Insta360 Ace Pro | Beginner's Guide & BEST Settings

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Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel. For  those of you who are new here, my name is   Jordan Hetrick and I'm a longtime photographer  and cinematographer with a passion for sharing my   knowledge with you guys to help you get the best  out of your action cameras. I'm also a bestselling   author of books about how to use action cameras,  including my latest book which is for the Insta360   Ace Pro which I'm about to show you all about. In  this beginner's guide for the Insta360 Ace Pro,   I'm excited to show you guys how to get your  camera all set up and share some of my favorite   tips and tricks so you can really get the most out  of this camera. As I go through this video you'll   see all the features and some sample footage that  I think will help you decide if this camera is   right for you. If you haven't subscribed to my  channel yet be sure to hit the Subscribe button   and turn on notifications so you can stay tuned  cuz I've got lots more videos coming. So let me   teach you what you need to know to get started  with the Insta360 Ace Pro Smart Action camera.   First I just want to help you guys unbox the  Insta360 Ace Pro and get it all set up so you   can start filming with it. On the box it shows  you some of the key features of this camera,   but I'm going to show show you all the  features of this camera and what comes   in the kit as we unbox this and go through this  video together. When you open up the box here,   you've got the Insta360 Ace Pro action camera  and then you can also remove this little box   that contains the accessories that come with your  Insta360 Ace Pro first you can just remove the   protective packaging there's one on the front of  the lens one on the front display screen there's   also one on the back flip screen and there's one  on the bottom of the camera so just remove all of   those next just open up this little box here and  I'll show you the accessories that come with the   Ace Pro you can just pull all of the contents out  of the box you've got a little bit of paperwork   a quick start guide a warranty card and some  stickers this is the USB-C cable that you're   going to use to charge your camera the Ace Pro  also comes with this Adhesive Mount here which   you can use to mount your camera and this quick  release which makes it really easy to switch your   camera between different mounts but I'll show you  those items when we go into the mounting section   later in this video so this here is Insta360s  new smart action camera called the Ace Pro. Now   that we've got the camera unboxed I just want to  show you a few of the key features of the Ace Pro   so that you understand what makes this camera  so special Insta360 calls the Ace Pro a Smart   Action camera because it's packed with tons  of great features that are going to make it   easier for you to film first of all it's got a  8K video resolution sensor which is the highest   video resolution sensor on any action camera  yet this is going to help you improve your 4K   videos by adding features such as Clarity Zoom  which allows you to zoom in two times without   losing video quality on top of that 8K resolution  sensor you've also got 48 megapixel photos which   are just huge photo files I love to take these  and then you can crop in really crop tight to   get the composition that you're looking for the  Ace Pro also has a Mode called Pure video which   is for recording videos at night and it's going  to help you produce the highest quality videos in   those low light settings and you'll be pretty  amazed I'll show you some more of these as we   go through the video plus it's got this 2.4  inch flip screen which makes it really easy   for composing your selfie shots or for flipping it  down when you're filming somebody else it's packed   with tons of smart features like gesture control  and more more things that I'll show you as we go   through this camera if you'd like to see a review  of all of the new features on the Ace Pro I'll   put a link in the video description to a review  I did for the Ace Pro so you can check that out   but I also think that watching this beginner guide  for the Ace Pro will also help you decide if the   Ace Pro is the right camera for you because  you can see how it functions and see how you   would actually use it also because the Ace Pro is  packed with so many great features I always love   to create a reference for you guys and that's why  I created the book for the Ace Pro there's a link   in the video description below so if you decide  to get the a Pro I highly recommend you get the   book it's just going to help you with everything  from setting up your camera all the way through   recording and editing and creating some amazing  photos and videos with the camera next let me   walk you through the setup so you can start using  the Ace Pro go ahead and grab a Micro SD card the   Ace Pro doesn't come with a MicroSD card so you're  going to need to purchase one separately and I'll   put a link in the video description below to some  recommended micro SD cards because it's really   important that you pick a Micro SD card that is  compatible with the Ace Pro so you don't have any   freezing issues the micro SD card goes goes under  this little door right here and all you need to   do is pull down on this little tab to open the  door up make sure that you fully extend the door   out so it'll open wide enough for you to get that  micro SD card in there and that will really make   it easier then just take the micro SD card with  the text on the front of the SD card facing the   front of the camera like this and insert the micro  SD card into this little slot here just make sure   that it clicks all the way down into place next  grab that USBC cable and plug it into the USBC   Port plug the other end into a wall charger or  a computer but if you use a wall charger you can   do quick charging with the Ace Pro and you can  get the camera charged to 80% in just 22 minutes   and it'll be fully charged in about 45 minutes  quick charging is a great feature and that's just   going to allow you to recharge those batteries  a lot quicker so you can get out there and start   filming again once the camera starts charging  you'll see this red light turn on that's going   to indicate that your camera's charging if you're  familiar with action cameras you might notice that   we didn't insert the battery that's because the  battery was already inserted over here under this   side door but when you do want to switch out the  batteries you you can just open up that side door   pull the battery out and swap it with a fresh  charged battery after opening this door just   always make sure that you close it completely so  that water doesn't leak in there if you take your   camera in the water having that door completely  closed is going to keep your camera waterproof if   you want to push pause while the camera charges  just go ahead and come back to this video once   that light turns off while the camera is charging  it'd be a great time to hit that like button on   this video so that YouTube can also recommend it  to other people like you who are getting started   with their Insta360 Ace Pro thank you guys so much  then you can remove the USBC cable and close that   side door also securely to make sure your camera  is waterproof next we're just going to power your   camera on and set it up through the insta 360 app  press the power button on the side of the camera   here and your camera will power on then you can  just select your language scroll up or down to   select your language and tap the arrow to go to  the next screen now it's going to prompt you to   connect to the Insta360 app to update the camera's  firmware so you do need to use the Insta360 app to   set your camera up initially and after that it's  optional but it does add some great features such   as a live view through your camera's lens and some  other editing tools that are really really useful   so go ahead and download the Insta360 app from the  app store for Google or Android and open it up the   Insta360 app should see your camera and prompt  you to connect you can just follow the prompts   to connect your camera to the Insta360 app and  once you do it's going to prompt you to update   the camera's firmware updating the camera's  firmware just makes sure that you have all   the latest features for the Ace Pro I recommend  that you always update the camera's firmware   when you're prompted the update will transfer  wirelessly from the phone over to your camera and   once it's complete you'll be notified that the  update is complete and your camera is ready to use next I want to give you guys a camera tour  around the Ace Pro to show you all the different   buttons and the actual camera but also to go  inside and show you the different modes and   settings and how you access all of those so on  the front of the camera here we have a display   screen which shows your video settings it's not  a touchscreen so you can't change your settings   there and it also doesn't display what you're  videoing but that's what this flip screen screen   is used for we've got the lens cover here that you  want to keep clean this is not removable on the   Ace Pro Insta360 also collaborated with Leica for  the lens on this so of course you're going to get   some high quality Optics with that Leica lens on  the top of the camera you got the shutter button   which is going to start and stop recording on the  side of the camera here you have the power button   which you use to turn on and off your camera hold  it down for a couple seconds to turn your camera   off your camera will power off and this door we  already opened that's for the USB port and for the   micro SD card and the battery door on this side on  the back of the camera you have this 2.4 in flip   screen when you're filming somebody else you can  just film it like this and then you press these   tabs in when you want to flip it up then you've  got a nice big screen when you want to film those   selfie shots but it is a little bit inconvenient  if you're filming for example like this and then   you want to rotate it around and film like this  all of a sudden you don't have a screen you can   preview you got to flip it up just like that  also depending on the angles you're filming you   can rotate the screen so you can actually see the  screen no matter which way your camera is facing   so I've really started to like that for some of  the creative shots like filming up at trees or sky   for example you can just look at the screen you  don't have to get behind the camera and under it   like you do with some of the other action cameras  on the bottom of the camera you've got a magnet   you've also got these quick release latches which  I'll show you when we Mount the camera but that   allows you to just quickly release and mount  your camera to different mounts there's also   a speaker here which is going to play back your  audio on the bottom of the camera and there's a   few microphone openings one here one here and  one on the top the camera for great audio I've   also found the audio for the Ace Pro is really  clean it's got wind reduction and you get some   nice audio straight in the camera now let's turn  the camera on and check out the touch screen and   the different modes and settings available on the  Ace Pro so if your camera's not on yet just press   the power mode button here and turn the camera on  let's check out this touchcreen so these icons on   the main touch screen tell you some of the key  settings about the camera you've got the battery   life indicator here that shows how much battery  life is remaining this icon here just shows how   much storage is left on your micro SD card using  the current settings and the current mode so as   you switch modes that will change down here  shows the mode that you're currently in and   the main settings you're using for that mode this  is the clarity Zoom feature so you can just tap on   that and that'll double zoom in you can tap on it  again it'll zoom out or if you double tap on the   screen that will do the same thing what's great  about this 8K sensor on the Ace Pro is that when   you're recording in 4k you can double tap zoom  in two times and you're not going to lose video   quality that's a big difference from the other  action cameras that zoom in digitally which I   in my books I always recommend that people don't  use Touch Zoom too often because you're going to   see a lower image quality but with the Ace Pro  that's not an issue and this little icon shows   the field of view that you're currently using  we're currently in video mode if you swipe between   the different modes you can see there's a lot of  modes on this camera you've got free frame video   which can be used to reframe your shots after  you record so if you want to record a vertical   video and you also want to use the same video  in a horizontal aspect ratio this is the mode   to do that because it allows you to reframe those  shots plus it's got 360 Horizon lock if you want   to lock that Horizon in 4k Horizon lock just means  when you rotate your camera all the way around in   a full 360 you can lock that Horizon then you've  got Pure video mode that's the Night video mode   for recording those lowl light shots and it's  going to make a huge difference in your night   shots so when you're recording at night you want  to use pure video mode and you can see from this   example here that the image quality is really  amazing you don't have very many St ization   Jitters it's really just an improved low light  video mode that you're going to love when you're   out there recording at night and I know there's  a lot of settings here so if you're just getting   started don't worry you can just start with  video mode but I've got all the settings for   these different modes in my book once you want to  explore the wide range of settings it's all there   for you as an easy reference then you've got time  shift which you can use to make hyperlapses which   allows you to move your camera around as you're  recording but you're going to get those sped up   time-lapse effects which makes a really cool  addition to your videos time shift video is a   really fun mode to work with you've also got time  lapse which is for recording those longer Scenic   time lapses like of nature for example and that's  a great mode to use for that Loop recording is   just for basically dash cam recording and you've  also got slow motion recording which is another   video mode it's just going to go straight into  slow motion settings but I really recommend just   using the regular video mode starps is used for  recording those star lapses at night and in the   insta 360 app you can add star Trail and you can  record these in 4k which is amazing you've also   got burst photos for taking a fast burst of  photos interval mode which you can use for a   few different things such as recording time-lapse  photos you've also got HDR photo the regular photo   mode which allows you to take 48 megapixel photos  which is an awesome huge photo file and you can   do that in pure shot or also you can just do it in  Raw photos and edit those in Lightroom for example   to get the most colors out of your photos now I'm  just going to go back into video mode and look at   some of the different settings that are available  here on the Ace Pro the first batch of settings is   here where you tap on 4K 60 that's going to give  you the main settings for this camera you've got   the different stabilization options such as low  standard and high then you've also got 4K 2.7k and   1080 resolution you've also cut 8K at 24 frames  per second which isn't showing here but it will be   in the firmware that you guys are looking at and  in 4k you can film up to 120 frames per second for   super slow motion shots which is really going  to capture that action all the way down to 24   frames per second and also you'll see here when  you switch from 48 down to 30 now you see this   little icon here it shows HDR the Ace Pro records  active HDR which is when you're in 30 frames per   second or lower and active HDR is going to just  create a more balanced shot in those bright and   dark areas but I'm just going to go back over  to 4K 60 because that's a nice video resolution   to start with you can get nice nice slow motion  still has all the features available and you'll   just get some high resolution great videos using  that setting and then swipe down from the top of   the screen to go back to the recording screen  now if you want to change some of the other   settings swipe over from here and you've got Auto  or manual settings and under the auto you've got a   different color profile some other settings I'm  not going to go into all these because I don't   want to overwhelm you guys but those of you who  know what you're looking at can see what you've   got here you've got a shutter setting ISO white  balance and different color profiles but for now   when you're just getting started just leave it  on auto and go back into the recording screen if   you want to change the field of view you can just  hop here you'll see the different field of views   are available these are going to change a little  bit depending on which settings you're using for   example in 4k at 120 frames per second for those  really slow motion shots you're not going to have   so many options available but in 4k 60 which is  what I have it set to now you've got action which   is is a super wideangle lens you've got Ultra it's  a little bit tighter then you've got dewarp which   is kind of reducing that fisheye effect then  you've got Horizon lock which is going to level   out that Horizon even when your camera rotates  slightly it's not a full 360 Horizon lock here on   the Ace Pro unless you're using free frame video  mode then once you've selected your settings and   you're ready to start recording a video or take  a photo you can just press the top shutter button   here and the camera will start recording what's  really cool about the Ace Pro too is it has this   pause Feature A lot of people have asked about  this in my other videos and none of the other   action cameras have it but here on the Ace Pro you  can press the pause button while you're recording   it's going to stop this video now you can move  locations and go record another video and when you   want to start recording again press the shutter  button again and it'll continue recording on that   same video file then once you're done recording  you just press the little stop button here and you   can stop that video file you can actually go into  the the videos after the fact too and add more   videos to it just by tapping on this icon and it's  going to allow you to continue recording on that   same video so if you recorded a shot for example  and then you're recording other Clips in between   later you can go back to that video and continue  recording on that same clip it just kind of opens   up the option to create a multiple scene video all  in one file which is going to reduce the amount   of editing you need to do also here's another  really important tip for the Ace Pro when you're   recording your videos so to start recording you  just press the top shutter button and the video   will start recording now you've got two options  here if you don't like what you recorded you   can actually hold down on the shutter button  and it'll erase this current video file that   you're recording so if you hold down the shutter  button here and when the full circle gets all the   way around it's going to just cancel that video  that you just recorded this is a great feature   when you want to get rid of those videos like you  didn't capture something you wanted in that shot   but when you want to stop recording it can also  get a little confusing when you want to actually   stop recording just make sure you do a quick press  instead of a long press because this has happened   to me quite a few times with this camera where I  press down on this a little too long it thinks I   want to cancel the recording but it doesn't cancel  recording it continues recording and I think I've   stopped so just make sure when you're finished  recording you just do a quick press and it'll   stop recording and save that file also if you want  to record vertical video you can do that just by   rotating the camera so now when you swipe down  from the top of the screen here you've got this   dashboard like I showed you briefly before this  has a bunch of different icons that are going to   give you some more controls on this smart camera  I'm not going to show you all these cuz there   quite a few here you'll see but I'm going to show  you some of the main important ones that are new   on this Ace Pro one of the features here is the  gesture control so if you just swipe down to the   dashboard here and make sure this is turned blue  this is the gesture control icon here now if you   go into the frame and hold your hand up the  video will start recording just go like this   the video is going to start recording now you  don't want to hold your hand up again until you   want to stop recording cuz that's going to stop  recording but once you're done you can just hold   your hand up again and it will do that so you just  go now the video stopped recording and if you want   to take a photo in a crowd you can just go like  this the camera will count down timer and take a photo so that's really convenient if you're in a  crowd or somewhere that's noisy and you don't want   to have to tell your camera to start recording you  can just use gesture control another new feature   on the Ace Pro is this AI highlights assistant  here so if you tap on that it's actually going to   go in your videos and find highlights of moments  that it thinks is key moments in your video that   AI highlights is going to add a little marker  to your video so you can actually edit some of   your videos straight in the camera also if you  swipe over here you can connect your camera with   Bluetooth now the Ace Pro is actually compatible  with an Apple Watch and Garmin devices so this   will allow you to Overlay your stats right on  your Ace Pro that's a pretty amazing feature   for those of you who are under like your health  stats for example you can sync that with your   camera under this icon here are some of the more  General camera settings that you're probably used   to if you've ever used an action camera before  but if if not I just want to show you right down   here to format your micro SD card after you've  offloaded your footage you just tap here and you   can format your SD card that's just going to erase  all the files and give you space on your SD card   to go record more you can always exit out of these  menus too just by pressing the power button on the   side of the camera here that's going to take you  straight back into the recording screen and then   of course when you're finished recording you can  just go over here you can also scroll through your   different videos youve recorded you can long press  if you want to speed it up to fast forward through   there then you can tap this if you want to add  highlights so you can see here on the video I've   actually got two highlights in this if you tap on  that you can see the different highlights I've got   one that's 6 seconds one that's 2 seconds and if  you tap on the check mark here you can actually   export those individual highlights as a separate  video clip so you don't have to scroll through the   long video to find what you want to see and you  can create a separate different video file it's   not going to erase that original video file it's  just going to create another one for you it does   take a little while for those little videos to  process and your camera's kind of on hold while   it's processing those so you don't want to do  that when you're out in the middle of recording   but when you're back at home and you want to  create those highlights that's a great time to   do it when you're finished using the camera just  hold down on the power button here and your camera   will power off also if you haven't subscribed yet  to my channel be sure to hit the Subscribe button   so stay tuned for more videos about the Ace Pro  and all of the other great action cameras that I   love to teach you about you can also use the  Insta360 app to see a live view through your   camera's lens and to change the key settings on  the Ace Pro all you need to do to connect to the   Insta360 app is make sure your camera is powered  on then open up the Insta360 app then when you tap   on the little icon here it's going to prompt you  to connect the camera once the camera is connected   you can see a live view through your camera's lens  you can also switch between all the modes by just   swiping down here at the bottom of the screen  you can also change some of the key settings   by tapping on the settings icon here you've got  some more settings up here you can tap on all   of these icons to change some of the settings  basically all the settings that you can change   inside your camera are available here on the app  and once you want to start recording just tap on   the record button you can see a live preview as  the video records and when you're done recording   just go ahead and tap the screen and that file is  going to be saved on your camera's micro SD card   you don't have to use the app with the Insta360  Ace Pro but it's just a great extra tool you can   use to get that live view and to change your  settings remotely next I want to talk to you   about mounting the Ace Pro and some of the Cool  Tools that you can use to mount the Ace Pro to   capture those unique shots mounting your action  camera is one of the ways that can capture those   truly unique angles that you can't really capture  with any other camera so I'm going to show you   some mounting tips and tricks for the Ace Pro the  Ace Pro comes with two simple mounting pieces you   have this here which is an Adhesive Mount and this  Adhesive Mount is flexible it's got a sticky part   on the bottom here so when you peel that off you  can adhere it to a smooth surface that just gives   you a permanent mounting location for the Ace Pro  the Adhesive Mount is more of a permanent location   so every different spot where you want to place  a mount you just get another Adhesive Mount stick   it on there and you can switch easily between  those different angles to capture different shots   the other mounting piece that comes with the Ace  Pro is this quick release Mount here and this is   really convenient because it allows you to switch  your camera between different mounts very easily   to use this little quick release buckle you just  slide it into a mount that's like this that's got   the three prongs slide it in there and slide in a  thumb screw to tighten it in place screw in that   thumb screw and then you've got your quick release  Buckle attached to a mount if you look closely at   the front of this here there's a little icon of a  camera and that just means that the front of the   camera should line up with the side of the mount  and that's just because of the magnet inside here   and inside the camera it's going to allow it  to align easily then just take the Ace Pro and   make sure these little grooves on the bottom here  just line up with that it's going to snap right   into place make sure you push it down really hard  and you you'll hear it click and you also need to   wiggle it just to make sure it's on there securely  once it is on there securely it's a really nice   secure position that it would be really hard to  accidentally knock it off because of the way these   are designed to take it off you just squeeze the  top of those pull it off and your camera is ready   to place on another Mount insta 360 also makes  another quick release adapter and that's this   one here and this one has a lock on it it's got  also a tripod screw on the bottom of it so if you   want to mount your camera onto the end of one of  Insta360's poles for example this has the mount to   do that it just works the same way though you  just line up the front of the camera with the   little lock symbol here then you can just slide  over this little lock symbol that'll lock the   camera on there so even if these get hit it won't  come off for this Mount the Ace Pro is waterproof   to 10 m or 33 ft deep but if you're going deeper  than that you can put it in the dive case and then   you go down to 196 ft deep if you're scuba diving  for example but for the most part I just go in the   water with it just like this if you are worried  about getting sand and stuff in between this flip   screen you can see this little wet here I went  swimming with it today you can put it in that   dive case even for shallower Dives but you'll see  some water kind of tends to store on the back of   this so you just want to make sure you dry it off  really well after you go swimming also it's really   important to know that the Ace Pro doesn't float  so if you're taking your camera in the water the   best way to make sure that your camera floats is  to use the float guard which is made by insta 360   you can also use a floating handle but because the  Ace Pro is a bit heavier than some of the other   action cameras not all of the handles will float  it I'll put a link to a handle that will float   the Ace Pro in the video description below so you  can pick that up if you want to there are so many   fun and creative mounts you can do a lot with the  Ace Pro whether you want to wear it on your chest   or put it onto an extension like this this is a  boom that's just going to extend it out away from   the surface of what you're filming and you'll  definitely want to get some kind of extendable   handle like this one so you can just extend it out  get the camera further away from you for those fun   selfy shots I'll put links for all these mounts in  the video description below so that if you want to   pick up any of these mounts that you see here you  can now that you know some of the most important   tips for the Insta360 Ace Pro go out there and  record some videos take some photos come back   and I'll show you some of the cool features on the  Insta360 app and insta 360 studio for transferring   and editing if you're editing your footage on a  a phone or a tablet you can use the Insta360 app   like I showed you before and the Insta360 app has  some great tools for editing your Ace Pro footage   just make sure your camera is powered on again  and you can either press this icon down here or   you can press on the album and then make sure  that it says Ace Pro if you tap on Ace Pro and   it's not connected it'll prompt you to connect  and once your camera's connected you can see   the thumbnails of all the footage that's on your  camera's micros SD card once you see one that you   want to open you can just tap on it and it'll go  into that video file so you got a bunch of tools   down here that you can use to trim your videos you  can add some stats and change the colors the stats   is if you use a Apple watch or a Garmin device  and you have stats from that that you can unload   onto your videos here you can also add some music  adjust the audio volume and adjust the speed of   your clips for example so there's a lot of little  tools here right in the Insta360 app to help you   improve your videos once you've made some edits  you can export it and save it to your phone's   photo library but one of the most important things  here is the download if if you want to download   the files to your phone or your tablet just tap  on that and it's going to start downloading and   what's great about the Ace Pro now is that you can  do background app downloading so if you want to   close the app it's still going to keep downloading  in the background and it'll let you know when the   file is finished downloading so you don't have  to stay in there and wait for all of your files   to download if you go back into your thumbnails  here you can see which one's downloading it'll   show you a little progress but it'll also notify  you if you're out of the Insta360 app when your   file is done downloading another feature that some  of you might be interested in and if you go in the   edit tab down here on the app it's going to give  you some different options here and these are the   different shot Labs it's called so it's basically  adding special effects your videos and this is a   new one called AI warp so if you take a short four  to 10 second clip of video it's going to add these   effects to it there's different styles you can  add and you just select the little section you   want to apply to it does take a while to send it  to the AI Cloud to create this but you can test it   out and see what you like I've had mixed effects  with it that's up to you just check it out it's   one of their new features to transfer your videos  and photos over to a computer you can just take   the USB cable plug it into your computer and power  your camera on and you can transfer the files from   the remote dis that'll show up on your computer  just drag them over put them in a file and   then you can edit them on a desktop or a laptop  computer if you're on a computer you can use insta   360 Studio to pre-edit your Clips if you want to  you don't have to you could bring them straight   into Premiere or DaVinci Resolve like I show in my  books but if you want to do some pre-editing like   add time shift videos or some motion blur you can  do that inside of insta 360 Studio but definitely   the way you're going to get the best quality edits  out of your video footage especially with the Ace   Pro because it's got this high resolution and high  frame rates is to edit it on a computer and get   that super slow motion high quality footage out of  there one of my favorite things about photography   and cinematography is that you can really freeze  a moment in time and the moment that you choose   to capture is really up to you I just love that  people have such different Visions whether it's   of nature of the city of other people and what  they see in their camera through their lens is   what they can show to other people I hope that  you love photography as much as I do and if you   do please check out the book for the Ace Pro  cuz I would love to teach you what I know and   just all of the knowledge that I've learned about  this action camera to help you get amazing shots   and capture the moments that you really think are  special if you want to pick up a camera there's a   link in the video description below stay tuned  for more videos and I'll see you guys next time
Views: 27,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: get started, Insta360 tutorial, how to use GO 3, invisible selfie stick, Insta360 Tutorials, insta360, insta360 ACE pro tips, insta360 ace pro tutorial, insta360 ace pro beginner's guide, insta360 ace pro tips and tricks, insta360 ace pro tutorials, how to setup insta360 ace pro, insta360 ace pro best configuration, insta360 ace pro getting started, insta360 ace pro, insta360 ace pro get started, insta360 ace pro unboxing, how to use ace pro, best settings, ace best settings
Id: cxK3kV90hT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.