Insta360 ONE R In-Depth | The Action Camera That Does IT ALL!?

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(upbeat rock music) (motorcycle engine roars) - Now this is just some of the very first shots I got with the Insta360 One R. A camera, that I'm actually really excited about. I was able to get these shots by just zip tying a stick onto the back of the motorcycle, and letting that 360 cam hang off the back there. Really cool the type of effects you can get out of these cameras. I made a first impressions video about it, but at the time, we weren't allowed to share any of the footage that we shot just yet 'cause it was such an early prototype but now, I've been able to take this all around Thailand, get all kinds of, interesting shots with it. And let me give you my honest thoughts on, this new action camera. (upbeat rock music) They're the best competitor to GoPro, that's come out in a very long time. I'll say that for sure. And the main reason is because of the modularity and the flexibility of this camera. So let's start off right here, which is your 4K lens it's an F2.8 and 16.4 millimeter equivalent lens. This will just click in here like a puzzle and this is like your standard action camera right? And then of course, there's the 360 module which has a lens on both sides. So both of them super wide. And with the two halves together, you have a full spherical image, so then you could do all kinds of effects with it. I mean, until recently, this was very difficult to access technology, and now we have it very easily. And then finally, we have our 1"module, that's a 5.3K resolution. It's an F3.2 at a 14.4 millimeter equivalent. Now 1"sensor in the action camera, that's interesting 'cause that's bigger than what we're used to. Reasons why we like the 1"sensor is because we should be able to achieve better low light out of it. Also just better overall clarity and sharpness with that 5.3K sensor and also most the time we like having that shallower depth of field which you get out of a larger sensor, but in this case, it's a fixed focus. So that shallow depth of field might actually play against us, but we'll see. Now let's start off with the 360 module and Insta360. That's where they get their name. They've really killed it in the past with their 360 cameras. As a matter of fact, my favorite 360 camera till now, is the One X. I've made a couple videos about this guy in the past. Very little 360 camera, pretty simple to use. And then we also have the GoPro Max. And one advantage I did like about the Max was that it did have a screen here so you can kinda monitor what you're recording. But the downside of it, is that in 360 mode, there is no slow motion. That's kind of the biggest deal breaker for me, so I generally stuck with the One X. But the reason why I really like the One R's 360 camera is because the workflow. So what I mean by that is with these two cameras, we would essentially shoot a clip, and after we shoot it, we would download the full 360 clip onto our phone and after that's downloaded then we can finally go and edit it and then reframe the shots or whatever and then export it which would take another few minutes. So it's a couple different steps with wait time in between. But the beauty of the new One R, is that you can skip the downloading step because when you wirelessly connect to the camera, you can already start reframing and editing the shots while it's still on the camera. Then once you figure out what you want to do with the shot, you hit one button and then it does an export onto your phone. So it kinda takes the downloading and exporting process into one step. So if you shoot a lot of 360 footage I mean that, I think would probably cut my workflow time in half, maybe even a third, 'cause I always hated the process of going like okay, I'm going to start the download, I gotta come back to this in five, 10 minutes, so, I gotta go distract myself, Oh, I come back, it's downloaded, all right, now I can finally edit and then I have to export again and go wait another, it just takes time. So being able to simplify the steps alone is enough for me to recommend this over the One X. Other benefits, it has a screen here, so you can actually monitor what your shots gonna be like, and you can look around just like the GoPro max could do and also, it's waterproof and the One X wasn't. Now you can't submerge this underwater and expect it to stitch properly. I believe you need an external case for that. But it's nice being able to just go around, and film at the beach without worrying about it getting splashed and I put it underwater a couple times just for the hell of it and yeah. It's waterproof, I tested it, it's good to go. The one advantage the One X might have is, notice the lenses are a little bit tighter together opposed to the One R, so that may give us better stitch lines from the One X. Alright, so I'm gonna put these two down right here, and I'm just gonna cross the stitch line. And I'm about arm's length away from both these cameras. So I'm on this side of the lens and now I'm on the other side of the lens. Does the blending look good or no? I'm gonna come a little bit closer. Honestly, I'm about two feet away now ish. And let's see how that stitch looks. Does it look terrible if I slowly crossover? And then this is just really close. This is what, like, seven, eight inches away. And I'm gonna start here and I'm just gonna, make my way over to the other lands, and once again, I'm gonna come over to here. I don't know how much of a difference it actually makes. But you guys know, I haven't seen the footage yet. So you guys be the judges. I don't like forming opinions. And one thing I will say the GoPro has mastered, is wind noise and I've been amazed at how good the sound quality can be even at very high speeds on the GoPro Max. I took it on some roller coasters and shockingly, the audio wasn't terrible even when we're going 60, 70 miles per hour. It's not perfect audio, but it's still very well managed. And I believe they do that by having a bunch of microphones placed within the camera and they just auto switches between the best sounding sources. Should we go do a quick little audio test between the two? Let's go. Wanna take a quick break and go on a motorcycle ride? - Yeah. - I would usually be like I don't know, it's kinda weird for us to get on the same motorcycle but we did it all around Thailand that I feel like it's not a big deal anymore. - [Sam] And I was wearing a helmet. - It's true. The only thing is I need you to hold two cameras while we're rolling. - Okay. (Motorcycle engine roars) And we're going 30. (wind blowing) (motor cycle engine roars) All right just talk to the Insta360, what you think? - Feeling like a kite. (laughing) - It's a little different from the scooters in Thailand. - Oh dude, that was crazy. As soon as you revved a little bit, I started sliding up. I was like, "Uh!" (laughing) - Yeah, first you had a very gentle like grasp, but then it very quickly was like. (laughing) Is your hair a good representation? - Yeah, Oh yeah, that's how I felt. That was nuts, I'm shaking a little bit. - You still can throw this on that invisible selfie stick. And it looks like it's just a camera levitating in the air, it's magical, you can get that 5.7K at 30 frames per second, 4k at 50 frames per second, and 3K at up to 100 frames per second, which is what I use for that bullet time effect, make it slow motion, put it on a stick and twirl it around your head, look super cool. Also loving the app for the One R, it definitely helps to have one of the newer phones out there, just because when you do this much processing on your phone, faster the phone, the smoother your workflow is gonna be. There's also the Hyperlapse feature, where essentially you just record a regular video and you just walk around for a while and it makes this time warp effect and adds in this motion blur. And on this show I tested out the AI function of it. So I actually didn't frame this time lapse up, I just kinda let the app decide, what to frame on and it's surprisingly smart. Obviously I would always recommend, manually punching in your angles and shots but, having that AI feature could be nice sometimes. And they've told me there's all kinds of other effects come into the app, so it's just gonna expand the capabilities as it goes. And also, there's firmware on this camera being updated constantly right now. So things I say right now, might change, throughout the next couple months, we'll see. Now let's move on to the 4k module, which is kinda your standard action camera. What's interesting is that, you can actually buy this as a pair, for currently $479, for the 360 module as well as this 4k and that is basically called the twin edition. So $479 for that. But then if you wanna just get the 360 head, then it's $449. So really only 30 bucks more to get this head so, definitely suggest getting the pair. Might as well right? But if you don't feel like you need the 360 module on here, then you could get just this 4k head for $299. So 300 bucks basically this is competing on price for sure It's $100 less than the GoPro Hero 8, if you just go for this module. Now let's slap on the 4k module, which is kinda like your standard action camera. Looks pretty familiar huh? But there's definitely pros and cons to both. First of all, what I love about GoPros is that they're so refined I mean, what is this? The eighth generation I assume? It's a really, really solid action camera. Everything about it just works and it's gotten improved over time after time but first obvious fault of the Hero 8, is they made it so you can't just replace this lens which is usually the first thing to go on these cameras. They get scuffed over time or gets cracked. I've cracked a couple of these, two of them from mounting it somewhere and it'd taken a hard hit and once we shot an explosive bow and arrow at it and the concussion crack the lens, typical action stuff, right? - I just want to blow something up. We really wanna make some pie tonight. (loud bang) - Oh my! - GoPros are durable but not necessarily explosion proof. Whoa, this crack is making a cool little effect here. But bottom line, I've replaced these lens covers multiple times, and I can't figure out why they thought, they should just make it fixed on the Hero 8. I mean, I guess I kinda know why, they need to make it so that you'll need to replace your GoPro after a couple years instead of just repairing your old ones. They don't make money off that, anyways, I hate the fact that you can't just replace out this lens. Sure you could slap stuff on top of it or whatever. Why can we just make it replaceable? So that has got to be my biggest gripe, about the Hero 8. But on the One R, taddaa. I mean, these are action cameras, right? They're gonna get busted up. Whose idea was this, who, Ugh! So what are the things we look for, in an action camera? Well, one size, they're both pretty comparable. And then of course we want many different ways to mount it. So this shares the same type of these. I don't know what you call these, its like the little things that go with the GoPro mount essentially, this has it, so, anything that a GoPro can mount to this can mount onto it as well. We got good stabilization coming out of both these cameras and the image quality out of this 4K lens, I'm definitely happy with. I've been using Just the standard color mode on there, and of course, it's waterproof, you could take it swimming and that's one of the things that still freaked me out every time I take this swimming, is because it comes apart so easily snaps in and you're like, Okay, is this actually waterproof now? But it is, I've taken it swimming a bunch of times and it hasn't given me any issues yet. Now the screen of the GoPro is gonna be, bigger and better but the really big selling point of this One R, we're gonna pop off the battery, we're gonna to pop this off, reverse it and we're gonna put it all back together. And now we have a selfie facing screen, which is awesome, especially if you plan on doing any sort of vlogging. And also when you mount it in all kinds of different places, a lot of times, you can't see your screen and with action cameras, I'm never really looking at it very closely. So I don't really care that much about the large screen. I usually just want to reference like, what's in frame, and once I see that, that's good enough for me. So if I could choose between the bigger screen or the reversible screen, I'm 100% for this reversible screen. This one also has a cold shoe up top, basically a hot shoe, but with no electrical going through it. And of course we need great audio, so we got this tiny little mic adapter that fits in right there and now we got a 3.5 millimeter mic jack right there. So this right here might be a killer little miniature vlog solution, so let me pull the microphone off here real quick. I mean obviously this microphone, way too big for a little tiny camera like this but, hey how's it look and sound? I mean I love how compact and lightweight this camera is. And I also love that with the selfie stick, I don't have to hold the camera up here 'cause I feel that's part of what makes vlogging awkward sometimes, is you're going around holding the camera like this. But if you have your hand rested down here, there's a little bit more natural I think. But yeah pretty decent image quality considering the size of the camera, you got your self facing monitor and the microphone up top - Plane - So not, bad we got a plane ruining everything, well that plane's going pretty fast. - You see it? It's going pretty fast. But yeah, I say it's not too bad, huh? Here Sam, what do you think? - On today's vlog, we're gonna talk about my feelings, hopes and dreams. - All right, let's say stuff for image stabilization with a chase scene. (shouting playfully) I kinda feel like a rapist or something. (laughing) How stable's the footage though, pretty good? - Stable Sam is what they call me. - I'm thinking one of the smaller microphones would be awesome like the road video micro or that wireless go one, little tiny one, that would fit very nicely on top of this camera, and you can hook the microphone onto your collar or something. So you get really good audio quality out of that. So I'd say this is a pretty good solution, if you're looking for a vlogging camera that's this tiny. Now after listening to some of that audio out of those kinda higher end speakers, I am definitely noticing that the audio with this setup, with this adapter just isn't 100% there. There's something missing. There can be a couple different reasons, I mean, maybe it's because this is an early prototype unit. It could also be something that could be adjusted in the firmware, or maybe this adapter just isn't as powerful, as something that you might find in others. So let me show you what I mean. So now we're switched over to this microphone and we're recording audio from this microphone through this camera. This is what the audio sounds like. Now I'm gonna take the same exact microphone and hook it up to this camera, the same mic, different port and three, two, one. And there you go, this is what the audio quality sounds like when I plug that same microphone into my EOS R. Sounds a little bit different right? And again, same exact microphone, but this time recording into the GoPro. Now if you look, you will notice that the mic adapter, for the GoPro is much bigger. I wonder if that's why? Maybe it can serve more power to the microphone or something, I don't know enough about audio and microphones to explain this, but when you listen to it on higher quality speakers or headphones or whatever, you definitely notice some sort of difference. Another thing to know is this adapter here, I think was like 50 or 60 bucks something like that. This adapter for the One R is only 10 bucks and it's also a 10th of the size so, there's that. It'd be really cool if Insta360 released kinda like a pro mic adapter, which sure, it's gonna be bigger and more expensive than this, but delivers very high quality audio. That would be awesome. Now let's circle back to the audio on the Insta360 One R and again, this is a prototype unit so, I'll see what they say, and if they send me a different sample that sounds better, I'll put all the notes and updates in the description. I imagine there's gonna be lots of updates coming, so definitely go check that 'cause as I test out the updates, I will be updating everything down there. Now comparing some frame rates we got 4K 60 on both, at 2.7K you can get 100 frames per second on the One R, and 120 frames per second on the GoPro. In full HD, you're getting 200 frames per second out of the One R, and 240 frames per second out of the GoPro, so pretty comparable, the GoPro does have that edge there. Another thing I love about the Hero 8 is how wide it gets. A lot of times I'll use these action cameras as kind of POV cameras, so if I mount it up here or down here, I want it to see every everything I'm seeing. So I love being able to get the widest angle I possibly can out of these cameras. So here's a couple shots you can compare, at it's four by three aspect ratio. So both of these cameras are at its widest possible settings while still maintaining image stabilization. And the GoPro definitely wins on this front. But of course this is with the 4k wide angle, which is the 16.4 millimeter equivalent. There is the 1"module, which we'll get into a little bit later and this is a 14.4 millimeter. This is actually wider than this 4k module. Insta360 is talking about future modules, that we can plug and play into here. So who knows? Maybe they'll make an ultra wide one of these, which is actually something that I would like to request. I would love a super wide angle, just action camera 'cause if I'm out using my motorcycle helmet, I love just putting this on superview and it just captures everything. It's not bad with the One R, but I definitely notice everything in a little bit tighter. Another thing I think GoPro's done a really good job at, is handling noise. Now let's start with the GoPro, okay? I'm gonna switch the microphone over to the GoPro. So now you are listening to the sound from this GoPro and watch this, I'm just gonna kinda, handle it like I would, I'm just kinda switching the positions of how I wanna hold it. I'm gonna rub it a little bit on all sides. This is gonna probably sound terrible no matter what. But you can generally hear what I'm talking about. See, just like that, but for the most part, it's not bad, right? All right, now let's switch over to the Insta360. So now this is audio from the Insta360. You immediately notice the audio quality sounds different but anyways, just a little bit of handling noise, I'm just gonna kinda, switch my hand positioning around. And there we go and of course we're gonna start rubbing at it, its gonna sound like a disaster, but here's how it sounds. What do you guys think? How much are you hearing? Actually, I can't hear anything. So again, you guys be the judge of it. Another thing that's different as of right now is the workflow at the moment 'cause currently, the GoPro you hit record and it adds the stabilization in Camera, and when you pull the memory card, you have an MP4 or MOV file. Now this Insta360 currently, has its own format and you have to actually process it with either your phone or your computer to add that stabilization into the footage afterwards and then you can export it into MP4 or MOV. They did tell me that in a future firmware update, it is gonna be able to just write directly into an MP4 or MOV, so if you're trying to do something with a quick turnaround time, that's probably the way to go. But there are advantages to that extra step in the workflow. One, you can adjust your field of view afterwards. So it's almost like shooting raw, you have your clip, and you could choose between, ultra wide and wide and narrow and linear. These are features that you would burn into the clip on the GoPro. So once you set it, you can change it. On here, if you decide, Oh, I wish I shot that in a wider field of view, you have that option. And then if you wanna do stuff like adding color plus, which is its more vibrant setting, you can always add that in later. But then you feel like, oh, I don't like how it looks, then you could remove it. So you have more flexibility, with the way the One R is currently set up. But again, it's simpler on the GoPro. But when Insta360 is able to just write straight into an MP4 or MOV or whatever, then this is probably gonna have the workflow advantage because you'll have the option of shooting either or and one feature I am excited about that's coming in a future firmware update is, to be able to connect this to Bluetooth devices like Air pods, so you'll essentially be able to just throw these on and record audio into here, which I think would be really cool. I honestly don't know what the audio quality out of these earbuds are but let me just try this out real quick, so, I'm recording a voice memo on my phone. So yeah, we are using the microphones outta here right now. Does it sound any good? Is this an acceptable level of microphone quality? If I'm just wearing these, 'cause if that is that's pretty sweet 'cause literally you just have these on and there's your vlogging setup right there. As I just listened to the audio quality coming out of these into my phone, no I didn't sound any good. I don't know if it's able to capture better audio than that, but maybe Air Pods just are not the way to go, there's probably some better higher quality microphones that you can hook this up to wirelessly. Another thing is, they both have quick start options, so if I press the shutter, they both turn on and start recording automatically. And I like that the GoPro has a real fast boot up time. So let's see how many seconds it takes, ready, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven. So you can see the GoPro kicked online much faster. So overall, I would say I really appreciate how refined, the Hero 8 is, it does a lot of things right but if I could only have this or this, I'd probably go for the One R, specifically because of how modular it is I can switch it out for that 360 camera or let's try out this 1" sensor now. So this big old thing fits on just like you would the GoPro and yes, it is also reversible, so you can attach that screen either in selfie mode or just kinda regular camera mode is what I'll call it. So now that we have the 1" mode on there, let's do a little side by side with the GoPro, which one looks better? Insta360 1" with the 1"sensor, or the GoPro? The 1"sensor is recording 5.3K, so we're getting a higher resolution and also, should be better in low light as well because of that larger sensor. I got my nice studio lighting on right now but let me bring this down a little bit, now we're getting dark. Is it looking good? Now how are we looking over here? Getting some more intense lighting, and let's turn off this backlight too, now it's getting pretty dim. It's actually really dim here. Let me bring up this key light a little bit. Just give me a little bit more exposure, and you can just see. As I gradually bring up the light, you can see, kinda the low light capabilities, how's it look? Let's pause here and take a closer look. 1" sensor, clear winner here right? Smaller sensors usually need to, do notice crazy and losing a ton of detail along the way. So the beauty here is the amount of detail that is retained opposed to just kinda getting mush together into a big blurry image. So definitely a good step up in the action camera world and if you compar it to the wide angle lens on my iPhone 11 Pro Max, huge, huge difference there so, there is that big advantage of carrying around that 1"sensor. If you take a closer look at the bricks, you could immediately tell how much of a difference in detail there actually is. But you also have to remember that all these action cameras do use a digital image stabilization. Which means during the daytime when it's nice and bright, they all perform great, but when you get into low light, each frame is gonna have some motion blur in there. So the more you move, the more you're going to recognize all the blurriness in your shot every time you move. So my advice when shooting at night, try to keep that camera nice and stable. Try not to treat it so much like an action camera, hold it nice and steady, you'll get some pretty good results that way. Now, one of the reasons why we love larger sensors is for shallower depth of field, you get part of the shot in focus in the background all blurry and all that looks more professional, it's cooler. But on the other hand, when you have a lens like this, that's a fixed focus, that means you can't really push your pull focus. Then this generally tries to get everything in focus as much as possible. So then all of a sudden that shallow depth of field no longer becomes a good thing and you actually want to capture as much of it in focus as possible. So this does have an ultra wide 14.4 millimeter angle and an F3.2, which should capture a lot of it in focus, but inevitably part of the shot will be out of focus. So what we're looking at here, is how close can Sam get to the camera before we lose focus. So this is about a foot away from the camera. It's a bit uncomfortably close, but you'll probably notice that if you look closely Sam's a little bit out of focus and the background is pretty sharp. Now let's go to about two feet away, something like this, how's that look? And probably about three feet, I think this is about the minimum focusing distance. So if you have a stick like this, it's pretty easy to hold it out at that distance, I mean, that's probably where you want to vlog, if you're using the 1"sensor. Holy crap this video already 20 minutes long. So let's just try to wrap this up here. Final thoughts if I could only have a one action camera, it would definitely be this, because this essentially replaces a couple different cameras I mean, you got your action camera here, you got your 360 camera here, you got a 1"sensor for low light environments. The price is right, and between the modules you can do, a whole ton of stuff. They are also working on firmware updates as we speak, so this camera is only gonna get better as time goes on. If I had to choose I'd definitely get this 360 module and this 4K head and I like this one a lot. Got a 200 frames per second and all that. The one which also does have some slow mo features and they're pretty decent but not as good as the 4k module. So yeah, for a majority people I would say, this is the way to go. Now how about GoPro, this obviously can't pull all the fancy tricks and be all modular, but it is just such a well polished action camera. It only does one thing but it does it really well. Which is exactly why I'm using the GoPro, for this helmet mount. Hate the fact that you can't replace this screen but I'm planning on just leaving this on my helmet. And if this gets scratched up, that means I probably crashed my motorcycle so that'll be bad news anyways. I know exactly what I want out of it, I just want that super view wide angle and also the mic adapter is much bigger and a bit more expensive. But I do like the quality of audio that this produces and it's a stereo signal. So I have it fed out to here, where you can see there's a right and a left signal so, it's recording two mono channels essentially now. I got one microphone right here by my mouth so I can talk while riding and the secondary microphone up here by my earpiece. So if I have my intercom on, we can kinda listen in on what everyone's talking about. And it records that stereo signal, one mic on each channel so I can easily just cut one microphone out in post production. So my personal plan for my motor vlogging setup, I'm using the GoPro, for everything else, I'm probably using one of these modules here. Oh, another reason to go for this Insta360 One R though, is the future modules that are going to come out one that I'm most excited about, is the drone module. I was able to play with the prototype for a split second but I cannot wait for the final production unit to come in. I wanna make a whole video about it. Essentially you got your drone, you have one lens up top, one lens down the bottom and then you use the same brain as this. You fly the drone around it creates a 360 video and it erases out the drone, I mean that's gonna be epic. I cannot wait to do more testing with that. Anyways hopefully this has been helpful, I'm gonna throw some links down below to where you can check out, this camera as well as the GoPro or whatever you want to try to buy. Use my links so I get commission, but let's wrap this up few comments from my last video which was all about the C500 Mark II, which is this beast right here. Let's see what you guys had to say. First things first I asked if I should make a video, about this versus the EOS R or should I just focus on making more videos on affordable cameras and basically 96% of you want to see C500 Mark II vs EOS R, so guess, that'll be the video I'll start working on today. "I've absolutely no interest in this camera at all. "But I still watch the whole video, great video. Great video, Mr Jet." I mean, that's crazy. I mean that video was 20 minutes long and this video over 20 minutes long, but if you guys are sticking around anyways, even if you have no interest in buying this camera then I appreciate that. But I'd still appreciate it more if you use my affiliate links down below and bought stuff. "I can just imagine Buddhist monks sending "up memes to Gene." Jared says, "Hey, you're a year older than me. "Joining you in the 30's club this March!" Well, congratulations. There's a lot to look forward to. You want to take lots of naps, you get tired all the time, you crave snacks that are unhealthy. (upbeat pop music)
Channel: Potato Jet
Views: 664,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato jet, potatojet, filmmaker, film maker, camera, cinematography, cinematographer, videography, videographer, gene nagata, insta360 one r, one r, 360 camera, insta360 one r review, insta360 one x, insta 360 one r, best 360 camera, tech review, 360 video, gopro hero 8, modular 360 camera, gopro vs insta360 one r, modular camera, hands on, gopro 8, action cam, action camera, insta360 one r footage, insta360 one r 1 inch, insta 360
Id: 963Tc9LtUQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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