Master Insta360 Ace Pro - EPIC Tutorial (Action Camera)

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this is the video where you learn everything that you need to know about the insta 360 Ace Pro insta 360 devices often come with various Innovative features but I'm here to help you get a pretty complete understanding of how the camera works and how to get the most from it including some cool hidden features that you might not know about most top level action cameras can shoot up to 4K but the Ace Pro shoots 8K the main benefits of this resolution is being able to zoom in two times without losing any detail a well in fact insta 360 recommends that you use 4K rather than 8K because 4K uses the sensor's 4 in-one pixel binning which will improve the image quality if you're curious then by all means experiment with 8K otherwise stick to 4K the physical sensor size is actually the same as the DJI osmo action fors 10 megapixel sensor but it's bigger than the GoPro Hero 12's 27 megap sensor and the Ace Pro 48 map sensor allows the Ace Pro to take 48 megapixel photos you know which is useful for reframing so another great feature is the screen which flips out and this means that you can monitor the camera from the rear the front or from the top the thing about action cameras is we're often mounting in places where it can be a bit awkward to see the screen and this flip out screen just makes life a little bit easier especially if you're using it for vlogging the insta 360 Ace Pro can capture some pretty spectacular shots and I'd say that it is also user friendly so I'm going to talk about the different modes and settings when to use them and how to get the most from them and I'll also talk about the insta 360 app and how it works works with the Ace Pro the Ace Pro comes with a single battery a clip mount an Adhesive Mount and a USBC cable if you are intending to use the camera a lot I do recommend adding the GPS preview remote you can strap it to your wrist and you can then Monitor and control the camera from up to 20 M away as well maybe consider buying extra batteries because otherwise when your runs out you're going to have to stop filming and wait for it to recharge now the Ace Pro does not come with a protective carry case so you might want to think about adding that as an extra if you're purchasing through the insta 360 website on the front we've got the camera which is co-engineered with Leica it also has a non removable lens protector we've got the Mini screen which is not actually a touch T screen but it just gives you the camera settings info but if you want to monitor the camera from the front like I say you can just use the flip screen on this side we have the USBC and the micro SD ports push using the grippy bar to open there's also the power button long press to power on the Ace Pro on the opposite side we have the battery cover push to open and then just use this little ribbon to remove or exchange the battery and if you only have one battery then you can just leave it in the camera for charging on the back we've got the flip screen there's two catches on each side and you just press in and hold to release the screen so that you can change the angle on the bottom is where you fix the magnetic clip Mount and the Magnetic is directional so this clip needs to be placed the correct way around so on the clip you're going to see this little camera icon and you want this to be facing forwards press in and hold the buttons on the side and then just clip into place make sure the clips are secure before you know doing anything where you're going to be shaking the camera because if it's not firmly in place you know it could fall off now on top you're going to find the record button or shutter button if you're taking photos like all action cameras the Ace Pro requires a Micro SD card which needs to be purchased separately the insta 36 On's work well and I've never actually had any issue with them take all the protective covers off and open the USBC charging port hatch connect the included cable to charge the battery when it's charging you're going to see the red light and when it's fully charged this light is going to go off next to the USBC Port is the micro SD Port pressing the memory card with the text facing forwards and again make sure it just clicks into place there when you power on the camera for the first time you're going to be prompted to use the insta 360 app to activate the camera so go ahead install that now that's if you don't already have it most likely you're going to be prompted to update the firmware of the app so I do recommend that you go ahead do that before you're going to use the camera and this should all be handled within the app although your phone does need to be connected to the camera via Wi-Fi which means that it's going to have to use your mobile data to download the firmware now you're ready to capture a amazing images with your Ace Pro so let's power on and try recording some video so just long press the power button and now you're going to see this blue light at the front flashing and when it stops flashing the camera is ready to record so know that when you power on you get this Rising Melody and you get a falling Melody when you power off which is good to remember cuz maybe you're using your camera in a situation where you might not actually be able to see it and then you can just use your ears to tell if the camera is on or off maybe it goes without saying but you just press the record to start recording press again to stop recording and again take note of the different sounds it makes now when it is recording the blue light on the front starts flashing red if for some reason you want to switch off these lights and sounds then just swipe down to open settings look for the speaker and the alarm Bell icons anything in this menu here that's switched on is blue so just tap them to disable them now you can actually cancel a recording with the Ace Pro just long press on the record button and it will give you the option to cancel and that means that no recording is going to be made at all thing is the Ace Pro actually uses battery power to process a video as soon as you stop recording so this might just save you some battery if the shot goes wrong then you can just cancel it and it's going to be discarded you don't have to worry about deleting it when you're recording you will see this pause button so you can just tap that to pause recording and the camera is now in pause recording mode so in this mode the record button just acts as a pause unpause button and you can just keep pausing and unpausing and everything that you shoot is going to be stitched into one file so to end the recording instead of pressing the record button you need to press the stop button on the screen but that isn't the end of the story because if you decide that you want to add more to a video clip just open it in the gallery and you're going to see that there's this little record button in the bottom right corner tap that you can start again from where you left off and keep adding more Clips to this file so now that we've recorded some video how do we access it so we can use it the most straightforward way is to use the USB cable and just connect it directly to your computer for editing so on the touch screen choose udisk mode you should now see the Ace Pro as if it was an external drive so open it and then go into the DCIM folder then camera 01 and in there you will find the video files and the lrv files and these are just actually preview files so you can ignore those the ones you want are the MP4 files so the second way is to edit your Ace Pro media using the insta 360 app you can either edit media directly from the Ace Pro or you can download the media to your smartphone and you're probably going to get a better experience if you do that open the file in the gallery swipe along to the download button which is the last button on the right if you want to download more than one file open the gallery in the app tap the select button top right now select all the media that you want to transfer to your phone and use the download button at the bottom to start downloading a unique feature of the Ace Pro is that you can leave it downloading while you do other things with your phone and the third way to transfer files to a computer is just to remove the micro SD card from the camera place it in the micro SD card reader and then connect the reader to your computer a good thing to remember is that the icons along the bottom of the screen are buttons and the icons at the top are not they're just indicators to give you information so we have the remaining memory top left we have the remaining battery level top right camera mode and settings are bottom left then we have the two times zoom button and next to that the field of view setting now if you want a clear screen with no icons on it then just tap the screen and to bring them back you can just tap the screen again swipe down from the top to access settings swipe left from the side to open exposure controls swipe up to access frame rate and resolution plus other settings and swipe right from the side to access the media Gallery swipe up and down to view your captured media if you press and hold on the screen during playback the video is going to play at two times speed so if you got a long clip this is going to help you to speed through to find the best bits tap the camera mode and then swipe to change the mode but you can actually also just simply swipe the screen left to right the modes actually just loop around so you can just keep swiping and eventually it's going to come back to the mode that you started on and as well the power button acts as a quick switch mode button short press the power button and then keep short pressing until you find the mode that you want so by default there are only three modes here but you can actually customize this in the settings to add more modes to do that short press the bow button and then tap the three dots to open up a list of modes and you can see the three already selected because they have a blue circle with a number and the number tells you how many modes that have been selected in total so tap the circle to add a mode so I'd suggest that you only add the modes that you use the most because otherwise you're going to have to click through tons of modes each time which then kind of defeats the purpose of quick switch doesn't it with the insta 360 Ace Pro there isn't really one best combination of settings for video as well certain settings are only available at certain resolutions so let's open up video settings and make sure it's in video mode and then swipe up at 4K resolution available frame rates go from 24 frames per second up to 120 frames per second higher frame rates are used mostly for the slow motion effect and at 1080p we can go up to 240 frames per second at 8K resolution we can only capture at 24 frames per second at 4K and Below resolution we have three levels of stabilization we've gotow low standard and high at 8K resolution we only have one level which is standard in the middle here we have ratio settings all resolutions can shoot in 16x9 aspect ratio at 4K or lower resolution we can use the 4x3 ratio but at 8K resolution we cannot shoot 4x3 and the 2.35:1 widescreen aspect ratio can only be used when shooting 8K so 88k 24 frames per second has this wides screen option and so in a way you can just think of it as like the movie setting now a lot of people hate cameras that over sharpen the video you know because over Sharp video it just makes things look a little bit harsh and unnatural but one reason cameras at this sharpening especially mobile cameras is because it can look better when we're watching video on our phones you know on these tiny screens because when you're viewing video on such a small screen sometimes this extra sharpness can help the details stand out better but the thing is if you're watching video on a bigger screen maybe a computer or a TV that sharpness can now start to look a little bit ugly and for that reason we might want to consider reducing sharpness and the last firmware update makes the sharpness setting easier to access so we just swipe left from the side and then tap the triangle button and this is going to open open up a menu for sharpness levels so I'm actually going to set mine to medium and if I need to sharpen the image later I can do so easily so I would say it's actually pretty safe to lower our sharpness levels and let you know your video is definitely only for mobile viewing because it's very easy to add sharpness later you can even do it in your phone's Gallery if you just edit a video and a photo there's usually a sharpness setting so that you can add a little bit of extra sharpness later there's some other image settings that you might want to consider swipe down tap the settings Cog scroll down to image settings now if you find that artificial lights are flickering or strobing you can set the anti flicker to 50 HZ or 60 HZ so Europe is 50 HZ and USA is 60 HZ and if you live somewhere else you just need to check the electricity supply of the country that you're filming in it's going to either be be 50 or 60 anyway video encoding is h264 or h265 and I tend to shoot all my videos in the newer h265 because it actually creates smaller files but you might find that your editing system struggles with it and which case you can try using h264 uh personally I have bit rate set to high and this controls the quality of your video so obviously higher is better but it does create bigger files now if you want smaller files and you're prepared to sacrifice quality you can set this to standard when you're switching modes you will see a tab for presets at the top on the right and these contain various combinations of settings that are ideal for certain activities if you press the plus button you can add your own custom settings so if you have your camera set a certain way and you want to be able to quickly return to this setup you can just save it as a preset here you you can actually start with one of the existing presets for example let's say I just tap on Vlog and this is going to create Vlog 2 so I could rename it or I can just keep it that Vlog to it's fine and uh now I can tap the edit button and edit these camera settings so maybe I want the exact same settings but just with 60 frames per second instead of 30 frames per second because maybe I want that for shooting some slow motion b-roll for my Vlog finally t save to create the new [Music] preset tap the field of view setting in the bottom right corner and this is going to open up various modes depending on what other settings you have there's action Ultra and dewarp so action has the most fisheye Distortion Ultra is kind of somewhere in the middle and dewarp removes the lens Distortion entirely the fourth mode here is Horizon lock which will keep The Horizon level while recording but only for small movements now if you want 360° Horizon lock so that you can turn the camera a full 360° and the Horizon is going to stay level you need to use the free frame mode so switch to free frame and you're going to see the preview screen looks different so they've got this frame in the middle and four frames on each side of the center frame so this mode actually shoots the four by3 video and allows you to export in any aspect ratio as well as apply Horizon lock later so bottom right we have the free frame icon and next to that is the field of view setting tap that and now you can see that you've got these 45° and 360° Horizon lock options when you import the free frame video into the insta 360 app or a studio for desktop the field of view setting now includes 45° and 360 ° Horizon lock but bear in mind that this is only available in the 4x3 and the 16x9 aspect ratios so if you switch to one of the other aspect ratios The Horizon lock options are no longer available so next to where it says frame rate you can see this HDR icon at the moment it's grayed out but if I move the settings to 4K and 30 frames per second now it lights up so when we have this HDR icon lit up that means HDR is automatically applied to your video HDR in this case is basically like Dynamic tone mapping that we get in smartphones what it does is try to even out the contrast between dark and light areas so this is actually pretty useful in bright daylight situations where your sensor is challenged by high contrast between highlights and shadows so for example it helps to prevent a subject's phase going too dark when back lit and as well when you're filming landscapes in daylight it also helps to stop the sky blowing out or the land looking too dark so things like clouds are going to appear with more clarity and more detail and when this is enabled you will see the HDR icon in the main screen as well and that's going to be below the remaining memory so since the latest firmware update you can actually now disable Active HDR swipe up to open settings and next to the ratio set is now an active HDR button the Ace Pro has a 48 megapixel sensor so unlike other action cameras this allows the Ace Pro to digitally crop or zoom in on the frame without losing quality so back in the preview window you can tap the two times zoom button which is known as Clarity zoom and you can actually also do this by double tapping the screen so what's the advantage of doing that well the thing is that if you just shot 4K video and then you took it into your editing system and then you want to zoom in there you will lose some quality but if you do this using the clarity zoom in the camera it allows you to crop in and it's going to keep the 4K resolution so you won't lose any quality and you can actually zoom in while you're recording and also since the firmware update you can now use the clarity zoom in photo mode but obviously you can't use it in this 48 megap photo mode only in the 12 megapix photo mode Now by default the Ace Pro is going to shoot 12 megapixel photos and changing that is easy you swipe to photo mode and where you see 12 megapixel just tap or swipe from the bottom and then switch to 48 megapixels now all the other photo settings are the same whether you choose 48 me megapixel or 12 megapix photos there's three quality settings for photos we've got jpeg which is the lowest quality we've got Pure shot which is basically a highquality JPEG and then we've got Pure shot plus raw which creates Raw photos and this is going to be the highest quality but just be aware that this setting is also going to create much bigger files there's two aspect ratios to choose from 16x9 or 4x3 now if you want to export photos with the like a watermark go into the app and toggle that option on in the settings and you can also choose to add the shot on information too this say it's not exactly a watermark because the information is added to the bottom of the photo in a white box so you can always crop it off if you don't like it but um you're going to get the photo details here like ISO apture and all that kind of stuff and you can also swipe to switch to HDR mode for photos here in video or photo mode swipe left from The Edge to open some color and exposure settings the button with the three circles opens up a choice of filters which allow you to add a certain look directly to your video each filter comes with a description that's going to give you an idea of when to use it and this is also where you're going to find the flat profile which reduces the saturation and the contrast so a little bit like log and personally I don't think it really helps that much when you're using 8 bit video but it might be useful for Raw photos next to that we have the EV setting and this is going to allow you to brighten or to darken the image but at the same time keep exposure in auto mode below that is a metering mode so you can choose to use the whole frame or meter just using faces as a reference next to that is the low light stabilization setting and you might need this because stabilization can often struggle in low light because it needs a fast shutter speed to work effectively so if you turn this on the Ace Pro is going to work to increase your shutter speed and to also remove those sort of blurry looking artifacts or at least try to reduce it as much as possible and finally at the bottom we have white balance so you can just tap that to set the color temperature manually so you can actually set manual exposure for both photos and videos I tap the M button and now we've got controls for shutter speed and ISO if you want to lock exposure for a video you're going to need to use this mode and then set ISO and shutter manually so when you're in manual mode you're going to see the iso and the shutter settings on the right side of the preview screen so the a proo has this feature which is called AI highlights assistant and the idea is that that the software in the camera is able to choose the best moments from a video clip and then edit them together for you so in theory this sounds pretty awesome doesn't it you know do you have hours of footage for various events and holidays that you're going to edit one day you know when you have time so is this the answer uh you do need to enable it in the settings before you start recording so just swipe down and you're going to see this AI button here uh it's like a frame of film with the letters AI and you can use this feature up to 60 frames per second in 4k enable it and in the preview screen you will see this new icon next to the battery level meter now when you're filming the camera will start choosing what it thinks are the best parts you can open a clip shot with the AI assistant in the gallery and you're going to see this flag symbol with a number and the number is how many highlights the AI has found you can also choose an edit highlights manually and in practice this kind of works like having an in camera editor even if you don't use the AI assistant you will still get this flag symbol when you view back your footage in the camera tap the flag and now you can start editing your footage swipe to where you want to start the clip press and hold on the flag until you want the clip to end you can see that the selected part is highlighted in blue and just keep going through the whole clip highlighting sections of the the video and when you're done tap the check mark at the top it now tells you how many highlights you've selected and the camera is going to play through the Clips in the sequence at the bottom you can see the length of each Clip In The Box tap each one to play that clip to export the clips tap the disk symbol top right and you can choose to save each clip as an individual single file or you can edit them all into one clip so I wouldn't say it's the best way to edit video but maybe it's useful if you're you're out filming and you're running out of storage on the camera so you don't have any spare micro SDs you could go through the takes especially the long takes and you could cut out all the stuff that you don't want this could maybe also save you time editing later because you know often half the job of editing is finding the good stuff maybe you're sitting on a train you got nothing better to do these feature allows you just to go through your footage and you can just weed out all the bad stuff normally high levels of digital noise degrading the quality of our videos is kind of the curse of nighttime video creation but insta 360 has put a 5 nanometer AI chip in the Ace Pro which is going to denoise the footage when you're in pure video mode swipe to the left in the middle of the screen and select the pure video icon now this mode is only available at 4K resolution and 30 frames per second or low lower and as well you can only use the 16x9 aspect ratio and you cannot use the AI assistant in pure video mode so you'll also find that there's no option to switch off stabilization either but there is actually stabilization applied this is actually one of the hidden features that not too many people are aware of and this setting is called power off charging it doesn't sound that exciting does it but if you intend to use the Ace Pro as a dash cam then this setting is for you there's three settings and these settings determine what your Ace Pro does as soon as you start charging it there we got charge only charge and Power on or charge and record if you choose the last setting then Mount Your Ace Pro in the car plugged into your power source and as soon as you start your car the Ace Pro is going to switch on and then it's going to start recording automatically oh wait there's actually more because when you select charge and record you get get more settings appearing below if you want it to stop recording when you stop the power toggle this on below shooting mode is set to Loop recording and you can set the time that it records that Loop for and this means that you can keep recording without filling up your memory but if something happens you just have to stop the camera below there are other settings which are your regular video settings so next up are two pretty useful features that you should probably know about quick capture and pre-recording when you have quick capture enabled you can record video without having to power on the camera first press the record button the camera powers on and then it starts recording and when you stop recording the camera automatically Powers off unless you stop it to enable this swipe down and tap the icon with the rocket now switch off the camera press record and the camera will automatically power on and start recording and it's only going to record video so you can't actually take photos this way below the quick capture button we have the pre-recording button but what does this pre-recording feature do so we've got this description here but I don't think it actually explains the feature that well basically tap here and now you get this option to start recording tap that and at the bottom you can see that this counter starts ticking as if you're recording video and if we watch it we can see that once it gets to 15 seconds it stops so what's it actually doing in fact it has hasn't stopped it's now recording video continuously but it's discarding everything older than 15 seconds and now when I press the record button you can see that the counter goes red and it starts counting Beyond 15 seconds and so what this feature does is to make sure that you have this 15 seconds recorded before you hit the record button and this is basically going to save you from missing any kind of action so let's just say you're filming a friend playing play basketball and you want to capture that moment when he scores so start this pre-recording and then follow the action but as soon as the ball lands in the basket then you need to press the record button so now you're going to get everything that you record plus the 15 seconds before you press the record button so it just helps you to capture those magic moments without having the camera constantly running the Ace Pro has inbuilt mics and there are settings to control how they're used used above the settings C is a button for the audio controls you can choose stereo without wind reduction then you've got stereo with wind reduction and finally you can choose to record audio from a single Direction so the last setting you know it's probably best if you're recording someone talking when you play back a video there's an audio level setting on the left you find this speaker symbol just tap that and open up a level for video playback so there's actually different ways to record audio with an external mic I haven't tested it myself but I have seen others pair the Ace Pro to bluetooth mics for example the DJI mic 2 to add a Bluetooth mic swipe down and find the earbuds icon tap that and the Ace Pro is going to search for Bluetooth devices but if you want to connect a mic with a 3 and 1/2 mm Jack you will need this mic adapter and this also allows you to connect your power supply at the same time as the mic so here's how to use it first you need to remove the hatch completely and then plug in the adapter until it clicks into place when you plug the mic in you should get a little microphone icon beside the battery level meter and as well you should see an audio level meter at the top so if you don't see the Audio Level bouncing around then it isn't connected properly you can actually adjust the level of the external mic go into settings General and then scroll down until you get to the external mic gain so you can add up to 6 DB or you can go all the way down to minus 18 DB so you might have seen people talking about the AI warp feature which gives your video a kind of animated look and theme using the generative Ai and actually you can use AI warp with video from any insta 360 devices in the insta 360 app go to shot laab and choose the AI warp option just tap use this theme uh select a number of video clips and then choose which portion of the clip to apply the effect to the app is going to upload the clips and then start applying the effect and it's going to take several minutes so top right of the app you're going to see this clock symbol which indicates the AI warp clip is being worked on and you'll get a notification when it's f finished and now you can go in and you can change the speed of the clip so maybe you want to slow it down it kind of creates a sort of more dramatic feel and also you can change the music and then finally export the clip using the export button in the top right corner and just bear in mind that AI warp has a maximum resolution of 1080p export time shift is insta 360's name for hyperlapse which is basically a timelaps but where the camera moves for example walking running cycling and so on in the preview screen you now get a Crosshair and the running figure symbol bottom left when you press record at the bottom you're going to see two time counters with an arrow the left counter is the real time that you've been recording the right counter is the length of the video that's going to be produced at the end there's also a button in the left corner which you can use to switch from Auto which is speeded up time and normal time then when you watch this back in the camera you're going to see it slowing down and speeding up at the moments where you press this button any videos that you recorded using time shift is going to have this running figure icon when you view them in the gallery the time lapse has speeded up time with a stationary camera so it's best to mount on a tripod for this shot in the bottom left of the screen you can tap to open settings when you change the interval you get suggestions in the top left for what type of subject this interval setting would be good for so in both time shift and time lapse you get the option to switch stabilization on or off Loop recording is useful if you want to use the Ace Pro as maybe a body cam or a dash camam well basically any situation where you want to capture important moments but you don't really know when they're going to happen and you can Loop recording up to 30 minutes so whatever time you set here this is going to be the maximum time recorded and you're only going to capture that many minutes or less if you set it to 3 minutes you're only ever going to capture a maximum of 3 minutes of video and it will be the last 3 minutes that you recorded starps takes photos with a very slow shutter speed and it allows you to capture night sky so the camera's got to be in a fixed position on a tripod you can see the manual exposure settings on the right swipe to the left to open up these settings so that you can adjust them there are three types of sty apps that you can capture star apps video starps streaks video and a starps streaks photo the regular starps video is a time-lapse with a slow shutter to capture more light and when you play it back the stars move across the sky with streaks it adds all the images together to create these streaks the interval mode is basically the same as a time-lapse mode but instead of creating a video it creates photos and it will take photos at whatever interval you set so you can go up to 120 seconds or 2 minutes between each photo and there's a couple of other modes available so we got slow motion and burst mode for photos but uh I think they're pretty straightforward I'm not going to go into them here now if you're going to use your Ace Pro in a situation where you can't see or access the touch screen then you can always use the app on your phone the insta 360 app is pretty powerful tool as a remote which gives you almost total control over the camera and as well for editing videos later so the app allows you to monitor the camera view and it allows you to change settings and also you can capture photos and videos you can edit Clips you can app apply effects you can reframe you can change the field of view and much more and you'll also find effects which can be applied for example the AI warp effect but what if you're in a situation where you're using your hands you know for example cycling or jogging then you should really consider adding the insta 360 GPS preview remote to your setup so this device it comes with a touch screen and you can adjust settings and you can check Framing and it's going to work up to a distance of 20 M there's also a strap that comes with it so that you can use it wristatch style the remote allows you to record accurate GPS data which you can then overlay onto your footage apart from the touch screen on the top we have the power button and the shutter record button so when you power on the GPS remote it's automatically going to start searching and it's basically looking for a device to connect to using Bluetooth too so swipe down on the Ace Pro screen navigate to the second screen and then look for the icon that looks like a remote control and then just enable this by tapping it so now the as Pro searches for Bluetooth devices to connect to when you see the GPS preview remote pop up here just tap to connect and now you're going to see this icon of a remote in the preview screen of the Ace Pro to indicate that it's connected the GPS remote can be used to turn on the a Pro which is essential if it's going to be placed somewhere where you can't reach it so go into general settings and enable Bluetooth wakeup and now when you power on the GPS remote it's going to power on the Ace Pro and then it will connect to it automatically if you now press and hold down the GPS remote power button you get the option to turn off camera turn off remote or turn off both at the top of the screen we have the GPS signal strength tap the camera button to access Ace Pro controls and screen swipe left to access the dashboard swipe again for the compass and again to get to settings now if you have an Apple Watch I mean I don't so I can't show you here but you'll be happy to know that the Ace Pro can actually connect to it and as well if you have Garmin GPS devices they are also compatible final GPS tip is recommended to connect the Ace Pro to the insta 360 app before shooting so the camera can retrieve an accurate time code from your phone and the GPS should match the video more accurately the one quality of cinematic video is motion blur and this is going to help to make Motion in the video look smoother but the problem is action camera stability relies on Fast shutter speed which in turn removes motion blur so that's why adding ND filters to slow your shutter just kind of messes up the stabilization so what can we do well the answer is to add motion blur afterwards and this can now be done in both the insta 360 app and The Studio software so the setting is called motion ND and you'll find it by opening a video pausing it to edit and then swiping the menu until you find a running figure tap this and use the sliders to customize the look but you're actually only going to see what it looks like after you export the video so you need to explore experiment a little bit just keep testing it and see what comes out best so I do think that this effect really makes the difference to time shift videos and as I say you will also find this setting in the desktop Studio software the Ace Pro can also be controlled by gestures swipe down and find the hand icon tap and then toggle on gesture control two items appear below which tell you the gesture that you need to make to start or stop video recording hold up the palm of your hand to take a photo use the fingers in a vshape and just using the sign will tell the camera whether to take a photo or a video so you don't need to switch modes and for Gest your control to work the Ace Pro needs to see a full head you know in the frame so if you want to slow down the speed at which your battery is draining you can actually turn down the brightness of the screen and this will save a little bit of battery so swipe down tap the sun symbol and use the slider and if you adjust this to the lowest possible setting you're going to save the most energy but if you're using manual exposure then you might want to keep the screen at 100% otherwise you might think the image is darker than it actually is and then you end up overexposing it locking orientation will stop the camera switching between horizontal and vertical so just swipe down and tap the padlock with the circular Arrow around it and this other padlock without the arrow this one just locks the screen so that means that no buttons can be pressed until you swipe up on the screen so you can actually use your voice to activate recording or take a photo and there's actually other commands as well so just swipe down tap the icon with the speaking head and enable voice control and then just see below for the list of commands now if you want the ru of thirds grid on the screen tap the notes and cross the symbol Time Capture allows you to schedule your camera to capture media at a set time just tap the alarm clock icon toggle it on and then set the time and you can also tell it to repeat this at the same time every day
Channel: Simon Horrocks
Views: 31,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 58sec (2578 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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