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tip number one Do not drop the Ace Pro or do anything too action e because the lens cover is not [Music] removable since I've got the Ace Pro I've obviously shot tons of video with it and I've imported or try to import tons of video into premere Pro to edit because Premier Pro is my editing software but on some occasions I've had this message pop up uh I have no idea why uh but it means that that in particular file or files are essentially unusable in Premier Pro and I can't edit with them which is slightly annoying now I don't know if this happens in uh other video editing software like Final Cut or whatever cuz I like I said use Premier Pro but I figured a way around it uh so I could still use those video clips so all is not lost and what I simply do is I import the affected video files into the instaf free60 studio uh I don't do any adjustments to them I simply reexport them as again normal video files uh and then I import those video files into Premier and guess what it works uh if you're unsure of what to use as the export settings for insta 360 Studio then I've got a video going through or which I'll link down below uh but yeah slightly annoying and no reason whatsoever because they're literally normal video files there's just nothing else to it some of them are accepted in Premiere some of them are not and I did have the same issue again with the Go free where some files just weren't being able to import into premere because of this compression message that kept coming up um so yeah slightly annoying but uh luckily a way round it if you want to have more flexibility later in post to make make certain adjustments you wouldn't usually be able to make if you shot in normal video mode then shoot in free frame video mode and I know what you're thinking what the hell can you do when you've shot in free frame video mode so here we are in the insta 360 studio and this is a free frame video and essentially what this lets you do is make certain adjustments that you can't do in a normal video so down here you can see these little bubbles uh one of them is your aspect ratio so you can switch between 9 by 16 for your YouTube shorts Instagram reals 16x9 for your normal YouTube videos or 1ex one for your Instagram posts and then over along this side you've got this menu where you can mess around with the stabilization adjust the field of view uh and then you can play around with some of the image and audio settings and you can import a normal video clip into the insta 360 Studio like this but you are restricted to the amount of adjustments you can make versus a free frame video so you can't adjust things like the aspect ratio the field of view or the stabilization but you can make adjustments to the image and audio settings using this menu over here Clarity zoom on the Ace Pro is great but it does come with something to note uh if you're filming and speaking at the same time as pressing the clarity zoom button then it does cut out a second or so of your voice which I didn't realize at the start I was waffling away pressing the clarity zoom button and I didn't realize until I got home and I was like oh what's happened there and then I tested it out and it turns out when you press the button yeah it cuts a slight bit off let me show you what I mean so here we have the Ace Pro Set up and what I'm going to do now is start a recording uh and you can see this uh little kind of arrow thing in the bottom right uh is the clarity zoom button and you can see it's recording so the audio is is recording from the Ace Pro at the moment as well uh so I'm going to keep waffling on uh and I'm going to keep speaking so you know what we'll start counting and uh see uh what it cuts out so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 so we got to 10 I'm now going to play you this exact clip back that I've just shot on the Ace Pro in front of you as we press the clarity zoom and you'll be able to see uh what I mean it cuts out so 1 2 3 8 9 10 so we got to 10 yeah so I've just listened back to that clip and it hasn't actually cut out One number it's cut out a few numbers so my tip for you is if you are planning on using the clarity zoom function then stop talking Z zip just press the button and then start talking like a second after just don't talk whilst you're pressing it or it's going to cut you out so you're out and about and you're like oh I want to get some POV shots with the a pro but I don't have my chest mount on me but you do have a jacket on or you do have a top on or you do have a jumper on well if you get the Ace Pro and open up the screen slightly you can slot it inside your top or jacket or whatever you've got on push the Ace Pro into your chest so the screen kind of shuts on the other side and there you have the Ace Pro connected to your chest for some POV action but just remember that this is not it's not firmly in place so if you start doing like loads of movements loads of movements hardcore movements um it's I mean it's not moving now it's just jumping up and down I've got my hand here you know cuz you can't drop it because of the lens and all that but uh actually you know what it's pretty sturdy but I still just be careful with it because yeah it's not obviously connected as sturdy as it would be if you had a chest Mount but it's there if you want to still just connect it for this is weird Okay we're going to stop jumping yeah it's it's there if you want to get some po you get the idea yeah how long can you record for before the clips start splitting into various different clips 30 minutes uh which is a 26 GB file so let's say you shot an hours worth of footage uh that won't just be one clip that will be two clips 30 minutes 30 minutes 30 minutes each clip there's a handy setting to turn on when shooting in low light low light image stabilization uh and when turned on makes a massive difference versus when it's off but the only issue is if you turn the Ace Pro off with low light image stabilization turned on when you turn the Ace Pro back on for some reason low light image stabilization turns itself off and there's been quite a few times where I've been shooting in low light I've turned the a pro back on uh and actually forgot that low light image stabilization has automatically been turned off why I don't know but yeah so if you turn the Ace Pro off when shooting in low light and have had low light image stabilization turned on when you turn the Ace Pro back on you need to remember you're going to have to turn low light image St stabilization back on as well I was out shooting a low light video with the Ace Pro the other day and I got home watch the clips back and not going to lie I was pretty happy with most of them I was happy with one of them in particular but I was also annoyed with one of them in particular and that was because I had the red flashing LED light from the a pro being reflected in the uh glass I was in a lift at the time uh and I didn't realize until I got home watched the clip back and I was a bit like like yeah just I mean I didn't do that but I was I was pretty angry um because my view had spoiled the clip so my tip for you is if you are shooting in low light or in any area that might have a reflection and you don't want the flashing red LED light to be visible like it was in my shot then swipe down from the top scroll to the second page and the second icon along is your LED indicator turn it off when you plug your SD card into your computer to transfer your video files over you'll soon realize that you've got some separate files lrv files uh these are basically low resolution video files that come with each original video file and essentially what these files let you do is when you import a video into the insta 360 Studio you're able to get your mouse and hover over the uh clip and see a preview of the clip or if you import it into the insta 360 phone app you can uh view it on a low resolution format versus HD but these lrv files take up space and in my opinion you don't need them so for example a 26 gigabyte original video will have a 1 gab lrv file at the bottom attached uh so if you're thinking do you need to transfer these lrv files over with your original videos in my opinion no if you want to have what I've just laid out as an option with the previewing and the low resolution viewing in the app then obviously you need to keep them but it it won't corrupt your video you'll still be able to use your original video as you would with any video clip you just be saving space by not transferring the lrv files over one thing I've noticed when recording with the Ace Pro is if you start speaking straight away when you press record it cuts off the second or half second of the audio at the beginning of the clip let me show you what I mean so when you press record the screen goes black uh for like a second and then it starts recording uh and that's the point we'll start speaking so I press recording now 1 2 3 4 5 stop recording let's go back into the playback and listen see it's cut off number one so yeah not the best cutting off the first little bit of a clip which can make a massive difference especially when you're editing every think together uh and with the go fre I had the same issue but in Reverse it would cut off the end of the audio so the last word I would say half of it would be gone uh I haven't had that issue with this only it cutting off the beginning but because of my issue with the Go free and now this with the Ace Pro what I do is uh when I press record I wait for a couple of seconds then start speaking when I finish speaking I won't press stop recording straight away I'll wait for another couple of seconds and then press stop record therefore no part of the audio that I want to be included with me speaking is cut off if you want to save some space on your SD card then set your video bit rate to standard instead of High video bit rate basically means the amount of information that is processed per second so yes it can help with the overall image quality but if you set your video bit rate to standard with an SD card of 128 GB shooting 4K 25 you're going to get about 4 hours worth of recording time versus if you set the video bit rate too high you're only going to get about 2 and 1/2 hours worth of recording time when you're previewing a video back if you want to fast forward then instead of using the scrubber at the bottom just hold down on the preview screen and it will Fast Forward times two when you get to the bit that you want just release and it will start playing from that moment one of the most exciting things I was most excited about with the Ace Pro was creating those AI videos or what they really called AI [Music] warps yeah those things uh but there are quite a few restrictions attached to these AI warps which I didn't know until I got the Ace Pro and started playing around in the app so at the moment uh you can only create 90 per month which I think is enough I don't think I'm going to need to create more than 90 of them in a month but from January 2024 uh is when it gets very restrictive and you're only able to create three per day uh and if you want to create more than three per day guess what you're going to have to pay so it's all fun and games until you've got to get your your wallet out uh but yeah there's no current information at time of recording today what that payment looks like or what that service looks like but yeah if you want to create more than three a day from January 2024 you're going to have to pay at the moment as well there's a 4 second limit on the length of the clip which you can increase slightly if you slow it down I would like it if it was like 10 seconds minimum but we are where we are uh but yeah AI warps a few restrictions attached one thing you'll quickly realize when you get the Ace Pro is the flaps either side of the device where you take the battery in and out or the SD card in and out are very very stiff and one of the first things I tried to do was connect the DJI mic receiver to the Ace Pro to be able to use an external mic but I didn't have any luck because the way the flap is situated it's just too much of a tight squeeze for the receiver to be plugged into it but I soon realized that you can just remove the flap very very carefully so just pull the flap towards you and it will come off then you're able to plug the receiver into the Ace Pro but remember where you put the flap because if you lose the flap and don't put it back on then the Ace Pro is no longer waterproof and of course once you have a receiver connected to theice device you are able to adjust the uh external mic gain levels so go into settings General scroll down and you'll see external mic gain the Ace Pro comes packed with new AI features one of them is AI highlights but if you're not going to use AI highlights then turn it off because keeping it on will drain your battery quicker and of course to save more battery don't have your screen brightness at 100% have it at 60% or lower so I've been been doing some tests how long can you continuously record on the Ace Pro before it stops recording due to overheating or the battery running out so 4K 25 frames per second with the screen at 60% uh inside and the temperature was 24° um it started overheating at 20 minutes but it didn't stop recording it allowed me to continue recording and the total amount of recording in time I got before it ran out of battery was 1 hour 35 minutes uh 4K 25 outside and the temperature was about 9° it was 1 hour 46 minutes before the battery run out 4K 60 inside uh again with the same temperature about 24° it got to 46 minutes uh before it stopped recording due to overheating and 4K 60 outside uh again 9° uh 1 hour 21 minutes before it stopped recording due to the battery running out now those figures are slightly interesting if I'm comparing to the test I did with the pocket 3 uh now let's remember that the pocket 3 has a smaller battery than the Ace Pro uh and just to give you some of the numbers uh 4K 25 uh outside uh again with the screen brightness at 60% on the pocket 3E I got 2 and 1/2 hours uh 4K 25 outside on the Ace Pro only got 1 hour 46 minutes and the temperature was give or take pretty much the same uh 4K 60 outside on the pocket free uh just under 2 hours 4K 60 outside on the Ace Pro 1 hour 20 24 sorry 1 hour 21 minutes uh so very very interesting numbers again considering the pocket free has a smaller battery than the Ace Pro brightness was set to 60 on both oh and the AI highlights uh was turned off again to save battery on the Ace Pro so you're walking along like this getting a beautiful shot of yourself and you're thinking to yourself hold on a minute wouldn't it be great if we could get rid of this big selfie stick like we can on the other 360 cameras like the X3 well you can just import your video clip into the insta 360 phone app and go to the magic selfie stick eraser uh in fact sorry it's not called the magic selfie stick eraser it's just called the selfie stick eraser uh and essentially yeah it will go from uh seeing the selfie stick to not seeing the selfie stick now um try to keep the background of the stick so not the background of you but the background of the stick uh which would usually be the floor to be something like grass or a pavement or snow that's a kind of consistent color uh that helps with the masking process but this can only be done through the insta 360 phone app and you do have a restriction though when you do import the video clip into the phone app and do the selfie stick eraser when you go to export it only lets you export in 1080P so you can't export it in 4k if when you're recording you think all the icons on the screen are a little bit too distracting and you just want to get rid of them just tap on the screen and they will all disappear and if you want to make them come back tap on the screen again and Bam there they are so let's say you're taking a beautiful shot of the surroundings around you these beautiful containers over here this bin over here this pile of mud over here and you don't want to stop a recording because it's just so beautiful but at the same time you want to capture a photo whilst you're recording well if you press the little circle button in the bottom left of the screen whilst you're recording that will take a photo of the beautiful containers cha-ching no not cha-ching uh uh okay insert camera noise yeah so if you want to take a photo whilst recording just press the circle in the bottom left you're out and about you've got your Ace Pro you've got your iPhone 15 Pro your Ace Pro is running low on battery but your iPhone has got a fair bit of battery remaining well you can connect your iPhone to the Ace Pro and use your iPhone as a power bank you might get an accessory message on your iPhone saying this accessory requires too much power or whatever just press okay and it still will charge the Ace Pro in all the tests that I've done and a few other tests that I've done is when I've plugged the iPhone in with the Ace Pro still turned on it doesn't recognize it and charge it straight away versus when the Ace Pro is turned off and I plug the iPhone into it it recognizes it straight away but yeah just play around with it but you can use your 15 Pro as a power bank to the Ace Pro if you have the DJI mik 2 then you can connect it to the Ace Pro via the airpod section in the menu settings um just make sure you the mic to is turned on and hold down the link button give it a minute and the Ace Pro will find it once it's found it press on it and it will connect but I must be honest in some of the tests that I've done recently with it uh there has been a slight issue with the mouth uh not with my mouth uh not the mouth my mouth uh not syncing up to the audio uh in time so there's a slight delay sometimes it hasn't happened sometimes it has so just watch out for that and the other thing at the moment as of time of recording today uh this might be updated in a software firmware update going forward but you can't currently record internally on the mic 2 when it's connected with the Ace Pro uh like you could do with the pocket free but yeah like I said it could be something that could be fixed later on in some kind of update but yeah they do connect uh but just do some tests and see what's what before you yeah before you go out with it right now I've got a big bright blue skies behind me shock we are still in London um I'm not on holiday but face priority is currently turned on which essentially is balancing out the exposure on my face and making it brighter even though I have a bright sky behind me and I've now turned face priority off and as you can see my face is looking slightly darker so keep face priority turned on so when you have a bright sky behind you or brightness around you your face is going to be beautifully correctly exposed if if you're in a power region like I am in the UK and you're planning on shooting that 4K 120 super slowmo and there's a lot of lights around you when you go to watch it back you'll soon realize that a lot of the lights are flickering so that means you need to shoot to you need to shoot you need to switch to shooting in 4k 100 instead which will eliminate the light flickers obviously if you're in the US and not a power region then stick to 4K 120 but if you're getting the flickering lights uh when shooting in 4k 12 you need to switch to 100 a handy feature to turn on is gesture control so if you put your hand in the air it will start or stop a record in but if you're like me and use your hands a lot in your videos wave the waving them around left right and Center then you might find it slightly annoying because every time you put your hand in the air it thinks you're telling it to stop a recording so if you do wave your hands in the air a lot during your videos like I do then I suggest you turn gesture control off or else it's going to keep stopping the recording so let's say you're doing a clip clip no so let's say you're doing a shot like this and then every uh so let's say you're doing a shot like this and then when you come so let's say you're doing a shot like this and you keep messing up well to save time later and to save space on your SD card don't save the clip by pressing the record button like you usually would hold down the record button and that will cancel out that whole recording so later on when you get home you won't have to flick through loads of different clips that essentially you're not going to use anyway and it will also save space on your SD card if you're having a problem with your computer playing the files you've shot on the Ace Pro it might be because you're shooting in h.265 and your computer simply can't handle it so go into settings go to image settings and scroll down to to video encoding and change h.265 to h.264 the little mini screen on the front of the Ace Pro that's displaying certain bits of information like your frame rate resolution Etc uh to me is is pointless because it's displaying the exact same information that you can see on the flip up screen there's nothing there that I can't see at the top uh so do yourself a favor and save yourself some battery life and turn it off to turn it off just go in into the settings menu go to settings go to General scroll down and you'll see front screen display just turn it off let's say you were in one location and then you move to another location and you wanted to continue recording onto the end of the previous clip and not start a new clip well you can if you go into the preview screen and find the clip that you want so let's take this clip of me in the outdoor gym over there pretending I know what I'm doing you can see in the bottom right of the screen screen you've got this little record button uh if you press on that and then press continue essentially what's going to happen now is when we start recording it's going to record onto the end of that clip so instead of me having two separate Clips I've now got two clips merged as one clip this little hole on the top of the Ace Pro is a microphone so if you're planning on holding the device like this be careful not to block the microphone with your finger or else when you listen back to the clips later the audio is going to be slightly muffled let's say you're wanting to capture some Acy bit straight away and you don't want to wait for the Ace Pro to turn on and then another second once you press record it says it's processing or starting or whatever well turn on quick capture uh so essentially when the Ace Pro is turned off you don't have to turn it on again and then press record you just press record straight away and it will start recording straight away uh not straight away there's like a second delay still but it is quicker than turning the device on and then press and record doing it that way so to turn quick capture on just swipe down from the top and it's literally the first option uh at the top in the top left quick capture for those quick capturing action-y bits to switch between different shooting modes instead of pressing the shooting modes bottom uh bottom instead of pressing the shooting mode button in the bottom left uh for quicker experience just press the power button once and you can flip between the different shooting modes there and you can also add uh some shooting modes by pressing on the fre oh it goes away so quickly three dots in the top uh right of the screen and you can yeah add some uh to that list so you're out and about in the park like I am and you've got no accessories with you you've got no selfie tripod you've got no suction mount with you you've got no mounts with you you've just got the Ace Pro and you want to put it down because you want to film yourself uh but you go to put it down on your chosen bench and you stand over here and you actually realize that the camera angle is not high enough so you get your Ace Pro you open up the screen out like that you go to put it on the bench now with the screen leaning like that and look at that well probably should show you look at that we've Now set the Ace Pro down at a slant so when you're standing here doing your show all of you is going to being shot and no mounts or tripods needed when shooting on cameras like the Ace Pro the sharpness can sometimes be a little bit too sharp uh and just make it look a little bit digital uh and the sharpness set setting isn't actually staring directly in front of you like it is on some other cameras so to find it and turn it to low so everything looks a lot more soft art go into the settings menu go to image settings and there you'll see video sharpness and just set that to low just set it to low and yeah just thank me later we're taking pictures with the Ace Pro make sure the format is set to Pure shot instead of jpeg uh essentially pure shot enhances the overall image uh when you're taking pictures in low light it removes some of the noise and grain uh when you're in photo mode to turn pure shot on just swipe up from the bottom and go to format in the top left and swipe across to Pure shot when I first unboxed the Ace Pro and I took all the accessories out one of them being this mountain system I I put it on I put it on I'll put it on now and I thought oh great this is great uh because to the eye it looks like it's on and it feels like on until you start moving it around and then it drops off and I was like nah nah I can't be that rubbish this Mount so put it on again and it feels like it's on because the magnets are like holding it on and it looks like there's no gaps it looks like it's on as well it's just as soon as you start moving it round it falls off don't drop it James don't drop it James um okay so what I'm trying to say is the mount isn't as rubbish as it first seems when you take it out the box what you got to do is put it on and then give it a push ah so you get that click and now it's on and you can move it around it's firmly on so you could literally do this be careful it doesn't unscrew off but yeah you could literally do I mean you're not going to do that are you but you could you you could confidently walk around with it now without it falling off whereas at first I put it on and I was like nah this is just ridiculous there's no way I could walk around with it extended like that because it would just keep falling off so put it on the mount and push it in and hear the little click and you're good to go if you want to shoot in 8k then there are some restrictions attached to it and they are you're only able to shoot in 24 frames per second the maximum stabilization you can select is standard and you can't shoot in HDR unfortunately there's no way to see the current percentage of battery remaining on the Ace Pro on the Ace Pro you've obviously got the battery indicator in the top right of the screen but it doesn't display the percentage uh to see the percentage remaining you need to connect the Ace Pro to the instafree 60 phone app and there you've got it and there you have it tips and tricks for the Ace Pro anything you want to add anything you want to ask I won't be too far so let's hang out let's hang out let's hang out in the comments below and you'll see me very soon
Channel: James Loxton
Views: 14,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insta360, insta360 ace pro, insta360 ace pro review, insta360 ace pro low light, insta360 ace pro test, insta360 ace pro settings, insta360 ace pro ai, insta360 ace pro test footage, ace pro, insta360 studio, insta360 ace pro features, insta360 ace pro beginners guide, insta360 ace pro real world review, insta360 ace pro tips & tricks, insta360 ace pro tips and tricks, insta360 ace pro tips, insta360 ace pro tricks, ace pro tips & tricks, insta360 tips and tricks
Id: lgIXYBee-YM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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