adam Adam yeah okay next one is my favorite book is this all-time or current though it was my favorite book and you're choosing star girl okay why because the pressure had that since you were 10 that book okay favorite title I have a favorite title what a normal where you read them out loud and see what you think of them big little lies crooked Kingdom Wow beauty I've got this intercept no idea what it is the past and the other things that should stay buried okay I think it's cool next is the book that I've read the most times grab the value too soon if you wanna use a lifeline Kelly's a 50/50 on this one really yeah oh gosh I wasn't expecting that okay 50-50 in which I give you two potential answers and it's one of them it's either the Raven boys or star girl boy hey how many times you think I've read that I'll see you read this like a solid eight and you've probably read star girl like five okay which is tricky because that's a thinner book so you could I've read that a lot quicker so that's ready yeah which book have I pushed the most people to read in my time on booktube what is the book that my channel is known for that I make everybody read then everybody reads in tweets music I'm so glad I read this because of you I don't know boo you could use a lifeline and actually ask my Twitter audience yeah okay we really yaks have no idea all right we are pulling the audience have I pushed the most people to read so I should tweet well book asking for a friend here's a well leave it for five minutes okay what's next next is my most recent read whoa [ __ ] what is the book that I have most recently completed what do you guys think hey now most of these questions they definitely know and you're picking her body and other parties okay why I'm pretty sure I've seen you read that recently so I'm gonna stick with this hairy leg within two weeks you have one more lifeline left and it's phone-a-friend okay which is very exciting okay okay so next one is my least favorite book of this entire does that mean I'm glad to have read yeah well of course okay how's that we're least favorite least favorite book yeah they know do they yeah this is jumping out at me for some reason or just the new block some are you saying that it's not not as good as the show I'm pretty sure it might be this too which is the worst part about it I read it was sticky on it well you really hate that book you think it's my least favorite book and my least favorite cover yeah how this hating on it I'm gonna surround girl why kind of chuckle dark I don't know what is my favorite movie adaptation thank God a long way home adapted into movie Lion it's both of our favorite all right what's my favorite adaptation into a show no big little lies we both love that one thanks for watching yeah you know how much the whole thing together what was my favorite book of last year all-time favorite book of 2018 to the very top of my favorites video which of course you watched right no how dare you a book from last year they know I have no idea you're picking what I'm picking dangerous lies my Becca Fitzpatrick okay next is my favorite author this is this is tricky I feel like for you who is my favorite author how do I know what if they were not there is your choosing gone girl by Gillian Flynn because all the other ones I know you like have post-its on it no we do the burger Stephen King I don't know anyone else what is the book that made me cry the most like ever you don't never read following my eyes out know anything ridiculous no you must not miss what's that about huh gonna make me cry yeah okay what is the book here that I most want to read you're picking cricket Kingdom because I know you like six of crows I think it just cuz you know see my book here I haven't read maybe okay plantoids what is the book here that most other people want me to read that I haven't read yet Kirby Tina okay Vikram was that last question oh that was last question except for when I push the most people to read so you haven't used your last lifeline you say to you till the end yes I was hoping to save least one are you ready for the answer yeah let me read it I'll read them all alone so the first two are dress codes for small towns and then the Raven boys anything Kacey West dress codes I'm dead girl gang the PO X psi like you the life between us undead girl gang girls made of stars dress codes for small towns the Raven boys girl makes stars raven boys trail of lightning okay so did that help you yeah or would you like me to now create a poll oh yeah okay okay let's do that gots do poll okay so give me the four dress codes girl made of stars the Raven boys that was it we can just do those three okay if you want yeah all right so what's your game plan now then we're waiting for that poll to go I'm actually use phone a friend at the same time okay yes Fred what made you cry the most what made me cry the most yes you said you want me to send a picture yeah okay who do you want to talk to you okay just do a group chat no you have to phone a friend of mine who is a millionaire there's like five people you have on your leg hold on you could choose joining us Dylan you wanna Shannon joining us paste you want to ask somebody in real life my mom you want to call stress Michelle I don't know ask Paige math Paige sure okay hey Paige I'm gonna send you a picture can you do me a favor and tell me which book that you see made Kayla cry the most Thanks yeah take your picture come on Paige Paige better come through alright we sent it okay you want to check on Twitter you okay see what their answer was their answer was dressed up for small towns second place was the Raven boys third place with girl music okay so I will agree with them put dress codes for small towns hey thank you fam oh it's now jumped up and Raven voices winning yeah well I already made my decision in there anything so now it's your time to switch stuff around we're still waiting for Paige okay here's what I'll do if you haven't put a post-it on something that isn't so I posted I'll take it out okay you're right about that you're right about that that's all I got for you so you know that this is hosted you know what this was that a post-it and he's changing favorite title to this savage song changing what is that one read most times to blue Lily Lily blue never mind he's changing read most times to holes I think he's panicking my OTP is in blue my favorite cover is moving to wild beauty my favorite book of last year's girl made of stars now the reason I did this one was because someone mentioned it that they won't meet you read it which means you said something positive about it okay so possibly so did I improve anything yeah definitely you you have more right now okay but there's still some that are like so wrong they're like I don't think they're even making it I definitely don't think Gillian Flynn's your favorite author okay who do you think he's my favorite author maybe I could do that I guess since I've opened that one up the arc isn't sitting right with me I just don't know okay what else you got like it could have been this may be okay I've never seen this book I don't even know what it is the pages gonna throw you off though what if her interest was posted on don't worry that's what I'm terrified about we'll see what happens [Music] you know there's your answer okay he has moved least pick it went from favorite book of last year to least favorite book yeah on dangerous lives and all your perfect he is counting on page yeah to be the one that made me cry the most and now you think everybody sees things doesn't get a blister yeah okay this are you walking this in yeah and now what do I tell you how many you got well what's the last book that doesn't have I can tell you don't you take it off even if that's sticky on it then it's wrong okay I threw it because I was trying to throw you off for best movie adaptation yeah I figured so where does first artful on now - everybody's new yeah I guess so is this your final yeah okay you ready did you want to know what's right here okay so let's just go through what's right favorite TV adaptation is big little lies most read author is Stephen King made me cry the merge face um my OTP is in here but it is not Ronin atom it's not my ultimate OTP one of all-time is blue and Gansey is it'll always be blue okay but most other people allow me to arenas Kirk and Kingdom you guys will not shut about cricket Kingdom I even posted a picture on Instagram the other day and I'm gonna freaked out that I have record coca Kingdom longest completed series the Georgia Nicolson series the book I most want to read right now I finally know my favorite cover of all time is wild Duty I did you see I knew it I thought I was like she likes she likes the the the flowers and the writings like you need to be stationed at least favorite book of all times is dangerous lies my Becca Fitzpatrick my favorite book of last year this girl made of stars by actually hearing like what's my favorite movie adaptation of all time the long way home yeah um my favorite book I read in school is Lord of the Flies and all of these are wrong you your final tally is 14 no 12 out of 20 you got 12 right out of 20 I was shooting for 50% I got 52 percent drop in all right now can you reorganize these in one go should we take them off because you know that wrong you think that push the most people to read a book that you've never heard of no yet I don't know asking is my favorite oh yeah okay this is my least favorite cover of all time yeah I don't understand why he looks like that and it makes me uncomfortable the book I've read the most times a star girl I read it at least 15 times and the rest of them are still wrong Oh on your second go through my first ever Ark my first ever Ark it's the one that's an ark they sitting right here really it's this savage song by Victoria Schwab here you go my favorite book of all time is dress code for small town what's my Cordy Stephen what they knew my favorite title of all time it's her body and other parties it's incredible you had it on there for a minute dad that's a cool okay but what guy pushed most people to read is 100% the Raven cycle and my most recent read which I finished last night sitting next to on the couch was the past other things the shades stay buried I cannot believe how many post-its you had on next ever wrong that's why I don't recognize it because you've literally read it a day ago I've never seen this book I got it in the mail you were there I post on Instagram stories you were there I'd read it last night was it it was great so all in all Robbie got twelve twelve hour twenty twelve out of twenty and then I got 16 out of 20 on second try with so for one side no [ __ ] not too bad pretty proud of you Raven boys was just too obvious I was trying to avoid it dress codes I did not realize you liked it that much my favorite I never dress cuz there's Motown's bump-start girl like just last year the year before and it was like a big thing hmm I mean everybody sees AF Kings my favorite out there makes sense didn't I buy a lot of people probably wouldn't actually know but when I was sitting here thinking of the answer to that one I had to think of an author that I've read enough books that I feel like I could have a favorite author and in ratio of like five stars to how many books I've read she said Garrard often sweet all right let me know how many you got right thanks for a participate yes I'm sorry if you were screaming the entire time at Robbie I couldn't hear I wish I could that was really stressful or what questions do you think that I'm just like crazy around thank you mom round two was really stressful try to correct myself all right well thanks for doing with me thanks for having me was a party I love you guys as a friend and I'll see you later thanks for watching so I got a comment on a video recently of somebody suggesting that I react to this two-year-old video called authors I would give a second chance to
Channel: BooksandLala
Views: 50,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, bookish, booksandlala, obbsandlala
Id: ZmFGhNaRmr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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